Building reliability at Bushwood

It’s Bushwood and L-Train says to bring a message. Honestly, I struggled with this one as I get caught in the misnomer of thinking I have to have it perfected or the idea that I can’t still be struggling with something if I’m going to talk about it with others. I recognize that’s not the case but nevertheless, it’s still an obstacle.

That said, the topic was essentially, building reliability. Throughout the workout, I would pose questions to the PAX that I personally have struggled to answer over the years. Questions like:

  • Can you be counted on in less than ideal conditions? What if it’s not 65 degrees and sunny; do you have what it takes to take charge? Will I be ready?
  • What if life doesn’t give me a 10ct; what then? You mean I don’t have time to catch my breath? How will I handle it?
  • What if I step out of my home office and the mess just hits the fan? What’s my response?
  • Do I have what it takes to shut my mouth and open my ears when listening is all that is desired?
  • You mean, I don’t have to be right?
  • Sometimes I just feel like licking my wounds and quitting? Can I be relied upon?

As for the physical part of the bootcamp, it went a little something like this:

SSH / Jump Squats / Tuck Jumps / Burpees
Run 1/2mi

Flutters / V-Ups / American Hammers / 10 Burpees
Run 1/2mi

Carolina Dry Docks / Mountain Climbers / Diamond Merkins / 10 Burpees
Run 3/4mi

Now for the crowd pleaser:
1 Burpee: 4 Tuck Jumps / 2 Burpees: 8 Tuck Jumps up to 5:20
Run 3/4mi

Quick discussion on life that sometimes all it takes, is all you got.
Sprint the final 1/2mi to COT


Brothers, I appreciate you pushing yourself and pushing me as we covered right at 3mi this morning..

See you Friday.

TClap |

Bushwood 4.14.2021

L Train and YHC were the only two boot campers not in awe of the celebrity of CSPAN, who was on Q at Snake Pit. Fair.


Run long ways around the school and to the base of the main entrance hill. 

Stopping at random intervals we lunge walked, bear crawled, side shuffled, duck walked. All to get the blood flowing. A solid mile long warm up.

Stopped at the circle by the stadium. YHC read aloud this scripture. 

“The Lord passed in front of Moses, calling out, “Yahweh! The Lord! The God of compassion and mercy! I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness. I lavish unfailing love to a thousand generations. I forgive iniquity, rebellion, and sin. But I do not excuse the guilty. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children and grandchildren; the entire family is affected— even children in the third and fourth generations.””

Exodus 34:6-7 NLT

YHC recently read a book called “God Has a Name” by John Mark Comer. The entire book was focused on the above verse and the true character of Yahweh, our God in the Bible. The last part of the verse with the sins of the parents being laid upon their children and grandchildren was pretty life shaking. 

At face value, the latter half of verse 7 seems crude and behind the times. But if you truly dig into the effect that choices we make have on our children and their trajectory – it’s sobering. Imagine if I decided to cheat on my M. It would likely lead to divorce, my children losing their trust in me, my personal life being a wreck, added stress which would likely lead to job loss. At the end of it all, even if I remarried I would probably never have the same relationship I have with my children today. My children would carry that through their lives with them and lack respect for fatherly figures. They would have a hole in their heart that would likely never be filled by anything but a “cheap substitute” as John Mark Comer puts it. 

L Train and YHC discussed this verse in depth and the effect our choices have on our children today and decades from now. We stopped to chat between each 10/20/30 suicide while holding a static position. 

Hill Suicides

Each Median Break 

10, 20, 30 Merkins/LBC’s at each turning point.

10, 20, 30 Curb Dips/Flutters

10, 20, 30 CDD’s/Hello Dollies

10, 20, 30 Squats/Rosalitas


A two man boot camp leads to strong conversation and much sharpening. Thanks for the tap, L Train.

Punch List out.

TClap |

Tinsel Utensils back for a combined Bushwood/Snake Pit

It all started with an invitation from LTrain a few months ago to Q Bushwood and a quick chat with 3D last week to take over Snake Pit since Shatner was IR and do a combo AO beatdown.

I decided to revive Tinsel Utensils and make everyone’s time worth of getting up early and showing up.

We started with a quick mossey around the parking lot followed by moroccan night clubs, low slow squats, low slow merquins and windmills. We split in 3 groups and head over to the next parking lot where I had 4 stations setup with the following, bear crawl to the next station after all exercises have been completed:

Station 1

-> 10 diamond merkins

-> 20 wide arm merkins

-> 30 regular merkins

-> 30 battle rope wave SC

-> 40 Shoulder taps

-> 40 plank jacks

Station 2

-> 5 burpees

-> 5 tractor tire flips

-> 10 sandbag toss (choice of 40# or 50#)

-> 20  Monkey Humpers

-> 30 low squat (touch the ground with hand)

-> 50 calf raises

Station 3

-> 20 slam ball to ground (choice of 10# or 20#)

-> 30 Freddy Mercury

-> 30 Rosalitas

-> 40 Heel Touches

-> 40 American Hammer

-> 40 LBC

Station 4 with cindy

-> 30 overhead press

-> 30 biceps curls

-> 30 high pulls

-> 30 triceps dips

-> 30 Carolina dry docks

Once all station have been completed by everyone about  (30 minute mark) we grabbed the tire and the two sandbags  for an indian walk type of thing, get in line, flip the tire/toss the sandbag once and go back to the end of the line,  alternate between toss and flip; we went up and down the length of the parking lot (about 100 yards)

With about 12 minutes to spare we circled up around the tire, and we took turns flipping the tire, two flips and go back to your spot, one round of plank, one round of squats, one round of LBCS, with one minute left we hauled all the gear back to the trailer for COT.

Some PAX loved it and some whined a  lot, it was a great opportunity to meet new guys.

Thanks LTrain and 3D for the opportunity to lead.

TClap |


I always love a smaller group workout. 4 guys at this fitness level will always push me to be better. The fellowship in a small group is better too.

Ran a mile

Imperial Walker
SSH – to 69 (it is the 69th day of the year…just saying)
Toy Solider
Broad Jump Back
Some Yoga

EMOM for 8 min (40 seconds on, 20 seconds rest)
High Knees
Mountain Climbers
Reverse Lunge Right
Reverse Lunge Left
Al Gore

EMOM for 10 min
10 burpees each minute
(100 total burpees)

EMOM seems to encourage some good conversation….until minute 8 of the burpees… 😉
Ran a half mile
Some pullups
Ran a half mile, stopping to regroup and do some squats

a little pigeon lunging and we called it a day

Lies are often a lot quicker and easier to believe than the truth. Take the time to search for truth

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

Bushwood Board of Bother

Six men joined YHC for a “Bushwood Board of Bother” on this cool Wednesday morning. Here’s what we did:

The Thang

  • Short Mosey
  • 10 SSHs (IC)
  • 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 Windmills (IC)

BoB Round 1

  • 50 Squats
  • 40 Big Boy Situps
  • 30 Ranger Merkins
  • 20 Maktar Jais
  • 10 Burpees
  • Run

Round 2

  • 3 Minute Plank
  • 30 Second Rest
  • 2 Minute Plank
  • 30 Second Rest
  • 1 Minute Plank
  • Run

Round 3

  • 50 SSHs
  • 40 Flutters
  • 30 Overhead Claps
  • 20 Seal Jacks
  • 10 Diamond Merkins
  • Run

Round 4

  • 50 LBCs
  • 40 American Hammers
  • 30 Alternating Shoulder Taps
  • 20 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 10 Merkins
  • Run

Round 5

  • 50 Little Baby Arm Circles
  • 40 Mountain Climbers
  • 30 Freddie Mercurys
  • 20 Bomb Jacks
  • 10 Burpees
  • Run


  • Butterfly
  • Left Leg Out
  • Right Leg Out
  • Left Leg Back
  • Right Leg Back
  • 10 Burpees
  • Run

Total mileage: 1.5 miles


It as an honor to share the Gloom with you men. Thank you for the opportunity, L-Train. I shared this morning that my wife spent the last seven days in the hospital for severe inflammation associated with her Crohn’s Disease. As such, I was at the hospital for the majority of the days. Had it not been for friends, family, and loved ones (including many F3 brothers), it would have been difficult to cope with the extra responsibilities of being both mom and dad. Every day, a new meal was waiting for me when I got home. It was one less thing I had to worry about. It reminded me that its okay to accept an outstretched hand. Don’t think of it as charity, instead, think of it as someone extending their love for you. There will be times you will be down, that’s when your brother is there to pick you up. There will be times when you will be up, that’s when you lift up a brother. Don’t be too proud to accept the love and care from others. And when you have the chance to return the favor, do it.

Italian Job

TClap |

Welcome to Bushwood!

YHC was excited to join the Pax of Bushwood for a beatdown today. This excitement came from a variety of reasons. First, love to see the Acceleration of L Train who had been working on a date for me for a while (I am high maintenance!). Second, its a new AO for me and one that has lots of possibilities. Third, coming out of a self induced quarantine while waiting on Covid test results meant that I hadn’t posted in a while. Results were negative and I was ready to get after it!


34 and Foggy. Actually heard the term “freezing fog” on the way to the AO. Sometimes it feels like the apocalypse is just around the corner! Be prepared!

The Thang

Mosey to the band lot


SSH x 30

Squats x 15

IW x 15

MNC x 15

Enough stretching, lets get to it!

Bounty Hunter introduced a concept to me last week at Block Party which I have titled “Line of Fire”. Think Ring of Fire type exercise but in a line.

Pax line up then run one at a time back/forth from the island while the remaining Pax do exercises



Mountain Climbers


Mosey to the front of the school and partner up

Partner 1 – BTW

Partner – Shoulder taps x 20

Rinse and repeat 3 times

Partner 1 – Wall sits

Partner 2 – Monkey Hummers x 20

Rinse and Repeat 3 times

Mosey back to band lot

Bear Crawl then 10 CDD – Forward

Lunge Walk then 20 Squats – Back

Rinse and repeat 3 times

Line of Fire on abs



Mosey home



Man it feel great to be with the Pax again today. That rush of adrenaline has continued to spur me throughout the day. Love you guys!

This AM we discussed what you are feeding your body, your mind and your soul. What you give in return to others, will largely be due to what you take in yourself. Is it positive encouragement? The Bible? Strong leadership? Or is it the news, social media, negative “nellies”, worldly culture? Ask yourself what feeds you and make changes if appropriate. Today!

  • Prayers for Change Order and his Dad on the loss of his mother
  • Prayers for Drop Thrill’s Dad on Covid test results
  • Prayers for Stang’s Dad and Stang
  • Praise that 3D is back!
  • Praise I got a chance to partner up with Pauly D today. Dude is solid!
  • Praise for Dam to Dam Bar leadership!
  • Praise to L Train for his leadership of Bushwood
TClap |

Olaf’s in CHARGE at Bushwood

The weather was clear but brisk and Uhaul was kind enough to provide everyone with some sweet pre-workout tunes to get the mood set. 0514 was the time so a one minute call was made by YHC. 0515 disclaimer was disclaimed in an energetic fashion then surprisingly 9 other men followed YHC on a quick mosey to the first of very many cones for the first exercise. All exercises were performed to a count of 10. Most in cadence.
exercises are as listed below:
Hand release merkins
Suicide squats
Chacha merkins
Plank jacks
Kryptonite night clubs
Brake dance merkins
Jump squats
Peter Parkers
Jump lunges
Imperial walkers lead by Grinder
Burpees (yes again)
8 count body bag builders

After we had gone through the exercise nice and easy the first time it was time to get uncomfortable. To push everyone to get better while not abandoning the 6 I explained to the PAX how we’re going to play “charge”.
Rules are same as always. Show to know. Needless to say the mumble chatter disappeared during the game.

TCLAPS to Grinder for stepping up and leading the imperial walkers.

Greatful for all of the PAX in attendance even the ones that went with hardwood just to see Tesch workout shirtless.

Thank you Ltrain for the opportunity to lead.

Stay frosty my friends

TClap |

Cold fun at the Ridge

Seven HIM earned the ‘frosty’ badge this morning. Seven Snake Pit HIM were disclaimed and sent off with Wegmans.  YHC took the boot campers on a small mosey and a little warm-o-rama. Coming out of the W-O-R, YHC had some cones set up, staggered, where we bunny hopped on the outside of the cones. Moseyed over to the fire loop behind the school for some wall work which included a Derkin/Irkin ladder of 11’s between 2 walls.  Next circle up for 10 squats followed by 10 count Al Gore, then 9 of each, then 8 of each down to 1. Each HIM had the opportunity to make the counts. Mosey over to the bus loop for the posts. Lined up and did some paper rock scissors. Each HIM vs Q. 5 rounds, if you lost, 1 krakken burpee. Tie 1 burpee. Win bear crawl about 10 yards forward.  Round 2 at the second post: same rules but this time 2 krakken or burpee. Round 3 at the third post would be 3 krakken or burpee.  I think Hardwood won.  Head to the ramp. At the bottom were the exercises. After each set, sprint to top of the ramp and mosey back down.  12 days of xmas: we did 12 count of 12 exercises and that’s a wrap.

TClap |

Five for Fighting

Five pax elected the Bushwood boot camp on this cool morning.

Begin with mosey run to back side of school. Big school campus, this was about a ½ mile run.
Circle up.

SSH (12x I/C)
Windmills (10x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (12x I/C)
Moroccan N/C (10x I/C)
Low Slow Squats (10x I/C)
Arm Circles (12x I/C)
Peter Parkers (10x I/C)
Plank Stretches (Downward dog/honeymooner)

Thang 1: Fishy Tracks
Pax move forward doing transportation noted, then Q intermittently calls stop and do exercise at count when called, total distance is ~200’. Run back and do next round. Rounds were:
Toy soldiers walk – intermittently called bobby hurley’s
Bear crawl – merkins
Lunge walk – squats
Curb/plank walk – CCD’s

Mosey run to front of the school (about ¼ mi distance).
Thang 2: Burpee Suicides
Total length: about 150’ and this was divided into thirds
Run to line 1, do two burpees, run back to start
Run to line 2, do two burpees, run back to start
Run to line 3, do two burpees, run back to start
Rinse repeat; we did three burpees at each line for round two, and four burpees for round three.

More mosey run (about 3/8 mile distance).
Thang 3: Global warming
Pax circle up, shuffle in direction Q calls, then Q calls exercise. We did: Monkey Humpers, LBCs.

Mosey to COT area.
Thang Final: Doomsday clock
All Pax plank in a circle, and this included the Snakepit pax for a total of 14 in the circle.
Each pax does 1 merkin and counts off. When 50 is reached, pax do 2 merkins.
When 100 is reached, do 3 merkins. This progresses until pax get smoked and drop out.
Started this routine at 05:55 and at 06:00 only three pax were left:
Bobber, Band Camp, Peabody.




TClap |

Do 1 More

We had 10 for a Do 1 More workout at Bushwood.

The best part of a Do 1 More for the Q is that you don’t tell the PAX that they will have to do 1 more 😉

Mosey from the football parking lot down the road toward the school.  As we ran past each lamp post, PAX saw an exercise written on the pavement, which started some mumble chatter.  After a little warm-up, PAX were instructed to get a piece of chalk and to AMRAP each of the 8 exercises, with good form, of course.

The 8 exercises were: Merkins, Squats, Burpees, Flutters, CDDs, SSH, Big Boys and Plank Jacks.

There was very little mumble chatter as we were all focused on counting.  Gotta remember music next time 😉

We then ran back down the hill where YHC told them to put their chalk back.  Then we discussed doing 1 more.  Do one more for your M, your 2.0’s, work, and for yourself.  I think Kilbassa said he wanted to have 1 more beer 😉

Then OYO, we completed 1 more rep than we did in round 1 without a timer.  YHC got through the burpees and realized I left my chalk bucket back at the start so I hard to run back to get it and then fell behind.  Stand and Hardwood picked me up as the 6.

Then we did a little Mary where FloppyDisk brought back the overhead claps that he forced us to do at Colesseum.  That was just mean, but made us better.

Great workout gents!  Thanks to Ltrain for the opportunity to lead.

TClap |