The 2 Wisemen Visited The Fort

3D led off with some running and warmup then to the Pike Engineering brick wall for wallsits with arms up, alternating legs and the 5 burpees each HIM starting from the end.  Run to Massey Hill. Jacobs Ladder to 7 with squats at bottom and Merkins at the top.  Several PAX were losing clothing.  3D led mosey back to WEP playground for Q handoff to LTrain.

Partner work

5 sets
10 merkins, partner holds plank
250 yard run

5 sets
15 squats, partner holds Al Gore
250 yard run

5 sets
20 big boy situps, partner holds plank
250 yard run

Indian run around WEP (~.5 mile)

End with Mary

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Extortion 17 Spl Spencer Duncan

Five men posted at Honey Badger to honor the 31 heroes of Extortion 17, and Spl Spencer Duncan.   Conditions were cold and raining.  NaFo has two entrances with some awning cover and we utilized both.

Warm up:
Under the large awning: Run loop under awning, 17 times, drop a clothespin in the bucket to keep count.
Then warm up exercises:
SSH (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 10x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
Low Slow Squats (IC12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog
All pax in plank: read story of Extortion 17 (copied below)

Thang 1:
13’s: start at a bench do a derkin, bear crawl to other side, do two derkins at other bench, change incrementally to 13
(do box cutters for the Six…)
Do 31 step ups
Plank for the Six
Read Spl Spencer Duncan Story (copied below)

Thang 2:
Run to small awning (distance of 350 feet)
17 Block Curls
17 Block Squats
31 heavy Freddies, hold block and do freddie mercuries
(Plank for Six…)
Blocktanamo: standing, line up hold block out at 90 degrees, each pax runs and presses/slaps/etc the other pax’s blocks.

Thang 3:
Run to Large awning
Indian Bear Crawl
21 bobby hurleys
21 squats (IC)
Indian Bear Crawl-Merkins
21 jump squats
31 calf raises

Thang 4:
Run to small awning
21’s: 20 block swings, 1 merkin…change incrementally 21 merkins
This was cut a little short due to time, and it quite sucked.

Run back to large awining
Fini, COT

Dirty Harry’s wedding anniversary is Dec 24; HarryCarry’s first born turns 16 today; Marriages; those in medical care.

Reason for the season: Born that man no more may die, Born to raise the son of earth, Born to give them second birth.

Reason for the workout:
Extortion 17
On August 6, 2011, a U.S. Army CH-47D Chinook helicopter approached a landing zone in Afghanistan 40 miles southwest of Kabul. The helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, was on a mission to reinforce American and coalition special operations troops. It would never return. Insurgents fired at the Chinook, severed one of its rear rotor blades, and brought it crashing to the ground. All 38 onboard perished instantly in the single greatest moment of sacrifice for Americans in the war in Afghanistan. Those killed were some of the U.S.’s most highly trained and battle-honed commandos.

Specialist Spencer Duncan was born Feb 6th 1990 in Meriam Kansas and graduated from Olathe South High School in 2008.

He knew he wanted to make a difference in the world, and chose to join the US Army Reserve after high school. After basic training at Fort Knox, Spencer qualified as a helicopter repairer and was stationed 7th battalion, 158th Aviation regiment in Kansas. He loved working as a mechanic and became door gunner for Chinook helicopters. In May 2011, Spencer was sent to Afghanistan for his first deployment.

Specialist Spencer Duncan, 21, was a member of the Extortion 17 air-crew when it was shot down in the Wardak province on August 6, 2011. He is survived by his parents Dale and Megan, brothers Tanner and Calder, and his beloved dog Dixie.

When Spencer’s body was returned home to Kansas, over 15,000 people turned out to line the roads and show solidarity with the Duncan family. Specialist Spencer Duncan was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star Medal and Meritorious Service Medal. He is interred at the National Cemetery in Ft Leavenworth Kansas.

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Olaf coupon buffet at Golden corral

My knee was still recovering so minimal running was on the buffet. Luckily I have more than enough coupons to entertain the PAX crammed into my garage so the couponmobile was loaded down and sitting low rolling into the coral.

Short mosey after disclaim was disclaimed over to a warmup a Rama. It’s been too long since the actual workout so I’m going to list some of the staples I usually go for along with a few I remember.
Lots of SSH to start. I remember a comment about my knee must not hurt to do SSH so I made sure to add a couple 20-30 once the mumble chatter started for good measure.
Then a magnificent Peter Parker followed by Parker Peter screw up by YHC.
Then it wouldn’t be a snowman Q without a full circle of hump.
A little longer mosey to the church parking lot across the street where the coupons were organized into a painful sequence starting with picking up something awful and awkward and ending with battle rope AKA hose tug.

Oh and don’t forget the timer to rotate obstacles being the pull-up dead hang as the center attraction.

Everyone got better except DoaH and Spiderman who chatted the whole time like two schoolgirls at summer camp. Anyways it’s always an “interesting” time and muscles you don’t normally use were sore for days following.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Lutefisk.

Until next time stay frosty my friends.


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Friday the 13th: Rain at the Varsity

Friday the 13th

Started out undercover and did a warm-up series of running between cover at the student entrance and the bus drop off area.
Shoulder Taps
Down Dog–>Up Dog

Focus on 3S2T

Speed in the rain to front of school
quick lap

Return to cover for Thang

YHC had placed these signs pre-0500.

Started under cover at 5 merkin sign
– bear crawl to squats, do squats and run back
– 5 merkins, bear crawl, 10 squats, bear crawl, 15 lunges, run back
– etc.

Got to 25 burpees. Then did 25 more burpees and bear crawled straight through the sequence but backwards.

Some Mary and COT


Somethings you can’t just start working on. For example, stamina. You can only work on increasing stamina once you start to get tired. You can only work on toughness in adverse conditions. Take adverse conditions as an opportunity.

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Super 21s at Minnow Pond

Run with Super 21s

13 PAX
3.75 miles
231 merkins
231 squats

Burpee circle sharing our word for 2019
Flutters to finish



Focus on your goals for 2020. Minnow Pond pushes PAX hard on the 1st F. How are we pushing ahead on our concentrica, 2nd F, and 3rd F?

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Site vs Site

Well the Site vs Site was CRAZY good thanks to some excellent leadership on both sides of the workout. 0500 launch, 6 Q’s (3 from fire ant, 3 from golden corral) took 10 minutes each. Lutefisk forgot how to flip a coin but managed to have it land in favor of fire ant going first.  The first fire ant Q was Router who took us through a ruck run/pain station. Next up was golden corral’s first Q Mile High who took us on a sprint-fest in the back of HT with some wall work on the legs. Fire ant Q #2 was Cha Ching who put us through some nasty ruck reps.  Golden corral put Bones in charge of some repeating leg work by the green olive – some funky squat jumps that didn’t feel good.  Spiderman finished the fire ant lineup with a terrible idea of bear crawl/crawl bear for what seemed like eternity while the partner did reps with the ruck.  Lutefisk finished it up with the final golden corral Q by starting, and staying, in the plank position for the duration of his 10 minutes.  Dark Helmet notable threw in the towel and to make himself feel better he poked the Q.  I will not forget.  Welcome FNG Thigh Master (not Jane Fonda) but he’s from New York so evidently it’s OK to drop F-bombs whenever and wherever.  All in all 30 PAX came out for a nasty beatdown that was surely a crowd pleaser.  It was an honor to be a part of it and special thank you to the Q’s for stepping up and all of you ruckers for bringing us some extra gear to use.

Final tally of the votes: Fire Ant 15, Golden Corral 11, Tie 3, Bonsai = disqualified for his answer

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RPG-Broga-Varsity Combo

Last Friday of every month will have a travelling Broga-RPG.  Varsity (at Nation Ford HS) was the location for November.  Nine pax came out for the 0500 start time to burn off after-Thanksgiving calories.

YHC was the lead-off man started the group with a some simple yoga positions, then Sasquatch brought us home with warrior poses.

The group split off: three went running; six stayed for boot camp.

Boot camp details:
Warm up
Mosey Run
Toy soldiers, high knees
Circle up and do:
SSH (In Cadence 16x)
Windmill (IC 16x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Plank Jacks (IC 16x)

Thang 1: Elevens
Mosey to JrROTC building
Run to bottom of hill, do 1 burpee
Run up to pull up bars, do 10 pullups
Incremental changes for the 11’s routine.

Thang 2: Wall Sits

Thang 3: Global Warming
Circle up, low stance position, all pax side shuffle about the circle, stop and do exercise called out (each pax had opportunity to call out an exercise):
Smurf Jacks
Imperial Walkers
Big Boy sit ups

The runners returned after traversing around 4ish miles.

Fini, COT
Prayers for pax traveling this holiday weekend, and for those that have lost a loved one recently.

Look for the traveling RPG-Broga coming to an AO by you; take advantage of the opportunity to get better!

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Veterans Day beat down at the Badger

Started with a light run and warm up routine.

Partner pull ups X 40

Discussed the importance of thanking a Veteran today for their service to our country.

Facts about Veteran’s Day
– Veteran’s Day originated as “Armistice Day” signaling the end of World War I on Nov 11, 1919 paying tribute to all soldiers fallen or living.
– There are 18.2 million living veterans that have served in at least 1 war as of 2018
– 9% of veterans are women
– of the 16 million Americans who served during World War II, about 496,000 are still alive as of 2018
– Random fact, the top 3 states with the highest percentage of Veterans were Alaska, Maine, and Montana.

The Thang

Rd 1 = 30 merkins, 30 squats, 20 BB situps, 1 lap
Rd 2 = 15 burpees, 20 lunges, 30 LBCs, 1 lap
Rd 3 = 25 Mac-tar-jies, 25 monkey humpers, 20 bomb jacks, 1 backwards lap

Rinse and Repeat

Finished with Mary

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2019 Q4 PFT at The Coop

Here are the results of the 2019 Q4 PFT

1 Minute of pull ups, sit ups, push ups and a 1 mile run

Results from Today.  No order.  Bold are the top numbers for a sections.


Results from this year.  Order is how many PFT’s posted.  Bold are leaders.


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Swamp Pain

17 HIM pushed through a nasty beatdown by YHC today at the Swamp.  YHC got to the AO about 15 mins early to check out the Broga dudes… no wait it was to prep the winkie.  Anyway, I ran the hidden greenway trail behind best buy to home depot (not target) and wrote 5 pain stations.  3 for the starting line and 2 halfway through the loop.

Started on time (barely) with a windmill warmup and that was it.   Mosey to the start.  The trail is about 0.65 miles with the loop back around a half mile.  We did it twice with the 5 plank position pain stations (ending with 25 burpees of course). Moseyed to COT area for COP burpees or flying squirrels, diamond merkins or merkins (all dependent upon how far you got on the loop). Hold  Did right arm and leg and left arm and leg for a while and ended with worst merkin ever x 5.  Recover for some painful Moroccan night clubs.  Next hold Al Gore and went around the circle naming some positive things going on in each PAX life.  Way to lift each other up!

Lastly we did some random parking lot drills in time for COT.  In COT we had a couple of guys get out of their shells and open up.  What a great thing!  Shield Lock!!!

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