NYE at the “Ant”- BB 2wks late

Link to the Pre-Blast: https://f3thefort.com/2019/12/18/the-force-to-bring-us-back-in/

The script changed but we discussed burnout and the challenges associated with getting burned out. Nevertheless, we did some work with heavy sand bags and rucks. The legs were put to the test and teamwork was present.

A lot remains on the written weinke which should see the light of day or the darkness of the gloom…some day.

Until next time.


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Jack of all Kinds and The ShovelFlag Switch

21 Pax showed up for the Slug-fest that was a Cha-Ching and YHC’s Co-Q.  All Pax arrived on time for the special 0500 kick off. I was taking the #ShovelFlag at the end of the Beatdown so we wanted to do something brutally special to mark the occasion.

Quick disclaimer and we where off and rolling. Cha-Ching had the 1st 30 minutes and didnt’t disappoint.

Mosey to the end of the BEst Buy /Pet Smart Parking lot.  30 SSH- Mosey on to the other side of Home Depot 15 bomb jacks, run back to spot by Petsmart 20 smurfjacks, run back to HD 30 seal jacks, run back to PS, 30 plank Jacks.

Mosey over to the wide parking lot in front of PS.  Break up into two groups for a new take on Bone the Fish.

Bear crawl up two parking spaces then side crawl down the line then up two more, rinse and repeat. Total parking lot length was about 15 spaces.  At the end do 30 squat jumps. Bear Crawl down and back again , do 20 donkey kicks. Then we bear crawled up two spaces and side shuffeled the width of the whole parking lot. Continue this down the length and did 10 burpees to complete the movement.

Mosey over to the fountain 3 types of burpees before time expired on the first 30 minutes.

5x Kracken Burpees, 5x knee slap burpees and 5x 1 leg burpees.

At this Point I took the Reins:

The Shovel Flag Switch

Split PAx into teams of 3.


P1s = Body weight in the lower level of stair alley

P2s= Run between groups: up/down the stairs

P3s= Cinder blocks

Basic rules: P1 Starts on the bottom level of the outdoor patio across from Just Fresh doing Max Rep Body weight exercises.  P3 moves to the dead end side of the parking load and does max reps of cinder block exercises. P2 starts with P3 and runs roughly 100 yrds up and down the stairs to P1. Upon arrival they switch. P2 does body weight and P1 runs up and down the stairs to P3 and they Switch as per the above.  Rinse and repeat through the various exercise combos.


Round 1- P1- MTN Climbers P3- Block Squats

Round 2-  P1- LBCs P3- Block Swings

Round 3- P1- Squats  P3- Block Curls

Round 4- P1- Bomb Jacks- P3- OH Presses

Round 5-P1- The Claw( Thnaks PotHole)   : P3- Block Hammers

Round 6 P1- Merkins  P3- Squat Thrusts

Round 7 P1-Peter Parkers P3- Alt Hand Block Merks

Round 8 P1- BBS  P3- Man Makers

We Made it Through 6 rounds finishing on Squat Thrusters and Merkins.

With 4-5 minutes left we picked up the cindys, beatdown boards and laundry pile( it was decidedly warmer than some of us expected)  shuffled back for COT.

I accepted the Shovel Flag and look forward to growing the reputation of the #Swamp as a smoker AO in The FORT.  Appreciate Cha-Ching thinking of me to take over for him. It’s an honor!

Duck Out!





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Two Ferns in a Swamp

YHC was asked to Q at the Swamp by a HIM named Cha Ching (whom was DR and on IR) and I jumped at the request.

We started with a basic Traveling COP with a few stops along the way some SSH, Diamond Merkins, Seal Jax, Ranger (Regular) Merkins, Smurf Jax and Werkin’s. Nobody liked the amount I decided to do but oh well. Those are the reps that I like and I was my Q. We eventually made our way to where I had a speaker and a BOP set up with some side walk chalk.

The Thang was basically 8 exercises each for 1 minute and write down your reps in your parking space. Pretty basic but I love this workout and 4-8 is murders row to the legs.

1. Scorpion Dry Docks
2. Big Boys
3. Ranger Merkins
4. Jump 180 Squats
5. Donkey Kicks
6. Jump Lunges
7. Plank knee tucks
8. Burpees

Then take a run (timed) to the far fire Hydrant by the Home Depot which was shown to the Pax during the COP.

Return winded and then rinse and repeat the 8 exercises but with more reps! Goal was we didn’t have to run the Last lap if 50% or more of the PAX beat their Burpee count. They were successful or lied to me. Most were glad not to run the last lap.

This is a basic bootcamp I know but it will test u and blow u up!

Got to meet a few new PAX and that is why I always like Qing and different AO’s.

Finished up with a COT (announcements, a few prayers and praises and all thankful for another day).

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Cha Ching

I am enjoying this ride I am on and am not sure where it is taking me but all we can do is prepare and train.


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Early Risers at the Swamp

When I pulled into the parking lot near Best Buy, there were several cars already parked near the AO.  Based on the mumble chatter on social media, several of the PAX were getting in some early training for upcoming events.  There were 23 men at the work out, 13 for ruck, 8 for BC, and 2 runners.

After the disclaimer, we jogged to the front of Best Buy.  We started with a few warm up exercises (Butt Kickers, Toy Solders) before we moseyed over to the back of Just Fresh.


SSH  x 20

Imperial Walker x 20

Windmill x 10

Plank Stretches


Next, we moseyed to the front of Home Depot for a round of Dora 1-2-3

100 Lat Pull-ups on the bicycle rack

200 Squats

300 LBCs

Next, we moseyed back to Just Fresh near the staircase for a round of Arod 3-2-1 (reverse Dora). Instead of running around the parking lot, we ran up and down the stairs.

300 Calf Raises

200 Lunges

100 Jump Squats

Next, we headed back to COT for one last exercise, the Merkin Gauntlet.  The Pax lined up in a plank position.  Each person performed 4 merkins in front of each person.


Special prayers for Twister as he recovers from his eye surgery


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I Love Cindy

Borrowed part of this #beatdown from  Dirty Pipes down at F3JOCO. Visited those guys at the Mad Mule in Benson NC and this workout just called for testing in The FORT.   Little did I know it would end up taking 12 cinder blocks, 4 pavers, 1 sandbag, and 3 rucks to accomplish the workout.  Having prepped and arrived early to setup I could see the headlamps of the pre-runners making early morning laps. All Set to COT for bring some pain. HOLY COW!!! The cars just kept rolling in to the lot. Clown Car after Clown car.  Thank goodness Copyright brought more cinder blocks than requested.

Quick Disclaimer and we are off. Had to tote the extra supplies with us as we ran to warmup.  Much appreciate the support of guys that jumped on the extra weight.

Mosey to the Fountain

Circle up.

SSH x 20     MNC x 20    Hillbilly Walkers x 15

Imperial Walker x 15     Weed Pickers x 15

Fountain work

Derkins x 15 OYO

Dips x 20 OYO

Irkins x 20 OYO

Decline Diamonds x 20

It ain’t fun unless you do it twice.

The Thang I Love Cindy

Partner up–6 stations

Station 1  OH press Max reps

Station 2  Blocked BBS Max Reps

Station 3 Block Squats Max reps

Station 4 Curls 1 block or 2 pavers Max reps

Station 5 Tricep Press 1 block or 2 pavers Max Reps

Station 6 GTOs Max reps

Partner 1 does max reps while Partner 2 runs 4 cone suicide. Plank the 6 rotate upon completion of group.

Talk to Group about Doubt in their lives.

Read- Pray- Surround Yourself with those to talk it out with. Don’t go into seclusion.

Partner Carry back to COT only ~600yrds—-It was awesome and the PAX loved it!.

Not sure what Punchlist and Lutefisk were going for with the midrift shirts in the Name-O-Rama but hey, You do You Bros!

Thanks for the Tap to Lead Cha-Ching. Awesome experience to lead a literal HERD of PAX through the Swamp.

Duck Out!

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Big B, little b, what begins with B?

Buddies, Burpees, Bearcrawls, Bodybuilders, Booyah! Merkins and B.O.M.B.S. all start with that letter B, that’s what.

18 attended the Swamp today, half rucked, the other have joined YHC for a little schooling on the letter B.

I decided a couple weeks ago that I was going to work my way through the Exicon one letter at a time.  This was my 2nd Q since making that decision so the 8 unlucky PAX that got stuck with me and B today were thoroughly beat-down.

I gave the quick usual disclaimer an off we went.  I immediately heard grumbling about the speed so I slowed it down a bit and we did some karaoke’s and toy soldiers before circling up for a quick warm-up, which consisted of 9 Windmills and 15 Merkins (IC) followed by a couple 10 counts holding a 6″ plank.  A quick stretch and off to the 1st routine.

Routine 1:

Burpee, Bearcrawl, Booyah! Merkin…Chase

Buddy up and partner 1 does 5 burpees and then chases down his partner who is bearcrawling around the 2 roundabouts (about .25 miles).  Tags his partner and then they each do 5 Booyah! Merkins and switch/repeat until getting back to the starting point.  A real shoulder burner!

Routine 2:

For routine 2 we moseyed to the parking lot next to the fountain and did some B.O.M.B.S.  This is basically a DORA with more exercises and the suggestion to pick an exercise that matches each letter in BOMBS.

  • 50 Bodybuilders
  • 100 Overhead presses (with cinderblocks)
  • 150 Monkey Humpers
  • 200 Big-Boy sit-ups
  • 250 Smurf Jacks (suuuuuucked)

In typical DORA fashion, 1 partner does the exercise while the other (in this case) sprints to the 2nd island, bear crawls around the island, and then sprints back and picks up where his partner left off while his partner does the sprinting.

I think only  Cha-Ching, Duck Dynasty, and I finished, but that was probably because we were the odd group and we took the higher of the 2 reps.  I’m not sure if we would have made it otherwise since it came down to the last few seconds before heading back to CoP.

Everyone did awesome and pushed for the entire 45 minutes.

We made it back to CoP at exactly 6:00AM with the Ruckers about a minute behind.

Maximus announced a couple of new AO’s coming to Fort Mill, including a “Bruisers” workout for injured PAX, what a great idea.  As well as a bootcamp AO with a mandatory pre-run, sounds harsh!  In any case, not a lot of PAX spoke up with Prayers except for Maximus again so we prayed for family and everything that was on our hearts.

Thank you for the Q Cha-Ching it was a pleasure to lead these men today.  Nice work everyone!

Until next time,



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Keep it Simple

This will probably be the easiest backblast I ever write and it just goes to show, sometimes SIMPLER equals HARDER.

Got the text Sunday following church that we needed a substi-Q for Quagmire and I felt like I really wanted to just run Monday, but miss when I don’t do the boot camps, so what better way than to combine the two.

Let’s get to it:

Dynamic warm-up consisted of a quick mosey to Best Buy where we then lined up and did:

  • power skips half way down the building and then jogged to the end of petsmart
  • side shuffle half way, flip, side shuffle rest of the way
  • karaoke half way, switch, the same
  • back pedaled half way down then jogged to the end end

Did a quick 20 merkins, 20 big boys, 20 peter parker planks (on elbows) and 20 diamond merkins and then we started the real thang.

The balance was something like this:

  • Run a 1/3 of a mile, then do 10 bomb jacks, 15 burpees and 20 pulsating jump squats (half squat, full squat into jump squat = 1), then run another 1/3 mile and do the same 3 exercises / reps and keep doing it until time lol.  We did 4 of those back to back and then took a break to do the following:
  • Partner up at the Verizon by Target – partner 1 runs to rack room shoes (about 1/4 of a mile down) and back while partner 2 does non stop x-crunches (thank you ab app).  The jog was longer than I thought.  1/2 a mile kind of sucked right there.  Sorry not sorry.  65 x-crunches later we switched and partner 2 jogs.
  • From there, we went back to the every 1/3 mile do the 10/15/20 bomb jacks/burpees/pulsating/jump squats until we got back closer to COT.

Ended w/ an all out sprint the length of pet smart / office depot / best buy back to COT.  Props to Pot Hole for saving some in the tank and blowing by everybody.

Final #’s – 3 miles ran, 60 bomb jacks, 90 burpees, 120 pulsating jump squats and about 50-70 x crunches per person.  Not a bad day for a Monday.  Heard heart rates were excessively high which is always a good sign.  Thanks for hanging in there fellas – had a great time leading the pax.  Until next time.

Cha Ching

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On the Fly Tour of The Swamp

12  Pax made it out to The Swamp and Chupacabra in the Gloom of the Morning. 7 bootcampers, 3 Ruckers, and 2 runners that started super early. Beautiful low humidity morning was a welcome surprise from the rest of the week. Big ups to the SkyQ for that blessing.

YHC was tapped by our friend Witch Hunt to cover his Q on short notice. Something about scoring and his M. At least that is what came over the Twitterverse. Few details might have been missed. But Glad to step up.

Short Notice so nothing Fancy this morning just grind it out and tour the Swamp.

Quick Disclaimer w/ no FNGs on hand and off we go.

Mosey to Old Navy parking lot for COP. Been testing out new COP areas. Home Depot is great and all but the Swamp is huge, so Why Not.

COP- After my Monday Q @ Quagmire and the mumble chatter about COP exercise and cadence calls  I added extra emphasis to ensure no confusion.

All IC

Moroccan Nite Clubs x 20    Windmills x 20   Weed Pickers x 20

SSH x 20   Box Cutters x 20   American Hammers x 20

Recover and Mosey over to Fountain  between American Burger and Just Fresh.

Shifted to other side of fountain to be somewhat respectful to the guy asleep on the bench.

Drop in 2 sets 30 reps per– Incline Merkins and dips. OYO

Dora 1-2-3  100 Merkins– 200 LBCs– 300 Squats partner not exercising made lap around parking lot fountain.  Plank to the 6 which was not a long plank. The PAX tore through this Dora.

Quick Time check since YHC left his watch at home and Mosey across to the long wall between Target and Great Clips.

Wall Work

Peoples chair. Hold 30-45 seconds. IC Arm Flutters x 20

Bear Crawl Down Line while holding peoples chair 2x.

10 sec recovery

Very quite #beatdown to this point- Next Exercise BTTW- That got the PAX talking.

Hit BTTW and add in 20 single count BTTW MTN CLIMBERS. More chatter.

10 Sec Recovery

Back to BTTW with 10x shoulder taps OYO More mumble chatter

10 sec recovery

Back to peoples chair w/ 20 more IC Arm Flutters

In PC 1st Pax hits the deck for 4 merkins and Crab Walks down the line.  Apparently NOONE likes the Crab Walk.

Time Check and walk to end of buildings to let the quads cool down and mosey back to COT for 6 mins of Mary.

Peoples Mary

Slow/Fast/Slow/Fast Freddy Mercuries IC- Nice one Bones!- Noone was ready for that.

20 OYO BBS–   20x IC Hello Dollies– 30some IC rapid leg flutters– 60 sec plank to end the work out.

I’m sure our rucking/running Friends had fun as they all rolled in as we completed the session.

Great Work this Morning Men! Honor to lead.

Duck out!



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Quagmire- Where it all Started

14 plus an FNG  in the warm and muggy Gloom at Quagmire. This AO is where I posted for my first time back on 2-18-19. Bones’ Eh’d me for 12 full months before I gathered the gumption to get after it. Lutefisk had the Q for a coin flip beatdown. Couple of the regular Pax picked me up in the deep 6 for the next 3 weeks while I got my legs under me.  Will be eternally great full to those guys for keeping me going day after day.

Quick Disjointed disclaimer at 0515 and off we go on a quick mosey across the AO to the Tuesday Morning parking lot.


20 SSH

20 imperial walkers

20 Hillbilly Walkers — At this point Cornhole did me a solid and advised the PAX we did have an FNG in the mix. Need to work on my Openers/ disclaimers and such- Thanks Cornhole.

20 fast and slow Windmills-Based on the Mumble Chatter the Pax like very slow windmills- I like to keep the pace up.

20 Weed pickers

15 Flutter kicks

Roll to Plank for 30 seconds then into 3 rotations of Downward Dog and honeymooners.

Mosey to Target for the fun

The Thang

Red Ball Workout with Suicides. Side Note- Had the Weinke all ready to roll last night when I stopped to cook supper and my son deleted the entire thing. So who knows what the comparison between what we did and what I had on paper would have actually looked like.

Rep Counts 10-20-30


Ball 1: Burpees–Run to ball 3.

Ball 3: BombJacks- Suicide back to Ball 2 up to Ball 4.

Ball 4: Squats- Suicide back to Ball 3 up to ball 5.

Ball 5: Werkins- Suicide back to Ball 4 up to Ball 6.

Ball 6: Merkins- Suicide Back to Ball 5 up to ball 7.

Ball 7: Diamond Merkins- Suicide back to ball 6 up to Ball 8.

Ball 8: Big Boy Situps- Suicide back to Ball 7 up to ball 9.

Ball 9: LBCs- Suicide back to Ball 8 up to Ball 10.

Ball 10: Box Cutters- Mosey back to Start

Rinse and repeat  increasing as stated 10-20-30

Was shooting for 3 rounds. Most got in 2.5ish.  2-3 HIM completed all 3 rounds like the beasts they are. All accelerated. Non partner work but lots of guys picked each other up and worked together to make it happen.

Long Mosey back for COT right on time.

FNG- Jason Holland- LT. Colonel in the US Army now known in the Gloom as Cloggs.


Newsletter- Sweati upcoming.

Prayers- Cloggs is taking his new command of the MEPs Facility in Chicago and traveling back today.

Sick/injured and traveling PAX.

Thanks Jedi for allowing me to lead where I got my start.

Duck Out


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Pre-Blast: Deepening your relationship with Christ

Are you interested in growing in your faith walk? Discovering a path toward an Intimate, Abiding relationship with Christ through a small group study during the ’19 – ’20 school year.

Maybe you have been in the church for your entire life, the last 10 years or you are just now opening your mind to this idea of a higher power… a “Sky Q”.  Regardless of where you are in your faith walk we all have room to grow and mature in our relationship with Christ.

We are all on a faith journey and some of us are more or less equipped to take our faith deeper.  If you have a gap in any of these areas then I have a challenge for you.

  1. Do you feel that you have created a solid foundation of knowing who God is and his desire to be a part of your life?
  2. Are you in a group that is consistently seeking to grow in a relationship with God?
  3. Do you feel that you have an adequate tool kit to help you grow deeper in your faith?

On August 22nd, we will be launching into a Journey to build from the ground up a knowledge of who God is and to start to learn how to have an intimate, abiding relationship with him.  Please reach out to any of the following pax to learn more and to get involved.

Orange Crush, Lug Nut, Crawdaddy, Spitz, Chicken Hawk, Free Bird, Spud, Sugar Daddy, ‘Stang, Corn Hole, Gridlock, Gopher, The Professor, Cobra Kai, Smithers, Destiny, Catfish

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