9/11 Stair Climb

Today 10 Pax did the Harder thing and climbed the bleachers at NaFo. The goal was climb the height of the Twin Towers… if we went up and down  the bleachers and all its steps we would have to do it at least 29 times. That would equal the amount of steps the first responders had to climb to help the civilians in the building. We honored all first responders especially PO Mark Ellis TD04 , PO Ramon Suarez TD04 and PO Antonio Rodrigues PAPD.

We started with a warmup of: WINDMILLS, MORROCAN NIGHTCLUBS, SSH and some stretching.

The WOD was the Climb….with 30lb rucks and some sandbags if you felt froggy.

Up and Down the bleachers….. when you hit the bottom you had 9 Merkins and 11 squats waiting for you….. 29 times up amd down with a total of 270 merlins and 360 squats. There was some mumblechatter amongst the Pax  and every man left it out there on the bleachers.

We ended with COT and prayer.




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Trifecta of Q’s

So, I got asked to Q last minute for Wednesday at Ring of Fire (8/18) and was already scheduled to Q at Footloose for Thursday (8/19) and then NASA had to try and find a sub for Varsity on Friday (8/20), so I just said I’d do it all. I mean @HarryCarey just did it, so why couldn’t I? I’ve been chasing him for years and still have a long way to go to try and keep up/catch that HIM.

So, I planned it out. Arms Day at Ring of Fire, Legs Day at Footloose, and IronPax prep at Varsity. Here we go!

Arms day was an AMRAP with the pull-up bars, Cindy, and some core to break it up. 1 minute on 30 seconds off.
Squats with Block
Overhead Press
Low plank
Side Straddle Hops

Music kept us going with mostly hard rock from the ’90s and 2000s. @Sheild thinks I’m the next Tony Robbins as I was trying to motivate and keep everyone going on our rest periods.

Thursday at Footloose we did 7’s. Launching from the AO, we went over to Minnow Pond to see if we can pick a fight, to which they just ignored us. So, we ran the hill. Monkey Humpers at the bottom near the main road, because you know, Monkey Humpers ;). Up the hill and then squats.

We then ran over to Fort Mill Chruch of God for a round of 7’s using the stairs and the parking lot. I didn’t exactly think this one all the way through before giving instructions. Run up and down the stairs, then do 6 calf raises, run back over the stairs and run a lap around the parking lot and back up over the stairs to do 1 Bobby Hurley. Complete the circuit until 7’s is completed. That ended up being 14 laps around the parking lot. We ended up with 3 miles on this day. Lots of good mumble chatter and fellowship on those laps.

Finally, @ Varsity, we did IronPax prep with the Week 0 2018 workout. 50 squats, 40 big boys, 30 merkins, 20 lunges (modified down from Bonnie Blairs as we’re old and our knees can’t take it), 10 burpees run a lap. Do this 4x for time.

@Slapshot killed it and completed the circuit in 24:39, while @HarryCarey finished in 28:10 and YHC in 30:30. The rest modified and got their own solid workout/ruck in.

Q-ing the trifecta was a great test as it made me get creative and stay engaged with the group. We’re called to be leaders and this was a good test of my abilities over a longer period, not just every once in a while. Thanks to all for the opportunity to lead. I enjoyed it!

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The Seven WOD at the Badger Den

Today at Honey Badger we honored the seven.

“The Seven” is in memory of seven US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officers and one Jordanian officer who were killed by a suicide bomber at a remote base in southeastern Afghanistan on December 30, 2009.

The bomber was posing as a potential informant reporting on Al Qaeda.

Killed in the attack were CIA officers Jennifer Lynne Matthews, 45; Scott Michael Roberson, 39; Harold E. Brown Jr., 37; Darren LaBonte, 35; Elizabeth Hanson, 30; and security contractors Jeremy Jason Wise, 35, and Dane Clark Paresi, 46.

7 Rounds

  • 7 pull ups
  • 7 man makers
  • 7 Knees-to-Elbows
  • 7 bicep curls
  • 7 merkins
  • 7 overhead press
  • 7 triceps extension
  • Run down the hill, NUR back up
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Must meet the standard to make Varsity

Now that the Journey 3rdF meetings have finished my Friday has opened up for hitting some AO’s that I haven’t hit in a while to meet some of the fresh guys who share the Gloom. Little did they know what to expect. Being that the Q point for this week is Accountability which is Q point 2.5 if you happen to be following along with the idiotic numbering system it was time for some accountability at Varsity. My original Q plan got tossed as soon as the number of PAX hit more than 8 so I modified from an accountability rotation where we would all hold a plank and watch each man perform the exercise using their best form while the remaining PAX observe and critique to something more familiar while still tying back into standards and enforcement. The old school APFT was introduced to the unsuspecting PAX after we performed some SSH and some Merkins, and a few peter parkers. Same as always, 2 mins as many correct reps as possible. 2 mins of merkins where must go at least down far enough where your upper arms are parallel with the ground, extending all the way up to lock out arms to complete the rep. No resting on the ground, no removing hands or feet from the ground or the count is terminated. Partner up to make sure the standard is upheld and enforced. Next exercise is the big boy situp. Hands must be interlocked behind the head. No resting on the ground. Feet and hips must remain on the ground during the event. Chin must come up further than your tailbone in order for rep to count. Scoring was based on as many correct reps as possible in the 2 minute allowed time. Final portion was the 2 mile timed run. Thanks to splinter for maintaining a great relationship with the local AO authorities who allowed us to use the track. Clock was started and everyone was off. 8 laps around the track and remember your time when you cross the finish line. Everyone did a great job pushing and encouraging each other to finish strong. Great job fellas. Head back over to COT for CountARama, NameARama, announcements, prayers and praises. Encourgment to find another man or three and lock shields to allow yourself to become fully unlocked. Thanks for the opportunity to lead Splinter on a great morning and was wonderful to see all of the new faces. June FNG Jamboree is in full swing. Find someone and bring them out to F3. Stay Frosty my friends, Olaf
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F3 Dads #2 @ The Fort

I must admit, major fail on the part of the Q. I missed getting the FNGs names on video so I missed tagging them here. My apologies.

With Watch This & 5th Set by my side (missing Cheetah), we welcomed the 54 PAX to F3 Dads and provided the disclaimer. We even had some Kotter PAX (Dads) and a whole bunch of 2.0 FNGs. The total was 57 for today!

We then took off down the hill and circled up for the brief warm up:
SSH & Low Slow Squats

Then, line the kids up on one side of our square and the dads on the other side for the classic, Sharks (dads) & Minnows (kids).
After a few rounds, we flipped it around so the roles were reversed and the kids seem to really enjoy this one.

Next, line up in a long line for a family cone drill. As a family,
Run to the first cone. 1 Merkin & 1 Jump Squat per family member in attendance.
Run to the second cone. 2 Merkins & 2 Jump Squats per family member in attendance.
Run to the third cone. 3 Merkins & 3 Jump Squats per family member in attendance.
Run to the fourth cone. 4 Merkins & 4 Jump Squats per family member in attendance.
NUR back to the start.

Move over to our (2) 4-cone squares for a friendly kids vs dads relay competition.
Due to the number of kids, the dads would have to complete the following twice while the kids only once:
Cone 1 to Cone 2: Crabwalk
Cone 2 to Cone 3: Lunge Walk
Cone 3 to Cone 4: Bear Crawl
Cone 4 back to Cone 1: NUR

Shocking, the kids won so the dads got to do 5 Burpees per kid they had in attendance while the kids laughed at us.

Lastly, go run as fast as you can to the top of the hill for COT.

And then…POPSICLES!!!!

Great job leading this Band Camp.

Watch This, 5th Set, Maximus appreciate the opportunity to Q today.

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F3 Dads 2021 Session 1

45 PAX gathered up at the Calhoun St parking lot

BIG circle up on the green space for some warmups. All in cadence,
– Imperial Walker
– Hillbilly Walker
– Squat
– Merkin (Skeeter wanted to call this in cadence, but got nervous in the center of the circle. We’ve gotta give our kids a chance to fail.)
– Played: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Burpee
– Just like Rock, Paper, Scissors
except the loser has to do a burpee for every person in their family group that beats them. i.e., if you’ve got 3 kids they all throw paper and you throw rock, then you do 3 burpees.

Line up behind one side of the cones
– Dad vs. Kids race: stipulation Dads have to bear crawl.
Loser did 10 burpees counted by the kids
Lots of form critiquing
– Dad vs. Kids race part 2: stipulation Dads have to run backwards (Nur)
Loser does 5 burpees
– Dads vs. Kids race part 3: stipulation Kids bear crawl, Dads lunge walk
Loser does 5 burpees
– Dads vs. Kids race part 4: stipulation Kids run backwards, Dads run forwards….Finally!
– Dads load up your kids and carry them across the finish line

Sprint over to the hill (there were two guys doing a weight workout…did somebody EH them? Also, there was a dad up at the top of the hill with his daughter. Did somebody EH them?)

Load up and carry the kids up the hill
kids do 5 merkins at the top
Mosey Down

3-leg bear crawl up
mosey down
3-leg bear crawl (other leg) up
mosey down

Mosey over to the tumbling mat. Kids can make their dad run up the hill by doing a trick on the mat.

COT and popsicles

I got the red/white/blue ones thinking they’d be more popular. But the kids love the little freezer pops. Duly noted!

Bolt (the younger)

– of gratitude at the opportunity to be a father
– to be worth of the responsibilities laid in front of us
– for our children to grow up wise and strong with hearts to know the will of the Lord

Part 1 – https://twitter.com/jisenhour/status/1401204326165581831
Part 2 – https://twitter.com/jisenhour/status/1401203462696849409

Band Camp dismissed

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Taming the Tongue (and the PAX)

YHC led off with a quick Bible verse.

James 3:3-5

When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.

He do we talk to those around us? Our peers? Colleagues? M’s? 2.0’s? Do we treat those closest to us differently than say a total stranger?

Warm Up

Mosey/High Knees/Butt Kickers/Karaoke/Toy Soldiers

Al Gore hold while performing:

Moroccan Night Clubs

Lil Baby Arm Circles both directions

Squat Pulses to finish with a burn


The Thang

7 minutes of Chelsea to start

EMOM 5-10-15 Pull Ups – Merkins – Squats


Mosey to the track

Our thoughts ultimately come out via our tongue. If we think bitterly and assume the worst out of everybody in our lives, our tongue will be a strong

Burpee Chase – 

Sprint the straights, jog the curves. At each corner perform five burpees

Bear Crawl 100 yards in between each lap

Completed two laps

Back to the pull up bars

6 minutes of Chelsea

Jail Break to COT

Mary in Cadence

20 LBCs

15 American Hammers

10 Gas Pumpers


The tongue is something we cannot control – no matter how hard we try. The only true way to tame the tongue is by living in the Spirit. I have trouble with this myself. It is something that I just need to realize isn’t within my power to control. Once I relinquish said control to the Spirit, my speech ultimately improves.

How do we relinquish our tongues to the Holy Spirit? Well… there is no formula. But finding yourself in proximity to God more often tends to help. The more we approach the Lord via the Word, prayer, fellowship, and witnessing, the higher the odds are that our speech will be Spirit led.


Kaiser’s 10 year anniversary

Splinter/Point Break Home Schooling

YHC – the Holy Spirit helped me to let go of bitterness I was keeping toward my M – big praise!


Thanks for the tap, Kaiser. Always happy to serve.


Punch List out.

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Varsity Peer Pressure

I thought I had it timed where I’d roll up at 5:02 and miss the pre-run that Splinter had slacked out the night before.  However, I must have been driving a little to fast and got there at 5:01.  So what did I do…Yup a pre-run.  Wasn’t much of a headlock though he asked and I didn’t have a good excuse lined up so there ya go.  Enjoyed it though having a little convo with Splinter solving world problems.  We were so into it we had to kick it up a knotch speed wise as we rolled up right at 5:15.  Wouldn’t ya know Backdraft was there waiting so I had to kick it in with a brief disclaimer and full out mosey to keep it on time.

Out into the gloom we went for our first stop and the warm up.  SSH, Mtn. Climbers, Windmills, Moroccan night clubs, Imperial walkers and hill billy walkers.  Now on to the meat & potatoes portion of the workout.

We did 5 rounds of HIIT 3 minute exercises (10,15,20) with a Rebel favorite Burpee stack.  Ask him about it.  Followed by lap round the playground in between rounds.  Started out with shoulders, merkins, mtn. climbers and shoulder taps for 3 minutes.  Lap around the playground.  Second round was abs with Big Boys, American hammers and flutters.  I tried to forego the burpee stack but gave into peer pressure again.  Next round was legs, squats, monkey humpers, and calf raises.  Round 4 was SSH,  overhead claps,  and Moroccan night clubs.  Pax choice was round 5 and we ended up with abs.  Mosey back to COT and 10 burpees to finish up the workout.

Thanks Splinter for the opportunity.

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Bataan Memorial WOD


To honor the men who endured and lost their lives during that death March for 8 days.

The WOD 9 rounds

10 Burpees

11 Deadlifts

12 Thrusters w/ Ruck

13 American Hammers w/ Ruck

14 Arm Circles

15 Neck Circles

16 Big Boys w/ Ruck

We had four that endured the pain and honor those men.

We had time for a round of Mary and we ended with COT




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Forrest at the Badger

Four pax posted at Honey Badger to honor a fallen soldier.

Began with a mosey run, and ended at the ROTC building.
Warm up, SWIMLAPPs:
SSH (12x cadence)
Windmills (12x)
Imperial Walkers (12x)
Moroccan Nightclubs (12x)
Low Slow Squats (10x)
Arm circles (12x)
Peter Parkers (12x)
Plank stretches, downward dog, up dog

Thang 1: Forrest:
Pax plank and read story of Special Agent Forrest Leamon (copied below).
Begin with running a 450m loop, start/finish is at the pullup bars. Then:
20 pullups
30 squats w/ cinder block
40 burpees
30 toes to bar
20 KB swings w/ block
Repeat/run loop

We did above for about 35 minutes.

Thang 2: Suffer in Place
Pax pair off
One minute of: P1: low plank; P2: Merkins
One minute of: P1: wall sit; P2: Bobby Hurleys
One minute of: P1: BTW; P2: leg lifts
Partners swap, and do above.

One more run, 450m loop (to get over the one mike mark) and finishing at COT right at 0600.

Nice to have the shield lock fellas together for this one.

End of Watch: 10/26/2009
Forrest was born in Ukiah, California and graduated from Potter Valley high school in 1990. After a year of classes at Mendocino College, he enlisted in the Navy and trained as a cryptologic technician.
Forrest completed multiple deployments overseas in southeast Asia and Bosnia, ultimately earning the rank of petty officer first class during his nine years of service.
After earning his computer science degree, he began a career at the Drug Enforcement Administration. Forrest worked to combat drug trafficking out of the El Paso Texas office for several years before joining the Foreign-deployed Advisory and Support Team program.
On October 26th 2009, special agent Forrest Leamon, 37, was returning from a counter-narcotics mission in Afghanistan when the helicopter he was aboard crashed. The incident took the lives Forrest, two other DEA agents, and seven US military service members.
Forrest is survived by his widow Ana, his sisters Heather and Wai, and his son Luke was born after his death.
Forest was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery.

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