Thanksgiving Convergence 2021

68 PAX in attendance for a pre-thanksgiving beatdown and some fellowship on a brisk morning Thursday 11/25/2021.


With the anticipation of fried turkey, oreos and coffee brought by @Change Order, @Smuggler and @RubySlippers, mumble-chatter abounded,  until @Hardwood took the center and called attention at 0600 hours. Disclaimer was disclaimed and the call for new FNG’s was made, no new FNG’s was the lone blemish on the otherwise fantastic morning in my humble opinion.

Run options led by @Gekko and a Moderate group led by @TripleLindy set off as the rest of the PAX moseyed towards back of Springfield Elementary. First Destination was in parking lot way back by the Middle School.

Circled up and @Hardwood called out the following exercises:

SSH- 40


Downward Dogs and Honeymooners

Low & Slow Squats

Cyclops: Stay in Squat Position and complete Moroccan Nightclubs


The Thing

Series of Webs

Starting with Merkins and Overhead Claps

1×4 for 10 rounds of excruciating shoulder pain, mumble-chatter becoming more focused on the task at hand

more SSH 🤮

Next we completed ANOTHER WEB, worse than the last,

Shoulder Taps and Moroccan Nightclubs

1×4 for 10 more rounds that was never ever going to end

Lots of requests for Burpees strangely or anything other then arm workouts!


YHC began the 2nd half of the workout with more SSH

Mosey around to front of Middle School with 3 stops for 5 Burpees OYO, at the request of the PAX

Line up at bottom of small hill in front of school and explain the workout, AMRAP LEG CIRCUIT

Teams of 4 ish men cycle through three exercises at bottom of hill individually:

2 Squats

2 Split Lunges

2 Bomb Jacks

Next Broad Jump up Hill to top and complete the following:

2 V-ups

Bear Crawl to bench

2 Step Ups

Run around and down to bottom of hill stopping at cones for 2 burpees (two stops per lap)

Meet back at bottom of hill and repeat, only this time DOUBLE ALL REPS TO 4X

Goal is to complete 5 rounds or AMRAP, almost completed but just short of time before we had to get back to COT

YHC shared a article on Gratitude, and then @Shady shared the heart of the Fort, the success of @Seamstress initiative with the help of the PAX, @Seamstress shared his excitement and appreciation for the success of the event! Great job by all T-claps!

Finally we had a shovel hand-off YHC taking the Ranch from a long line of great site Q’s which I hope to make proud.

Then we were finally able to enjoy the fried delicacies and coffee! Cheers!



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Colosseum Backblast

Warmup: Shady

QIC: Zima

25 Pax showed to see if the rumors were true. Or Shady has a degree in short-term hype trains. Maybe a little of both. Humbled to see y’all out there for an out of shape Q workout.

Shady did a 5 min warmup

Station 1: Burpee Suicides 5-10-15 reps (no foreplay @Jekyll)

Merkin Suicides 5-10-15 repsMosey to another Station at entrance to school

Station 2: Quadzilla for 4 minutes (run downhill and nur back uphill). #lovelanguageOG Quadzilla (thanks @Pusher). Same as above but with 10 squats at top and 10 jumping lunges at bottom.

Mosey to Elementary School Car Loop

Station 3: Run 5 laps doing 10 hand release merkins at starting line and 10 hand release merkins at half point (5 laps=100 hand release merkins)

I had 3.0+ miles by COT. It felt good to Q again and be in the gloom with y’all. I felt the love.

Announcements: Read the Newsletter

-Zima praise for Let Me Run Coaching
-Prayers for those suffering from depression (when in doubt, reach out)
-Prayers for Blount daughter who has cancer
-Prayers for Cyclops M whose uncle passed away

Apologies for any errors or omissions. Thanks for the opportunity. I need a nap.

Zima Out!

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Clydesdales: Training like a Boss!

24 PAX arrived for a pre Charlotte Marathon run.
The disclaimer was given but no FNGs this day

The route was simple but flexible so PAX could push as hard as desired

we crossed over to Kingsley and down to back traffic circle ⭕️

we did laps between the circles which have slight hills on both ends

some PAX took the full around the block of Kingsley as an option as well

Of 24 PAX 11 were respectable

was great mumble chatter and some encouragement by running in close proximity of each other

thanks Greenwave for the opportunity 👏🏻💥👍🏻

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Grounded at The Ballroom

School was in session and we were grounded.

10 PAX rolled in, we disclaimed and formed up in 2 lines for an Indian Run with little direction, only a destination. Get there. And so we got there.

Warm ups consisting of Imperial Walkers, Lunges and Merkins

Mosey down to the lighted road by the new “structure” no one can explain:
10 Carolina Dry Docks
Bear Crawl to the “end”
Lunge walk back

20 Dips
Crab Walk to the “end”
Crawl Bear back

Go back to the top of the road
10 Mountain Climbers
Run 1/2 way
10 Mountain Climbers
Run the rest
20 Flutters
NUR 1/2 way
20 Flutters
NUR the rest

The longest 5 minute plank with a 3 burpee penalty if you break the plank. The challenge here is that when you call this with this crowd, they’ll end up doing whatever they want anyways so it truly is, just a suggestion.

Run the “9” which is down the road, encircling the parking lot, making a 9.
Upon completion, 5 Burpees, 25 LBCs, 50 SSH

Run 15 yards, 5 Merkins, run 15 yards, 10 Squats
Run 15 yards, 5 Merkins, run 15 yards, 10 Squats

5 MOM with different PAX calling counts.

Thank You TL

TClap |

Roll The Dice


I had the opportunity to be joined by 13 other men this morning at Minnow Pond. It was hot and humid, but we covered 3 miles with dicey pain along the way. Here’s what we did:

Warm Up

  • 10 Ranger Merkins (IC)
  • 10 Plank Jacks (IC)
  • 10 Gorilla Humpers (IC)
  • 10 Burpees
  • 5 Y-Rises (IC) – an almost Overhead Clap

The Thang

The workout was pretty simple in concept, but not easy. Run to Fort Mill Animal Hospital, Town Hall, First Baptist, and the Improper Pig, roll the dice (color indicated exercise and number x10 represented count) and repeat. We used a 10-sided die (2 of each color on the die) and a standard 6-sided number die. There was one caveat, when it was your turn to roll, you had the option to take a chance or call 20 Burpees. The choice was up to the roller. There was a 17% chance we would do Burpees, but that could have been anywhere from 10-60 Burpees. So the chances were just as good that we would have done 10 Y-Rises as there was to do 60 Burpees. Two men chose the 20 Burpees, and to be honest, I would probably done the same. After all, better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. To my best recollection, we did:

  • 10 Ranger Merkins
  • 100ish Plank Jacks
  • 150ish Gorilla Humpers
  • 50 Burpees
  • 175ish Y-Rises


In life, sometimes you have to roll the dice. If you stay stagnant, you’ll never know what might have been. Rarely do opportunities fall in the lap of the sedentary person. You have to take the risk to find the rewards. You must be willing to try, fail, and learn. Today’s workout was designed to let each man take a chance and see what was in store for the PAX. Everyone got better today because they were willing to do something…anything. Take that lesson with you throughout the week. Take a chance and roll the dice.


Italian Job



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Fourteen pax attended the Second Annual Harry Carry Memorial Minnow Pond Q (SAHCMMPQ).  By mandate, YHC gets to Q Minnow Pond once per year.

Brief disclaimer and launch/run to stop “A” which was the new parking spots on Ardrey St. alongside WEP near 160.

The routine was described: board of pain with pairs of exercises.  Pax need to do a total of 100 of the pair and can split it up any way they want (i.e. 15 Merkins and 85 squats).  I called it a mix/match routine.

Then run to stop “B” which is the big parking lot behind Pike.  Get there by running this route: southwest down Ardrey to Harris, run east to Massey, then up/northeast on Massey to Pike’s big parking lot.  Distance is 0.7 miles between A and B.

There is a board at point B; different pairs of exercises, but same routine, mix/match to a count of 100.

Then run back to point A following the same route. Rinse/repeat the routine.  Exercise details:

Stop “A” exercises (mix/match to count of 100):
Started with: Merkins/Squats
At second visit do: Dips/Monkey Humpers
At third visit do: SSH/American Hammers
Stop “B” exercises (mix/match to count of 100):
First visit do: CCD/Bobby Hurley’s
Second visit do: Shoulder Taps/Freddie Mercuries
Third visit do: Calf Raises/ LBC’s

At 5:50 the front runners began collecting everyone on the run back to point B.  We got everyone back to COT and then did the pledge of allegiance (because I forgot to start off with it).

Approximately 4 miles ran.

Fini, COT

Prayers for those effected by COVID and for schools: kids and teachers.

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eating our way through the air

19 PAX Gathered and it was so humid we had to “eat our way through the air.” (-Slash)

We started with a quick warmup
SSH – 19 to the number of PAX

Mosey towards the old Church of God parking lot
Moroccan Night Clubs
Merkins – slow count (everybody’s favorite)

Brief mosey to the other Church of God parking lot
Burpee Square (thanks Naperville)
Start in one corner
10 Burpees – bear crawl to next corner
9 Burpees – lunge walk to next corner
8 Burpees – crawl bear to the next corner
7 Burpees – reverse lunge walk back to the first corner
6 Burpees – bear crawl to next corner
5 Burpees – lunge walk to next corner
4 Burpees – crawl bear to the next corner
3 Burpees – reverse lunge walk back to the first corner
2 Burpees – bear crawl to next corner
1 Burpee

View the retaining wall and consider how it works…not by specific acceleration, but by staying put at the ground falls around it revealing all the bricks supporting the top layer

Mosey to the old middle school (banks st. community gym)
Some Yoga for the 6
10 Squats
10 lunge steps
10 Jump Squats
10 lunge steps back

Mosey Back – I got gassed on the mosey back. Once your belly is full, eating your way back through the air is really difficult.

Flutters to 0600


Sometimes, as the flux hits us all, we lack the motivation to accelerate of our own accord. But if we can call on discipline to continue moving, we can see ourselves rising even though we feel like we’re staying put–just like the top level of that retaining wall. I’ve been feeling that flux for a little while leading up to the big 4-0. And honestly didn’t know how to convey that message until I looked up at the end of too many burpees and too many bear crawls and saw that wall.

Grateful for the opportunity to lead and the support of all the PAX. Y’all help hold me up whether you know it or not. Thank you.

Band Camp Dismissed

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Pantheon Burpee Lane Humid Fest

12 PAX + YHC chose to post at Pantheon. Why it was never named Painathon I don’t know……but here we go.

Mosey warm up with some running and some other stuff

  • Mosey the .4 route of pain to point out the 4 pain stations
    • Weezy Jeffersons
    • Big Boys
    • American Hammers
    • Squats
    • Box Jumps
    • Lunges or Lungs….whatever you like
    • Diamond Merkings
    • Derkins
    • Hand Release Merkins
    • Inch Worm Merkins
    • Parker Peters
    • Mak Tar Za’s
  • Hit Burpee Lane
    • 5 Burpees
    • Bear Crawl 25 yards
    • 5 burpees
    • Bear Crawl 50 yards
    • 5 Burpees

Great Mumble Chatter and lots of sweat!

Thx 38 speacial! Everyone get better!!



TClap |

Run, do this. Run, do this…

It’s Sweep The Leg, the start to a new week, it’s supposed to be a challenge and the headlights kept on coming. Man, what a great day in The Fort. As my Q slots continued over this past week, I’ve been reminded of several things, mostly encouraging. One of those is that if you’re willing to make the workout/route/plan more challenging, guys will show up.
Let’s be honest, it’s humbling yet exciting to see guys show up to your Q so why not make it worth it. That was the aim this morning.

Simple? Yes
Effective? I hope so
Worth it? For sure

We had 29 total.
Redwoods and guys who just hit the 2wk mark.
7min/mile guys and 12min/mile guys.
14yo – 50+yo

The Thang:
Disclaimer and just a few warm up things
Run to the teacher lot at the entrance to GHES
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run to Velux on the corner of 160
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run to Horizon Bank
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run to Model A
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run back up to Famous Toastery
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run to South State Bank
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run back to the Earth Fare lot for 4 Corners:
Corners 1 & 3: 10 Alternating V-Ups
Corners 2 & $: 20 X’s & O’s

All in all, everyone got 3.2mi+ and some got closer to 4mi.

How will you follow that up this week? After all, you’re up 1-0 now go live life as a servant leader.


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