All about Stang

It’s always a pleasure to Q Laces In especially when Slapshot (fellow Yinzer) markets that YHC will bring pull-up pains. 11 PAX got better this morning. Shout out to Greenwave for finally posting after months of hibernating.

COP started in the parking lot with 13 windmills (surprised??), 5 burpees since Cornhole was late, then 13 very slow squats. Mossy to main school parking lot, 26 IW, 13 mountain climbers, 26 SSH, and 5 burpees. PAX line up in a line facing baseball field, toy soldiers half way down then NUR to end of lot. Mumble chatter started up and was wondering when PAX would be mossy to pull-up bars. Not yet…..

PAX broke up into 3 groups. Each group lined up within the parking lot lanes near the football practice field. Run from the curb line to the first parking stall. Each stall has a assigned parking number for the students. The first number = burpees, second number = squats, third number = merkins. For example: parking stall number is 287 = 2 burpees, 8 squats, 7 merkins. Run back to curb and back up the lane to the next parking stall. Rinse and repeat until we got about half way down the parking lot.

Mossy towards pull-up bars….whoops….hard right turn and mossy to the hill next to the football stadium. PAX were soooo concerned about heading to the pull-up bars…the intention was to run more this morning. PAX were surprised and glad we mossy away from the bars.

At hill we did 22’s (11’s on steroids). 2 merkins at bottom of hill, run up hill to last light pole – 22 squats. Run back down hill. Increase/decrease by 2 reps. Mumble chatter mostly by Stang….shocking! 5 burpees to complete the WO.

Thanks for opportunity to lead, everyone was gassed and sweaty!


Prayers to Cash, Bonsai, FMSD (teachers, leaders, admin, students, and parents) during this time.



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Sasquatch takes RPG to a whole new level.  BodyWash Sasquatch and Fogerty completed a Road/Off Road run to close out the Fellowship run

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Great Way to Start the Week

It was a privilege to Q the newest AO “Sweep the Leg” this week.  The term in one of my favorite movies, “Karate Kid”.  Lots of life lessons, bad 80s music, and my Hollywood crush, Elisabeth Shue. What a beauty!

Ok, back to the workout.  Pretty simple and repetitive.  Run a lap around the parking lot.  In the main lot, there were exercises (Carolina Dry Docks, LBCs, Merkins, Jump Squats – 20 of each) at each one of the four light poles.  Sprint between the light poles.  Run a lap around the parking lot..Rinse and Repeat.

Great job by everyone.  Lots of men getting better and encouraging each other.

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Dance Naked

14 Men took the F3 plunge this morning and posted at the Ballroom on a perfect South Carolina morning.  Here is what they did:

Mosey out of the parking lot to the cement pad at the back of the school for COP:

All in cadence:

SSHX20, Windmill x10, Merkin x 7, IW x 15, Little/big arm circles backwards/forwards x 20, Squat x 15, Mountain Climber x 15/hold 6″/down dog/honeymooner/6″/right arm and leg high/left arm and leg high/6″/regular, LBC x 20

Mosey to the adjacent parking lot and line up.  From a 20 yard distance, do the following:

  1.  Bearcrawl, then 10 merkins at the stopping point.  Walk back to starting point.
  2. Lungewalk, then 10 squats, walk back.
  3. Crabwalk, then 10 dips, walk back
  4. Inchworm, then 10 diamond merkins, walk back
  5. Frog jump, then 10 burpees, walk back
  6. Walk to the destination, pick someone you don’t know, introduce yourself and learn something about that person.

Mosey to the hill near the steel bridge for Jacob’s ladder.  Hill repeats starting with 1 burpee and continue to 5 burpees.  Plank at the bottom when finished.

Mosey to the side of the school for people’s chair.  60 sec hold x 3 times, one with overhead handclaps.  YHC encouraged the Pax to sit with knees at a 90-degree angle.  People’s chair should be strenuous!

Mosey to the front of the school and recite the pledge of allegiance at the flag.

Everyone on their 6 for 6 minutes of Mary (and it really was 6 minutes):  Freddie Merc x 15, Box cutter x 10, Flutter x 10, LBC x 20

End the workout with the Body Destroyer


Naked Man Moleskin

After several months on/off/on IR, it was good to be back on Q at the Ballroom with a large group of Pax.  T-claps to Boogiedown for getting both of his sons out at 5:15am for a workout.   We were all in Cub Scouts together years ago when the kids were young and my, how everyone has up!  Sorry for not using your F3 names on this backblast, boys.  I didn’t get the video on Tuesday and couldn’t remember them.

There was constant chatter from Anchorman and some of the other Pax.  It started during the disclaimer and pretty much continued for the duration of the workout.  Nothing wrong with that of course, and maybe it’s expected from someone who makes their living talking a lot.

Short Sale asked me to please do a backblast for this workout because the Q’s here have not been doing them consistently.   I said something like, ‘I always do my backblasts ” and then I didn’t get this out until two days later.   Better late than never, but I always try to get them out the same day or next day at the latest.  The interest in the backblast decreases dramatically as each day passes.  Sorry, my friend!

As far as the title, Dance Naked, no one was (thankfully) naked on Tuesday.  This is a reference to an album by John Mellencamp, one of my favorite artists.  I’ve had music on the brain lately because someone on Twitter started tagging people to post 7 album covers of albums they love and to tag someone else to do the same.  I’ve been a rock music fan for as long as I can remember and have really enjoyed seeing what the Pax have posted for their favorite albums.

it was a pleasure to lead the Pax today and I look forward to my next visit to the Ballroom.  Thanks for the Q spot, Short Sale!

Announcements:  read your newsletter


  1.  Family of a husband and father who committed suicide.
  2. Young girl with a serious illness



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The hills were alive. Rolling in from Tega Cay I was like “How hard can a stroll through Palisades be?” Turns out hard! A couple of notes from YHC before leading a running workout.

  1. Try to post a few times when you are not the Q. It helps with getting a lay of the land. And getting to know the regulars.
  2. Review some of the recent routes so as not to be repetitive and reflect an air of not caring or just “winging it”
  3. When laying out the route on mapmyrun, take a peek at the elevation changes and adjust as necessary (or not)
  4. Know where your going (this is key)

Item 2 above gave the necessary ground for some light twitter cyber-bullying of YHC (deserved). Item 3 resulted in some grumbles, mostly from YHC. And item 4 resulted in some wayward Pax (again myself included). Tclaps to Hauschka for getting me back on track.

So the 13 of us rolled out and took on Palisades. The route is posted somewhere in the Twitter-verse and should stay there. We had a good time, got the heart rate up, got lost (some of us at least), found about 4-5 different ways to get back to Palisades Park Elementary. All told the distances ranged from 4.5 – 5.5 miles. A special thank you to Jedi and Witch Hunt for the conversation rolling back into the school. If you’ve ever wondered the many uses of a credit card and/or penny, just hit Jedi up. He brings new light to the term “penny pincher”.

COT and BOM on me.

Haushcka, thanks for the opportunity as always.

Zima out!


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6 pack at Sea Legs

I don’t usually document the runs, but I figured it could still be helpful for those Q’ing a workout at Sea Legs that may be unfamiliar with the lay of the land.  Every backblast counts.

Nothing special this morning, there were 6 of us on a, what’s now typical, muggy morning.  We met at the parking lot at the Palisades Elementary and went up the back road/hill by the basketball hoops and down Langston road where we hit Grand Palisades pkwy and took that all the way down to the roundabout and back.  About 4.5 miles of safe running off the main roads.  This is a good route that fits nicely within the time slot and has a deceiving amount of hills.

We finished up a few minutes early and circled up for CoT

  • 6th annual Invergance
  • Prayers for travel and the PAX attending the GRT
  • Prayers for Routers Grandmother-in-law who is having surgery

Thanks for the Q Hauschka!


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Stairway to Burpees

11 Pax came out to Quagmire. YHC managed to catch the prerun on their second lap after setting up some cones.

There was a full disclaimer given and we mosied in front of BB down to HD.
Imperial walkers x 20
MNC x 20
Squats x 20
Peters Parkers x 20
Hill Billy walkers x 20
The thang
An oldie but a goodie.  YHC had 12 cones set up, and pax picked ast cone did the exercise listed and then ran a lap around the parking lot, including the stairs, and on to the next station.  Every stair climb a burpee was added at the top landing.
Cones: Merkins x 20, CCD x 20, jump squats x 30, LBCs x 30, OHP w/CB x 20, curls w/ CB x 25, Bent over rows x 20, Freddy Mercuries x 30, calf raises x 30, lunges x 30, Peter Parker’s x 30, crab cakes x 30… And another I can’t remember.
Managed to get back to COT in time with the CBs.
Thanks Jedi for the opportunity to lead.
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No Hills at Alcatraz

With a lot of the PAX spending time with their 2.0s at F3 Dads camp I wasn’t sure what type of turnout we’d have. Thankfully 8 other PAX missed the F3 Dads deadline like myself and decided to post.

Disclaimer was given and off we went on a warm up lap around the park. Onto field for normal exercises: 25-SSHs, 15-Windmills, 20-Merkins, 15-Peter Parkers in Plank, 20-Slow Squats, & 15 Smurf Jacks.

Mosey over to wall under concession stand and partner up.

  1. P1 does peoples chair while P2 runs to fence and back. Swap and then repeat so each PAX runs twice.
  2. Leg pushdowns – Try not to let your legs hit the ground after partner pushes them down. 15 then swap.
  3. Wheelbarrow from foul line out to back of infield behind short-stop then swap going back.
  4. Burpee jump overs – P1 is down in plank, P2 jumps over and does a burpee for a total of 8. Then swap so P2 does 8. Then keep swapping and reducing burpees by 2 (P1-8, P2-8, P1-6, P2-6, P1-4…)
  5. Empty shopping cart – Kinda like a backwards wheelbarrow. Crab walk instead of bear crawl with partner holding legs up.
  6. 15 partner merkins with handslaps, run to fence and back then 15 more.
  7. Come together into 2 5 man teams. 4 guys are in plank while the last guy weaves his way to the front then drops into plank and lets the last guy know to start. We made it about half way across the outfield before it was time for the main event.

Walker takes the Q and we mosey over to other field for 410 shotgun. 4 cones in a square, same exercise to be done at cone each time, 10 reps each cone, 10 times around the square.

  • 1st cone was 10 burpees
  • 2nd cone was 10 V-ups
  • 3rd cone was 10 diamond merkins
  • 4th cone was 10 body squats

The plan was to do 10 rounds of this but we audibled after the 7th round to circle up for the following pleasantries all in cadence:

  • 60 – 4 count flutter kicks
  • 40 Freddie Mercury’s
  • Heels 6″ off ground for 90 seconds
  • 20 single count Merkins
  • 20 staggered Merkins (10 left hand forward, 10 right hand forward)

Time’s up, PAX were smoked. COT.

I didn’t know Walker that well before this but I heard he was a machine. There was talk the night before about pre-running so I decided to join him and Fish Sticks. Of course Tega Cay is nice and flat and those 2 are slow….so I learned not to pre-run a hard workout anymore. But overall it was a lot of fun and appreciate the opportunity to lead!



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Iron PAX Challenge – Week 2

This morning workout was the week 2 of the Iron PAX Challenge.  In addition, the RYAOA (Run your ass off August) crew was geared up for a run day.  The PAX was equally split, 10 for the challenge, 10 for the run.

Straight-up took the lead again with a warm-up stretch routine focusing on the muscle groups that we were going to be testing later in the workout.  After briefing the group on the routine, we began the challenge:

  1.  Thrusters
  2.  Curls
  3. KB Swings
  4. Man Makers
  • 8 minutes of each exercise
  • After every 25 reps run 25 yards out and back
  • 2 minute rest between each exercise

Here are the results for week 2:

  Number of Reps  
F3 Name Thrusters Curls KB Swings Man Makers Total
Straight up 166 243 137 45 591
Cha-Ching 172 247 200 58 677
Sugar Daddy 163 103 119 31 416
Bodywash 140 175 135 50 500
Maximus 170 215 207 56 648
Quack Attack 150 198 187 25 560
Mile High 125 175 142 30 472
On The Rocks 120 150 95 50 415
Soprano 110 135 90 32 367
Fishsticks 150 174 135 49 508


Great push and encouragement by both groups!  I know I am going to have difficulty raising my arms above my shoulders today.



Rooney Roast – This Friday

CSPAN Convergence – This Saturday

Straight Up workout – Sept 15th WEP

F3 – The Fort  Anniversary, Sept 21st

Let Me Run Fundraiser – 1,000 burpees in September



Relationships with 2.0s

Quality time with Parents

Teachers, Parents, and 2.0s going back to school




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Sweatin’ With an Oldie: DaVinci at Quagmire

It was great Q-ing at Quagmire this morning. We had a dozen (12) post including an FNG. For his benefit, I reviewed F3’s mission as well as our 5 core principles. Add to that the disclaimer and we were off.

The Thang:

Mosey to parking lot in front of Old Navy

SSH x 20
Windmills (Abe’s cos I’m old) x 10
Moroccan Nightclubs x 20
Low Slow Squats x 15 DC
Merkins x 10 DC
Downward Dog (stretch the calves) Honeymooners (the back)
Mountain Climbers x 20 DC
LBCs x 20 DC

Mosey to back of Valvoline to hill

Jacobs Ladder
10 Merkins at bottom/1 Squat at top

Mosey to stairs/raised patio near fountain

5 up and over laps with Bones setting the pace

Mosey to Fountain/Roundabout

Dirty McDeuces
All exercises in cadence
Do all 4 exercises, run lap around traffic circles at either end of parking area

20 Merkins
20 Lunges
20 LBCs

20 CDDs
20 Squats
20 Freddys

20 Ranger Merkins
20 Reverse Lunges
20 American Hammers

Walked over to fountain, found some bench

20 Dips OYO

2 min jog to COT for name-a-rama

Welcome FNG Regal.

Thanks to Jedi for the Q.

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