Kingsley Parade

THE THANG: Rucked on the Kingsley property, stopping approximately every 1/2 mile and performing a series of exercises. Squats, Swings, Curls, OHP, and step ups at the amphitheater. Roughly 2.8 miles rucked. Closed out the workout with the hip exercise in cadence.
COT: Closed in prayer

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Fuzzy balls and random things

WARMUP: we had 3 track runners and 3 boot campers…so the runners ran away. SSH right out of the gate, merkins, low slow squats, maybe a burpee…sadly didn’t write down the warmup and I don’t remember but it was cold – I remember that part…and we ran away trying to get warm.
THE THANG: pearls on a string was the jam.
5 burpee, run. Saw some benches so did 10 step ups (or 20 if you’re Twister) and 10 dips…then saw a random fence with a swing and a ball and junk inside the locked gate – weird.

10 bomb jacks to go with 5 burpees…more running to other school where twister had to make a pit stop. So Sugar and YHC did more dips on the curb and then added 15 gorilla jumps (squat jump but you touch the ground with your hand), then the 10 BJ, then 5 burpees….more running.

Back of school added 20 merkins, then 15, 10, 5. Ran back up to middle school by the gym and found more benches for step ups and dips – 10 each. Then did 25 LBCs, 20-5 of the above exercises.

Ran down the cool bridge tunnel thing to the field for 20 flutters – and all the above. Saw our friends running so joined them for a lap.

15 hammers once we left the field and cross the bridge – and then all the above. Then ran back to COT.
MARY: quick round robin of Mary where Twister was happy his infamous gas pumpers got to be called out.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: most definitely
COT: cmon man

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This is moderate, right?

WARMUP: run, shuffle, toy soldier, high knee, butt kicker, bear crawls, low slow squats, merkins, mountain climbers
THE THANG: run to the back parking lot and go to the middle by the basketball hoops.

I tell the guys this workout is from a moderate workout back in June 2020…which I don’t think I treated it as moderate back then.

Point out 4 corners about 40 yards from the center. At each corner, start with 5, then come to middle for 1 burpee, then to the next corner for 5, back to center for 1, until you hit all corners and center. Then go up to 10 at each corner and back to center for 2 burpees…and so on. Do this increase of 5 at corners and then keep adding burpees until 25 at the corners and 5 burpees in the center.

4 corners were: ranger merkins, knee jumps, American hammers, CDD.

It was a crowd pleaser and took pretty much the full time. We picked up the 6 so some guys got some bonus which was nice and we did the last round of 25s and 5 burpees as a group.
MARY: Did some round robin Mary
COT: of course

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Old Kingsley and the Box

THE THANG: 3.74 miles
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fundraising check presentation
COT: Prayers for Arlene, Marriages, mental health, still sick and suffering alcoholics

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Metal 🤘🏻

WARMUP: SSH, merkins, arm circles, squats
THE THANG: Tabata 60 secs on, 60secs off:

Halo, Merkin, swing, Flutter, Row, LBC, Goblet Squat, Jump squat, Single Leg Dead lift, Alt Lunge.

We got through 2 rounds of this full body upper middle and lower workout. Lots of great mumble chatter mostly about the hair metal play list. Let’s just say it was a generational divide!

All worked hard and felt it the next day.
Aye! Jekyll

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Making a trip to Blockbuster

Pick up blocks
Walk to band lot

20yard murder bunnies
10 man makers
20 yard bear crawl
10 flying squirrels
20 yard crawl bear
10 bombjacks
Rinse and repeat until murder bunnies into endzone
Round 2
20yard murder bunnies
10 curls
20 yard bear crawl
10 leg lifts
20 yard crawl bear
10 big boys


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WARMUP: mosey with dynamic stretching. Variety of warmup exercises in 15 reps all in cadence. Pleaded of Allegiance
THE THANG: bear crawl while partner does merkins (standard, diamond, wide) mosey to wall- muscle ups 10/8/6/4/2
Light poles for variety of upper, lower, core exercises. With 15 burpees to finish it up. Indian run back to COT
COT: We all have things going on in our lives, we need to remember to put others first, focus on our changes, and remember to give others some grace.

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Hitting the Cycle


10 windmills
20 hillbilly walkers
10 cherry pickers
15 Moroccan nightclub

Walk to first pole, drop bells, mosey to other side of parking lot, 20 incline merkins on curb, mosey up hill, 20 low slow squats at top of hill, mosey to curb, 20 calf raises on curb, mosey back to pole

Hitting the Cycle:

Uhaul in cadence
Lunge walk to second pole for a single
American hammers in cadence
Rifle carry to third light pole, murder bunnies to forth light pole for a double
Monkey humper goblet squats in cadence
Around the world back to first light pole, lunge walk, rifle carry for a triple
2 handed upright rows in cadence
Murder bunnies, around the world, farmer carry, lunge walk for Homerun
Curls in cadence
Rifle carry for a single
Flutter with a press in cadence

MARY: Big boys, American hammer, flutter with a press

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Where have all the Armory guys gone?

JWOW and I both were kind of coming in hot around 5:15 and equally shocked we were the only pax present. Both thinking the same things of “Is it Monday?” and “Did daylight savings just happen?” We drove in circles around each other in an automotive ballet, deciding if we had it in us to get out and do this thing. We did indeed, and it was legendary… You all should have been there

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Moroccan Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers

THE THANG: I had a deck of cards and JWOW had some chalk, so we put them together and the magic happened

❤️ : Squats
♠️ : Overhead Press
♦️ : Curls
♣️ : Swings

Any card 4 or less were man makers, Aces were 1 man maker and a run to the road and back

We almost finished the deck

COT: We mostly discussed all the losers who didn’t show up

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Kettle Bell Blues

WARMUP: mosey to parking lot with bells to warmup. SSL,IW,Merkins, Low Slow Squat, peach pickers, wind mills.
100- American Hammers w Bell – mosey 100 yds and back
100 -lunges w Bell – mosey 100 yds and back
100-tricep extensions- mosey 100 yds and back.

AMRAP – 45 seconds
Goblet Squats
Chest Press

Mosey to Large Hill (7’s)
Man Makers

MARY: not really
Announcements: Post at Block Party on Tuesdays
COT: prayers for health (physical,mental, spiritual)

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