A Return Home to the Colosseum

This morning was the ideal morning to make a return to the Colosseum to fulfill my opportunity to Q. What made it ideal? I woke up, the temps were cold, I wrote a Weinkie, I had a message to deliver and a few Pax showed up to see where they should direct soreness-induced comments come Wednesday morning. That’s what made it ideal. See, we are blessed with this opportunity to join other men as we get broken down physically. And the byproduct of that beat-down is the chance to learn more about the man to our left and right and reach out a hand to see how you can go beyond yourself.

So 18 other men decided that the Colosseum was where they wanted to spend 45mins this Tuesday morning and for that, I’m humbled. 18 other men brought their gloves (most of them anyways) and wanted to see what I had in store. While only 1 man asked to see the deck of cards, it became evident that 18 men were ready to put in some work. But before we did that, I had to say a few words that were intended to be a disclaimer and brief run down of how what we were about to do was slightly different than the norm yet more of what is to come.

We jogged through the drop-off lanes of both schools and found our way to the line of cones in the back bus lot.  We lined up at the cones for a series of 3-tier suicides to the other end of the lot but only at 50%. Now that we’re a little warmed up, we circled up for some stretching:  Hammies, Hip Flexors, Back, SSH, High Knees and Wind Mills

Now we stepped it up a little:

Clock Merkins 1-12 and let the chatter begin

10 Burpees with an extra squat for good measure (I still have to pay up on my 69 Burpees…GO PACK)

Wave Merkins around the circle (5 rounds)

10 Donkey Kicks with 2 Carolina Dry Docks after each

Single Count Diamond Merkins x 10

10 Burpees with a Jump Tuck on each

Back on the line with your partner.

Partner 1: Bear Crawl the length of the parking lot to Shady’s car and sprint back

Partner 2: American Hammers until #1 returns.

Partner 1: Bear Crawl the length of the parking lot to Shady’s car and sprint back

Partner 2: Toe-Touch V-ups or some modification thereof

On The Playground which turned out to be way more complicated than imagined

Partner 1: 20 Swing Crunches or modify to a bench where necessary

Partner 2: 20 Grave Diggers on the left side

Partner 1: 20 Swing Crunches or modify to a bench where necessary

Partner 2: 20 Grave Diggers on the right side

Mosey to the back entrance road. With your same partner, run to the light post and do 2 merkins. Run to the next post and do 2 merkins. Continue this for 6 light posts and rest at the end.

Once we all completed this series, I took advantage of the captive audience to explain what my next venture is. Beginning in January, I’ll be launching a new Black Diamond-inspired AO named, BEYOND. While we typically think physically or geographically when we hear the word, Beyond, I challenge you to think differently. Think Beyond your normal conversations with your family, Beyond your sports-themed conversations with your friends, Beyond your show up and get your job done tasks with work, Beyond your bedtime prayers with kids-type of spiritual relationship and yes, Beyond your typical physical breaking point. Like muscles; our minds, faith, relationships, abilities and comfort zones only improve when stretched BEYOND what they’re used to doing. We grow as men when we’re beaten physically and I’ll use BEYOND as a platform to do just that. Many more details to come but would you consider joining me for a week or more to try it out? This is not to replace any existing AO, purely complimentary

So here’s the walking away assignment. Remember that partner you had? He is now your partner through Friday, December 1. I challenge you to send a text/tweet or call him daily to check in on him. Not simply to say hey or, “Man, I can’t wait to see the Tigers sport their own version of the Turnover Chain” but ask a real question and get ready for a real answer. Don’t ask how he’s doing and expect, “good, you?”.

19 of us responded, “AYE” when I asked if they were willing to do that for their partner.

We then mosey’d back to COT to put a ribbon on this edition of THE COLOSSEUM.

Announcements: Bring the following to Friday’s Christmas Party: a toy, small umbrella, 36″ Duffel Bag and/or alarm clock for CAH and Operation Sweet Tooth. Longshanks can also accept gift cards for OST.

Prayer Requests: New positions at work, improved communication at home, Patience, Sandlot’s wife, making time for our M’s and ensuring they’re not the last one in the house to get the time they deserve. Look for ways to help your M’s this season, to include preparing things and taking care of some of the Christmas shopping.



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Crossroads Discussion: Half In, Half Out

Good discussion this morning on being Half In, Half Out.  Working out with The Fort Nan’tan Monday allowed me an opportunity to benefit from words that while I was feeling them, was not articulating internally.  Plain speak- didn’t know how to put words to what I’ve been feeling lately until Cake Boss did it for me.  He spoke of victory but what resonated was being half in, half out.  Picture having one foot on the boat, one on the dock.

Continuing with that theme we dove into this at Crossroads this morning, a weekly coffee group where any topic that is on the Q’s mind can be batted around for fuller understanding.  If you haven’t been or are an infrequent attendee, consider making it more often.  Really good stuff happening here.

Half In/Half Out

  • What is it, to be all in?  What does it look like?
    • intentional
    • purpose
    • commitment
    • integrity

Focusing in here on the job, task, person here is vital.

  • What are some reasons for it/ why does it happen?
    • overwhelmed
    • Temporary weakness
    • paralyzed- so much to do, don’t know where to start so bail out on task or effort
    • lazy-

It could be men susceptible to this are hurting elsewhere and only committing “halfway” opens door to less accountability.  “If I fail or not as good, I only gave half effort anyway.”  Yet another way is “are these sad clown tendencies preventing me from fully engaging- enjoying life and all its ups and downs?”

  • Solutions
    • being self aware
    • acknowledge small victories and accomplishments
    • recommit- just do it
    • discuss- Spouse/partner, F3 men, Whetstone.
    • going through the process(Tesh)
    • Muscle Memory (Assassin, Twister)

Above are but a handful of opportunities that can lead to reengaging and dropping being half in/half out to be all in!

Couple of quick resources for thoughts associated

  • Lonely
    • Psalm 23
  • Weakness
    • Psalm 18:1-29
  • Direction
    • Psalm 73:21-26
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Alcatraz: Special Thx Uncle Sam VQ and Boss of Cake

I can’t even tell you really how many PAX came to Alcatraz for their DRP, because I thought I was a greeter at Walmart with all the men coming and then leaving it was a constant revolving door. Regardless, a majority of men got after it and with Uncle Sam making his VQ, we were all in for a treat. So after an attempt at introductions, disclaimers and usual office work, YHC handed it off to Uncle Sam.

The Thang:


  • Uncle Sam on Q:
We started off jogging to circle up on center field and warmed up the hipsters by shaking some Finkle Swings (5 reps/leg). 14 Moroccan Night Clubs followed up in a weird sequence since the VQ was stumbling into the rhythm.  The 18 Side Straddle Hops helped the inmates @ Alcatraz get the sensation that it was going to be easy but then they had to scrub the floors with some Annies (10 per arm).  24 Imperial Walkers and 24 Hillbillies thrusted them into Q’s arms.
  • Cake Boss on Q:
5 Burpees OYO
Mosey to the Playground for Mini Murph
Each PAX…no partner
1Lap around Park
50 Pullups
100 Merkins
150 Squats
1Lap around Park
Mosey to the Bball Courts count off 1’s and 2’s
1’s suicides
2’s Freddy Murcurys
flap jack
1’s suicides
2’s flutters
flap jack
Mosey to Hill behind Baseball field
Roll the dice of Pain, do the exercise, run the hill
10 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 10 LBCs, 10 Mountain Climbers
Hand off to Uncle Sam 
  • Uncle Sam on Q:
20 Groiners inspired a lot of grumbling  and some started crying “Parking lot!”, but we still had to do 24 LBCs and 8 Starfish Crunches to get our backs wet with the morning dew.  Partnered up we sprinted from base to base in the Baseball field as if we had hit a home run but stopped;ing for some Mountain Climbers at each base.  Inning was over and prisoners got to go back to their POD cell for some announcements, a lot of Turkey talk and a sweaty thanksgiving for all things good that come from SkyQ.
  • YHC spoke to the men about the “Real” things we are thankful about. Yes we all can be thankful for the obvious, but what are the things that when you realize how grateful you are you get emotional and it makes you want to be a better man. We need to focus on those things when life gets tough. When things and expectations are not going our way….and realize….that thing that makes us realize Sky Q loves me and my brothers are standing with me and everything will be fine!
  • Thanksgiving convergence
  • Christmas Party
  • Joe Davis Run
  • The Rooster CSAUP in Rock Hill


Thank you Senator for the opportunity!

Cake Boss & Uncle Sam

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Santini has all but signed off of Twitter.  He prefers to “call” people and meet them “face to face”.  Pssshhhhhh. Whatever that is…  Therefore he did not see my Q assignment a few months ago and was unavailable to my reminder yesterday.  I tried a couple of Q replacements but no dice… Insert AO site Q.

Cold but not as cold as Monday.  At one point I thought McGuyver was going to go shirtless.  Lawd!  Strong 1st F Pax: McGuyver, Handy Manny, Javert, STH, Greenwave.

The Thang

  • Stretchy stretcherson
  • Lungwalk 15 yards, run 15 yards,
  • Squat walk same
  • SSH, IW, Merkins, CDD

Wheel of Fire

  • 8 cones each with an exercise set equidistant from the center.  That’s right, equidistant.  About 25 yards.  Pax will do exercise on cone, bearcrawl to center, perform 10 burpees, run out to the next one.  Rinse/repeat until complete.
    • 15 merkins
    • 30 lunges
    • 25 LBC
    • 25 Carolina Dry Docks
    • 30 X&O
    • 25 Squat
    • 25 Flutter kicks
    • 25 Plank Punches
  • 3 sets of 30 seconds step ups
  • 5 sets of sprints
  • Wheel of Fire- 5 burpees in middle, half number of reps on cone.


Naked Man Moleskin

Q’s:  this is good Mumblechatter and 2ndF builder through 1st F Pain.  You’re all pretty close together, its constant movement and relationships are built through pain which there is plenty of here.  Consider adding some tunes or blue tooth speaker in the middle.

Holidays can be equally great and tough.  Remember there can be a lot of pain- and I don’t mean your “pain in the ass in-laws”.  Some folks are really hurting, missing deceased loved ones or just lonely sad clowns.  count your blessings and for Pete’s sake- just say yes ma’am now through the weekend.  A whole lot smoother, I promise.


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The under appreciated ruck & boot camp combo pack

Conditions clear and very cold…around 33 degrees at kickoff


Quick discussion on the combo workout and modify as needed

and walk off…about half had rucks…make large pile of rucks…near Office depot


Partner up

Partner 1 run .33 mile, partner 2 does exercises…and then flapjack

Round one ruck curls, ruck upright rows, ruck curls, ruck upright rows…each partner got 4 turns at running…mumblechatter stalled…it started to suck…so as a good Q, I made bad into worse…

Partner 1 run .33 with ruck (crowd pleaser) while other partner exercises…and then flapjack

Round two squats, LBC, squats, LBC

Mumblechatter quickly turned into “bitching”…

Same partner, smaller lap, flying squirrels for each

Mosey to COT area

60 seconds of flying squirrels

COT/ Prayer or praise/ BOM

14 #HIM went inside for Romans 13



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Veterans day at Alcatraz

7 of the finest men in the TC Peninsula got after it on a darn chilly morning.  T’was great to see everyone out of the fartsack considering today was the payoff day for those training for Charlotte Marathon and the men of at The Fort had something good cooked up with our northern brother, Olive and Operation Sweet tooth. Aye!  Inspiration!

Got the call late Friday that I would/could take the Q.  Proudly disclaimed and reviewed our 5 core principles and off for a lap around the fields.

COP; SSH, Squats, Mountain Climbers, Seal Jacks, Parker Peters each intertwined with a trio of burpees.  Delightful.  Add in a few full field sprints 75%, 85%, 100% and we were warm.


Jungle Gym for Pull ups, Merkins and dips.  3 rounds of 10, 15, 20 here.

Over the to wall.  4 or 5 sets of Bearcrawl/lunge walk to second base then fun to fence and back.  Those waiting were treated to Wall sits and Balls to the wall

Next exercise.  1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base and back.  3 burpees, 6 burpees, 9 burpees, 6 burpees, 3 burpees.  Your mode of transportation could be any combo of bear crawl, lunge walk or crab walk.

Next exercises Pain platoon- connected merkins- caterpillar style- ask Mainframe.  Tunnel of love, seal team sit ups.

Closed out with some around the horn Mary.

Naked Man Moleskin

Delta- you are progressing along nicely.  Very proud you kept your Smirnoff Ice consumption from the previous nights escapades with in you.  Keep charging brother.  Yat Yas was an inspiration for the day as he was our #veteran in the group.  Always pushing and not quitting.  Let it be known that if we are to line up in merkin formation with someone’s feet on your shoulders and do merkins in cadence- Mainframe is not in favor.  I don’t necessarily oppose his opinion.  #wheninRome.  Conversly- it seems On the Rocks is up for anything… go figure.

Minute Man added speed while we were all thankful Change Order kept his shirt on… today.

We shared stories of veterans we knew and our thankfulness for them giving way to our own veteran in the group, Yat Yas.  Thank you for serving brother!



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Bags for Beds

The PAX of F3 the Fort are being called on to support a local effort to help the less fortunate. This particular campaign, however, requires no (real) time to contribute to and will cost you NOTHING. But the impact you will make is a powerful one.

The “Falcons Give Back” club at Nation Ford High School is collecting lots of supplies to help various organizations in need throughout the year. Right now, they are in desperate need of plastic grocery bags. These bags are “hand woven” together to create matting that is used for bedding by the homeless. That’s right. Bedding for the homeless. This is a simple act that can give less fortunate community members a little more comfort.

The Deal :   We will be collecting clean plastic bags (no spilled milk or hamburger juice, please) at each workout, beginning on Monday 11/13 and concluding at the Thanksgiving convergence. Site Q’s (or a designated PAX member) will collect at each workout. I will coordinate pick-up. We don’t need a few guys bringing a ton of bags.  We need a ton of guys bringing whatever they have. Clean out from under your kitchen sink! Aye!


Be “That Guy”!!


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Simple is good

It has been atleast 12 months since I have even posted at The Armory, let alone Q’d.  Probably longer.  But when Assassin asked you to do something, you do it.  Plus it was new and fresh for me which is good for all of us.  I came with the basics and it worked.  Biggly time.

Weather was suspect- rain like beast at 0430.  I had thought I may incorporate a wheel of fire, chalk, etc but looking at the elements we went for cover under the church doorway.

The exercise are below.  Between each round, bearcrawl the length of ramp and run back to start

  • Round 1 10 reps
  • Round 2 15 reps
  • Round 3 20 reps
  • Round 4 10 reps


  • Goblet Squat
  • Tricep Extention
  • Curl
  • Shoulder Press
  • Windmill (Crowd pleaser)
  • Lunge-Row
  • Swing
  • Lawn Mower Pull

Naked Man Moleskin

Great to see everyone today and with exception of Change order, folks I dont see that often- Assassin, River Rat and meeting for first time: Stones and Squeeky.  all came ready to work.

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Cones and brick

Great morning to pick up a co Q with 1st F stud.  Perfect #gloom conditions with fog/haze, dew, chilly but mild tempts.  Shorts and long sleeves  was the uniform.  YHC brought FNG now known as Delta- Great obscure reference to the hospital name of an actress that played an interior decorator on tv- Designing women.    Welcome Delta!

I covered the mission of F3 and proudly disclaimed.  off we went for a little yog and some pain for a warm o rama

The Thang: go to my trunk and grab two bricks

Cones set at 20, 40, 60, 80 , 100

Warm up laps


100 yard sprints:  Sprint in between each set.

10 brick merkins & 10 brick presses

20 brick merkins & 20 brick presses after sprint.

30 brick merkins & 30 brick presses

8- 80 yard sprints:  Sprint in between each set

10 brick goblet squats IC & 10 peter parkers IC.

20 brick goblet squats IC & 20 peter parkers IC-

30 brick goblet squats IC & 30 peter parkers

6- 60 yard sprints:  sprint in between each set

10 Carolina dry docks IC & 10 Overhead brick claps IC

20 Carolina dry docks IC & 20 Overhead brick claps IC

30 Carolina dry docks IC & 30 Overhead brick claps IC

Hand off to Cha Ching

Speed ladder pre mini BOP (all sprints):

  • 10 yds all out, 10 sec rest (10 yds back)
  • 20 yds, 20 sec rest (20 yds back)
  • 30 yds, 30 sec rest (30 yds back)
  • 50 yds, 30 sec rest (50 back)
  • Then down the ladder again (30/30, 20/20, 10/10) and ending on back pedal 30 yds and sprint forward 30 yds
  • Post mini BOP – 3 min of Quadzilla (run downhill back pedal uphill as many times as you can).

Naked Man Moleskin:

Great effort and group this morning.  Lots of hard work and laughs.  Straight Up is a beast and lead the way in 1st F.  Cha Ching, and Deflate Gate werent far behind.  Delta did a great job and was welcomed right away.

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Coliseum- Mumble Chatter- Not on my watch

After seeing twitter post about possible mumble chatter at my Q from some legendary yackers YHC decided to bring one of his old school simple but effective workouts to these guys. a nice 46 degrees to start the day had a few arriving in there sweatshirts, a few were mumbling about not knowing where their cold weather gear was. Little did they know the ones that showed up with it on would be wishing they hadn’t in a few.

Quick disclaimer and were off.

Mosey to basketball court, dynamic stretching toy soldiers, knees to chest.

Circle up SSHs, mtn. climbers, flutter kicks, Windmills, peter parkers, chopsticks.

Mosey to light poles. at each light pole perform 15 Carolina dry docks, 10 alternating jumping lunges, 5 burpees. 10 light poles. Flutter kicks until 6 arrives.

Return down the line except 15Air Squats, 10 merkins, 5 burpees. LBCs until 6 arrives.

Mosey to parking lot and pair up for DORA. 50 merkins, 100 squats, 150 LBCs while partner runs to wall and does 1 muscle up.

Back to COT with 25 yard bear crawl on the way.


Announcements- Fast 5, Family Ruck, Community Café 5k, The Fort Christmas Party.

Prayers- Passing of Cake Boss sister. PAX looking for work.



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