Cadence Calling Burpee Fest

All in cadence
– 10 Moroccan nightclubs
– 12 cherry pickers
– 10 windmills
– 20 hillbilly walkers
Mosey around football field
– Karaoke, mosey, karaoke
– 10 incline merkins on curb in cadence
– Mosey around bus loop, toy soldiers
– 15 low slow squats in cadence
– Mosey, butt kickers, 10 mike Tyson’s in cadence, mosey, high knees, mosey to parking lot football field
Count off by 3 and separate into teams. Each team member will call out the exercises in cadence for their team. When the exercise is complete, run to 20 yard line and do one burpee, then return to board and next person will call out the exercise in cadence, and run to the 40 yard line and do 2 burpees. This repeats until 100 yard line, where the team will complete 5 kraken burpees. Once completed, teams rotate stations.

Board 1:
– 10 Mike Tyson
– 15 low slow squats
– 20 plank jacks
– 25 Box cutters
– 30 calf raises
Board 2:
– 10 Diamond merkins
– 15 leg raises
– 10 Lunge left leg, 10 lunge right leg
– 25 Mountain climbers
– 30 Freddy Mercury
Board 3:
– 10 Merkins
– 15 Big boys
– 10 Side lunge left leg, 10 side lunge right leg
– 25 Monkey humpers
– 30 Chair crunches
Board 4:
– 10 Wide arm merkins
– 15 Squats
– 20 Carolina Dry dock
– 25 American hammers
– 30 Shoulder taps
Big Board:
20-yard line – 1 Burpee
40-yard line – 2 Burpees
60-yard line – 3 Burpees
80-yard line – 4 Burpees
100-yard line – 5 Kraken Burpees

MARY: None needed
ANNOUNCEMENTS: check your newsletter

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TT Mahomes

Usual disclaimer stayed close by for Sugarbug arrival. Open with broga, SSH, windmills, shoulder taps etc.

Mosey to the school entrance. Did reps of 5 incrementing to 30 for each light pole up the hill.
Each exercise totaled 105 reps per Bobbers math.

Flutters – bearcrawl
Calf raises
Monkey humpers – run

Back to COT for announcements and stuff. PSA get body scanned for skin cancer it’s no joke :ear_with_hearing_aid:

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Jackal’s 1st Field Trip

WARMUP: F3 Mission, Windmills and SSH
THE THANG: Burpees, Merkins and Squats to CRHS. Wall sits and B2W, parking spot workout, alternate grave diggers, LBC, shoulder taps, gas pumpers HR Merkins, Monkey Humpers, Plank Jacks, OH Claps, each island did Iron Mike buy-ins since nothing is ever really free. Mosey back to FCMS and did Bobby Hurley at the BB courts
MARY: Heels to heaven, penguins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence, Dredd
COT: prayers for many family and friends entering new season in their lives.

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Freewheel Burning, Slowburning


5, 5-10, 5-10-15 and so on
Flying Squirrel, Merkins, Big Boys, LBCs, Squats

Jack Webb
Mahktar N’Diayes

and mumble chatter about the best GB Packers at each position.
A-ROD is a backwards DORA and 1/2 the counts, because DORA>AROD and we would not want to pull a muscle or Achilles

some dynamic warm down across the parking lot

a few minutes of proper Mary

10 counts and 10 counts and 0 burpees, like a proper moderate

345, 67, 98631, 98, 455, 692
(those numbers are for BandCamp)

Thanks to PeachStand for accepting my humble fill-in

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Good to travel

WARMUP: ssh, windmills, shoulders, merkins
THE THANG: Tabata w/ mosey in between
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 12 year anniversary beat down on the 28th.
COT: prayers for country, marriages and kids

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Old School Weinke in a Sandwich baggie

WARMUP: Standard Old School
SSH X 25, IW X 10, Squat X 10, Merks X 10, MTN Climbers X 10, Moroccan NC X 10, HB Walker X 10, Peter Parker X 10, Plank JACK X 10, SSH X 25
THE THANG: Mosey to Indian restaurant lot, circle up for Duck Duck Goose Mary – Mode of transportation for the Goose is Bear Crawl, Mary consisted of LBC, Flutter, Freddy, AH, HD, Rosalitta.
Mosey to Lowes – count off 1’s and 2’s. 1 Mode of transportation first round Lunges, 2nd Burpee Broad Jump, last round reverse Lunges. Other group choose Al Gore or Plank hold.
Mosey to other side of Lowes – Traditional Jack Webb.
COT to stretch
COT: Prayers for peace, in the world and for families saying goodbye to loved ones, prayers for time spent with family, prayers for good decisions for families,

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The Quad Burner

Mozy around parking lot. Windmills. Merkins. Mountain climbers. More merkins.

Mozy with bell down the hill towards the bus drop off. At every light stop and a chest and leg exercise. I chose 10 chest press and 10 curtsy lunges at odd number poles. 10 squats and 10 merkins at even number poles. At bus drop off gather at bottom of hill and do 11s. 1 curtsy lunge at bottom and 10 chest press at test. Keep doing 11s up and down the hill until you reach 10 lunges and 1 chest press. Head back up hill and do arm exercises at every light. Back at COT finish with hip exercises.

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S2S meets the coach’s box

WARMUP: rucks up
THE THANG: ruck towards FMHS, approximately 0.75 miles, the night before I had talked to Badlands to meet with the coach’s box crew at the hill by the football stadium so we can share our gear.
Quick warmup led by Badlands: circled up for SSH, WM, IW, MNC, LSS all IC. We brought 3 sandbags and 6 rucks to the party so we utilized them in a mini-DORA. Instructions were a little mixed up at the beginning because we ended up with 5 groups of 3 PAX… bottom of the hill: 50 burpees – while 2 of the PAX did overhead rifle carry up the hill with sandbag/ruck 100 squats – while 2 of the PAX did farmers carry up the hill with sandbag/ruck 150 merkins – while 2 of the PAX did bear hug carry up the hill with sandbag/ruck, for the final movement we split into 3 groups of 5 PAX and rotated throwing the sandbag up and down the hill

Time to head back to COT, another 0.75 miles to go.
MARY: broga and stretches.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Manion hero Ruck on 9/14.
COT: stays in cot

Tinsel out…

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Waxed at Bushwood

WARMUP: long mosey, windmill, imperial walker, hillbilly, downward dog, honeymooner
THE THANG: 11’s on a big hill- merkin and squats
Mosey back to COT for board of pain w music. 5 exercises x 30
Reps of everything. Tons of merkins, ab work and lower body leg work. Planks and in between rounds more running
MARY: finished with leg raises
ANNOUNCEMENTS: the Easternexpansion shirt
Needs to get to ordering stage. The interest is as big as <@U08GHEK16> calves
COT: named our new FNG, FROGGER who EH-ed by his dad <@U07HT0W85TN> Seeing a 2.0
Work out with their dad is one of my favorite things to see!

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(Tony romo voice) that’s a lot of monkeys, Jim!

WARMUP: windmills, produce pickers, imp walkers – in cadence them moseyed to the football field
THE THANG: rounds of suicides on the field

Starting at goal line, run to 10 yard line and do 10 reps, run back to goal line, run to 20 yard line do 20 reps, etc. repeating to the 50 and then back to the 10 in 10 yard increments. Then run to the opposite goal line and back

Round 1 SSH
Round 2 overhead claps
Round 3 monkey humpers
Round 4 am hams

Stagger back to COT

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