Are You Committed?

YHC had the honor to share the Q with Dark Helmet in celebration of his six years in F3. The disclaimer was disclaimed and the group split between The Fort and Milkshake. Here’s what we did:

  • 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
  • 10 MNCs, Overhead Claps, Raise the Roofs, Little Baby Arm Circles (IC)

Mosey to the back parking lot

  • 20 Burpees
  • Lap
  • 40 Merkins
  • Lap
  • 60 Squats
  • Lap
  • 80 Little Baby Arm Circles
  • Lap
  • 100 Calf Raises
  • Lap
  • 80 LBCs
  • Lap
  • 60 American Hammers
  • Lap
  • 20 Burpees

Transition to Dark Helmet

For DOAH’s half, we ran around downtown to various parking lots for mumblechatter, Burpees, Bear Crawls, Flutters, and a myriad of other “fun” things. At each stop, he spoke to the 5 Core Principles, the Credo, and various other lessons on becoming a better man through F3. He’s an example of how a man can change if he commits.

So, are you committed? Without commitment, nothing happens. Commitment is required for any gains; gains in your fitness, faith, marriage, work, and life. Commitment is not a feeling. It’s a requirement to get through the hard times. We post in the heat, cold, rain, or shine. Why? Because doing the hard thing at the hard times prepares you for the the future. Commitment isn’t always easy, but it’s necessary to get you prepared for the next hard thing. You can’t get out of something that you don’t put into.

Six years ago, DOAH made the first commitment to daily investment into his fitness. Because of his efforts, he’s down over 50 pounds and up hundreds of new friends. He’s a better husband, father, and leader. What’s his secret? Commitment to betterment – the daily red pill. You have to commit if you want to see gains. Get after it, fellas. Today’s your day. Take it!


Italian Job

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Pantheon Pyramid

Prior to posting, YHC was requested to wear the shortest of shorts by our 1st F Q – Gears. YHC was happy to comply. 

A chilly 38 degrees made for a nice leggy start to the morning… in the height of the current political drama (that YHC is so wrapped up in), a bible verse was spoken prior to the disclaimer. 

Hebrews 13:8 – 

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” 

YHC spoke said verse because the focus shouldn’t be so much on earthly things as it has been. 

Disclaimer was stated, and we were off. Lap Around to Back of School, jump onto the playground/turf.




15 Tappy Taps IC

15 Moroccan Night Clubs IC

Yoga Flow/Stretch Out

Line up facing Basketball Court (watch out for the ropes!)



Each round added an exercise to the mix, starting with 5 burpees. Once we reach 30 SSH, we worked our way back down by removing the exercise with the most reps. Between each round we ran about 50 yards total. 

5 Burpees

10 Big Boys

15 Merkins

20 Squats

25 CDD’s

30 SSH


Mosey to Basketball Court

Line up on base line. Crab Walk to Half Court, feet first. Flip and crab walk head first to other base line.

Suicide foul line, half court, foul line, base line. 

Bear Crawl to half court, craw bear to other base line. 

Suicide from this base line. 

Inch worm to half court, on your six.

Windshield Wipers with legs per YHC’s count (left/right).


Begin Mosey back toward COT, stopping on the way for some Fifer Scissors x 25.

Reach COT, flutter in wait for six. 

Rosalitas x 20

WWI Sit Ups x 10



A great showing by all. YHC was gassed after Honey Badger and Block Party. Divac apparently loves suicides. Who knew?? 


Announcements – 

The Fort is traveling to Rock Hill this Friday, and Metro next Thursday. Hit up Shady for info/clown cars. 


Prayers/Praises – 

Prayers for Fish Sticks’ MIL – Flu like symptoms developing.

Prayers for MR. T and his family.

Prayers for Short Sale’s family with multiple people battling illness/pneumonia.

Prayers for Opie’s FIL – bad car accident causing 6 cracked ribs and now pneumonia. He is out of the ICU thankfully.


Thanks 38 Special for the opportunity to lead.

Punch List out. 

TClap |

Mentality – Thinking Right is a Daily Decision

Footloose 10.22

15 Pax got a little better in the gloom at Footloose.  HIIT warmed up the group with 2 rounds of 3 min intervals (4 exercises w 10 reps each)  and a long lap around the yard.   A slow mosey returned the group to a parking lot with a slight incline and a cone.   In honor of Rebel’s Double Nickel Birthday, we began with a modified version of 5’s:   5 Burpees at the bottom with 5 Squats at top and the modified bear crawl up to the cone with a Donkey Kick before continuing a mosey up to the top. We finished the A$$KIcking Autumn workout with a modified 5’s of Diamond ( in honor of the double nickel Birthday for Rebel, we completed 5 rounds with 5 reps at each of the 4 corners.  Round 1 -5 burpees at each corner, Round 2 – 10 Merkins at each corner, Round 3 – 15 Monkey Humpers at each corner, Round 4 – 20 Overhead Claps…….Running out of time, we headed back to COT with 1 min to spare and 1 min to finish a quick Round of Mary.

Nice work by all!!  Thank you to Boss Hogg for the opportunity!  Prayers / Praises and a Happy Birthday Celebration wrapped up the morning: Bass-oh-Matic brought Bundt cakes for all Pax to enjoy.  Happy Double Nickle Birthday to Rebel (the day after actual Bday 10/21/2020)

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Do 1 More

We had 10 for a Do 1 More workout at Bushwood.

The best part of a Do 1 More for the Q is that you don’t tell the PAX that they will have to do 1 more 😉

Mosey from the football parking lot down the road toward the school.  As we ran past each lamp post, PAX saw an exercise written on the pavement, which started some mumble chatter.  After a little warm-up, PAX were instructed to get a piece of chalk and to AMRAP each of the 8 exercises, with good form, of course.

The 8 exercises were: Merkins, Squats, Burpees, Flutters, CDDs, SSH, Big Boys and Plank Jacks.

There was very little mumble chatter as we were all focused on counting.  Gotta remember music next time 😉

We then ran back down the hill where YHC told them to put their chalk back.  Then we discussed doing 1 more.  Do one more for your M, your 2.0’s, work, and for yourself.  I think Kilbassa said he wanted to have 1 more beer 😉

Then OYO, we completed 1 more rep than we did in round 1 without a timer.  YHC got through the burpees and realized I left my chalk bucket back at the start so I hard to run back to get it and then fell behind.  Stand and Hardwood picked me up as the 6.

Then we did a little Mary where FloppyDisk brought back the overhead claps that he forced us to do at Colesseum.  That was just mean, but made us better.

Great workout gents!  Thanks to Ltrain for the opportunity to lead.

TClap |

Bricks Are Our Pain Stations

7 for BAOPS at Alcatraz this week.  Apparently some Pax on this side of town were afraid of a little rain, forgetting Core Principle #3.  Either way, Pothole and YHC decided not to disappoint those who chose the harder thing today.  I didn’t really intend to play with the BAOPS acronym, but it works.

The Thang

Gears up first.  Mosey off campus by the Golf Course down Tega Cay drive on the paved path.

Three stops on the way, mostly to keep the 6 with us:

  • SSH
  • Low Slow Squats
  • Mountain Climbers
  • CDDs
  • Dips
  • Derkins

Gathered at the bottom of the bottom of the Golf Cart path just past the Glennon Center for the main event for this half: Man Maker Circuits

PAX choose a rock that will challenge them.

10 Man Makers with the Rock, then hoist the Rock and jog it to the top of the hill at the light pole.  Each time a different exercise with 10 reps and back down to repeat:

  • Overhead Press
  • Flutter Press
  • Curls
  • Up and Overs

Ditch the Rocks and Mosey back with two stops, 5 Reps each:

  • Bombjacks
  • Burpees

Hand off to Pothole.

Short COP, since Gears doesn’t do them to start.  Move to side of lot with 6×6’s for calf action.

50 calf raises, 40 American hammers, 30 calf raises, 20 American hammers, 10 calf raises.  Run 2 laps around parking lot after finishing each exercise.

Next set. Sprint finisher. Sprint from first parking spot to last. Walk to end of pavement. Rinse and repeat 8-10 times.

6MOM to Finish


A few of the guys laid it out there today.  The key takeaway is to find men you can open up to and don’t be afraid.  You’ll find guys are struggling and together we can rise above the flux.  Don’t keep your walls up and pretend everything is ok.

Also, Uber shouldn’t cut corners on the run.


Ass Kicking Autumn starts Monday.  Bring your boys out and see what the region has to offer.

Plans underway for Christmas Party, Dec 4th.  Limited capacity, so plan ahead.

Call up/Text/DM three friends you haven’t seen in a while and invite them out.  They will thank you.


Honor to Serve.

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October Hustle

9 Stallions greeted October at the Ranch for a Bootcamp and were joined by 2 Ruckers at COT.

The Thang:

Mosey to Square Field for Warm Up

  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Hill Billy Walkers
  • Burpees

Mosey to Middle School Back Parking Lot

Bearpees – Jack Webb Burpee 1×4 Bear Crawl

Escalator. One exercise with prescribed count (IC), run the full lot and back

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Merkins
  • 30 CDD
  • 40 Low Slow Squats
  • 50 Lunges

Paula Abdul – 5 Burpees, Run Forward 3 Spots, Back 1 the length of the Parking Lot

Mosey around to back of School for Inchworm Merkins for length of the first building.

Mosey to Middle School Pickup Line for Merkin Gassers.  Set of 10 of each followed by Gassers to each speed bump and back.

  • Diamond Merkins
  • Werkins
  • Rangers
  • Merkins

Indian Run back to start for 6MOM and COT

Announcements: Read your Newsletter.


Honor to Serve.

TClap |

How to overcome the Flux

Run to Roundabout at The Arbors apartments for brief Warm Up

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 MC
  • 15 Squats
  • 20 SSH

Run to the Fountain, next sets are alternating sides up and down Grand Farm Drive, AKA the Flux

Triple Nickel Up to Fire Station/Stop Sign

  • Merkins @ Top
  • Squats @ Bottom

Jacobs Ladder with incrementing Bombjacks/Jump Squats to 7

Partner Work:

  • Burp Back Mountain – 100 Burpee Dora

Back to Roundabout

  • Merks
  • CDDs
  • Groiners

Mosey around back to O’Reily side of HT for some Mike Tysons and a victory lap to hit 3 miles total and then COT


Doing hillwork (the flux) was a lot easier with a brother… remember that.  Carrying the load is easier when you have men you trust to carry it with you.

Read your Newsletter.


Honor to Serve

TClap |

Shovel Flag Handoff and Legacy Beatdown

It was my honor to receive the Shovel Flag from Uhaul this morning. I’m looking forward to joining with all the great HIMs that frequent this AO to continue the legacy that was celebrated today.

But enough about YHC, we enjoyed a true legacy beatdown this morning that included the following; (forgive me if I missed something)

0515 came early this morning for some of us… very early for a few that came rolling into the parking lot hot just in time for the fun!

  1. Uhaul started the custom playlist for the morning and then led us in some warmup exercises at the shovel flag to get the blood moving. We did a metric ton of SSH’s, was anybody still counting when they finally ended? All I know is Uhaul was having too much fun with them! These were followed by Moroccan Nightclubs, Tappy-taps… And we were moving!
  2. Mosey with our bells over to the far end of the parking lot for JWOW’s Q; There we did 30 counts of a bunch of exercises including curls, goblet squats, flutters… Probably some more that I forget at the moment. Between each set we ran a “suicide” with cones previously laid out by JWOW.  – Side note- B.O.B. recommended an official name change for suicides in light of our focus on mental health. I believe I heard either Gears or Cake Boss say “Gassers” while in COT, and I would second that. I don’t see that name used in the Exicon, how do we get an official name change for mental health awareness?
  3. After JWOW, Assassin had us on our sixes playing hot potato in a circle, passing our bells around the circle from left to right, then back right to left. We also did a bunch of LBCs while partners ran a kettle bell relay around the parking lot.
  4. Dark Helmet on Q had us lifting our bells, a lot! Shoulders were definitely burning! We also ran again around the parking lot. Music choice was… interesting, I’m going to assume that not many guys have ever worked out to the peaceful and spiritual sounds of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Maybe in SLC? We all thanked Uhaul for that!
  5. My turn. 50 Shoulder presses/tricep extensions, farmer carry across the lot. 50 Front shrugs/upright rows, overhead carry back across the lot. 50 halos and 50 around the worlds, farmer carry across the lot. 50 chest presses/skull crushers, overhead carry across the lot. And finally, 50 bent over reverse flys.

0600 we moseyed back to COT for Nameorama, Shovel Flag Hand-Off, and prayers and praises.

Prayers for our concentricas, prayers for F3 Hightower who was killed in the line of duty this weekend in Myrtle Beach. Especially for those who are left here without him.

Thank you Uhaul for the opportunity, thank you everyone for your support!

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The Equalizer

9 got better this morning and 1 got lighter as we tackled a routine I call “The Equalizer.”  Conditions we’re perfect for a sweatastic Merkin Mile beatdown. Here’s what we did…

The Thang

  • 5 Burpees

Run to the 1st entrance of Brayden

  • 10 Wide Arm Merkins

Run to Dave Gibson Blvd

  • 20 Bobby Hurleys

Run to Dam Rd

  • 30 Ranger Merkins

Run to Tara Plantation

  • 40 Squats

Run to YHC’s House

  • 50 Merkins

Run to Tara Plantation

  • 40 Calf Raises

Run to Dam Rd

  • 30 Diamond Merkins

Run to Dave Gibson Blvd

  • 20 Lunges

Run to 1st Entrance of Brayden

  • 10 Tempo Merkins

Run back to Earth Fare

  • 10 Tempo
  • 20 Lunges
  • 30 Diamond
  • 40 Calf Raises
  • 50 Merkins

Circle the lot

  • 10 Wide
  • 20 Bobby Hurleys
  • 30 Ranger
  • 40 Squats
  • 50 Merkins

Mosey back to COT

  • 5 Burpees

This workout was designed to have the PAX finish together. How do you keep the non-gazelles with the sub-6 minute milers at a running AO? Add Merkins.
As expected, Scalp and Gears had the major lead in the running portion. But as we closed in on the final assault at Earth Fare, Dark Helmet took the lead and never looked back. Major kudos to Band Camp and his Merkin prowess for powering through to the top-5 after the run. As usual, Gekko, Quack Attack, and Fish Sticks finished towards the top. And though he doesn’t like to admit it, Sugar Daddy is starting to look like a runner. Spider-Man did bail early, but when nature calls, you know, you answer. I understand he looked three shades brighter and 2 pounds lighter after his…break.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead. I know this is more Merkins than normal for STL (as noted by the grunting and grumbling), but it’s the only way I could keep up with you fast guys. But as usual, you men persevered and powered through. You did the hard thing and you’re better for it.

One last word to start the week:

You can’t force someone to respect you but you can refuse to be disrespected.

Now go be a force to be reckoned with. Crush the day!


Italian Job

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The site formally known as The COOP.

Let me start off by saying cancer sucks. It took one of our PAX last week and I am still mad about it. Jay Griggs known in the gloom as Cash, 51 battled this aweful disease on and off for about two years. He left behind his wife Christine and two kids Katie (14) and Will (12). We came together today to do a workout for him and also to rename this AO in his honor. We wanted to give a name that if someone who didnt know Cash would ask we could explain that the name was in his honor and keep Jays legacy in The Fort going. More on the name at the end.
We statrted with a disclaimer and quick dynamic warmup.
51 SSHs in cadence.
Mosey down the hill for some instructions.
3 cones at bottom of hill. do the first cone run up hill to nafo crosswalk do 10 bombjacks, run back to pull up bars do 5 pull ups, run down to bottom of hill for the next cone, keep repeating until YHC stops the group.
Cone 1- Merkins and Squats
Cone 2- CDDs and American Hammers
Cone 3- Alternating lunges and Alternating Shoulder taps
At each of the cones we did a total between the two exercises 51 reps.
Mosey back to Cot.
We took this time to let the Pax know the AO formally known as The Coop was now to be known as Ring of Fire. One of Jonny Cashs greatest hits. So when someone says how did this palce get the name we can explain.
Announcements and naming of FNG.
FNG- Sappin Patel- Spam
reach out to funhouse to help with at risk middle school kids on their off days from school_ takes palce at forest hill church.
8th annual anniversary party of the Fort. held Oct 2nd 630-930 at 3399 Pleasant Rd. Convergence the following morning at 0630 first baptist fort mill.
for the family of Cash.
marriages and keeping real with raising shorties.
Backdraft Out.

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