Golden Corral…GOTTA GO

It was raining and the temps were dropping throughout the morning but as discussed with several PAX, it’s mornings like this when memories are made and durability is built.

In the end, 22 PAX posted this morning with 13 for this final Golden Corral of edition in January. It started a little something like this…

50 Fast SSH
10 Jump Squats
10 Merkins
10 Burpees

Run to TCES: ~1.2mi
Jack Webb: 1 Merkin : 4 Overhead Claps (Total of 10:40)
10 Burpees

Run to TC Baptist Church: ~.8mi
Wide Arm Merkins
1 V-Up : 4 Flutters I/C (Total of 5:20)

Run back to Teeter:
Al Gore’s followed by baby squats
15 Mike Tysons
5 Burpees

Run to the end of the center
More Mike Tysons & SSH

Move to another storefront


Until next time…Maximus

TClap |

Golden Corral 1.12.21

Nine men showed up on a cold, rainy morning at the old Corral.  After the disclaimer, I told the Pax we would be running most of the time in order to keep warm.

Here is what we did this am:

  • Mosey to the front of O’Reilly – 10 SSHs
  • Run to the back of Express Lube – 10 Step-ups, 10 derkins
  • Run to HT side wall – Wall sits w/calf raises
  • Run to back of HT – Lunge walk between light poles, 20 squats
  • Run to traffic circle near Apts –  Partner exercises (2 rounds)
        • Partner 1 ran up to the cell tower, 10 bomb jacks, and ran back to Partner 2
        • Partner 2 did 5 burpees, 10 hand release merkins, and 10 diamond merkins
  • Run to the water fountain on the opposite side of the Apt complex – 10 dips, 10 erkins (3 sets)
  • Nur up the hill to the first light pole, run up to the Fire station parking lot-  Cadence abs work: LBCs, Flutters, and Hello Dollies
  • Run to KrK parking lot – Plank taps in cadence
  • Back down the hill (run) to the fire station – 20 squats
  • Back to the water fountain – Bear crawl around the fountain
  • Mosey back to HT side wall –  Wall sits, Balls to the wall, Balls to the wall w/ shoulder tap, and Balls to the wall w/hip tap.
  • Back to COT

We cover two hilly miles with alot of shoulder work and great job everyone!



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Final APFT

4 HIM showed up for the final exam.

Tesla                      57 merkins, 62 BBSU, 14:02 run AVE 88.33
Grassy Knoll        72 merkins, 47 BBSU, 17:34 run AVE 81.33
Lutefisk                60 merkins, 59 BBSU, 15:54 run AVE 80.33
Crop Duster        43 merkins, 62 BBSU, 14:53 run AVE 78.67

We got done a little early so we did some curb work and watched Cha Ching talk the ruckers into “bear crawl until fail” which was fun to watch…  oof

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Nov 2020 GC APFT

11/17/20 Golden Corral APFT results

NAME                             MERKINS               BBSU                 RUN                   TOT/AVE
Grassy Knoll               68 (100%)               35 (63%)          17:32 (70%)      233 / 77.67%
Lutefisk                        57 (82%)                 55 (75%)           16:05 (75%)     232 / 77.33%
Grout                            50 (82%)                 40 (68%)           16:58 (75%)      225 / 75%
Cat 5                              64 (91%)                 40 (62%)           21:28 (40%)      193 / 64.33%
Crop Duster (FNG)    31 (55)%                42 (60%)           16:59 (71%)      186 / 62%

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APFT Oct 2020

NAME                    Merkins              BBSU               RUN                 AVE

Lutefisk                  81                          78                   75                      78
Uber                        99                          82                   74                     85
Slow Jamz            79                           54                  57                     63.33

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APFT Sept 2020

APFT late results from Sept at GC

Name                   Merkins %      BBSU %       Run %            AVE %
Olaf                         93                       66                      89               82.67
Slow Jamz           66                       52                      58               58.67
Fire Marshall Bill    58                  51                      43                50.67
Lutefisk                  71                     71                       78                73.33
Mile High               77                     58                       86                73.67
Shop Vac               94                     52                      NA                NA
Fun House           84                      95                      94                  91

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pre_blast_METTLE FORGER_new_gear_AO


I’d like to make available the training gear I’ve accumulated as part of my personal training venture to the Pax of The Fort and start a new Gear AO!

What:  Dealers ( Q ) choice gear AO.

Where: 12:15 pm on Fridays at Turner Field parking lot in Tega Cay.  45 minutes in length.  Inaugural workout on Friday, 10/23.

Why:  To serve the Pax who have flexibility to work from home or may not be early risers.  To reinvigorate Kotters or recruit new FNG’s who need a shieldlock.

How:  the Weinke could include the gear in my trailer or based on the Q’s of the day preference like kettlebell, ruck, or a combination of all.  I will assist the Q’s in setup.

Special Bonus:  a commemorative patch will be awarded to the first 10 Pax who post!


What gear will Bear Grylls make available to the Q’s?

    • The contents of my trailer include sandbags, kettlebells, dumbells, barbells, slam balls, TRX, battle ropes, jump boxes, bench, water jugs, squat rack, strength sled, speed and agility equipment and resistance bands.  A full gear list will be provided to Q’s so they can build their Weinke.

What if the weather turns bad, will the equipment be ruined?

    • Most of the equipment is rubber-coated, however, we won’t use any bare metal items if there is precipitation.  The Q of the day can always revert to a run or boot-camp model.  There is a soccer and baseball field at Turner which provides many pain-station options.

Other questions and concerns can be sent to Twitter at F3_BearGrylls or on Slack.


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How to overcome the Flux

Run to Roundabout at The Arbors apartments for brief Warm Up

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 MC
  • 15 Squats
  • 20 SSH

Run to the Fountain, next sets are alternating sides up and down Grand Farm Drive, AKA the Flux

Triple Nickel Up to Fire Station/Stop Sign

  • Merkins @ Top
  • Squats @ Bottom

Jacobs Ladder with incrementing Bombjacks/Jump Squats to 7

Partner Work:

  • Burp Back Mountain – 100 Burpee Dora

Back to Roundabout

  • Merks
  • CDDs
  • Groiners

Mosey around back to O’Reily side of HT for some Mike Tysons and a victory lap to hit 3 miles total and then COT


Doing hillwork (the flux) was a lot easier with a brother… remember that.  Carrying the load is easier when you have men you trust to carry it with you.

Read your Newsletter.


Honor to Serve

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Get Some at GC

Coming off the Bert on Monday at Honey Badger, I knew I didn’t want to give in and do what my body wanted me to do (ie. stay away from merkins and squats), so I did the opposite.  The results were pretty gnarly.

Did a quick mosey around the Teeter parking lot, but did the widest perimeter possible while staying within the shopping center.  I told the pax that this particular lap is what we’ll be doing in between exercises…about a 0.30 mile loop.

First stop –

15 merkins, 15 diamond merkins.  Do it 4 times.  This seemed more logical when I drew it up.  The moans coming out of Slow Jamz was epic / a little concerning.  120 merkins later, we all took that lap and ran without the use of our arms / chest..

15 squats, 15 lunges.  Do it 4 times over.  120 leg reps didn’t feel good on the next lap we did.

15 LBC’s / 15 freddies…x 4 times.  Woof, then lap.

15 bomb jacks, sprint the parking lot length.  Do it 4 times.

From there, we’re moseyed over to the apartments behind Teeter where we started at the first roundabout and I gave the pax the instructions for what i call 21’s.  Starting in that central location, we do 7 reps of an exercise, run up the hill back to the entrance of Teeter (by Red Bowl) and do 14 of the same exercise, then run back, pass the central point and run down to the water fountain, and do 21 reps of the same exercise.  Quick 42 reps of each, and about 0.5 miles of distance with plenty of uphill.

Seal jacks x 7, run, x 14, run, x 21, run.
High knees x 7, run, x 14, run, x 21, run
Squats x 7, run x 14, run, x 21, run
Burpees (I waited until the very end to throw some of these at the pax) x 7, run, x 14, running low on time so ran to COT and did burpees until 6am (most got in about 5-8 to finish).

I always say, keep it simple, and that’s what we did.  Covered 2.8 miles and about 600 reps – 120 merkins, 120 squats / lunges, 120 LBC / freddies, 60 bomb jacks, 42 seal jacks, 42 high knees, 42 more squats and about 30 burpees.  Not a bad day at the office right there.

Ruckers made their way back and we closed out in prayer – school (our kids, teachers, admin), marriages, sickness / recovery, loss of a home, and praise for our health.

Thanks Luda for the call to lead – always love coming to the Corral.  Don’t ever hesitate to schedule me now that I’m over the bridge – happy to lead these great Fort guys.

Cha Ching

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The Sweati 2020

The Sweati 2020-
79 HIM took to The Forts annual summer CSAUP event. It was 78 degrees when 24 Ruckers launched from The Coliseum at 0530. They had their disclaimer and direction to the first of the 3 pain stations. Just After at 0600 54 runners took to the route. They departed and ran about 2.5 miles and got to meet Bones at Golden Corral for the first pain station. He worked them over as they came in for about 10-15 minutes. Once he finished dishing the pain they took off to Pantheon only about 1.5 miles up the Road. Fishsticks was waiting for sprints and pain. He had the PAX attention for another 10-15 minutes. Once they left they brought the route back to YHC. While waiting for the PAX to return and doing burpees I decided that my other two Qs most likely put the PAX through so much I would give them a choice. Either 20 burpees at 5 light poles with bear crawls in-between or they could buyout of it for a $50. going to our brother Cash. Most wanted to take on both challenges. We wore black for Cash and am still amazed at the Photos coming in from across the Country showing support to this HIM. We love you Cash. Here is a link to the pay-pal account if you feel you would like to support.

Backdraft Out

TClap |