The Darkest of ALLL Convergences

80ish of the Fort’s, Lake Wylie’s, and Rock Hill’s finest converged this fine Monday to celebrate and show our support for the Darkest of All Helmet’s becoming the new Nantan of F3 Nation.

After my usual disclaimer and a giving of thanks for those who all showed , Dark Helmet led the warmup. As any true leader would do he quickly refreshed (and reinforced via burpees) the core mission of F3 and our core principles. After a rough start we did eventually nail it. After some side straddle hops and merkins the Pax were released into their own unique workout groups.

HERO WOD(Honey Badger)

This was my Q and I’m always humbled to lead Hero style workouts. They should be hard but also purposeful. For me I have created two unique workouts to honor different men of my family who have served. They would be the last people to ever consider themselves heroes. But that’s why I honor them. They sacrificed more than I ever could and I will always be inspired by them. I hope that in this very simple way their stories help inspire others.

For the purpose of today’s workout I truncated both them in the interest of time.

The “Uncle Paul”

I encourage anyone to Google the USS Pueblo Incident to get the full details but the long and short of it is that my wife’s Uncle Paul was a member of the USS Pueblo crew when it was captured by North Korea in 1968. For 11 months he was help captive as POW. Tortured, sleep deprived, and subject to all sorts of propaganda he along with 81 of his ship mates were eventually returned to the US. As a result of his PTSD he hasn’t been able to sleep for almost 50 years.

The Workout:

82 SSH (IC)

11 Burrpees OYO.

1 LAP around the Earth Fare Complex.

As we returned to our starting position I began the Second Hero Workout of the day. The “Sgt. Major”. This one is a WOD I’ve done before for the Honey Badger and is about my father who was a Command Sgt. Major in the 28th ID. Again for the sake of time I limited the usual 3 miles I try and incorporate into this workout for 3 laps instead. The exercises are as Follows.

28 Burpees

1 Lap

28 Burpees

56 Squats

1 Lap

28 Burpees

56 Squats

112 HR MErkins

1 LAP.

(Pick up the 6 if you can)

This pretty much took us up to the bell after a brief visit by the ruckers. Thanks to all who broke off to me to indulge me and these workouts. They are supposed to be hard and challenging and I hope we all got our money’s worth.


Running Boot camp: Sweep the Leg – FishTix

Group was split into teams of 4. Relay race around the parking lot two stops with exercises. Two runners traveled to stop 1 and stop 2 respectively while the other team members did the exercises at the stops. Once the runners arrived the running duties were handed off. Process was continued until the closing bell.

Stop 1 Exercises: HR Merkins, Dips, Burpees, CDD, Mike Tyson Merkins

Stop 2: Jump Squats, Flutters, Mnt Climbers, Lunges, Box Cutters

Rucking – VA – Olaf

4 corners with low slow squats, merkins, Lunges, and shoulder taps. After round 1 got a 40 and a 60 pound sand bag to spice it up. The bags were rotated around by the Pax.

Kettlebell – Armory – BandCamp

4 Rounds:

16 clusters (clean, squat, press

16 single arm swings (alternating)

16 lateral lunge with a row (8 a side)

Short Mosey

Some overhead lunges and suitcase deadlifts when the heart rates got too high.

Running – Flight Plan – Bass-O-Matic

Ran a bunch 🙂

At 6:00 I blew a whistle and we all reconvened for the longest Namearama I ever conducted a brief reminder of the Rooster, to read the newsletter and to have our Nantan of the Fort Esso lead us out.

Best of luck to Dark Helmet in his new role! Let’s all continue the mission!



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Oil Change

WARMUP: SSH, Windmill, LSS
THE THANG: Bearcrawled from COT to the starting point.
The first workout was the Longest Mile:
• 10 Burpees
• 100 meter Run
• 10 Air Squats
• 100 meter Run
• 10 Push-Ups
• 100 meter Run
• 10 Sit-Ups
• 100 meter Run

Second Workout was a modified Nine Eagles using cinderblocks :

• 11 Merkins
• 11 Lunges (total)
• 11 Overhead Press
• 11 Overhead Squat
• 11 Swings
• 11 Flutter Kicks w/ Press (4 count)
• 11 Mountain Climbers (4 count)
• 11 V-Ups
• 11 Bent over Rows
Farmer carry cinder block 200 meters

Repeat list x6 ( got through 3-4 round before running out of time)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter, Community check presentation at the Print Shop this Sat and Convergence next Sat.
COT: Closed in prayer

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It burns, burns, burns….


SSH x 15 (IC)
MNC’s x 15 (IC)
Downward Dog Calve stretch (In honor of the Clave Boss)

Mosey to Football Field

Cherry Pickers x 10 (IC)
IW x 10 (IC)
HW x 10 (IC)


Use football field for 100 yards, using 10 yards increments as markers.
10 Merkins, 1 Burpee (11’s) at the 10, sprint the remaining 90 yards
Recover jog to 20
Perform 9 merkins, 2 Burpees, sprint the remaining 80 yards
Recover jog to 30
Repeat until 11’s complete

Lunge walk from goal line to 20
Duck walk from 20 to 40
Broad jump to 50
10 Good mornings at 50
Lunge walk from 50 to 30
Duck walk from 30 to 10
Broad jump from to 10 to goal line (changed to bear crawl

300 yds total

Mosey to Pullup Bars

5 pull ups
10 overhead presses with cindy
15 squats with cindy
20 swings with cindy

4 rounds (dropped squats after 2 rounds)

Mosey back to COT

Back to COT for a “Ring of Fire:”
PAX hold plank while the song Ring of Fire is playing.
Every time phrase “Ring of Fire” is uttered, drop for merkin.

Finished up last minute with LBC’s IC

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Q School, Print Shop on Saturday, Invergence on 3/9, need some help at Bethel on 3/7
COT: Yes

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Casualties and Ammo cans at the Varsity

WARMUP: Frankenstein walk, Butt Kickers, Knees to chest walk
THE THANG: 6 Stations of kettle bells and dumbbells sand bags ranging from 5lbs to 55lbs
Each HIM starts at a station conducts 5 HR Merkin 5 SQT 5 American Hammer that will increase by 5 each proceeding station when they arrive. Carry the weight around the 1/3 mile parking lot loop when your grip fails place weight down and do a lap back to the weight until you return
MARY: 30 second low Merkin hold

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Casualties and Ammo cans at the Varsity

WARMUP: Frankenstein walk, Butt Kickers, Knees to chest walk
THE THANG: 6 Stations of kettle bells and dumbbells sand bags ranging from 5lbs to 55lbs
Each HIM starts at a station conducts 5 HR Merkin 5 SQT 5 American Hammer that will increase by 5 each proceeding station when they arrive. Carry the weight around the 1/3 mile parking lot loop when your grip fails place weight down and do a lap back to the weight until you return
MARY: 30 second low Merkin hold

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The Jacobsen

WARMUP: Not really

THE THANG: The Jacobsen – For William W. Jacobsen Jr., 31. Captain William Jacobsen, 31, commanded A Company 1-24 Infantry in the 25th Infantry Division (Stryker Brigade). He was the highest-ranking officer killed on December 21, 2004 when a suicide bomber attacked a mess hall, killing him and 21 others in Mosul, Iraq.

CPT Jacobsen attended Brigham Young University where he graduated in 1998 with a degree in Business. He was also enrolled in the R.O.T.C. program.

Prior to his deployment he taught a children’s Sunday School class. Before he left he expressed his commitment to providing the Iraqi people with the opportunity to live in a democratic and free country.
CPT Jacobsen lived life to the fullest. For instance, he ran two marathons, went rappelling, and took surfing lessons in Hawaii. He was an Eagle Scout and served a two-year mission for the Church to Dallas, Texas.
Jacobsen was an example to his soldiers and leaders alike. “His battalion commander said that if he knew all Mormons fought like Bill, he would convert the whole battalion.”

He was survived by his father, Bill; his mother, Vicki, his wife, Riikka, and his four children – sons Billy III, Sedric, Yonah and daughter, Avalon. The day Bill was killed was his 9th wedding anniversary.

Get a cinderblock – head to field, leave in end zone

– 100 yd Bear Crawl
– 100 yd Partner Carry
– 100 yd Crawl Bear
– 100 yd Partner Carry

800M run

Start in End Zone
– 5×5 – 5 reps/5 exercises
o Merkins, Flutter with Chest Press (4ct), Curls, OH Press, Bent over Row
– 100 yds
– 10 burpees/5 manmakers
– 100 yds
– 10×5
– 100 yds
– 10 burpees/5 manmakers
– 100 yds
– 15×5
– 100 yds
– 10 burpees/5 manmakers
– 100 yds
– 20×5
– 100 yds
– 10 burpees/5 manmakers
– 100 yds
– 25×5
– 100 yds
– 10 burpees/5 manmakers
– 30×5

1 mile run

MARY: No chicks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

COT: The 5th Core Principle

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Simon Says at the Ranch

Start with a Mosey run in Parking lot
Side shuffles
High knees
Butt kickers
Toy soldiers
George Washington was born on Feb 22nd, 1732
More mosey run

Circle up for Warm up
SSH (IC 10x)
Windmill (IC 10x)
Imperial Walker (IC 10x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 10x)
Low Slow Squats (IC10x)
Merkin (IC 10x)
Peter Parker (IC 10x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog
More mosey run
Thang 1: Bermuda Triangle
Three cones spaced 20-30 yards apart.
Start at cone 1, do one burpee, bear crawl to next cone
Cone 2, do two burpees, bear crawl to next cone
Cone 3, do three burpees, bear crawl back to cone 1, and pick up a clothes pin from the bucket
Repeat the circuit, picking up a clothes pin for each completed circuit.
More mosey run
Thang 2: Bench work
Step ups
Incline merkins
Decline merkins
Butt touch squats
Calf raises
Thang 2: Simon says
Football training style
Do what Simon says: Shuffle left, shuffle right
Bobby Hurleys
Mountain Climbers
OH claps
Smurf jacks
If pax breaks with Simon, they lose a clothes pin.  Change Order earned an extra clothes pin by remembering Geo. Washington’s birth date.
Simon says penalty: Pax do burpees: their count is calculated by: 20 minus number of clothes pins remaining
Mosey run to COT
Thang 3: Sally Routine
Low plank/high plank

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Simon Says at the Ranch

Start with a Mosey run in Parking lot
Side shuffles
High knees
Butt kickers
Toy soldiers
George Washington was born on Feb 22nd, 1732
More mosey run

Circle up for Warm up
SSH (IC 10x)
Windmill (IC 10x)
Imperial Walker (IC 10x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 10x)
Low Slow Squats (IC10x)
Merkin (IC 10x)
Peter Parker (IC 10x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog
More mosey run

Thang 1: Bermuda Triangle
Three cones spaced 20-30 yards apart.
Start at cone 1, do one burpee, bear crawl to next cone
Cone 2, do two burpees, bear crawl to next cone
Cone 3, do three burpees, bear crawl back to cone 1, and pick up a clothes pin from the bucket
Repeat the circuit, picking up a clothes pin for each completed circuit.

More mosey run

Thang 2: Bench work
Step ups
Incline merkins
Decline merkins
Butt touch squats
Calf raises

Thang 2: Simon says
Football training style
Do what Simon says: Shuffle left, shuffle right
Bobby Hurleys
Mountain Climbers
OH claps
Smurf jacks
If pax breaks with Simon, they lose a clothes pin. Change Order earned an extra clothes pin by remembering Geo. Washington’s birth date.

Simon says penalty: Pax do burpees: their count is calculated by: 20 minus number of clothes pins remaining

Mosey run to COT

Thang 3: Sally Routine
Low plank/high plank


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Open Doors are not a Coincidence

Light mosey to stadium
COP – Circle of Pain for warm up
5-6 exercises
Sideline to sideline lunges, backward running, karaoke, gasers
Aka suicides
1 merkin
2 big boys
3 side straddle hops
4 squat jump
5 burpees
6 sumo squats
7 LBCs
8 good mornings
9 Bobby hurlys
10 donkey kicks
Around the circle with some abs by committee
Slapshot had all of the newsletter in his head
Whenever an opportunity comes you need to pray, discuss with Concentrica and act on it
Open doors are not a coincidence and when they shut you can’t go back
Be bold men and live life trusting SkyQ has your
CakeBoss  out 👏🏻🥓🔥

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Open Doors are not a Coincidence

Light mosey to stadium
COP – Circle of Pain for warm up
5-6 exercises

Sideline to sideline lunges, backward running, karaoke, gasers
Aka suicides

1 merkin
2 big boys
3 side straddle hops
4 squat jump
5 burpees
6 sumo squats
7 LBCs
8 good mornings
9 Bobby hurlys
10 donkey kicks

Around the circle with some abs by committee

Slapshot had all of the newsletter in his head

When an opportunity comes you need to pray, discuss with Concentrica and act on it
Open doors are not a coincidence and when they shut you can’t go back
Be bold men and live life trusting SkyQ has your
CakeBoss out 👏🏻🥓🔥

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