

Good Mornings x 10

Disruption in the form of Olaf arrived around this time and removed to large metal poles from the bed of his truck.

Windmill x 10
Calve Stretch
MNC x 10


Mosey to Walgreens. Pax completed a March Madness bracket special, completing:

64 SSH
32 LBC’s
16 Merkins
8 Bobby Hurleys  
4 Burpees
2 Big Boys
1 Diamond Merkin

*1 lap around Walgreens after completion of each exercise.

Mosey to Grace church parking lot. In honor of 11 seed Duquesne, completed a round of 11’s with Merkins and Big Boys. Olaf continued to kindly share coupons.

Next completed a static round of 6’s in honor of the fallen 6 seed (including my own SC Gamecocks). Bobby Hurley’s and Lunges.

Mosey back to COT. Finished up with about 4 minutes of Mary.

Thanks to all who showed and the opportunity to lead! Go Dukes and all the other disruptors to status quo!


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Composition notebooks, Red Truck Men, a lot of site promotion

COT: Indeed

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Dora of Death

WARMUP: plank, down dog stretch claves, up dog, plank. Moroccan night club, cherry pickers
THE THANG: Partner Dora
100 4ct Imperial Walkers
200 4ct Side Straddle Hops
300 Squats
200 4ct LBC’s
100 4ct Merkins
Sasquatch kept the faster pace entertained and others helped finish
Mozy to picnic tables for dips, step ups, box jumps, incline merkins
MARY: 37 American hammers for a birthday celebration
ANNOUNCEMENTS: acceleration project, blood drive
COT: prayer and/or praise from everyone

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We have options

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: 3,4,5 mile run options and 2.75 mile ruck
ANNOUNCEMENTS: acceleration project, blood drive
COT: families, Jed’s surgery, marriages

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47th Birthday Shenanigans

WARMUP: moroccan night clubs, windmills, low slow squat, merkins, side straddle hops
THE THANG: Celebrating my 47th birthday so I had a list of exercise to perform, we had plenty of sanbags ranging from 30# to 60# so each pax had a chance to pick their potion.
-over the shoulder toss
-high pulls
-front toss
-bent over row
-chest press

Grab a bag and take a lap down the parking lot

-around the world (lots of chatter on this one)
-squat swings
-american hammer

Grab a bag and take a lap down the parking lot

repeat the same circuit above for another 15 reps; then rinse and repeat circuit with 17 reps for a total of 47 reps for a 47th birthday.
MARY: run out of time for broga
ANNOUNCEMENTS: rumors of sweati and jaeger coming back soon.
COT: Rainmaker led the prayers.

Tinsel OUT

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WARMUP: Lunged 150′ run back
bear crawled 150′ run back
partner carried 150′
Get a Partner If 3 in a group
200 Step-Ups 300 Step-Ups
150 Erkins 150 Erkins
125 Squats 200 Squats
75 Derkins 75 Derkins
100 Calf Raises 150 Calf Raises

Timer: lap+wall climb

Super Sets from 10 reps down to 1 rep

Mountain Climbers

MARY: None
COT: Closed in prayer

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Convergence Before the Invergence

It was rainy, cloudy, dark, in other words perfect weather for a convergence. We had roughly 55-60 PAX out for the variety of workouts that were about to be executed.  Disclaimer disclaimed, FNG identified (Randy from heaven on earth (aka Pittsburgh) , and we launched.

Bootcamp Q : Slapshot

Bootcampers followed me up the hill and towards the springs parking lot. After a quick plank for the 6 we moved onto to the parking lot across 160 behind the former bank and now drug store for the warm-up.


50 SSH (IC)

20 Merkings (IC)

10 Michael Phelps (IC)

5 Windmills (IC)

20 Mtn Climbers (IC)


20 Plank JAcks (IC)

Mosey to the other side of the parking lot.

DORA: Partner up with someone you haven’t worked out with. Run was around the drugstore and through the parking lots.

200 Plank JAcks

200 Toe Touches

200 SSH

150 Diamond Merkins

100 4-Ct Flutters

Recover Run Back towards COT.

Tabata Series

30 Seconds on 10 seconds off

4 Rounds 4 sets

  1. SSH
  2. Seal JAcks
  3. HR Merkins
  4. Am. Hammers

Last 7 minutes: 10 Burpess EMOM (which was reduced to a an 11 of sorts after minute 5 where we started going 10 burpees plus 1 BBS, then 9 burpees plus 2 BBS….etc… until we had about 20 seconds left.

I had everyone recover on their feet and then add 1 last Burpee.

NNM: I spoke today about one of the many examples of what F3 has meant to me. Specifically, the other day I was out for a pre-run where I started out at a “comfortable pace” already deciding in my head what I was “good” with that morning.  Then about 2 miles in I came across a fellow Pax who got to the AO early and decided to go find me. We started to run together and my “comfortable pace” got very uncomfortable very quickly. All told, when we got back to COT I had increased the pace I was running at by over 35 seconds. He literally found me where I was, didn’t leave me behind, and pushed me to accelerate. It is what I needed then, and it’s what I needed 5 years ago when I started F3. I never knew how fast I could run, until I started running with faster guys. That Friday morning was a great reminder that I can always push more, that I have plenty of gas left in the tank, and that somewhere out in the gloom a brother is willing to go find you and get you better. (Thanks Olaf)

Whether you are accelerating 1F or the 2nd and 3rd, run with faster guys and don’t just be comfortable. You never really know what you are capable of until you push just a little bit more.


Running Q Bandcamp

Speaking of Running with faster guys…Bandcamp executed a 10K route where he was able to hit a PR. The route went all over the downtown Fort Mill area. Again, men surround yourself with HIMS you never know what you’re going to be able to do.

Ruck Q : JWOW

Ruck to Church of NAzarene

10 rounds –

5 merkins at the bottom then 10 squats at the top of the stairs.

Rucked to Print Shop

20 step ups and 20 dips

Rucked up Main STreet and back to Wep for the chair swing loop at each chair swing 5 squats and 5 CDD’s One more half loop to COT.

Kettlebell Q: 38 Special

Leg stretches for a couple minutes while us 40somethigns PAX complained about our joints

The Thang:

10 each of Arm Curl and Press, tricep ex. and overhead press. Grabbed bells and went for a stroll around the park. Bells always farmered carried. We used the park equipment to tell us what to do. Each Swing 20 swings, Statues 30 Standing Tesh with squat each arm Bathrooms = 20 squats same set as the start upon our return.

Paired up for a dora

100 Goblet Squats

200 Calf Raises

300 Flutter with chest press

6 minutes to go carry back to bathroom and back 1 minute of squats and 1 minute of swings.

IR Q: Kermit

Took a nice mosey around downtown Fort Mill and even down to the Peach stand and back. Big thank you for leading this piece and not leaving any men behind!


Post Workout  JWOW led us in prayer and we named a  FNG The name Cannonball.

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Burpees & Bunionettes

WARMUP: Moseyed the COT parking lot for approx. 5 minutes picking up late arriving PAX and mixing in BKs, HKs, Karaoke, Mike Tysons, and bear crawling. At 5 min in we stopped and completed 25 SSHinCadence. Warm up complete.
THE THANG: Dora 2.0 – Took the PAX to the hill by the pullup bars and asked them to partner up. Partner #1 runs down the hill to the stop sign, completes 5 Burpees, and then runs back to the top of the hill to meet up with Partner #2 who was performing the selected exercise. Both guys walk over to the pullup bars where Cindys were available. Partner #1 completes 10 pullups and then hangs on the bar until Partner #2 completes 15 KB swings with Cindy. SWITCH! Once the team completes 1 set of pullups and KB swings each they return to the street to continue the Dora.
3 Exercises for the DORA:
100 – Diamond Merkins
150 – Alt. Lunges
200- American Hammers
If my memory serves me correctly we made 9 trips to the bars during the DORA.
MARY: Planking and Praising – Made it back to COT with a few minutes left so asked the PAX to move into a straight arm plank position. Asked the PAX to tell us something they are thankful for while holding the plank position. This took about 1 1/2 minutes. Then asked the PAX to lift their right hand off the ground while holding the plank position. Did this for each arm and leg for 15 seconds each. Then asked PAX to lift right hand and left leg off the ground while holding the plank position. Did this for both sides and held it for 10 seconds. Held normal plank for a little longer to reach 3 minutes. DONE!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Warning -more SawDust foot pics coming soon, Saturday Convergence/Invergence, Daffodil hike
COT: From my experience the men of The Fort are good at praying for others and asking for prayer for others. Very seldom do I hear something vulnerable/transparent about what’s going on internally, personal struggles with the PAX. So, asked each PAX to be vulnerable and share something that they are struggling with currently. Lifted me up to hear men share their hearts/struggles and hear other men immediately offer words of wisdom, encouragement, and comfort. Thanks for sharing fellas!

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Cinco de Marzo @Currahee

WARMUP: A version of the Disclaimer was shared !
In reps of 10 the following movements were executed:
*Cherry Pickers
*Imperial Walkers
*Hillbilly Walkers
*Moroccan Night Clubs
Mosey Around the parking lot in front the school to the field entrance.
9 Pain Stations were marked with the following movements:
(10 Total Reps per Station)
1. Curls
2. Triceps Extensions
3. Ruck Squats
4. Lunges for each leg
5. On your Six with Arm Extensions Rucked
6. LBCs
7. Shoulder Taps
8. Flutter Kicks with Ruck Chest Press
9. Bent Over Rows

Following the 9 Pain stations we rucked a lap.
Rinse and Repeat

Roughly 6 round with 540 total reps of exercises.

MARY: She was missed!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Church Men’s Service, Upcoming Saturday Convergence @WEP, and read your news letters!
COT: Will always Stay in COT! Shared with our Savior & Lord Jesus Christ !!!

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Oil Change

WARMUP: SSH, Windmill, LSS
THE THANG: Bearcrawled from COT to the starting point.
The first workout was the Longest Mile:
• 10 Burpees
• 100 meter Run
• 10 Air Squats
• 100 meter Run
• 10 Push-Ups
• 100 meter Run
• 10 Sit-Ups
• 100 meter Run

Second Workout was a modified Nine Eagles using cinderblocks :

• 11 Merkins
• 11 Lunges (total)
• 11 Overhead Press
• 11 Overhead Squat
• 11 Swings
• 11 Flutter Kicks w/ Press (4 count)
• 11 Mountain Climbers (4 count)
• 11 V-Ups
• 11 Bent over Rows
Farmer carry cinder block 200 meters

Repeat list x6 ( got through 3-4 round before running out of time)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter, Community check presentation at the Print Shop this Sat and Convergence next Sat.
COT: Closed in prayer

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