It was a warm dark morning, rain heavy as I drove to The Ranch. One of my personal favorite AOs in The Fort. Maybe becouse it is where I was the site Q for awhile or maybe just becouse there are lots of areas to torture people when I am on the Q.
I was first to arrive and wondered how many would join me in the rainy gloom. Couple cars roll in just before zero dark start time.
Disclaimer. Mosey around parking lot and get a quick warmup. SSHs, LBACs, windmills, IWs.
Mosey to front of middle school- partner up by benches- 20 derkins, 20 alternating stepups, 20 dips.
Partner wheel barrow to end of side walk and back. repeat x’s 3.
Mosey to back of school- chair sits in cadence- Balls to wall incadence- bearcrawl out to edge of parking lot and back- 3 sets.
Mosey to play ground- 3 sets 5 pullups, 10 merkins, 15 squats.
Mosey to bus loop- duck walks 10 diamond merkins, bunny hops 10 wide arm merkins, 1 leg jumps 5 pistol squats, switch to other leg repeat.
Mosey to COT.
announcements, prayers and praises.
Backdraft out.
Category: The Fort
You want me to take that coupon to the top of that hill HOW??
- Carolina Dry Dock to Bear Crawl in the direction of the next station in an ascending fashion…
- 1:4, 2:8, 3:12, 4:16, 5:20 and then run to the next station
- 5 Burpees then 25 Low Slow Squats finishing with 5 burpees before running to the next station
- 25x Shoulder Taps in cadence to 25 Lunge Walks (each leg) then running to the next station
- 60 count Honeymooner to allow for reset, 20x Merkins in Cadence, 20x Low Slow Squats in cadence and running to the final station
- 25x American Hammers in cadence, 25 Plank Jacks in cadence
- Rinse and Repeat course until halted by JWow
Then began the real pain… after unloading coupons in the shape of cinder blocks from the back of the Slash-mobile we wandered off to a secluded portion of the park…
JWow found many ways to carry the coupons up a hill in an irrational and chaotic way… A grand time was had by all.
Launching the Snake Pit
- QIC: Cyclops
- When: 10/09/2019
- Pax: 3D, Airborne, Alright Alright Alright, Birdcage, Bobber, Bounty Hunter, Cherry Garcia, Cyclops, Floppy Disk, Hardwood, JWOW, L Train, partner work, Piston, Polaroid, Scrum, SugarBug, Tesh, Training wheels, Uhaul, Zimmern
- Posted In: The Fort, The Snake Pit, Uncategorized
YHC was honored to be asked by 3D to Q out East and, based on the calendar, an inaugural Q for the Fort’s newest kettle bell AO. It required a separate trip to get familiar with the grounds, but a quick scan of the A/O left YHC with lots of options and, fortunately, a great group of HIMs gathered to launch the Snake Pit. After disclaimers were put forth and JWOW came in hot, we moseyed off around the parking lot, without the bells.
COP – Corner #1 – low slow squats x15
Corner #2 – Side Straddle Hops x 20
Corner #3 – Imperial Walker x 15, People’s Chair hold with Moroccan night clubs x 15 and a 10-count hold
Stadium entrance – Merkins x 10, salutations right and left, 6-inch hold with a 10-count
PAX grabbed their bells and moseyed into the stadium, down to the field for a partner pyramid.
In any adversity or challenge we face in life, going through it with others helps ensure we come out stronger on the other side. In the spirit of working through a challenge (and because partner work was notably present), we did, well, partner work.
While partner 1 began the exercises at the goal line, partner 2 ran to the 50 yard line and back and picked up the exercises where partner 1 left off. Exercises built on one another a la pearls on a string, to the mid point anyway.
10 goblet squats
10 goblet squats, 20 hammer curls
10 goblet squats, 20 hammer curls, 30 tricep extensions
10 goblet squats, 20 hammer curls, 30 tricep extensions, 40 American hammers (w/bell)
10 goblet squats, 20 hammer curls, 30 tricep extensions, 40 American hammers (w/bell), 50 swings
50 swings, 40 American hammers (w/bell), 30 tricep extensions, 20 hammer curls, 10 goblet squats
40 American hammers (w/bell), 30 tricep extensions, 20 hammer curls, 10 goblet squats
30 tricep extensions, 20 hammer curls, 10 goblet squats
20 hammer curls, 10 goblet squats
10 goblet squats
Once all were finished (PAX planked or did LBC’s if they finished before the 6), we moseyed with bells to the flag for a pledge of allegiance and did 30 flutters with the KB press
Mosey out of the stadium back to the lot for the start of a partner DORA – 50 swings and 100 hammer curls. Partner 1 started the exercises while partner 2 ran to specified landmarks and back, and vice versa.
With no time left to get to 150 and 200 on the DORA, we moseyed back to COT for: 20 flutters with the KB press and 15 LBC’s with the bell. At that point, it was 0600 and work was complete.
Announcements were made, prayers and praises were offered and YHC led us out.
Special thoughts are with Alright Alright Alright as his ankle heals.
Thanks to 3D for the opportunity to lead the inaugural workout and launch of the Snake Pit and to have the privilege of getting better in the presence of many HIMs.
It’s the 1st F for a reason
11 pax posted to WEP to celebrate north winds, fall temps, a Santini sighting, an Anchorman celebrity drop-in and 7 yrs + 1 week since the 9.29.12 launch of The Fort. This, the 365th edition of Saturday at The Fort, was more than just another Saturday of brotherhood and pain. It was also a reminder of why these gatherings matter. After a thorough Disclaimer, Crab Cakes led the pax off into the gloom.
The Thang
Mosey up the hill out the parking lot with a right turn toward the Church of the Nazarene. A few stops along the way for some warm-up moves.
Partner up for a series of exercises paired with running to the church steps, 3x up and down, and return to partner at the far end of the parking lot. Exercises included, Merkins, Squats and Flutters.
Rugby sprints (it wouldn’t be a Crab Cakes Q without this signature session) with LBCs, Freddys, Flutters, Heel Touches.
Hand off to DD
Mosey back toward WEP
Stop at pecan tree grove near Springs building for some work — Planks, Merkins, CDDs, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, & Makhtar N’Dyaes (Santini request for the last one)
Mosey to Springs parking lot entrance (in the grass)
Mosey to brick wall at Springs
People’s chair & Balls to the wall (rinse and repeat)
Mosey to WEP playground (rotating partners) — Pull ups, burpees, monkee, humpers, dips, derkins, lap around playground
Bear crawl to path, crawl bear back
Series of sprints and backward sprints to path and back to playground
Jailbreak home
Naked man moleskin
Crab Cakes and I had a great time at the helm today. It’s always an honor to lead the pax, and especially at the launching grounds for The Fort. Sorry to miss Slash. Thanks for the opportunity to Q and thanks for keeping the mission going at WEP on Saturdays!
Anchorman with 2.0 in tow made a brief showing as we approached 0720. Apologies for the PG-13 language during the final prod to the pax to finish strong. You can throw me in the creek with your M if you hear that one at the dinner table.
Santini, Rebel and Dark Helmet were rockin’ the perfect sweaty head coifs by the finish. Checkout the video for proof. If Funhouse had posted we might’ve been able to establish the pose for The Fort’s Mount Rushmore.
Good to have Sippy Cup among the pax and donning The Fort jersey no less. Don’t be stranger! Hope to see you again soon!
The theme for the morning was a focus on 1st F #Fitness. Thanks to many pax, including my co-Q Crab Cakes, 2nd F is making huge strides. Thanks to Gekko, Cake Boss, Chicken Hawk, Pusher and others, 3rd F also continues to blossom. No debate on my part that these two elements are critical to our pax and speak to the core of who we are as men and leaders. Yet, now that The Fort has entered it’s 8th year, I feel the need to highlight the importance of 1st F. While it’s not the core of WHO we are as men, it is the core of WHAT we undertake each week as a group. It’s the magnet that draws us out into the gloom. And after 4, 5, 6, 7 years, it might begin to taste a little bland from familiarity. The temptation may be there to coast during workouts or even to scale back your weekly posts. I’m imploring you — DO NOT GIVE UP! Yes, F3 is about way more than the workout. And at the same time, it is also rooted in the workout.
Several conversations over the past week highlighted for me the importance of regular, passionate 1st F engagement. I heard examples of veteran pax who are pushing hard and veteran pax who are dialing back. Those posting regularly and pushing in 1st F are seeing growth in all 3 Fs. Those who’ve scaled back are experiencing some regression in other areas. It’s all connected, gentlemen. “You get out of it what you put into it” a veteran pax shared with me this week.
F3 isn’t the only way to stay fit. I’m the first to acknowledge this fact. I’ve been fit in the past without F3 and I see many men who are fit today without F3. But, 1st F isn’t just about Fitness. It’s about relationships. Friendships are built in the midst of struggle in the Gloom. Removing that element will impact a relationship. 1st F is also about preparation. When you post in the Gloom, you surrender to the elements and the Q. You give up control — willingly. You don’t know what you’re going to be put through, but you show up anyway. And you push to the finish because you believe it will make you “better.” It’s preparation for life. Each day we wake up and we surrender to what the world and Sky Q have in store for us. We don’t have nearly the control we’d like. But we carry on to the finish of each day, seeking to get better (or at least get through it to the next day we won’t control).
So, if you’re feeling the tug of the Fartsack or the gym or the coffee pot, speak up. We’re all susceptible to those temptations. And we all need a dose of #Accountability now and then to keep us on the #Right track. The same is true for those out front. If you’re in an acceleration mode, look around to see who’s missing. Accelerating pax don’t let pax fall back. They pick up the Six. They don’t leave a man where they found him.
Thanks for listening. Thanks for pushing. SYITG!
Moving about frequently and getting better
A little of this and a little of that took place on an early “coolish” September morning at #lacesin and #lacesout. YHC had to call his own number to fill in for an injured PAX. So a weinke was constructed and a total of 10 gathered to get better – 3 to run and 7 for boot camp. After the disclaimers were announced and the assumption of risk was delegated, PAX took a Pledge of Allegiance to honor those who serve us and day in and day out and then we were off for a mosey to……
COP – 4 corners (and without side straddle hops no less!) – various exercises at each lightpole – 12 was the double count per exercise
- Low Slow Squats & Imperial Walkers
- Merkins & Mountain Climbers
- Windmills (for Trucker) & People’s chair held while doing Moroccan Night Clubs
- 12 Burpees – just because
Mosey to the wall by the high school entrance for:
- BTTW while each PAX bear crawled to the end of the line
- People’s Chair Held while each PAX did 5 burpees (the FNG did not splash merlot)
Mosey to the high school entrance for Partner Dora 1-2-3: One runs the bus loop and the other does:
- Burpees (100) – Some modified to Merkins
- Squats (200)
- LBC’s (300)
On the benches, PAX did 12 D/C dips I/C and D/C step ups I/C
Mosey to the band lot for 100 yards of Lunge Walks and Bear Crawls – Lunge 20, Bear Crawl 20, Lunge 20, Bear Crawl 20, Lunge 20. Mumble chatter was encouraged down the field.
Mosey to the Hive lot for F & F – Freddy’s x 12 I/C and Flutters x 12 I/C
Mosey through the Hive lot to the opposite corner for Hello Dolly’s x 12 I/C and Rosalitas X 12 I/C
Hustle to COT for last little bit of ab work (PAX watches were conveniently ahead of YHC’s) so we wrapped up with 13 D/C American Hammers I/C – just to do something more than 12 times. Then it was 0600.
COT was held and we welcomed FNG Bottlebot to the PAX.
Announcements were made – read your newsletter
Prayers were lifted up for those recovering from a fall, going in for testing, dealing with sickness and dealing with a recent cancer diagnosis. Praise was offered for those giving care to all those in need and those who will help restore their healing and paths forward.
Honored to serve,
Minnow Pond- fishing with lights
- QIC: Backdraft
- When: 09/19/2019
- Pax: Backdraft, Funhouse, Geronimo, Hasselhoff, Longshanks, Old Bay, Pusher, Shady
- Posted In: Laces Out, Minnow Pond, The Fort
It was a nice cool morning. All were given the oppoetunity to see what Backdraft had a feeling for.8 gathered for the unexpected. THis is minnow pond all knew know warmups no breaks and definitly no 10 counts. A few minutes before YHC gave a quick and to the point disclaimer (Wasnt really neccesary due to all in attendence being veterans of F3, but wanted to be in regs. Dont want the man to come down on me)
We took off to the old service station. Once there hit mountain climbers and SSHs until 6 appered.
Heres the route head down old Nations every .4 to .5 miles yu will find a glow stick with exercises on it do them and move to the next. pretty simple. (that is what minnow pond is, Work plain and simple)
4 stops.
the guys from laces out join for a bit of the fun. Thanks for stopping by.
1. 5 flying squirrels/ 15 flutter kicks
2. 5 flying squirrels, 10 hand release merkins/ 15 flutter kicks
3. 5 flying squirrels, 10 hand release merkins, 15 squat jacks/ 15 flutter kicks
4. 5 flying squirrels, 10 hand release merkins, 15 squat jacks, 20 burpees/ 15 flutter kicks.
repeat the cards on the way back.
Meet at service station until 6 comes in PAX there first continuous MARY.
Head to COT.
WE got in 4 miles
Remeber always start small and work your way into the bigger picture.
Pray for PAX having family issues. (remember you may be the only guy a fellow PAX can talk to. Always be open to listen. We all can use it.)
7th Year Convergence for The Fort
- QIC: CakeBoss, Maximus, FunHouse, Pusher
- When: 09/07/2019
- Pax: Back Draft, Barry Manilow, Bobber, Boss Hogg, Burgandy, CableGuy, Cakeboss, Cash, Cha Ching, Cheddah, Cornerstone, Culture Club, Cyclops, DaVinci, Drop Thrill, Festifun, Flattire, Fratboy, Friar Tuck, Funhouse, Gears, Gecko, Geronimo, Harry Carry, Home Brew, Italian Job, Jedi, Jekyll, Kenyan, Little John, Longshanks, Mainframe, Maximus, moonshine, Myrtle, O'Reilly, Pusher, Quack Attack, Rebel, River Rat, roadmaster, Royale, Ruby Slippers, Sasquatch, Short Sale, Smuggler, Spider Man, Steegles, Sugar Daddy, Tesh, Tesla, Two Ferns, Uhaul, Vanilla Ice, Wegmans, Wildthing, Wolverine, World Wide Leader, Youts
- Posted In: The Fort
The 7th Year Convergence for The Fort followed an exhilarating Invergence from the night before. Hoping to continue that acceleration, the 4 Q’s had a plan to talk about the 4 Skills needed for Virtuous Leadership: Vision, Articulation, Persuasion, Exhortation.
CakeBoss to start us out with Vision: Recognizing advantage and the movement required to achieve it.
Disclaimer and welcome
“Go Hard or Go Home!”
Take off for 100 yard mosey up path, Get in 3 lines – Indian Run across WEP
Break into 4 lines, 2 groups of seal teams -20 seal team sit ups in cadence
Back into 2 lines , Everyone plank – Tunnel of Love (25 guys per line) – Plank series while guys army crawling under
Crowd pleaser for sure!
7 Burpees for 7 Years!
Vision is what I spoke about and the men that saw the advantage of F3 and planted it (moved towards it) in Charlotte, the The Fort and we continued to give it away in Rock Hill & Lake Wylie.
Hand off to Maximus
Articulation: Describing vision to others in a clear manner. Being able to tell others where we’re going and being able to describe that vision to others.
So, with that said, we’re going over to the top of the big hill to start with drill bits:
½ the group goes one direction while the other goes the opposite way
At each white post (drill bit), 10 Jumping Lunges (10 each leg)
10 Jump Squats
Mosey to the base of the other hill, the one with the statue on it:
NUR (backwards run) up the hill
3 Burpees at the top
Bear Crawl down
5 Burpees at the bottom
Hand off to Fun House for the “P”.
Persuasion – The initiation of first Movement. Convincing people to move in the direction of advantage, abandoning their Status Quo,
YHC gave an awesome yet forgettable speech about Persuasion. Then the Thang:
Circle Up – Duck, Duck, Goose – One guy runs around the circle the rest of us plank, the next guy goes when the running guy finishes. Planking excercises were called out: High Plank, Low plank, Mountain Climbers….. Audible called to get the next guy running after 1/2 a lap around the circle of Pax….. Peter Parker, Parker Peters….. Audible called to get the next guy running after 1/3 lap around….. Mak-Tar-Jai, Left Hand High, Right hand high…..Done. That took 10 minutes! 60 guys is a lot of guys to be running around in circles.
Stay in circle, 5 minutes left, Jack Webb: 1 Merkin to 4 Overhead hand claps. We got to 8!
Hand off to Pusher for Exhortation!
Exhortation – Incentivizing The Breach Of Obstacles.
WEP- down and dirty with the VQ
- QIC: Bobber and Backdraft
- When: 08/31/2019
- Pax: Asphalt, Backdraft, Bobber, Bounty Hunter, Dark Helmet, Esso, Geronimo, JWOW, kingpin, Long Shanks, sanka, semigloss, Slash, subzero, Sugar Daddy, Tesh, Uhaul, Youts
- Posted In: The Fort
Sometimes simple is the best course of action. Had a VQ that was ready to get his line wet and see if anybody might bite. Backdraft took what he said would be a warmup. It was for a few but others had a different perspective on what warmup really meant. Start off with simple disclaimer. Not sure what that is. If you get hurt don’t blame me.
Lap around the park with some dynamic stretching from time to time.
Circle up- 30 SSHs, 30 Mtn. Climbers, 15 slow merkins, 15 shoulder taps. Lets go.
Mosey to sidewalk that loops around field. Drill bits at each one add an exercise.
1. 5 burpees
2. 5 burpees, 10 merkins
3. 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats
4. 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 mtn. climbers
5. 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 mtn. climbers, 25 SSHs
sprint back to starting line hand off to Bobber.
pair up and pick up a coupon for the pair.(cinderblock)
Mosey across the park.
100squats, 200 overhead presses, 300 calf raises between the pair. while 1 guy exercising the other runs to the top of the hill and back.
once all completed we mosey back towards cot. stay with partner once back we have 4 exercises and 4 cones going up the side hill.
Partner 1 completes exercise while partner 2 carries block to complete suicides on the cones.
Once completed we circle up for around the world or something that sounded like that. 3, 2, 1 we done.
Prayers and praises. announcements.
Great job Bobber on your VQ. keep up the great work.
Housekeeping Incoporated
- QIC: Flash, Band Camp
- When: 08/17/2019
- Pax: Band Camp, Double D, Esso, Flash, Fryer Tuck, Geronimo, Iceman, Longshanks, Love Handle, Mainframe, Maximus, Pusher, Quack Attack, Santini, Slash, Uhaul, Youts
- Posted In: The Fort
17 PAX gathered on a hot muggy August morning.
Band Camp on Q
– Mosey
– Carioca
– Butt Kickers
– Carioca
– Toy Soldiers
– Mosey to where the dogs bark constantly
– Windmill
– Merkins
– Shoulder Tap
– Mountain Climbers
– Parker Peters
Mosey over to the Nazarene church to get away from the Dogs. Miraculously cones were also set up here. (Bear crawled to the cones)
Flash on Q
– Partner up
– 3 cones
– Partner 1
– cone 1: burpee broad jump, sprint back
– cone 2: duck walk, sprint back
– cone 3: lunge walk, sprint back
– Partner 2
– keep doing squats until Partner 1 is finished
– 3 sets of this
– Indian Run to Springs Corporate center
– DORA: 100 Merkins, 200 (more) squats, 300 flutters
Band Camp on Q
– Mosey back to COT
– A Gross (12 reps of 12 exercises)
-Upper Body: Merkins-single count, Overhead claps, Moroccan Night Clubs, Merkins-in cadence
-Lower Body: Squats, Lunge, Cossack Lunge, Jump Squat
-Core: Flutter, Dying Cockroach, LBC, Freddie Mercuries
– Mosey up the hill
– Mosey back down
Flash shared about one of his leadership role models, Captain Picard, and making earl grey tea. In order to make tea, the leaves have to be immersed into the hot water. As a leader, we have to immerse ourselves with those we’re leading. And beyond immersion, we need to “steep” or remain in contact long enough to have the desired effect.
YHC shared up on the hill at the very end, that it is possible to over steep tea. We need to recognize in our households when mom has been immersed too long with the 2.0s and it’s our turn to step up. Or a similar scenario in our jobs.
An honor to lead such a strong group.
-Band Camp dismissed
Don’t poke the Q
- QIC: Backdraft
- When: 08/19/2019
- Pax: Airborne, Backdraft, Band Camp, broken reed, Change Order, Chicken Hawk, Deacon, Drummond, Esso, Field and Stream, JWOW, Shady, Slash, Tesh, Trucker, Uhaul
- Posted In: The Armory, The Fort
Cars pulling in right up to the starting time.
Disclaimer and intro.
Mosey with dynamic stretching along the way.
Circle up for some warmup and a small sample of Broga.
Back to kettle bells
Did the following exercises 3 sets of each 10-15 reps each set followed by an ab exercise.
Every three exercises we would mosey and do 10 burpees ( this quieted down most poking of the Q.)
Goblet squats, figure 8s, KB Swings, single arm rows, shoulder presses, single arm curls, clean and jerk, and reverse lunges.
announcements- invergence and convergence
Prayers- Airborne son leaving for US Army boot camp. God Love the USA.
Trucker- learning everyday lessons on raising kids and being a good father.
All the kids going back to school today.
Also had a good reminder and to just love your kids and not worry about always if their the top or best at something. Just show them you love them.
Backdraft out.