14 hours and 32 minutes of daylight

WARMUP: Mozy followed by windmills, flutters, Moroccan nightclubs, shoulder taps
THE THANG: Mozy to back of the school for brief discussion that it is the Summer solstice. In Charlotte there are 14 hours and 32 minutes of daylight today and that we should do something for/with our 2.0s or Ms.
At the “horseshoe” (looked like a sunrise to sunset) we did 14 reps of one exercise then ran the sunrise-sunset to do 32 reps. Run sunset-sunrise and repeat until all reps completed. Exercise pairings were burpees/squats, merkins/mountain climbers, big boy sit ups/Carolina dry docks, Superman’s/plank jacks, Plank jacks (oops)/LBCs, Diamond merkins/SSH, American hammers/curb dips, Windmill merkins/shoulder taps.
Mozy to picnic tables for 14/32s of step ups/dips, dips/stepups, derkins/irkins, irkins/derkins.
Mozy to field by the light tower for full field sprints. Don’t recall how many but likely about 8. 10 count between sprints then rinse and repeat.
MARY: Full body destroyer at 5:59
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Upcoming events
COT: Marriages, health

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The Murph 2024

1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 Merkins
300 squats
1 mile run

It’s more than a workout

We get to because they did.

God bless you all. Keep pushing and never forget.

:facepunch: :facepunch: :facepunch:

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80th Anniversary of D-Day

WARMUP: Jogged a lap around the parking lot, butt-kickers, high-knees, karaoke. Then we circled up for Imperial Walkers, SSH, MNC
PARTNER SANDBAG TOSS – 1 LAP (Vest/Ruck on or Slick)
80 RUCK SQUATS (Vest/Ruck, Sandbag, or Both)
80 MERKINS (Slick)
80 DEADLIFTS (Ruck, Sandbag, or Both)
80 OVERHEAD PRESS (Ruck on or Slick)
PARTNER SANDBAG TOSS – 1 LAP (Vest/Ruck on or Slick)
MARY: No Time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM Camp end of June, Blood Drive 5/30 still spots available, 3 CSAUPs this summer
COT: Closed in prayer

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“Fun Workout Playlist”

Cherry Pickers
Mosey to back lot
2 separate AMRAP’s. 15 minutes a per.

50 SSH
40 Mountain Climbers
30 Plank Jacks
20 Leg Raises
10 Burpees

50 Step Ups
40 Overhead Claps
30 LBC’s
20 Dips
10 Bulgarian Split Squats

Mosey back to COT
Airborne Hip Exercises

5 minutes of rotating exercises

Summer CSAUP

Trucker’s mothers health, Barkley/Boogie Nights brother, mental health

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Sweep The Leg

WARMUP: route was discussed 3.75 miles
THE THANG: Ran down 160 to Baxter, we ran a loop in Baxter going counter clockwise. Fist stop :octagonal_sign: sign we did three man- makers with cinder blocks, every other stop :octagonal_sign: was 3 Burpees and continued to run. = 3.75 miles once finished
ANNOUNCEMENTS: check portal for announcements
COT: Tiller had everyone talk about praise or prayer.

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Closing out the week in good form

WARMUP: windmills to start and various exercises in cadence while a few pax rolled in hot.
THE THANG: mosey to the sugar creek elementary school back lot for rounds of 5’s 17’s and 23’s

Set 1 – 5 rounds – 5 burpees, 17 merkins and 23 squats with bear crawling in between stations.

Dark Helmet used the pink Port a John. Other details unknown.

Set 2 – 5 rounds – 5 squats, 17 lunges and 23 side straddle hops with crawl bearing between stations.

Observation – Harry Caray is getting faster as he ages.

Mosey to pull up bars for 7’s and Cindy’s- Pull ups and cinder block curls. Flutters with the block held high to finish.

Return cinder blocks to the pile then 5 burpees OYO before a slowsy to COT.

MARY: a minute’s worth of abs plus one body destroyer brought us to 0600.


COT: 5th core principle with emphasis on our concentrica – namely shorties.

Thanks, Harry Caray for the call! :eye:

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Drop the Pull-ups take the Cannoli

WARMUP: Full 15 Min COP
THE THANG: 5 rounds of
17 dips
19 CCDs or9/Pullups
71 yardish maybe feet bear crawl

Jog neighborhood and 6 rounds of
5 burpees
15 squats

15min Broga
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter
COT: prayers for fishstix as he needs them :pray: :fire: :point_up_2:

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Embrace what’s coming

WARMUP: Mosey around the small loop with butt kickers & toy soldiers mixed in. To that, add a few warm-up exercises.
THE THANG: Everyone gets the opportunity to complete the 60×60. This is where you start with a sand bag on the ground and hoist it over your shoulder and repeat for 60sec.
Now, partner up so there is 1 sand bag per partner group. Collectively, toss your sand bag around the big loop. Yes, the big one. Most PAX traded off after 5 throws. Pick up the 6 and help out where possible.
Everyone grab your bag and line up at one end of the parking lot, staring down our target ~75yds away.
Run to the other end, 25 American Hammers I/C
NUR back and 15 Dead Lifts with the bag.
Now, bear crawl to the other end, 25 Flutters I/C
NUR back and 15 Clean & Press
A few other exercises.
MARY: See above.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Petition from Poppins & Sofrito
COT: Indeed.

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Slippery when wet

Run up to drug store, cross over and head back to parking lot in front of Springs.
Inch worm merkin
Low slow squat
Squat pulses
Move up to the sidewalk to the garden with wall

3 rounds
5 each leg Bulgarian split squats
10 step ups
10 derkins

Mosey to stage at WEP
Start down front of stage for 7s
Burpees at the bottom and LBCs at the back of stage.

While jumping the wall, YHC took a spill and scratched up leg pretty bad. Note to self to be careful around stage when it has rained.

Mosey over to playground for 3 rds of the following
5 pull ups
10 merkins
15 swinging crunches
Run lap around playground

3 rds of the following
10 bomb jacks
10 derkins
10 big boy sit-ups
Run lap

Mosey back to COT for a little stretching before 6:00.


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Working hard when it doesn’t matter

“Shoulder Taps
Up Dog
Peter Parker
Up Dog
Mountain Climber”THE THANG:
“Mosey to find different walls
Wall Sit – 2 burpees down the line
BTTW – shoulder taps and australian mountain climbers
Wall Sit for 6 and mosey on”Head to Grace Pres.
“7s with Mike Tysons and Burpee Jumping Lunges
Bear Crawl mode of transport”Head to traffic circle
“Cossack Squat
Knee Lift
Warrior 3
Knee Lift
“Bulgarian Split Squats”Mosey
“Prisoner Squats”Moesy
“8 count burpees”
Now that we’re tired and frustrated with the end in sight, prove you can work hard when it matters by working hard when it doesn’t (like RIGHT NOW). Burpee Broad Jump back to COT

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