More Broga Please


Seal Jacks x20

Windmills x15

Cherrypickers x15

Hillbilly Walkers x15

Mountain Climbers x15

Over Headclaps x 12


The Thang

Mosey To The Big brick building behind burger king for 4 corners.

5 rounds of 4 corners

1st round was Diamond Merkins,Squats,Alt. Shoulder Taps,and Heels To Heaven 5 Reps each

2nd Round Merks,Sumo Squats, CDD, and LBC 10 reps each

3rd Round Wide Arm Merkins, Ripstick Squats (squats on your toes), Mak-Tar Jah, and Box Cutters 15 reps each

4th round Hand Release Merks, Monkey Humpers, Overhead Clap, and Big Boy Situps

5th round Merks, Calf Raises, Jack Webb to 20,and Flutter Kicks 20 reps all

10 burps OYO

Now it was time for the painful part of the workout BROGA

these boys were moaning and groaning  as i put them through various stretches and yoga moves. we did this for about 10 minutes needed about 20 more.

mosey back for COT


Cornerstone on the passing of his Step Mom this week

Cspan on his continuing job search

Thanks Smithers For The Q



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Beyond My Comfort Zone

14 PAX joined YHC on this day to push themselves Beyond their comfort zones.

When I was offered the opportunity to Q, I’ll admit, I hesitated for a moment. I had a busy week ahead and wasn’t sure I was up for the challenge of delivering a message during the beatdown. Then I remembered, never pass up an opportunity to Q! They don’t come too often.

Standard Disclaimer, Disclaimed

Disclaimer to my message – I felt it necessary to preface my message and inform that I’m not an overly righteous person. I come before the PAX with a heart of humility. I come before the PAX not with an attitude of confrontation, but rather with a heart for caring.

The Thang: 

Mosey around the parking lot. Karaoke left/right, mosey, high knees, ankles to chest, mosey. Ended up down the hill past the pull-up bars and circled up.


50 SSH

20 Windmills

20 Merkins

20 Peter Parkers, Honey Mooner, Downward Dog

20 Parker Peters, Honey Mooner, Downward Dog

Message: Going into the planning process for the Q, I thought I would discuss with the PAX what was going on in my life, mainly where my faith has led me to this point. I’ve been thinking a lot about my relationship with Christ Jesus because I’m 6 months into a 9 month Journey (Offically called: The Journey) with at least a dozen other PAX in which we’re learning to abide in Christ through scripture, journaling and weekly meetings. It’s an intense program that has really started to transform my level of faith for the better. I could talk more about this process (and certainly that would have been okay!), but I also knew that was well within my comfort zone. I wanted to go Beyond my comfort zone and challenge the PAX to do the same.

I decided, rather, to share how my faith walk as help me to overcome obstacles in my life.


Run to Pull Up Bars –

3 Sets:  Partner 1: 8 strict pull ups / Partner 2: SSH

Plank until 6 is finished

Bear Crawl from the pull up bars down to the first speed pump (~50 yards)

Message: James 5: 15-16

15 And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. 16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

I admitted to the PAX I lost sleep when I decided to go beyond my comfort zone with this message. I was anxious and uncertain about my decision. But I also knew by confessing to my Brothers, I could continue the healing process. I then shared with the PAX that I’ve struggled with porn. I was clear in sharing I didn’t put this out there lightly, without a lot of thought or consideration. These PAX I know and respect.

Why put this out there and risk losing that mutual respect? See above – James 5: 15-16.

Stats on Pornography:

$97 Billion Dollar industry

35% of all downloads are porn related

25% of all internet searches are porn related

70% of men ages 18-34 visit porn sites monthly

YHC then asked the PAX: Have you seen the affects of porn on the world? In your community? In your family?


Run to The Wall –

BTTW – 40 seconds

35 Donkey Kicks

24 Merkins in cadence

10 burpees

Message: Galatians 6:1

Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.

I felt it was a sign from the Lord when the  Sunday before my Q, my Pastor spent 40 minutes talking about accountability. During his sermon on accountability, I couldn’t stop thinking about the PAX.  F3 is a unique organization that a lot of good comes from. We’re a band of Brothers who desires to lock shields anytime necessary. The problem of pornography can be overcome. It’s much more likely to be overcome if you’re being held accountable. To quote my Pastor, “sanctification requires community”. Again, what an opportunity the PAX provide through this community which is F3! (#WhetStone)


Mosey to the Band Practice Field:

Sprint 40 yards, mosey 60 yards (3X).

Bear Crawl 20 yards, 20 SSH

Walk 20 yards, 20 Bomb Jacks

Bear Crawl 20 yards, 10 Burpees

Walk 20 yards, 20 Squats

Bear Crawl 20 yards, 10 Burpees

Rinse, Repeat. Modified with doing half the number of reps.  Also, we didn’t do the 40 yard sprints.

Message: Philippians 4:13

13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

This habit, this drug, this problem, can be overcome. To quote my Pastor, again, “our ultimate accountability is to God”.

I wasn’t able to get beyond my problem of porn until I got serious about my relationship with the Lord.

My final question to the PAX that morning in the gloom: What is your relationship like with the Lord?


Sprint 100 yards, mosey to COT.






It’s an honor to be among the PAX. The process of preparing the message (and beatdown!) was an exhausting one for YHC.  The process also sharpened me in ways I wasn’t expecting. To revisit some bad habits of my past has really helped me to realize how far I’ve come in this life and in my faith. I thank you all for the support.

It’s was an honor to Q.

Maximus – thank you for the opportunity.


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What is a minute really?

What is a minute?  It’s not very long, and they go by SO fast!  Today we had 14 PAX and we learned how short/long a minute can be!

Started with a disclaimer, and then a mosey down to the parking area past the Empire Pizza strip.


  • 25 SSH’s in cadence
  • 10 Windmills in cadence
  • 25 Mor. Nite Club’s in cadence
  • 25 Overhead Hand Claps in cadence

And then we got right into it.  We were not going to do much running, in fact at this point we had done exactly half of the running we were going to take on this morning.  Instead I utilized a bit of technology (having some of the standard technological issues) to setup a solid 34 minute workout in minute increments.   We did two rounds, with a 2 minute break between rounds.  The list below are the exercises we did for a minute (30 second breaks in between).

Didn’t look like too much on paper, but we got our sweat on for sure, even without the running!

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Merkins
  • LBC’s
  • Calf Raises
  • Squats
  • Dips
  • Plank
  • American Hammers
  • Wide Arm Merkins
  • Flutter Kicks (the final round of flutters was performed at COT).

It’s been a busy summer, but I enjoyed being able to take the opportunity to Q the workout today.

COT:  Prayers

  • Bob The Builder’s recovery
  • Popper’s recovery
  • Traveling mercies for those heading out of town over the upcoming holiday

Thanks for the opportunity…




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Some new things at Slow Burn

Thanks to Smithers for the opportunity! Reaching respectable now allows me to feel a little more comfortable at a moderate workout. No more razzing from the PAX!

Arrived early, set out things. Put in the bifocal contacts to help see taped-on-arm weinke (as usual). The bifocal contacts did not really help too much but this weinke was almost memorized. Welcomed the PAX. Lots of new faces for me. Highly recommend to get out to different workouts and meet new guys.  Read the disclamer.

Mosey along Empire Bldg with high knees, toy soldiers, shuffle it up. To middle of parking lot for warmup exercises: SSH, WM, LBC, Merkins, Goofballs, IW, Flutters, MNCs. Then to curb for a couple new exercises for many…

Rocky Balboas (boxing motion, alternating toe taps on curb), Twist Merkins or Nipple Scratcher Merkins (hands on curb, on drop down, one leg twist through trying to get each “nipple”…hey, it’s in the exicon…to touch the curb), RB’s again, Mike Tysons (feet on curb in flat position, squat, on the up, do  a merkin), RB’s again. Back to middle of parking lot for…

…4 corners explanation. 4 cones at the corners with 3 exercises each. Complete exercises, plank until ALL PAX done, mosey to middle for core work. Broke into groups of 4.

  • Cone 1: 10 Carolina Dry Docks, 10 Donkey Kicks, 10 alternating plank arms high.
  • Cone 2: 15 Monkey Humpers, 10 Bomb Jacks, 20 High Knee Taps.
  • Cone 3: 15 Squats, 20 Calf Raises, 20 side to side jumps.
  • Cone 4: 10 Merkins, 10 Dips, 20 Mountain Climbers.

We got through one cycle. Core work included LBCs, Hello Dolly, Freddy Mercury, Protractor, and… I think here…maybe in warmup…”point/whip the finger” one leg flutters. Ok, I made this name up. An exercise I do, on six, one leg tucked under butt, one leg flutter, lower as safely as you can from flat to on your elbows. The flutter leg is the ‘pointer’ of the 5 body appendages.

To side of Lowes. Stayed in groups of 4 and had 4 stations.

  • Station 1 sprinted length of Lowes and yelled “turn” at the corner signaling other groups to turn around. (This was to have e1 finish about the same time.)
  • Station 2, 2 PAX carried the #120 Worm coupon until hearing “turn” then handed off to other 2. Good job PAX in improvising the alternating carry as I had not indicated so.
  • Station 3 Burpees until finish.
  • Station 4 Lunge walk until hearing turn then back.

Oh yea, PAX carried and passed around a 30# coupon the whole workout. I did not say, but this coupon was intended for a peoples chair line pass w/ overhead press, curls, etc, if we had time. We didn’t.

We covered good standards of a workout including small group, partner and individual work. And for a moderate workout, maybe a little less running, a few less reps and nice mix of moving and rest time. Weinke it so that PAX are finishing exercises about the same time.


Noted to PAX to talk with your kids about things in the news, including recent suicides and the immigrant situation. They are seeing these things and it is our job as fathers to talk with them the best way we can.

Prayers for Foley who is dealing with cancer.

Sweati on the  way! No details yet makes it all the more intriguing. G-Fit in Paradise and CAH workouts need Q’s!  Use this opportunity to take a small step to #ServeCommunity.  F3Dads Camp Thunderbird camp coming up near end of summer.

Shout out to NASA for his work and commitment to CAH.

All are invited and encouraged to attend the 4x/week F3 gatherings in Fort Mill to improve your mind and spirituality. It is an open environment and all men will feel comfortable.

Aye! Bolt

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Christmas In June – Footloose Breakdance Style

I saw my opportunity and took it. Beacon offered up the lead this week for Footloose and I had an evil plan in mind. It had been a while since I q’d a 12 Days of Christmas fun fest, probably since last Christmas if not beyond so I quickly found a list and checked it twice.

As with the equally evil song The Twelve Days of Christmas, you repeat each exercise just like you repeat each gift until you have covered all twelve. In this case no singing off key was required.

The Thang went something like this:

1-Run around the church building
2-Turkish getups
3-Jump squats
5-Diamond Merkins
6-Imperial Walkers
8-Slow flutters
9-Low slow squats
10-Lunges (ten each leg)

Sadly we ran out of time and we made our way back to COT and hit round eleven. I’m sure noone is sad we missed out on twelve burpees. Especially me.

It’s a simple you v you style workout, and I hope it made you get a little stronger and sweat a little more, I know I was sore today the more I sat at work today.

I hope what I shared about money will make you think as well. We have so much and are so blessed in many ways. What are you doing to make a difference and impact your world?

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

DT out.

TClap |

Hat trick at Slowburn

Quick disclaimer for this BB: after 3 Q’s in as many days, some details are a little fuzzy.

After a quick disclaimer we moseyed down the hill to the far side of the building on the right. After we completed your standard warmup, we got right down to business.

The first order of business was a little thing called triple check. We divided up into groups of 3 and up against the building, P1 held an air squat, P2 held a plank and P3 ran down around the island and back. P3 goes to P1, P1 to P2, and P2 runs. Did this little number 3x in keeping with the theme of 3s .

Next we moseyed down to the long side of Lowe’s and found a piece of wall and held a wall sit while the person on one end did 3 burpees and ran down to the other end and found a new piece of wall to hold up. After every person completed this, we did it again. If YHC didn’t have another trick up his sleeve we would have repeated .

We then made our way down to the front of Empire Pizza to find a nice stale beer smell to complete our last of 3s. We completed a little thing called triple nickel. We did 5 merkins on one end of the parking lot, ran to the far end and did 5 WW2 situps. We completed 5 rounds of this. Moseyed back to COT for some Mary and tried to avoid the early morning Chick-fil-A cravings .

Thank you to Smithers for the invite to lead!


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Be IMPACTfull each and every day

This month’s word on the month is IMPACT. what a better way to start the month than being Impact full as a Q. Smither’s also was Q at CnW and what a better way to emphasize the word of the month, then to have back to back messages. I normally don’t develop a weinke a few days in advance, but lately I am dealing with personal challenges that are Impacting me in various ways. So when I began to prepare for the Q I thought it would be interesting to develop a weinke around the word IMPACT. I thought it would be easy to find exercises starting with each of the letters in the word, but I was wrong. It sure was a challenge to for a few words, knowing that I couldn’t utilize coupons and wanted to keep it “moderate”. Below are the various exercises that were performed in order to spell IMPACT (a few were re-used due to the limited selection). We spelled IMPACT 5 times, if I did my math right.

I: Indian Run (we started and ended with this as we ran to/from the Clean Eats parking lot); Iron Hulk (Lexicon states this is Jack Webb with 1:4 ratio); Incline Merkins

M: Merkin; Moroccan Nightclubs; Maktar N’Dyies; Mountain Climbers

P: Peter Parker; Parker Peter; Protractor; People Chair; Partner Merkins

A: Abe Vigoda; American Hammers

C: Carolina Dry Docks; Chilcut; Catch me if you Can (crowd pleaser with merkins)

T: Tony Hawk Burpee; The Chinook; Temp Merkin; Toy Soldiers

Don’t let the day go by without being Impact full with your M, 2.0s, Community, and faith. LEt HIM speak to you in how you can do so. Your M and 2.0s look up to you and rely on you to be an Impact on their lives by leading by example. I have failed this countless of times, but I know and NEED to continue to remind my self that HE died for our sins. This was and still is the most Impact full thing anyone could do for us.


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Goodbye Uncle Sam!

OK so moderate is a loose term but modify as needed!

Disclaimer given and were were off to mosey a short way down near Empire Pizza to COP

Start with 20 SealJacks

10 Diamond Merkins

20 Slow Squats

20 Peter Parker

20 SSH

20 Parker Peter

20 IW

Plank on Elbows and Hold it for 2 min

20 Moroccan Night Club

Mosey a short ways and partner up

Several rounds of one partner backwards run about 20 yards and forward back to starting point

meanwhile partner two stays in and completes exercise then flip flop

78 squats on the curb

78 calf raises

78 wide merkins

78 LBC

78 Flutters

78 Carolina Dry Docks

39 Burpees (Crowd Please) Run Forward

78 Wide Merkins

4 rounds of Al Gore

Finish with 2 rounds of Body Destroyers

Mosey back to COT

Uncle Sam heads back to his native Colombia with 2 O’s! Safe travels! Hope yo see him back!


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If you build it, they will come..

The weather forecasts leading up to Slow Burn showed what could have been a soggy outing. In preparation, I made sure I had not one, but two Weinke’s prepared for the PAX. One bringing back a popular game from College past to keep us dry, “Roxanne,” with a slightly different spin, and the other a friendly mosey around the parking lots with a few exercises mixed in. Surprisingly, it ended up being a perfect day and with it, an impressive 30 PAX showed for the party.


Mosey to the parking lot in front of Empire Pizza

Along the way, did some butt kicks, high knees and side shuffles, left and right and circled up for some warm-up

SSH- x25

LSS- x10


Moroccan- x25

Overhead Claps- x20

Happy Jacks- 4 rounds- 5 SSH/ 2 jump squats- a nice new surprise for the PAX

Mountain Climbers- x 10

Annie- 1-2 (1) Total of 10-

The Thang

Mumble Chatter was in full force and hard to avoid with such a great number.

First Round-Same parking lot, PAX lined up close to the center back parking line and faced towards the curb heading at a slight decline. Kicked off the fun with a round of 7’s. PAX started with 1- CDD and sprint to the other side- 6 squats. Continue this pattern until the the flip-flop happens, and you are ending with 6-CDD and 1-squat. Great work out of everyone. Plank until the Six was in.

Second round-Mosey over to the parking lot next to the new restaurant Persia (not sure if that’s the name). PAX lined up along the parking space middle line facing the curb. Seemed to be a theme for the day. Next up- Modified ascending bear crawl until 13. 1-CDD then Bear Crawl to other side- 2 Derkins. Bear Crawl back to starting position, complete 3-CDD. Continue this pattern until you end on 13- CDD. Once complete, a couple of ten counts and off to the next destination. Amazingly, the mumble chatter had decreased significantly!

Third round– Mosey over to the right side of Lowes and all the PAX grabbed some space on the wall. I had originally planned for some chicken peckers, look it up. Instead we started a 10 count at one of the PAX line and continued with all PAX in a chair position. PAX joined in with instructions to push everyone to that great feeling of displeasure. Thanks for chipping in! As it got to the halfway point, I could hear the mumble chatter wondering what happened to the moderate workout, so I gave a quick leg shake break. Quick it was, and then back on the wall. We didn’t quite complete the entire line but I commend the PAX on the effort.

Next up Individual suicides- showed the PAX the lines to hit and off they went. 5 Merkins after first set and 5 flying squirrels after the second.  Took a break in between to highlight for the group the mission and 5 principles of F3. Hopefully the FNG’s heard it!

Headed back to the warm-up spot for some Mary work


Reverse Crunch- 20

American Hammer- 15

Flutter kicks- 15

Mountain Climbers/Peter Parkers/Parker Peters

Back to COT

It wasn’t quite Six O’ Clock so we needed one more exercise to get us there, and Trucker happily offered up toe touches to get us home. Thanks!

Announcements– read your newsletter

Prayers/Praises– Badger, Glenn, Children, Teachers, Parents, Smithers, CSPAN, if I missed one I apologize

Thanks for the support PAX and for Shady and FMB for bringing FNG’s- Wide Right and Wilson

And Smithers for the opportunity to lead!

Frat BoySlowburn



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Gambling in the Abyss

What happens when you’re granted the honor of Qing at an AO you’ve not been to much and therefore, not to familiar with? Why, you scout it on Sunday with your kids after Church of course. Completely normal, right? For this group, you’re expected to “bring it” so you’d better know the turf. For those Ft. Mill’ers who’ve not frequented The Abyss, put it on your short-term bucket list. I didn’t explore much of it due to our card playing but this place is a gem.

Once the 16 of us rolled in on this beautiful Wednesday morning, I quickly noticed the footwear NASA was sporting and got a little concerned…for him. He let me know that he and a few other PAX would be breaking off to do a busted-foot-friendly-workout so I felt a little better about what we were getting into. The people-pleasing side of me wanted to make sure I had a little something for everyone so after typical butchered disclaimer, we took off for the basketball courts for our warm up:


Side Straddle Hops of course

Super mans

Hand-Release Merkins

Jump Squats

Mosey back to the main lot and I had to grab the deck of cards I slipped under the cone. As many but not all were familiar with, each suit is a different exercise and the number on the card represents how many reps. Jack = 11, Queen = 12, King = 13 and the Ace = 14 (not 1).

Hearts = Wide Arm Merkins

Clubs = Carolina Dry Docks

Diamonds = Jumping Lunges

Spades = BURPEES (Yup, we did that)

After we recognized the deck must have been front-loaded with Wide-Arm Merkins and Jumping Lunges, it wasn’t long until we started getting smoked and a few 10-counts were necessary. In the end, we completed it all which totaled 104 of each, that’s right, 104 Burpees.

There was still a little left in the tank and on the clock so we had to round it out with Dying Cockroaches, descending 10ct leg lifts and the finisher…Lt. Dan’s. The latter was a lesson I would remember the rest of the week.

Bones, I appreciate the opportunity and I look forward to the next time.

Leave no man behind but leave no man where you found him.


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