A construction free jog.

WARMUP: A little stretching for those who arrived before 0515
THE THANG: jog – a construction-free zone was found. Yes….really…construction-free

Leave Starbucks and take the road past the front of the library and go right on to nations commons.
Cross Sutton onto Richard’s crossing
Left on front street
Circle Berkshire Heights as many times as pax desired before coming back the way we got to Berkshire
Tesh loops were also optional add ons for those distance accuracy enthusiasts.
MARY: she wasn’t there
ANNOUNCEMENTS: took place – D2D events dominated the slate. Read your newsletter.
COT: 5th core principle

Until next time….. :eye:

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The buckets of pain made a triumphant return on Friday to slow burn. Back by popular request. Three buckets were placed around the AO. Each bucket had tickets with multiple pain choices chosen at random by delighted pax. All enjoyed.

Good chatter in the cold.

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Avoiding the Construction

The weather was 37 and rainy (in spite of Old Bays Steve) to start the day at Flight Plan. It was one of those days where the fartsack was extra inviting but the downpainment made was more than worth it.

We explored Baxter to avoid the construction happening on 160 which included lots of hill work. Here is the route:

Down Market Street to YMCA loop
Right on 6th Baxter
Left on Sutton
Right on Mills Lane to the dead end
Left on Gardenia
Right on Morris Hunt
Right on Downing
Left on Berkshire
Back to Richard’s Crossing
Right on Sutton
Back down Market Street

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Bury those burdens

WARMUP: Standing at start waiting for Pusher to get his act together
THE THANG: We completed a holiday lights ruck through FM. Along the way we shared some low points, burdens, disappointments from 2024 with a fellow pax. We did Gravediggers at the start for the hole to bury those burdens and then Gravediggers again at WEP to cover them up. Lots of spirit and energy throughout from the pax!
MARY: yes, 2 mins at end
COT: prayers and praises Cspan style around the group. Coffeeteria afterwards at Humble Cup. A great wrap to Year 1 of Dawn Patrol!

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2024.51 The Hive

Arrange all bells by weight and divide into 3 weight classes (light, med, heavy). Divide PAX into three groups for 3 sets of 3 rounds of 3 exercises.
Sets with light, mid, heavy
Set 1: Shoulder ext x10ea, snatch x10, swings x20
Set 2: Shoulder press x10ea, manmakers x10, squats x20
Set3: Lawnmowers x10ea, thrusters x10, 1leg deadlift x10ea

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I miss Ohio?

5 were at Sole-to-Sole for a ruck through Kingsley where we found out the we are losing our Pax Battle Bot to …… Ohio…. Specifically Toledo.

This fascinating development puts him closer to his wife’s entire family, and as far as his family, not terribly ridiculous as they are spread out.

Little time was spent on what’s actually going on in Toledo these days.

We will miss our brother.


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Burpees for Breakfast

WARMUP: The walk from car to AO
THE THANG: Rucked 2.3mi with stops for burpees and core exercises along the way. Lovely holiday light tour of FM plus fellowship followed by coffeeteria.
MARY: include in Thang
COT: Of course, as always!

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Soggy Miles

WARMUP: none

THE THANG: head out on Market, Right on Sutton, left on 160, mosey to sweep the leg and turn. All 3 put in the work. Miles consumed by all
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party
COT: what happens stays

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