Upscale Herpes, Boss!

Disclaimer was disclaimed. Also added that no man would be left behind, that we would stay together, however, if someone got ahead, they would perform exercises until the 6 arrived.

10 Windmills IC
15 MNCs IC
Q3.10 Consistency
Why do complex men often lead simple lives?
Simplicity is the foundation of consistency. A virtuous leader simplifies the aspects of his life that are under his direct control – put as much on auto pilot as possible.

Ran to the playground and did a form of 21-gun salute.
21-gun salute:
* Run a lap
* 21 Merkins
* 21 Hillbilly Squats
* 21 LBCs IC
* 21 MCs IC
* 21 American hammers IC
How can a man keep from going off the rails?
Strong routines are the framework for consistency. A brick is a singular positive habit that is advantageous to the individual. Several bricks together form a routine and create the basis for a Guardrail. Guardrails protect the man from the Flux.

Ran to rear parking lot of elementary school, shoulder taps for the 6.
PAX agreed to do the next sequence in descending order, so we did all of the exercises listed below, ran a lap aroudn the parking lot, and then removed the exercise with the most reps before repeating the list. All reps were completed.
1 burpee
2 bomb jacks
3 merkins
4 jumping lunges (2 each leg)
5 Bobby Hurley’s
6 Sumo squats
7 Carolina Dry Docks
8 lunges (4 each leg)
9 monkey humpers
10 squats
How can a man learn to be more consistent?
The Virtuous Leader focuses on bandwidth, not perfection. There will always be fluctuation. Knowing this, the Virtuous Leader Accelerates his Consistency by focusing on the bandwidth of his fluctuation rather than perfection. His objective is to reduce the distance between his peaks and valleys to something so small that only he can see it.

MARY: Flutters IC, Pretzels IC, Hello Dollys IC, WW2 Sit Ups IC

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hangin w/ Stang, Pints & Padres, The Hive tomorrow.

COT: Was had, stays in COT.

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Had these legs all my life

WARMUP: SSH, IW, HW, yoga, mosey
Humane Burpee – look it up

Farmers Carry towards the school courtyard
Stop a few times along the way for 5 of each
Goblet Squat
Squat and Press (each side)
Good Morning
Single Leg Deadlift (each side)

Got to the courtyard. Bearcrawl with the bell stopping for one manmaker at each light

At the end, built up into a kettlebell flow with each arm;
as we left we added an overhead lunge at the end.

Mixed and match how many times we did each side
MARY: one moment of core, but there was so much mumblechatter and very little work. So, we agreed to do four burpee snatches instead.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter
COT: prayers for marriage, parents, travel, our nation

NMM: not sure why, but I need deadlines to get some things accomplished in my life. Set a deadline on when you’ll go on your next date with your M, or when you’ll do something with just you and your kiddos. Be proactive about it. I know I have to; otherwise it is relegated to a “someday” activity.

A privilege to lead

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Hilly Out and Back

Disclaimer: Not sure about the route, but it looked good on Google Maps.
Right on Holbrook
Left on Old Springs
Left on Trinity Ridge Pkwy
Right on Autumn Moon
Right on Country Overlook
Left on Trinity Ridge Pkwy
Right on Old Springs
Right on Holbrook
Back to COT
Distance was around 5 miles

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Pool noodle arms

WARMUP: no warmup
THE THANG: moseyed for about a mile around the school towards the benches
Where we did our first tabata

Step ups r leg
Step ups l leg
Split squats r

Split squats l
Air squats

Completed bear crawl, Ran .5 miles back and bear crawl for 2nd round of first Tabata

Then ran .5 miles to another parking lot for a 2nd set of Tabata exercises.

Freddie mercuries
Plank jacks
Parker peters
Peter Parker’s
Mountain climbers

Ran another .5 miles and then began
2nd set ⬆️

Then we tried to get in 11s with Cindy, man makers at top of hill, kraken burpees at bottom. We failed to finish before running out of time. Thank goodness.

COT: challenge to restore severed relationships

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7 for the 7 WOD

WARMUP: SSH, low slow squats, Moroccan night clubs, low slow merkins
THE THANG: 7 rounds of 7 reps of each of the following 7 exercises:
Right arm curl
Left arm curl
Overhead  Tricep extension two hands
Overhead press two hands
Gobble squat
Swings two hands
High pulls two hands

Run up hill to Munn Rd after each cicle (7 times)

Definitely not a stationary kettlebell workout.

MARY: Ab lab
COT: stays at COT

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Wildcard Wednesday at Bushwood


Kicking off Wildcard Wednesday for the month of March at Bushwood, Cohiba gave YHC the option to switch things up and Q a workout style of my choice. We pivoted from the traditional boot camp WO and instead logged miles with pain stations.

We utilized the drive at the outer perimeter of the AO and around the school. 1.25 mi and 3 pain stations per lap. 5 burpees and 10 BBSU at each pain station. Most PAX finished 2 1/2 laps for a total of 3.5 mi.

MARY: Flutters and American Hammers (IC)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.
COT: What happen in COT, stays in COT.

Honored to lead.

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Do The work,” Be a Humble servant”

WARMUP: Mosey (.40)
THE THANG: 50 SSH, (run.40) 45 Merkins, (run .40) 40 Flutters (run .40) 35 Squats, (run.40) 30 CDD (run.40) 25 Bomb Jacks (run.40) 20 Big Boys (run.40) 15 Diamonds(run.40) ran out of time 3.5 Miles.
MARY: No Time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam to Dam etc.
COT: Prayers for Ltrains wife’s grandparents, DD parents, Ld Prayed us out!

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