F3TheFort Holiday Drop-In

The Forts annual holiday party will have a different feel this year.
With COVID still lingering we have decided to have a gathering but it will be a bit different.

We are encouraging The PAX to go to dinner with your M and either your Shieldlock, Whetstone, or small group of fellow PAX and their Ms. After dinner we will all gather for an hour or so of a social hour(s).
This will give our Ms the opportunity to meet the crazy fellas we spend the early mornings with but more importantly their M.

We are all fortunate to have this crazy group it is also just as important to try and let our Ms meet some other ladies in the community and possibly let them start great friendships as well.

Make it a day of F3. Start with the golf outing, go to dinner and then grab a couple beers, a bottle of J Lohr wine, a cocktail and let’s kick off the holiday season.

If COVID worries you or your M we will have an outdoor area to hang out at as well as indoor areas.

Where- Springfield Community Center- by the tennis courts/pool
420 Horton Grove, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Time- 7pm-9pmish

When- Dec 3rd, 2021

Contact- Backdraft with any concerns…

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Dam 2 Dam Golf Tournament

  • QIC: Stang
  • When: 12/03/2021
  • Posted In: Pre-Blast

Gentlemen I am in charge once again of The Fort Golf Tournament fundraiser. This year we are raising money for our local  high schools to provide one  scholarship for each high school. Also we have chose to raise money for Our local Saint Jude Foundation, the 809 Foundation, and Hometown Hero’s for pediatric cancer support. This golf tournament is open to all men not just F3 guys. My goal is 100 golfers. So please spread the word and let’s raise some money for these awesome foundations. Also looking for some hole sponsors and some ideas for raffle prizes that my cart girl Slash will be selling.

Location of tournament : Waterford Golf Course Rock Hill SC 10:00am shotgun start range balls provided beforehand  Box lunch included with round

100 per player/400 team



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The Art of the EH notes


The Art of the EH
Date | time 9/8/2021 12:00 PM| Location Everywhere there is Men
Meeting called by All those future FNG’s that need F3 in their life.

Type of meeting Quick Reference Guide

Facilitator The Grantan CSPAN

Note taker Olaf

Timekeeper The Time is NOW

Attendees [Attendees]
Please read: Freed to Lead, Qsource, Your SkyQ text
Please bring: An FNG to your next workout

Notes from various podcasts where F3Royality give tips and pointers on how to get another man to show up to an F3 workout.
Advice / Takeaways Presenter Link:

Keep it short and sweet.
Its and invitation so there should be no pressure.
Don’t forget to mention the fellowship part
Get them plugged into all of the communication channels locally and nationally offered.
Hundo (Houston TX)

Show up to a Spin Class in Ranger Panties.
Do not beat people over the head with F3.
Let them come around. Invite them casually
Picking up the six is part of the Credo.
Reach out to the kotters before they get too far out of rhythm.
Bagger Vance (Nashville TN)

Once you have a guy join you in the gloom you can really hook him into a follow up post if he feels like he was challenged physically to the point he is over his head. Then having someone come alongside him letting him know that this is just part of the process, that we have all gone through, and that we all know how he must feel and reassure him that he is going to make it. Make sure that even though they might be the six; that they are welcomed and it just takes time and effort. (Leave no man behind; but don’t leave him where you found him).
Advice on how to get a mutual friend to show up to a workout: Don’t be afraid to volunteer a guy that you are going to pick him up and make it seem like he will be missing out if he doesn’t come. ( it’s mind-blowing what you can get a guy to sign up for if all of their buddies are doing it) See every CSAUP I have signed up for.
Think of how much F3 has improved your life and share it with the prospective FNG.
Remember the mission of F3: Its not only about fitness.
Dark Helmet (The Nation)

Coffeteria after workout strengthens the fellowship bond and gives the FNG a chance to actually have a conversation without being out of breath.
Persistent text message, phone calls,
Pitch the weekday 5 :15am workout first so that the Saturday morning 6:30am or 7am workout looks more appealing.
Give them a Freed to Lead book to read and ask them to bring it back the next time so it gives them some accountability to come back.
Personal EHs are much more likely to succeed compared to a cold call or email to an unknown guy.
Get your M to brag on you if possible to her friends and on Facebook.
If you have made a huge transformation people will notice and when they ask you what caused it be ready to tell them about F3 and the positive impact it has had on your life.
Business cards to give out to potential FNGs.
Team dad : Have some seasoned PAX volunteer at the local elementary schools to help lead a mini bootcamp where the kids and their fathers can get exposed to the mission of F3.
F3 men volunteer to speak at a local men’s group or bible study group. One Call (Grandstrand SC)

There are many ways to approach a potential FNG and the depending on their personal experience your rate of success will vary. Going up to a stranger and challenging his manhood might be insulting to most men but might be the best approach for a former Marine. You must know your audience.
Double D gets credit for the glue which is continuing to engage with the new guys and work to develop that fellowship which really starts to show that F3 is way more than just a workout.
Make a deal to meet a potential FNG at his normal workout if he will come join you at your normal F3 workout.

Explain that they can’t come just one time since the workouts are peer led. Could get a seasoned PAX on Monday and an FNG on Tuesday. We are developing leaders so failure is necessary and encouraged.
Don’t be pushy but consistent because you want to make sure they know that you care. We can see the potential in them and we have often been in their same shoes and you want to encourage them that they can fight out of the crappy status quo and become a part of something much greater than themselves.


The ART of the EH part2
Plan your FNG drives according to the seasons. Guys are much more willing to come workout in the gloom when it’s not 33F and raining.

There are men that need F3 in their life but they will not show up if there isn’t a man to invite them. Be that man.

Loneliness has been proven in MIT study in September 2017 to increase the risk of obesity, depression, cardio vascular disease, anxiety and dementia.

Two categories of EH’ing. Growing a region with mass marketing approach vs one on one conversations.
Regional Growth:
Lead generations- choosing a channel. Choosing a message to target your intended audience.
Spray and Pray- mass marketing, business cards, billboards,
Individual organic growth:
Nag approach. Consistent reminders to potential guys to come out and join. Often guys will come out just to get relief from the nagging.
Counselor approach. Before trying to give this gift of F3 away you need to do some self-reflecting and pinpoint why F3 means so much to you. “Best day I ever have starts with an F3 beatdown.” Look at why you personally do F3 and what voids it has filled in your life. This allows you to be authentic in your conversation with another man. Do not be afraid to be vulnerable and authentic. Guys can tell when you are trying to sell them something.

“The price is right and I believe in the product”

Always be EH’ing.
It’s a stylized sales pitch. But don’t call it a pitch.
Tailor the approach to the targeted audience.
Guys crave the relationships we have and if you don’t give it away you might be excluding them which can make them feel worse.
Put QR code link to additional content.


These are notes for when you are ready to actually have a conversation with a potential FNG. It is the job of the local SLT to get the PAX prepared and comfortable talking to guys one on one. Getting guys in your region in a situation where these conversations can take place is equally important. IMHO I feel like getting guys prepared to have these conversations is the first step in setting up for growth of a region. You don’t want to waste a first impression if you’re not prepared and comfortable having a conversation about F3.
“Never shoot the commercial for the product before the product is ready to be purchased.”
Work on your elevator EH. It is called an emotional headlock…not just a headlock. You have to discover what the potential FNG is missing on an emotional level and tailor your EH conversation towards filling that void. It is hardly ever just about the workout. Most men long to have meaningful relationships with other men. Shared suffering just happens to be a great way to build those relationships.
Don’t be afraid to kick someone in the pants as long as it is out of love for them.
Be prepared to counter the typical excuses. This is why I enjoy the flying EH. Most of the barriers to posting in the gloom have already been overcome. A man can’t tell me its too early, too cold, too dark, when he is already up and working out solo.
Always be EH’ing. If it’s a man tell them about F3. Do not fall into the trap of only EH’ing guys that look like you or have the same socioeconomic background as you. “Open to all men” means all of them. Ask OBT if you need further clarification.
I find the easiest guys to EH are the ones that already know the benefits of being part of something bigger than oneself. This could be former military, high school team sports, college fraternity. All these guys most likely miss that comradery so when a bunch of instant friends is offered and the only cost is the embarrassment of trying to make it through a tough workout they usually jump right on it.
Offer to pick them up at their house so you can give them a brief overview of what to expect during the workout. It also lowers the barrier of entry because only a handful of guys are willing to meet you in the middle of a park in the dark by themself. Its intimidating to say the least.
Explain the 5 core principles. Better yet it helps promote unity within the group if the Q asks the PAX to list out the 5 core principles.



Ways to drive widespread interest in F3. Before starting to embark on the journey to double your regions number of PAX through widespread marketing and promotions it is highly encouraged to have gotten the majority of the local PAX comfortable in telling others about F3. This can be less of a requirement if a local welcoming committee or core group of guys whos D2X is EH’ing is already in place.

Ways to really promote F3 to the masses.
Nextdoor App promotions.
Facebook posts, especially neighborhood marketplaces.
Was Now testimonies are great to show proof of potential results that can be achieved.
Sponsoring a local litter pickup section of road.
Strategic placement of QR codes to drive traffic to local regional schedules of workouts.
Share the numerous articles and podcasts that are available on the national level.


Other Information
Observers [Observers]
Resources [Resources]
Special notes
• Connect with “Hoff” in Cape Fear region to get his secrets on how to pull off the flying EH.
• Connect with “limp Bizkit” from Rock Hill to get his secrets on the flying EH.
• Practice asking guys to give me their best EH during a beatdown while everyone holds a plank or Al Gore and ask for feedback. We are building leaders here. Practice being vulnerable and practice giving and receiving constructive criticism.

TClap |

20th Anniversary of 9/11 March – F3 The Fort

  • When: 09/11/2021
  • Posted In: Pre-Blast

Saturday 9/11. Don’t need to say anything more. On the 20th anniversary of that day we are going to march the US flag……shovel flags, whatever…..right down 160 to bring awareness and remembrance to that tragic day.

What: 9/11 20th Anniversary Remembrance March – ruck or no ruck, just be there
Where: Meet at Golden Corral (frees up other AOs for fall sports parking)
When: Sat 9/11, 08:15 Launch
Route: Down 160, up Main St, down Tom Hall to Banks St, down Banks St (no sidewalks) to Academy. About 7 miles total, approx 2:15 moving time at avg walk pace.
Endex at Amor Artis Brewing ~10:30-10:45. It opens at 11am.

Stop wherever we are (unless in the middle of an intersection) for Moments of Silence and Prayers at the following times:
08:46 – N Tower Attacked
09:03 –  S Tower Attacked
09:37 – Pentagon Attacked
09:59 – S Tower Collapse
10:03 – Crash of Flight 93
10:28 – N Tower Collapse

Pick a buddy to coordinate rides. Bring your flags. Make sure you have hydration. Wear your F3 best – preferably black in remembrance. This is not a speed event, we are not going at ranger pace or faster, no place or participation trophies, and I’d like to keep the group together in 2 lines just as we SHOULD during events. Keep it tight and neat!

FAMILY FRIENDLY OPTION: The route takes us past WEP. Join up with the group at WEP, or somewhere else along the route, to march to the Endex at Amor Artis. That’s about a mile loop and takes us right up Main St. Perfect for the kiddos.

Spread the word in COTs. Hope to see yall there.


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Pumpkins Spice and NOT everything is NICE! – The Sweati Returns

  • What:     The Fort’s Hottest CSAUP = The Sweati (southern cousin of the Yeti)
  • When:     Saturday October 2nd
  • Time:     
    • Ruck – 0600 launch
    • Run/Relay/Bike – 0630 launch
    • Bootcamp at The Yard – 0700 launch
  • Where:    The Yard (for you redwoods out there) Fort Mill Middle School Springfield Parkway
  • How:         Your Choice: Run, Bike, Ruck, Relay, Solo, SpaceX vehicle
  • Requirements: Bright Clothing and lights for being on roads with vehicles. No bright clothes….we got a problem
  • Why:        Because were men!!!
  • BONUS:  Coffeeteria after and possibly a seasonal flavor libation 

Details: In Sweati Tradition, you show to know, however if you keep asking me I may drop some hints…..JUST BE THERE!

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F3 The Fort Anniversary Party

Get ready to celebrate the Anniversary of The Fort. Location will be next to The Springfield neighborhood pool under the pavilion. but the date is set Sept. 17th, 2021. 1830-2130 or 630pm- 930pm for anyone that dosn’t know how to do military time. Cant wait to see you all. It will be the same as last year and bring your own dinner and drinks. We will have a few people speaking.

Look forward to seeing everyone.

location- Springfield Neighborhood Pavilion, next to pool

time- 630pm- 930pm

what to bring- whatever you want to eat and drink.

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2021 Goggins 4X4X48 Challenge

“I don’t stop when I’m tired, I stop when I’m done.” David Goggins

Beginning at 10:00 AM on Friday, September 17 and continuing to just after 6:00 AM on Sunday, September 19 F3 PAX are welcome to join in on the David Goggins 4X4X48 Challenge.

This is an endurance run that requires a 4-mile run every 4-hours for 48-hours total. That equals 48-miles in 48-hours.

The most important part of this endurance run is support. So, we ask that as many PAX that can join us for the entire time or only a run or two. We understand that we will not be running together each time but will do our best to meet up as much as possible. We are completely aware that all PAX have other responsibilities in our lives.

Below is the schedule (if you want addresses of any location reach out to any of us). At least one of us will be at each location mentioned below at the specified time.

Friday, September 17

10:00 AM – Allison Park, Ft. Mill (Trails)

2:00 PM – Maximus’ House

6:00 PM – Anne Springs Close Greenway from the Canteen (Trails)

10:00 PM – Maximus’ House

Saturday, September 18

2:00 AM – WorldWide Leader’s House

6:00 AM – 6 @ 6 Panera Kingsley (only running 4-miles)

10:00 AM – Allison Park, Ft. Mill (Trails)

2:00 PM – Sullivan Middle School/Cherry Park Side (Rock Hill)

6:00 PM – Anne Springs Close Greenway from the Canteen (Trails)

10:00 PM– Reborn’s House

Sunday, September 19

2:00 AM – WorldWide Leader’s House

6:00 AM – Riverwalk at Hills of Gloom AO

As stated above, we will not be together the entire time as we have other activities during those two days, but as much support that we can receive will be welcomed.


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9/11 Memorial WOD – Labor Day

20 years ago on 9/11 I was sitting at my desk at my first job out of college when my phone rang.  It was my Mom telling me that a plane had just hit the World Trade Center.  I was able to get CNN to load one time on my computer but after that the page wouldn’t load anymore.  She called me again a short time later to tell me the other tower had been hit.

Like me, everyone can remember where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news.  Most of us, a safe distance away, still felt the fear and anger for what was happening.  Others, like our brother Shield were there, amongst the chaos acting as a heroes.

As we reflect back on lives lost 20 years ago, I want to invite you to join me for a special WOD.  As difficult as this workout will be, it won’t even scratch the surface of the difficulty felt by those in the areas terrorized that day or the families left behind to live out life with the loss of loved ones.

  • When:  9/6 (Labor Day) 0530-0730
  • Where:  Nations Ford High School
  • What: (Plan for 2 hours)
    • Benefit the Travis Manion Foundation:  Register Here
    • Memorial Ruck WOD – Bring a ruck with 30lbs (we will have some to borrow) and sandbags.

I hope you can join me!



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2021/2022 – Journey Groups Forming Soon – Join Intro. Sessions of Journey

  • QIC: Orange Crush, Spud and Chicken Hawk
  • When: 08/05/2021
  • Posted In: 3rdF, Pre-Blast

Stop for a minute.  Stop checking the boxes, counting up your accomplishments and planning for the future.  Stop doing your side-straddle hops, merkins and burpees.  Stop shuttling your kids to and from practice. Stop working on that honey-do list. Stop standing guard at church, reading that daily devotional… just be still for a moment and ask yourself a question.

“How connected am I to Christ?”  Stop and Ponder.  Are you as connected to him as he has called you to be?  Are you secure in your faith that He is with you through all things? Do you feel his presence when you are on top of the mountain and deep in the valley?

Maybe you have an answer to this question or maybe you are scratching your head on what it even means to be connected to Christ.  In either case, come discover more and enter into a Journey that will take you deeper, farther, wider and to heights that you haven’t experienced before as you learn to connect to and walk with Christ.  WARNING — This Journey is not for the faint of heart and must come with a risk warning that it will absolutely transform your life if you fully engage.

Starting Wednesday, August 4th at 6:30 – 7:30 we will be kicking off a 3-week introduction and study into what the Journey to this place of Abiding in Christ looks like.  The location will be in Kingsly @ Hangin’ w/ Stang

  1. Week 1: August 5 (Hanging w/ Stang -) – Intro.  Orange Crush, Spud and Chicken Hawk
  2. Week 2: August 12 – Cornerstone and Stang
  3. Week 3: August 19 – Cheddar and Olaf

Study Questions: (for 2nd two weeks – LINK)

More Information: https://influencers.org

Please reach out to Glenn Gordon, John Karwatsky or Brian Brenner or connect directly with the link below.

Contact: influencerscarolinas@influencers.org

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End It Ruck


YHC is issuing a 21 day challenge (culminating with GTE24 on August 6th) for ALL PAX within The Fort. 

Beauty out of The Nation has created an End It Ruck challenge and I have felt the call to bring it to our region. The mission is to set fifty individuals free that are currently enslaved in the human trafficking industry. The cost of freedom for someone enslaved in this industry is $6,550. This provides the rescue, post-rescue housing, rehabilitative care, counseling, vocational training, and assistance with assimilation into society for those who have been set free.

The challenge: log as many miles as you can while biking, hiking, paddling, rucking, running, swimming, or however else you please.

The goal: pledge a monetary amount to each mile that you feel comfortable to donate at the end of the 21 days. It could be $.01, it could be $1.00. Whatever it is, let it be something you are comfortable with.

The kicker: YHC will match $1/mile up to 1,000 miles for our group. My M and I have prayed about this and feel this is something we need to be involved in.

You can log your miles here.

More info on End it Ruck here:


More info on the End it Movement here:


At the end of the challenge you can donate to the End it Ruck here:


This mission is something that weighs heavy on my heart, and my goal is to shine a light on this to The Fort. 

If you have any questions – hit me up on slack! Now get moving!

Punch List out. 

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