Let’s Make the Fort Sore again

WARMUP: yes. you’d be crazy not to


(most finished in 35ish)

(got in 1.5ish rounds, only 8.5 left to go…)

Was hard today. YHC is especially struck by 1st Lt. Clovis Ray leaving a job in investment banking at age 32 for an Army commission.

Prayers for those that still miss 1st Lt. Clovis Ray and SFC Daniel Crabtree at their Thanksgiving table every year.

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Rain and Angry Neighbors

WARMUP: Mosey to WEP bc it was raining like crazy. SSH, IW, HW, Wind Mills, Moroccan Night Clubs.
THE THANG: 10 exercises 12 reps, Bear Crawl from one side of stage and back. Rinse and Repeat 5 times.
Merkins, Big Boys, Squats, Dips, Carolina Dry Docks, Lunges, Diamond Merkins, Hammers, LBC’s.
MARY: 1Mosey to Pike parking lot 10 Burpees and Abb work. Darkest of Helmets cadence woke up a neighbor but we said sorry. Mosey back to Veterans Park for 10 Merkins.
COT: prayers for Thanksgiving

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when you can’t run you walk

WARMUP: we listened to the disclaimer from Poppins
THE THANG: we waddled to Sutton and back and discussed the 53+ miles Maximus did during the 12 hr Hagler event. The 31 miles YHC did during the Spartan Ultra. And the table that Badlands wrestled with that broke his knee. There was an Anchor man flyby.
MARY: we did do some merkins before nameArama
COT: greatful for F3 being nationwide to keep me accountable during work (mammon) trips.

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Snarky Title Here

WARMUP: We warmed up by no one reading the backblasts
We do this for the stats
MARY: No chicks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: If more than one person comments on this backblast without being prodded by Band Camp I will buy him lunch
COT: The 5th Core Principle

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Photobombed Selfie

Attendance was light today. Sawdust is still nursing an injury, so he does his own thing. But it is important to point out that he is still posting! Maximus and Mainframe have signed themselves up for some next level stupid this weekend. So their plan was to stretch and move around a little to stay on taper. That left YHC and Photobomb for the standard Ranch content of the day.

Moving warmup.
– Mosey to small drop off circle and complete 25 SSH in cadence and 10 windmill in cadence
– Mosey past the playground to the large parking lot. Complete 10 Imperial Walkers in cadence and stretch out the hamstrings (was a little tight after Kitchen Sink)

Mosey to the back of the Home bleachers.
– 9 pull-ups on the bleachers
– Run to the second light pole on the right in the parking lot
– 1 rep of either a flying squirrel with a plank jack (YHC and bad shoulder) or a Burpee (PhotoBomb)
– Run back to the bleachers and continue the ladder series

Had some shenanigans planned for the field, but those involved some things not ideal for Photobomb’s back issues, so we audibled.

Mosey back to the starting parking lot where we found the rest of the PAX in some strange positions. We stopped short because we didn’t want to get too close.

100 squats together. One guy squats while the other ran the parking lot. 2 laps each and then we switched to a bear crawl chase. One PAX bear crawls while the other runs the loop until they catch the bear crawler and they switch. Remember the bad shoulder, yeah dumb idea.

Took turns calling Mary for the final 5 minutes

Thank you Mainframe for the opportunity. One of my favorite AOs!!

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Grab ‘em by the ears

WARMUP: ran around big parking lot. Max was right that when you say “he won’t run far, he has boots on”, that’s a bit of a lightning bolt to make you want to run further and faster.

We stopped for round 1 of 11×33 paying tribute to our boy Cha-Ching. 11 burpees, 33 SSH OYO. Kept running back to COT for round 2 of 11×33. Rucks on, sandbags on, 10 squats OYO.
THE THANG: Picked up our kb and headed towards the stop light. Dropped the gear for 20 in / erkins (incline merkins). Grabbed the rucks for 20 shoulder presses.

Headed down the hill with all our gear and stopped half way for 20 tricep extensions (dropped sandbag, kept ruck on). Left kb and put the sandbag on for the bottom of the hill. Bottom of hill with ruck on, AMRAP the sandbag for shoulder presses. Back up the hill to the kb spot.

Drop the sandbag, grab the kb (by the ears I guess) for front shoulder lifts – AMRAP. Reason for the AMRAPs is because we wanted to max out and guys had different weights…and different stopping points.

Gear up and back up the hill to our incline merkin spot at the light. After 20, gear up to the school entrance for the last stop. Drop all the gear, ruck overhead for another 20 shoulder presses. Back to COT to drop the gear, then a lap around the small lot…with round 3 of 11×33. (We did have at least 4 former 1stF Qs present so why not…and then 9 other beasts, all with 1stF leadership qualities and/or current or previous site Q roles.)
MARY: Mixed it up and replaced core work with stretching let in a rotating fashion (core principle #4).
ANNOUNCEMENTS: thanksgiving convergence is on…thanksgiving. Upcoming December CSAUP- be there and get a team.

Do difficult and uncomfortable things! Life is going to throw these at you – why not prepare yourself!
COT: CSPAN style because we all need this.

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I think Beaker hit his head

0445 – 2 mile prerun
0515 – 31 SSH, 10 Imperial Walkers, 8 Single Leg RDLs

1st circuit:
-10 squats
-10 lunges (SC)
-10 jumping lunges (SC)
-10 jump squats
up and down the hill twice.
x5 rounds

2nd circuit:
10 big boys
10 Peter Parker’s (DC)
10 leg raises
Up and down the hill

Ended the last 10 minutes with some kinda Broga and light stretching

MARY: check above

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FlightPlan:Running with purpose

WARMUP: say hello and set your watch
Run down 160 to left at Baxter Bubble mushroom pool
Do loops around Berkshire and run back
Touch your toes

Attend all fundraising events
Don’t mess with Gears efficiency as he runs a tight ship
Prayers and Praises 🔥👆🏻

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Took Cindy Around The Block 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨

First 7 minutes is to warm-up the way you like to/want to. Run, stretch, walk, yoga. Meet back here at 5:22.

Cindy is your friend/date. Some things you will have to use her for, other things you will have to carry her, some times you will have to leave her behind.

10 cones = 10 stations
20 is the rep count.

1. 20 Burpee Block Jump Overs
(Carry Cindy to Station 2)
2. 20 Murder Bunnies
(Carry Cindy to Station 3)
3. 20 Thrusters
(Carry Cindy to Station 4)
4. 20 Combo Merkins
(Carry Cindy to Station 5)
5. 20 Curl Press
(Carry Cindy to Station 6)
6. 20 Vertical Block Windshield Wiper
(Carry Cindy to Station 7)
7. 20 Cindy Swings
(Carry Cindy to Station 8)
8. 20 Overhead Squat
(Carry Cindy to Station 9)
9. 20 Bent Over Row
(Carry Cindy to Station 10)
10. Leave Cindy and Run a Small Loop
(Carry Cindy to Station 1)

Completed 2 full laps.

20 4-count Flutter
20 4-count Hello Dolly
20 4-count Freddie Mercury

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