Elvis has left the AO

Six PAX in total arrived. Weather: 40°, damp with patchy fog (that would be a good F3 name).
The count of six turned into five just before 0515 struck: Long Duck had to pull an Elvis and recuse himself to the local Waffle House (also a good F3 name).

Warm Up
Mosey run
SSH (IC 10x)
Windmill (IC 10x)
Imperial Walker (IC 10x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12X)
Low Slow Squats (IC10x)
Mountain Climbers (IC 12X)
Plank stretches, up dog, down dog

Thang 1: at the Pull Up Bars:
Do X count of pull ups,
Mosey to street, do X count of squats
Curb plank for six
Rinse and repeat
We did regular pull ups, toes to bar, knees to chest, and chin ups
Long Duck rejoined us here, and apparently was three pounds lighter.

Mosey to elementary school:
Thang 2: Elf Bowling
In a parking lot: Split into two teams, one team bowls (ball is a 15lb slam ball) the exercise (which are written in chalk in the parking spot), other team bowls the count (varies 8 through 16, also written in p-spots) .
Exercises: burpees, Merkins, CCD’s
Everyone got a turn bowling, ended up doing a lot of burpees.

Thang 3: Bermuda Triangles
Bear crawl first circuit
Cone 1=4 burpees, cone 2=8 burpees, cone 3=12 burpees
Crab walk second circuit
Cone 1=4 crabby patties, cone 2=8,cone 3=12

Mosey back up to high school lot:
Thang 4: Global warming routine
Circle up, low stance position, all pax side shuffle about the circle, stop and do exercise called out:
Smurf Jacks
Imperial Walkers

Seven minutes of Mary

Fini, COT

Prayers/Praises: Great to be back home from being on the road for work; praise to our M’s that keep the home front intact.

TClap |

Split Q / Shovel Flag Handoff at the Coop

Lots of fun at the Coop on Wednesday. After a quick warm up which included 56 side straddle hops (representing 56 weeks of Punchlist’s leadership at the Coop) Punchlist delivered the first blow to the PAX.

Each Partner Wheelbarrows every other 10 yards for the length of the football field. At each 10 yard marker PAX performed that number of reps for each workout.

Endzone – Burpee Broad Jumps x 7
10 – Donkey Kicks
20 – Hand release Merkins
30 – Jump lunges
40 – Air Squats
50 – LBCs
40 – Air Squats
30 – Jump lunges
20 – Hand Release Merkins
10 – Donkey Kicks
Endzone – Burpee Broad Jumps X 7
Reverse Direction – All Together Now
Bear Crawls every 25 yards
15 Bomb Jacks at every 25 yard interval

2nd Round of Pain delivered by Kaiser

At the endzone performed a combination of exercises in cadence with the PAX
20 – Mock Tar Jays
20 seconds – Wide Arm Merkin – 6″ Hold Plank
10 – Burpees in cadence
5 sets of 10 push ups each
Run to the 50 yard line each set
Backpedal to the goal line each set

Group mozy over to the pull up bars. The bars were calling us and we answered. The pull up challenge was then initiated.

Started out with a group wall sit. Then 2 PAX would come off the line and challenge each other by doing 5 pull ups. Lots of mumble chatter erupted as each individual would get critiqued on their form. At the end of the workout New Site Q called out Old Site Q for a healthy & fun QVQ pull up contest. Group then ran back to COT to finish with very strong dose of Mary as the mumble chatter intensified.

Punchlist was honored for his leadership during the 56 weeks leading the COOP. He has truly been a strong leader to many including myself and I am honored to take the shovel flag from such a HIM!

TClap |

Dora Beatdown

Seven years ago today I retired from the greatest police department in the world the NYCPD and  this morning I stand in the gloom with another great group of men that I had the privilege of leading in a Dora Beatdown and some added exercises that filled in our time at the end.

The brisk morning started with a mousey around the NAFO parking lot. We warmed up with some SSH, Tappy Taps, Windmills and Imperial Walkers.

The Dora consisted of:

100 Merkins

200 BBsitups

300 Squats

after that to fill in the time we did 25 knee ups, 25 flutters, 25 burpees, 25 LBC, 10 gaspumper and we held six inch plank several times to finish our beatdown.

COT followed…..we had 6 Bootcampers and 6 runners that split off after Broga


TClap |


Great morning for a Q, my third one of the week, I was super pumped since my sidekick Sonic (2.1- 8 years old) accepted to take the lead roll and co Q with me.

This time I brought my battle rope and chatters started early, we welcomed all PAX. Drop Thrill was in charge of the milkshakers so off they went.

With the Bootcampers we grabbed the rope and moseyed/walked across the wet and cold grass to the playground for the warm up, many PAX whined about getting  their toesies wet but the idea is to get out of your comfort zone and accelerate, this is why you leave your fartsack every morning. We explained that we will move as a team and our team will be as fast as the slower PAX so we all encouraged each other to get better (this is what F3 is all about)

Warm up led mostly by Sonic:

Side straddle hops
Weed picker
Low slow squat
Moroccan night clubs
Low slow merkin
Mountain climber

I mapped the park on my phone for 15 stops and we run in between stops (picture attached), we used the walking trail to run around the park. The idea was to complete the following Dora:

100 merkins (4 stops x 25)
200 carolina dry docks (5 stops x 40)
300 overhead claps (6 stops x 50)

We went back to our starting position at the playground for some fun with the battle rope.

Our team was split into two groups for some Tug of war competition, PAX enjoyed this part as adrenaline kicked in while pulling the rope in a friendly competition. I’m definitely repeating this in my Q’s


We had abut 11 minutes left so it was time for our superhero visit and the crowd started cheering:

Captain Thor
1 big boy situp,  4 american hammers
2 big boy situps,  8 american hammers
3 big boy situps,  12 american hammers
Progressive to 10 big boy situp,  40 american hammers

3 rounds of Superman to stretch the abs, honey mooners, downward dogs and tunnel of man for Sonic back and forth to finish our beatdown,

we finished our day running back to COT carrying the rope as a group.

We met with the milkshakers for namearama, announcements, prayers and praises.

Thanks to Slash for the opportunity to lead this great group of PAX, some of them I had only seen once or twice but it’s all about the camaraderie.

My 2.1 Sonic really enjoyed this as he does everytime he comes to F3 with me, all PAX welcomed him as one more of us encouraging him every minute, he’s only 8 but not afraid of the gloom.

TINSEL and SONIC are out!!


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Petty Officer Taylor J Gallant

On this breezy and 66 degree December morn, eight badgers answered the call to post for the last Monday of the decade. We honored Petty Officer Taylor J Gallant by putting our all into a one hour suck fest.

The Work:

Run 1 Mile (4 Laps)
60 Burpee Pull Ups
Run 800 Meters (2 Laps)
30 Burpee Pull Ups
Run 400 Meters (1 Lap)
15 Burpee Pull Ups

It was an oldie but goodie, and fun was had by all. We finished just in time for a quick round of flutters and mosey back to COT.

It was great to see Shield and Cheddah back from their stints on IR.


Read your newsletter.



Dirty Harry enjoyed a prolonged break with his M over Christmas – her longest stint off since starting her new job. Praise for that time, prayers that it happens again soon.

Pray for your word for 2020 and for each PAX to step up and lead in their respective circles of concentrica this year and beyond.


Dirty Harry – thank you for trusting me with this last Badger of the decade.

Punch List out.

TClap |

Best of the 2010s

Four men came out th NaFo for a beatdown.  Weather was cool at 39 degrees.

Warm up
Mosey run, then a short nur back to the ROTC building.
SSH (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
Low Slow Squats (IC12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog
8 pull ups OYO

Thang 1: Bermuda Triangle (Best alt/rock songs of 2010 to 2019 played during the thangs, playlist at end)
1st loop: Burpees (do 1 at cone 1, do 2 at cone 2, do 3 at cone 3)
2nd loop: squats (5, 10, 15)
3rd loop: American Hammers (15, 20, 25)
Repeated the burpees loop
Transit: Bear crawl or crab walk between cones, pax choice

Thang 2: Intervals
Each exercise is 32 seconds, with 10 seconds of rest to transition
1. Imperial Walkers
2. Dips
3. Big boy sit ups
4. Jump Squats
5. Derkins
6. Mountian Climbers
7. Step ups
8. OH Claps
9. Bobby hurleys
10. SSH
11. incline Merkins
12. calf raises
and there were more.

Fini, COT

Word of the year: the attending pax had thiers figured out 2020 (nice work).  I’m still thinking my word over.

Prayers: those in medical care, Polaroid with his recent losses, safe travels to all other pax this season.

Adele “Rolling in the deep” 2010
Fitz and The Tantrums “The Walker” 2013
The Black Keys “Go” 2019
Mumford and Sons “I will Wait” 2012
The Killers “The Man” 2017
Lorde “Royals” 2013
Cage the Elephant “Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked” 2017
Honorable mentions:
Portugal. The Man “Feel It Still” 2017
Fitz and The Tantrums “Moneygrabber” 2010

TClap |

RPG-Broga-Varsity Combo

Last Friday of every month will have a travelling Broga-RPG.  Varsity (at Nation Ford HS) was the location for November.  Nine pax came out for the 0500 start time to burn off after-Thanksgiving calories.

YHC was the lead-off man started the group with a some simple yoga positions, then Sasquatch brought us home with warrior poses.

The group split off: three went running; six stayed for boot camp.

Boot camp details:
Warm up
Mosey Run
Toy soldiers, high knees
Circle up and do:
SSH (In Cadence 16x)
Windmill (IC 16x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Plank Jacks (IC 16x)

Thang 1: Elevens
Mosey to JrROTC building
Run to bottom of hill, do 1 burpee
Run up to pull up bars, do 10 pullups
Incremental changes for the 11’s routine.

Thang 2: Wall Sits

Thang 3: Global Warming
Circle up, low stance position, all pax side shuffle about the circle, stop and do exercise called out (each pax had opportunity to call out an exercise):
Smurf Jacks
Imperial Walkers
Big Boy sit ups

The runners returned after traversing around 4ish miles.

Fini, COT
Prayers for pax traveling this holiday weekend, and for those that have lost a loved one recently.

Look for the traveling RPG-Broga coming to an AO by you; take advantage of the opportunity to get better!

TClap |

12 Days of Christmas

Today at the Ranch I had the pleasure of leading nine men in a 12 days of Christmas Beatdown. I know its a week before Thanksgiving but like everyone else we will skip to Christmas.

We started with a warm up of Windmills, Tappy Taps, SSH and Moroccan NC and then we moseyed to the back playground for some real fun.

Our 12 Days of Christmas :










10 CDD



OH!!  I forgot there was a lap around the loop after every day. There was some singing and some complaining as well.

We ended with some Mary and Two Ruckers joined us for  COT!!

Thanks Jiffy for letting me lead these fine men.

TClap |

Veterans Day beat down at the Badger

Started with a light run and warm up routine.

Partner pull ups X 40

Discussed the importance of thanking a Veteran today for their service to our country.

Facts about Veteran’s Day
– Veteran’s Day originated as “Armistice Day” signaling the end of World War I on Nov 11, 1919 paying tribute to all soldiers fallen or living.
– There are 18.2 million living veterans that have served in at least 1 war as of 2018
– 9% of veterans are women
– of the 16 million Americans who served during World War II, about 496,000 are still alive as of 2018
– Random fact, the top 3 states with the highest percentage of Veterans were Alaska, Maine, and Montana.

The Thang

Rd 1 = 30 merkins, 30 squats, 20 BB situps, 1 lap
Rd 2 = 15 burpees, 20 lunges, 30 LBCs, 1 lap
Rd 3 = 25 Mac-tar-jies, 25 monkey humpers, 20 bomb jacks, 1 backwards lap

Rinse and Repeat

Finished with Mary

TClap |

You want me to take that coupon to the top of that hill HOW??

The morning started simply enough with a warm-up mosey around WEP with stops at each pain station to warm up and explain the ins and outs of the first half workout…


  1. Carolina Dry Dock to Bear Crawl in the direction of the next station in an ascending fashion…
    1. 1:4, 2:8, 3:12, 4:16, 5:20 and then run to the next station
  2. 5 Burpees then 25 Low Slow Squats finishing with 5 burpees before running to the next station
  3. 25x Shoulder Taps in cadence to 25 Lunge Walks (each leg) then running to the next station
  4. 60 count Honeymooner to allow for reset, 20x Merkins in Cadence, 20x Low Slow Squats in cadence and running to the final station
  5. 25x American Hammers in cadence, 25 Plank Jacks in cadence
  6. Rinse and Repeat course until halted by JWow

Then began the real pain…  after unloading coupons in the shape of cinder blocks from the back of the Slash-mobile we wandered off to a secluded portion of the park…

JWow found many ways to carry the coupons up a hill in an irrational and chaotic way…  A grand time was had by all.

TClap |