The Limp Noodle at The Ballroom

After a quick tour of the day’s pain stations the PAX were offered the opportunity to chose their partner for this morning’s work.

While one partner would run to the pain station near the bridge to nowhere where the following options were available: Merkins, Shoulder Taps, Burpees, Plank Jacks, Side Straddle Hops and Seal Jacks…  plot twist??  PAX were free to chose the number of each that they would do before running back to their partner who was busy with Squats, LBCs, Flutters, V Ups, Bobby Hurleys and Reverse LBCs until relieved.

In the end, over 2 miles were completed along with many of the above… Not too shabby for a “moderate” workout.

Thanks to Manziel for the opportunity to lead.


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Bell Danglers

Fourteen/Fifteen bell slingers decided to make the hard decision and accelerate their Wednesday morning. A disclaimer was made and we were off. We slowseyed over to the front of the school with the bells for a traveling warm up.

  •  10 side straddle hops than a mosey
  • 10 windmills than a mosey
  • 10 merkins than a mosey
  • Toy Soldiers
  • Karaokes

The Thang:

Dora is her name. Pain is her game.

Partner #1 – 100 KB Swing, 200 Bent Over Rows, 300 Merkins

Partner #2 – Run up to the top of the hill by the high school entrance sign and do 5 burpees.

When partner #2 gets back switch assignments.

After the pain was fully unleashed, we slowseyed back down the hill near COT for thang part 2.

The Thang 2:

Bear crawl with bell two parking spots and do 3 man makers. Went halfway across the parking lot and there was a half time performance.

Half Time: 10 snatches sprint across the parking lot and back. 10 KB swings sprint across the parking lot and back to your bell.

Half time was over and back to the rest of the scheduled program. Continue to bear crawl across the rest of the parking lot while doing 3 man makers every two parking spaces.

Back to COT for 30 seconds of LBC’s at Santini’s request.

Announcements, prayers & praises.

Thanks for the opportunity 3D.


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Thrill… Running!?

So Boss Hogg the fastest man in Fort Mill invited me to Q Footloose.  I hate running, but i’m slowly getting to not hate it so much now that my back is much better.

For those that don’t know, in 2015 I fell doing a mud run and royally screwed up my back.  It took years to get where I could even walk without pain, much less run.

So today I pulled a very old Q out of the bag and modified it up a bit.

We started at the beginning, a very good place to start.

Warmed up at First Baptist, and launched into Round 1

Each round includes the same exercises, but we perform them in a ladder style going up and down the rep counts.  The exercises were:

Calf raises
Moroccan Nightclubs
Reverse crunch
Hello Dolly

Round 1 – 5 reach
Round 2 – 10 each
Round 3 – 15 each
Round 4 – 10 each
Round 5 – 5 each

After each round we ran, yes ran to the next stop.  We stopped at the corner across from Hardee’s, then the Methodist Church, then reversed back to the corner, then back to the start.

We finished off with a round of Mary and called it a day.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead, happy birthday to Bowser (UHaul’s 2.0) and Happy Birthday America on Saturday!

The Thrill is gone!

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Lost in Translation @ BP

8 pax came out for my first Q at block party and 2 Ruckers.

Started out with a lap around WEP, followed by COP. COP included Moroccan night clubs, squats, mountain climbers, cherry pickers, etc.

The Thang
YHC came with index cards, each with an exercise with a number in a different language.
Pax guessed the language, number and exercise, and we completed the guess.
We then completed the correct exercise, if guessed incorrectly.
For each incorrect answer pax had 5 burpees, and for good measure, we ran the hill after each turn.

Thanks Bobber for the opportunity. Great AO that I will definitely be back to.

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Naturally Modifying Weinke at Slow Burn

11 PAX endured the experimentation of a naturally modifying workout.  My name.  Nothing official.  Goal was to allow those PAX that wanted to push themselves without holding them back or making the 6 feel like they had to overdo it to keep up.  More to come.


Short Mosey

SSH, Moroccan Nightclubs, Cherry Pickers, Arm stretches, Windmills, Leg stretches, Plank, Downdog and stretch calves, Honeymooner

The work – Q picked a target.  All PAX would run for it.  First on there turns around and pickups all other PAX as he runs back to the 6. Once the groups reaches the 6, Q calls out an exercise.  Rinse and Repeat until COT.






Freddie Mercury

Low Slow Squat


Maq Tarsa

Hello Dolly



3 min of Mary at the flag

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Taking off the Training Wheels at The Snake Pit

14 HIMs showed up for what was promising to be a great morning.  Prior to this morning HIC had not posted in 3 weeks.  While not fartsacking, I certainly was not pushing myself.  Being know for not wanting to do much cadence there was a plan hatched the night before that was sure to be easy to lead yet keep everyone on their toes and with any hope, a bit sore the next day.


After a good bit of razzing from the group about an FNG on Q (Yeah I get it, it’s been a while) we start off.

Warmup:  Mosey around the lot. SSH (x20) MNC (x20) Tappy Tap (20x)

Grab your bells

Slight move of location for The Main Event.  Keeping with the theme of I don’t want to count we’ll use a run timer for the remainder of the morning.  One person runs out to the gate and back, the rest of us do exercises for that time.

Goblet Squats



Scull Crusher

Calf Raises

Overhead Press

Romanian Deadlift

Chest Press

Big Boy Sit-ups.


BREAK:  Move to the wall.  Peoples chair.  Everyone does 5 burpees down the line.


Second verse same as the first:

Goblet Squats



Scull Crusher

Calf Raises

Overhead Press

Romanian Deadlift

Chest Press

Big Boy Sit-ups.

Back to the wall:  Bear crawls to the end.


5 min of Mary.



Convergence at WEP on 7-11

My thanks to 3D for the call out and opportunity to Q.  It was much needed to get out of my covid funk.  It takes a village, and I’m thankful for all of you.

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6 endured Broga and Bunzercise

Most of us dont stretch enough, especially those of us who do a lot of KB workouts.  That’s me.  I’m usually KB MWF.  Since I was asked to Q Footloose, I thought it was a good opportunity to get myself some stretching.

After waiting for Uhaul to not show, we ran down to Church of God for a warmup and more comfortable surface. Let the PAX in a variety of the usual warmup exercises (SSH, cherry pickers) then started into Broga and stretching for about 25 minutes.  I could sense the PAX were restless so threw in some Burpees after a smart alec remark from Polaroid.  Then we ran the COG zigzag stairs and back to the lot for a variety of ab work.  Followed with another stair run and then Airborne’s Hip Flexor torture.  Ran back to COT.

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