The Hive 2018:39 (Shovel Flag hand off)

10 HIM gathered in the gloom for a split Q and passing of the shovel flag.

Tesh began:

SSH x25
Windmill x10
Imperial Walker x10
Lap around the parking lot (counterclockwise…)

5 Kettlebell burpees
10 Snatches (5 each arm)
3 reps of this

Partnered up and Lined up facing the stadium:
Farmer carry both bells while partner planks & shoulder taps
Repeat with partner doing overhead claps instead of planking

Switch Q to BandCamp:

Bear Crawl towards the stadium until we ran out of pavement
Al Gore for the 6 and then Al Gore+Moroccan Night Clubs x10
Honeymooner–>Downdog rinse and repeat
Bear Crawl back to our bells. Moved to the wall outside the gym.

5 burpees
10 Overhead chest presses
10 Reverse Lunges w/ kettlebell held at the beltline
Reverse Lunge w/ single arm press and hold for 10 count
NAMED EXERCISE: The Solo Tesh: (standing)
– single-arm overhead press the kettlebell and hold for 10 seconds
– return kettlebell to clean position and hold for 10 seconds
We did 3 reps on each arm
20 Goblet Squats
10 Overhead chest presses

Wall Sit with bell intermittently held over our heads during storytime. Rinse and repeat.

Flutter x15
Superman x10
Peter Parker x10
LBC x10


In honor of Tesh’s two years of steady leadership at #TheHive, this workout drew some from his first post at The Hive: Q-ed by Geronimo.

The Solo Tesh comes from a workout Tesh lead when he was the only PAX to post that morning. Looking at the dates and this tweet, it appears that there may have been multiple solo posts for Tesh at The Hive. One aspect of his leadership that I appreciate and respect is how quietly he leads. He leads by example with little desire for fanfare . It was this solo-post tweet that got YHC to attend his first kettlebell workout: Tesh’s model encouraged me at The Hive at all. I’m grateful for Tesh’s work and honored to carry the shovel flag for #TheHive (and if necessary post in the gloom solo……ah February…..).

During storytime on the wall sits, I referenced the Poverty Simulation some of the PAX are putting on 10/13/18 at FBC in Fort Mill. I did not grow up in poverty, and specifically remembering my dad saying that folks could just work harder and would be successful. That was because my old man had worked hard and he was successful. But he also had a lot of advantages that allowed his hard work to pay dividends. Not everyone is so lucky. In my teaching, I see students that struggle with much more than the nuts and bolts of course work and assignments. The outside influences of poverty on college students is especially troubling. Consider a student that takes on debt to attend school to better themselves but is forced out of school after 3 years to work because their family needs the income. They have all the debt of a college degree with none of the job prospects. Understanding someone’s lived experience is a powerful tool. Hopefully PAX will take advantage of it.

Band Camp dismissed.

TClap |

PRE BLAST F3 The Fort 6th Annual Invergence

Men of  The Fort,

On Friday, September 21st, we will celebrate 6 years of Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith in the Fort Mill area with our annual F3 Invergence party.   Bring a beverage, some food to share, and enjoy a relaxing evening with your brothers.   We’ll have presentations from your local leadership, take a look back at the previous year, and look ahead to what’s in store for 2019  F3 The Fort and F3 Nation.     This is the premier 2nd F event of the year so mark your calendars now,  and plan on being at Rush Pavilion on Friday night, September 21st.

This is a great FNG opportunity!

This is a Pax only event.  Make it up to your M and 2.0’s next weekend.
What:  Fort Mill Invergence (6th anniversary party)
When:  Friday, September 21, 5:30pm – 10:00pm
Where:  Bruce T. Rush Pavillion at the Anne Springs Greenway
Bring:  Food, drink, chair, cash (to cover the pavillion rental/donations to the F3 Foundation)
Please use the link below to RSVP and list what food you will bring:
6th year F3 The Fort Invergence Food Sign Up:



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Tomahawkin’ at The Hive

I do this thing called The Tomahawk Test every 8 weeks at #TheTomahawk site.  It’s all about making sure we are getting better/getting stronger.  I encourage the pax to workout the same way they did the previous session…if you curled on your knee last time, curl on your knee this time.  Seeing our reps increase is a good thing.  Seeing them decrease is a weird thing that hopefully becomes a motivator to push harder.  I brought it to #TheHive because we have different “regulars”.  I believe only 1 person at this workout had done the #TomahawkTest before (DESTINY).  Check out the image for how our workout went down.  I have all the hard copies and will be sharing them with the pax individually, as well as keeping a digital copy for reference.  Blasted 90’s Alternative while we tossed the iron around.

Just so we could get our burpees, I blasted Chumbawumba’s Tubthumping.  28 burpees (27 if you don’t follow my lead and do 1 as the song ends).  We moseyed back to COT and did 6 more burpees so we all got our 33 in for the day. #1000burpees

Shout out to Tesh for the Q opportunity.  I love it and consider it an honor.  Prayers for our brothers on IR.

TClap |

Hive: Super 21

14 PAX arrived to a beautifully crisp August gloom.

Mosey around the parking lot, alternating with carioca, butt kickers, & high knees.


The Thang: a modified Super 21 sequence. We skipped the 21 reps of tricep extensions, but got the 21 LBCs in just under the wire (despite what Chicken Hawk’s clock might have said).

Naked Man Moleskin: Imposter Syndrome

I work as an academic and a musician. By outward measurements, I am successful (especially relative to the job market for musicians in academia at the moment…….). Yet I struggle with a few corrosively persistent  thoughts:

  • “I just got lucky”
  • “I feel like a fake”
  • “I must not fail”

This is not unique in either of my fields (or perhaps any field?). In fact, I think some of these feelings continue to drive me to improve and grow. However, when our identity or self worth becomes intertwined so heavily with what we do (see also Mammon in the lexicon), life is out of sync/rhythm.

My desire to grow and develop as a professor and musician is a passion. Unfortunately I often become confused about my relationship with my work and who I am. My goal is to know that my identity is found in my Third F relationship with Christ. No……scratch that. This is something I already “know.” My goal is to consistently exhibit the presence of mind to remember where my identity is found. That if a performance or a class goes poorly, my relationship with my M, my 2.0s, or my prayer life doesn’t have to be affected in the slightest.


Double D is raising money for a great cause. Let’s support him! Either with Burpees or $$.

Thanks to Tesh for the opportunity to lead and the PAX of The Fort (plus Greenspan from Winston-Salem….this HIM is “Dash Strong”) for pushing me to be better.

Band Camp dismissed.

TClap |

Climb the Ladder

It was a glorious Friday in the gloom at FMHS parking lot.

Warm Up

Mtn Climbers IC X 25
Through the tunnel IC X 15
Down dog, Honeymooner
Imperial Walker IC X 15
KB Windmills
Get ups x 5 each side

The Thang

10 KB swings
1 KB Squat
1 Merkin
Repeat, adding 1 squat and 1 merkin each round but always 10 KB swings
5 rounds (50 swings, 15 squats, 15 merkins)

Flutter KB press, IC until the six is in.

Line up along the parking slot lines
KB pass through lunges to the next line of parking slots
10 curls each arm
Repeat for the rest of the parking lot (5 or 6 lines, not sure)

Switzer for pep talk on my KB journey in F3 and why I bring a 50 lb KB to workouts.

Retrieve more KBs from the darkness.

Starting with the 50 (max) arrange everyone’s KB in order until 15 (min). Min and max were both mine.

Pax lined up and starting with 15 lb performed 5 bent rows on each side.
13 KB in 5 lb increments from 15 to 50 (Tesh brought the 45, YES!).
As Pax completed the rows, return to the 15 lb to perform 10 goblet squats.
More math> 130 reps >Approximately 4120 lbs rowed by each.

As it often does, time interrupted before everyone could complete the full squat series.


The instructions on the KB ladder were to perform the exercise and move to the next weight until you encountered a weight sufficient to tap out. At that point, pull off to the side and work abs. After all of the pax were through the row series, there were exactly 0 pax that had tapped out. That’s right, guys that brought out the trusty 20 lb KB were lifting the 50. For all the reps! It wasn’t easy, I know, it’s not easy for me to lift the 50. I didn’t start with 50 almost 4 years ago. I started with a 20 and thought that would be the last KB I ever bought. I said the same thing each time I moved up in weight. Now here we are. I don’t think anyone is looking to get HUGE! out here, I’m not. When my neighbor needs a hand with the sleeper sofa going into the basement, I’ll be ready. When a widow from church needs some brush cleared, I’ll be ready. When a brother needs a shoulder, I’ll be ready. That’s what I push myself for.

I’m in training for life.

Thanks for the Pax that showed up today and put up with my shenanigans. Thanks Tesh for the opportunity to lead.




TClap |

Hive @5 (times 2) for some 90s Hip Hop old school

This party was getting started with some 90s Hip-Hop where disclaimer needed to include that YHC was not responsible for what Pandora decided to play.  After the full on disclaimer was made, we did a quick mosey around the parking lot and continued with some warm-up.

Warm-up included: mountain climbers x20, Moroccan night club x30, windmill x10, imperial walker x10, hillbilly walker x10, cherry picker x10, SSH x20, downward dog and honeymooner.

The Thang….with 2-Pac singing his sweet songs in the background.

  • 30x KB swings
  • 30x KB squats
  • 30x KB shoulder presses
  • 30x KB rows
  • 30 total / 15 each leg KB lunges with a single arm shoulder press
  • 30 / 15 (single) clean and jerk – start at left foot, lift KB with right arm, press over right shoulder

Suicides as a quick cool down at 3 sections in the parking lot – then a quick 10 count break.

  • 30 / 15x one arm KB swings
  • 30x (double count) American hammers
  • 15x burpee – dead lift the KB, set it down next to you, burpee, pick it up on your way up
  • 30 / 15x lawnmower pulls
  • 30x KB presses
  • 30x triceps presses behind your head
  • 30x KB shoulder shrugs

Suicides as a quick cool down at 3 sections in the parking lot – then a quick 10 count break.

THEN – we got to choose between round 1 or 2….we poorly chose round 2 for another go.

Finished up with a round of Mary being called out around the circle by PAX for final 5 min.

Count off, name-o-rama, announcements, prayers and praises, BOM – and that’s all she wrote.  Enjoyed it and was in pain for the following day!

Aye – Shady

TClap |

The Hive_Friday Leg Day for A$$kickin April

A$$kickin April rolled into The Hive this Friday and it was a gorgeous day indeed.

Tesh was nowhere to be found and YHC got the call to the bullpen to Q, so I jumped at the opportunity.

  • Warm up
  • We did a bunch of Leg exercises with Kettle-bells and ended with 100 calf raises
  • Kettle-bell suicides between stations

During the workout it was like the two old Muppets in the balcony, listening to Spitz and Lugnut discuss the dark side of the moon. Not the Pink Floyd album but the actual moon and if its visible… idea where that was going or coming from.

  • Prayers for many dealing with health concerns
  • Prayers for kids going to prom this weekend
  • Prayers for Badger and all PAX going through tough times of life

Our worthiness is not what we should focus on when in need or struggling but rather the Love of God and his son. The fact that even in our mess, he gave it all for us….which proves we are WORTHY!

CB out!

TClap |

Hive: Ears to hear

Tesh asked YHC to Q after a last-minute cancellation by one with well-quaffed hair. Eager to Q a Kettlebell workout for the first time, I gladly accepted.

Disclaimer directly into the warmup

SSH x13
Moroccan Nightclubs x13
Toy Soldier x13
Moroccan Nightclubs x13
Windmill x13

Mosey around the parking lot


13 Kettlebell Swings each time alternating with Merkins
Merkins in decreasing reps 13, 12, 11…3, 2, 13
Finish with a bonus of 13 Kettlebell Swings

Mosey around the parking lot

Decreasing Reps of 17, 13, 11 each of:
KB Squats
KB Side Lunges
KB Reverse Lunges

Round of stretching to balance the leg/hip work with pigeon lunge into swan pose – below is a stock pic to prove to Flash that YHC didn’t just make it up.IMG_8030

Back for some Mary (all with the kettlebell):
Flutters x13
American Hammers x13
LBC x13
American Hammers x11



Discussed how in my work as a music professor I strive to give students the ears to hear (Matthew 13:16), and how that is my prayer for myself in all aspects of life. The ears to hear those who need help, ears to hear my M, ears to hear my kids when they need me, ears to hear the Lord when God calls, etc.

Below is a quick shot of the wenkie. Due to the quick turn around I formulated this one while in rehearsal of the Britten War Requiem (I was tacet on the 5th movement.) Also this reminds me that I need to order more Revolution from Pet Meds . . .

Thanks to Tesh for asking. Although some PAX were lamenting that I didn’t go with my original plan of counting down the Kettlebell Swings instead we kept them at 13 each. It was Friday the 13th after all . . . . and that got me thinking about prime numbers.

Welcome FNG: Mouse Trap

TClap |

The Hive 2018.09

Warmup then mosey to the strip (the lighted concrete path in the breezeway).

Hit all the major KB exercises: KB swing, Russian Twist, Snatch, 1L deadlift
Next we take the heaviest 2 KBs and do fireman carries 80yds out (switch hands, come back) while each Pax calls out an exercise.
Last we do core exercises and protractor with arms holding kettlebell.

And that’s it…  Short and sweet

TClap |

HIT at the Hive

Following up my tremendously successful initial kettlebell Q at Tomahawk last week I was asked to Q the Hive this week… That or they just needed someone to do it… I chose to believe it was because I excelled at my previous attempt…

Being Friday I thought maybe I could combine the HIT philosophy of Varsity with the Kettlebell workout of the Hive.  Sitting in the living room the night before googling “high intensity kettlebell circuits” I was smart enough to realize that 50 seconds on and 10 seconds off for 4 minutes per excercise sounded a bit too “high intensity” so I decided to cut it to 30 on with 10 seconds for 2 minutes each.  I was worried that the 10 seconds would be too much but decided to leave it there (spoiler alert… 10 seconds or rest goes MUCH faster than the same 10 seconds working out… its an odd law of time…)

So following a brief lap around the lot with some high knees and butt kickers and a quick warm-up with some SSH, windmill, imperial walkers and hillbilly walkers we turned on the little app with our nice coach and some classic rock to motivate us.  Each exercise consisted of 4 sets of 30 seconds on and 10 second rest

-Dead Lift

-Goblet Squat


-Russian Twist




-Calf Raises

-Wood Chop

-Shoulder Press


-Kettle Bell Swing


Following these sets we had Airborne lead us in a round of his hip exercises to close out the morning.  The we formed into COT with announcements and prayer requests

TClap |