Cake crumbs and Mr Clean up šŸ§¹

WARMUP: mosey around runde park and down towards marina with stops for some exercise moves
CakeBoss at helm: traditional Dora
100 merkins
200 LBCs
300 Squats
Partner runs hill (50yrds)
Mosey back to runde for handoff to Mr Clean

12 or so Cindy exercise moves with a run in between each

MARY: breathing exercises šŸ˜œ
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bourbon tasting,
COT:keep posting

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Deck of Awesomeness

Mosey to FM Church of Godā€¦SSH, Low slow squats, seal jacks and Moroccan nightclubs. Mosey to FM Baptist rear parking lot.

Deck of cards: Hearts = Merkin. Spades = BBSU. Diamonds = Lunge. Clubs = Crab cakes. Joker = 15 burpees. 2s = Lap around parking lot. PAX made it through 90% of the deck before DOAH decided to ā€œhelpā€ by selecting new cards for the remainder of the WO. As punishment for DOAHā€™s ā€œhelp,ā€ we pivoted to 7ā€™s on the Withers St hill. Jump Squats at the bottom and merkins at the top.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many options for community leadership coming up in the next few months.


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Stockade STL style

WARMUP: light mosey to Hubert graham
THE THANG: 11ā€™s with merkins and squats. Covered 4-4.5 miles, 400ā€™+ of elevation gain
COT: Prayers from @sugarbug for a local high school football injured in last nights game and prayers for @davinci father as he heals from an ass whopping from his mother

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Hills pay the bills

THE THANG: Mosey towards Gold Hill, since it was 10/3/22 approx every .25 miles we did 3 Kraken Burpees, 10 Mtn climbers and 22 flutters. When we got to Gold Hill we did sprints every other light pole and looped around far end parking lot and around back of school where we I explained next part.,

Hill repeats, 1st trip:

CDD (10) going up and squats (10) going down hill for first trip (every other pole)

Flutters at top and bottom waiting for 6, plus 20/22 extra

2nd trip: Burpees up (3) and Monkey humpers (10) every third pole

Flutters again, mosey back to COT

MARY: burpees instead
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel mens shelter, pints n padres
COT: had to be there

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Ian Spawned Off A Sharknado As It Left Tega Cay

WARMUP: Moraccian Nightclubs, Overhead Claps, Peter Parkers, Hill Billy Walkers, Cherry Pickers and Sumo Squats all in reps from 7 – 10.

THE THANG: Today seemed like a appropriate time to bring back out a workout that is a real ass kicker that I havenā€™t done in awhile. Itā€™s called Sharknado. The running part is meant to be done in a relatively flat parking lot but since Alcatraz is where real men post I figured we needed to throw some Tega Cay hills in the mix. We started on a street in a neighborhood but after several dogs started barking at us running back and forth on the hill we decided to Omaha over to a even steeper hill with less houses. Hereā€™s how Sharknado goes

Start with 10 burpees followed by a run up the hill and back.
Next 20 Hand Release Merkins run up and back
20 Big Boy Sit Ups run up and back
20 Monkey Humpers run up and back
20 Scorpion Dry Docks run up and back

Goal is try to make it through 5 rounds. 2 achieved 5 rounds the others completed 4 rounds and some change.
This workout sucks and will test even the fittest of Pax. Total of 2.5 miles of hills.

MARY: We returned to COT for 10 minutes of stretching which we found out Fishstix needs much more of in his life. There was much moaning and groaning for this segment of my Q.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bourbon Tasting, Skeet Shoot and Golf Tournament are all coming up for D2D fundraiser.
COT: Prayers for some Pax injured while running Bourbon Chase this weekend and their safe return home. Prayers for Pax in Florida and others we donā€™t know that got devastated from Ian. Let us be a huge support for them.
Thanks again for the Q stick fellas. Time for a nap.

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Tropical Storm Warning (w/Burpees)


Run to the brand new pavilion.

100 SSH IC (Yes it was 100 that is not a typo)

The Thang:

Modified Laredo
12 Merkins IC
12 Squats IC
12 Lunges IC
400 m run
2 rounds

EMOM Series

5 minutes EMOM
10 Merkins (later upped to 12 and then 15)
20 LBCS (later upped to 25)
10 Hello Dollys (later upped to 12 and then 15)
.12 recovery run

5 Minutes EMOM (this one was harder than it looked)
10 HR
10 BBS
10 4-Ct Flutter Kicks
.12 Recovery Run

4 minutes (because of time) EMOM
10 Peter Parker (later upped to 12 and then 15)
10 Mountain Climbers (later upped to 12 and then 15)
10 Plank Jacks (later upped to 12 and then 15)

Recovery Run back to COT

7 Minutes EMOM
8 Burpees..then upped to 10ā€¦then upped to 12 then upped to max out. I got 21 in for the last minute as IAN finally made his long-awaited appearance

Thank you to all the PAX who posted this morning. Itā€™s always appreciated when people come out to the Stockade/Chupacabra and especially on a day where we have some significant weather coming. Always humbled and honored when anyone shows up to one of my workouts.

During COT we offered up Prayers for healing, and guidance and praises for the support and brotherhood of F3.

Until next time!

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Shoulder BURN w the Fire Marshall

Warm-up ā€“ Mosey to up the Pikes parking lot
Side Straddle Hop
Cherry Picker
Hillbilly Walkers
Downward Dog/HoneyMooner
Side Straddle Hops
Mosey to the Far End of covered area and launch into Drillbits (all exercises OYO and cumulative, meaning the sequence is repeated adding the new exercise at each successive Drill)
1/6: 10 Burpees ā€“ Lap (If Raining ā€“ Down/Back under Awning)
2/6: 15 Jumping lunges -Lap
3/6: 20 Merkins – Lap
4/6: 25 Squats – Lap
5/6: 30 Moroccan Nightclubs – Lap
6/6: 35 LBCs ā€“ Lap
2 minutes of Wall Sits
Mosey to Springs courtyard x3 rinse and repeat
5 ā€“ step ups
10 ā€“ derkins
15 dips
Pike Lower Parking lot – 2 minutes of Wall Sits
Mosey back to the Upper Pikes parking lot for 8 minutes of Mary
Head Back to COT ā€“ finish w Side Straddle Hop

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Road cleanup this wkend. – w Fogarty

COT: prayers for marriages. 2.0s. Praise for F3 workouts and health

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Leadership in the six

WARMUP: STL has no warmup, well, ran to the purply lights in the daycare parking lot
THE THANG: 21’s because the first exercise SUCKS. 20 werewolf pushups in the parking lot, run down to the end of the school parking lots and do the little loop with 1 dip. Repeat until time is up.

Yes, there is NO WAY that you could finish all 20 rounds in 45 minutes, it’s a .9 mile loop. So the big exercise had to suck, and the second exercise had to be insultingly easy. lol

I very much designed this to get lapped once, possibly twice, but still see friendly faces huffing and puffing as we charged forth.
MARY: 90 seconds of flutters

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Limited miles and no smiles

WARMUP: Quick warmup ruck around the back of the school to the front entry drive for COP.
– Plank into downward dog, honeymooner, L arm high and R arm high.
– Windmill


Ruck to trailhead park. While in route, there was some chatter/concern that we were headed to ā€œthe hillā€ for a second week in a row. As much as I love taking the hill, I had something a little different plannedā€¦an early intro to prep for The Chad.
– 100 step ups
– 100 squats (ruck on)
– 100 irkens

With 30 minutes left on the clock, we rucked back to the school for some field work.

Cones were placed every 20 yards (approx). 4 segments out / 4 segments back. 5 ruck man makers to start and at each turn.

– MOT = bear crawl / 10 ruck on merkins at each cone

– MOT = Lunge walk with ruck overhead / 25 ruck rows at each cone

– MOT = Bear crawl ruck drag / 10 BBSU at each cone

– MOT = Lunge walk with ruck front carry / 25 DC flutter press at each cone

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Support the shoe drive.

COT: Prayers for safety, health, peace and trust in the Sky Q.

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10 Year Convergence

Ten year celebration came to a close this morning with a convergence at WEP. 12 men came earlier for a run to support Operation Sweet Tooth. 84 men attended the main event with three great HIM leading the workout: CSPAN, Maximum, and WWL. No warm-ups this morning. CSPAN took his group around the block with various stops along the way. Seven reps of Flying Squirrels, Merkins, and Sit-ups. WWL had playtime at the playground. Burpees and Pull-ups along with running fast around the playground. Did I mention Power Skips? Maximum had a simple plan. Run backwards up the hill many times and destroy your abs with American Hammers.
We closed the chapter on the first 10 years.
Monday begin the next.
The future is bright.
How will you contribute to the next 10 years?
Make an impact.

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