Pecks and Quads Cornucopia

WARMUP: mosey to lower parking lot. Tout soldiers, buttkickers and caraoke. Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Low slow squats and windmills
THE THANG: mosey to stadium parking lot and do wind sprints at 50%, 75% and 100%. Merkins and Curtsey Lunges in between each sprint. Repeat 3 times. Mosey to top parking lot again and go to the grassy area. Walk down, 10 merkins, NUR up the hill 10 curtsey lunges at the top. Do 5 sets. Mosey down the pathway to the bottom of the hill. At first light pole do 10 merkins, at second light pole 20 squats, at 3rd light pole 30 flutters. Repeat sequence all the way to the top. Mosey to COT for my hip exercises

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Failure is fine

WARMUP: Gathered with our sandbags and left those for a quick mosey after a quick disclaimer. Came back for SSH, windmills, low slow squats, merkins, cherry pickers.
THE THANG: Came back to our sandbags and took our carabiners and clipped the ends to each other. Put them on our shoulders and then walked VERY close to each other. Alternating shoulders as needed but honestly, this lasted about 200 yards before the Q realized this wasn’t shaping up as it was in his head. Along the way we did curls and then curls and overhead presses.

We then unclipped and did 10 manmakers. We then took our bags to the tiered area and partnered up at the bottom. 1 partner with a 40 and 1 with a 60.

Partner 1 took both sandbags to the top and partner 2 stayed at the bottom doing pushups. Once partner 1 got back, there was a flip flop. Rinsed and repeated this.

Did this again with dips (just 1 round) and finished with flutters but for flutters it was a farmer carry.

Headed back towards COT but stopped at the curb for another idea…that didn’t pan out. With 2 sandbags removed, each pax laid down with a sandbag held in a press and then passed it down the line (last 2 guys had no bag yet) and then the first 1 guy that passed the bag ran to the other end in an Indian run style plan. Again, idea was ok but execution wasn’t great.

Moral of the story today – have a plan, execute plan, adjust plan, move forward.
MARY: we spared a few min
COT: complete

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Towards the Sunrise

Mosey all the way to Windjammer park

Stop along the way for COP (circle of pain)

Did some exercises and yoga on the dock

Great fellowship this morning. Beautiful weather. Not gloomy at all in spirit or in atmosphere.

Got back to COT and had my 60lb bag there. We planked and went down the line performing one man maker each

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A Tuesday Challenge

Mission Statement
Shoulder Tap
1 merkin
Mountain Climber
1 merkin
Peter Parker
1 merkin
Parker Peter
1 merkin

Mosey to the Nazarene then Print Shop stopping along the way for:
20 8 count burpees
18 squats
16 diamond merkins
14 flutters
12 CDD
10 bomb jacks
8 8 count burpees
6 diamond merkins
4 mountain climbers
2 flutters

At the print shop:
10 called dead-hang pullups
5 OYO pull ups
15 bulgarian split squats
Passing 10-count hang
15 derkins
Passing 10-count alternating arm hang (this one should have been done before the first round of pull ups)
15 dips

Mosey to the sight of the soon-to-be NOT Trader Joe’s
Sneaky Gorillas
Howling Monkeys

Mosey to the Church of God
10 Mike Tyson
Bear Crawl
10 Bomb Jacks
Lunge Walk back

Climb all the stairs

10 Mike Tyson

Mosey back to COT
Hold Al Gore for 0600

NMM: The mission is to invigorate male community leadership. Step up! You’re ready.

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Looking for the ? over the ladder ?

Disclaimer provided and salutations

In reps of 10, 12, & 15
Wind mills
Moroccan night club
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Cherry Pickers
Ladder runs: List of movements in the following rep sets. All movements must be completed then run :man-running: a lap around the lot before starting the next set of reps.
Reps sets were 30, 20, 10, & 5
List of movements:
Bomb Jacks
Calf Raises
Flutter Kicks
Carolina Dry Docks
American Hammers
Mountain Climbers

MARY: Yes, Return to COT for 10 mins of Broga and shared about journey to my first half marathon: Setting goals, staying consistent, DFQ, and surrounding yourself with people that will motivate and support you.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter, thanksgiving convergence, etc
COT: Always stays in COT.

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What do we need hands for

WARMUP: Spider-Man ran away…right away. And I don’t think I had said anything yet. Guess he just felt like runnn-ning.

Quick disclaimer as in 3 seconds fast. We call that efficient when you don’t have any rookies.

Ran to the parking lot over by the Indian restaurant for some warmup. Started with SSH, windmills, low slow squats, slow merkins, mountain climbers, and cherry pickers. Some of us didn’t even use our arms to stretch – pretty amazing.
THE THANG: 3 exercises, ran maybe a 100 meter loop, and did the exercises again.

Exercises were 20, 20, 40…and you picked which numbers applied to which exercises.
1. Merkins
2. Squats
3. Shoulder taps (double count)

1. Lunges
2. American hammers (double count)
3. Calf raises

1. CDD
2. Plank jacks
3. Seal jacks

1. Dips (on your planking partner)
2. Flutters (double count)
3. Overhead claps

Some of this was counted in cadence, some was done OYO.
MARY: Bandcamp took us out in some stretching
COT: always

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Brick laying at the yard

WARMUP: ssh, imp walkers, windmills, Peter Parker’s and shoulder taps, all in cadence
THE THANG: 2 workout stations were set up at opposite ends of the school parking lot. Each had a list of exercises/rep counts eg 40 flutters. In the middle was a basketball goal and the middle school walking track. Pax would proceed to one station and do the first listed exercise. They would return to the middle and shoot a shot. If it goes in, just run a lap and proceed to station 2 to do the first exercise there. If the shot misses, 10 derkins, then run a lap and proceed to station two. Repeat this until time.

We quit a little early and played a game of knockout – we’re bad at basketball
MARY: we went around the circle, but there were 2 set of burpees called, so Mary got a little out of control, and then the dog licked someone’s butt

We checked all the boxes today
COT: y

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Hybrid Theory

Run lap.
Side Straddle Hop
American Hammer
Plank, remain in plank put right & then left arm in the air

Complete an exercise on the list. Run lap. Repeat. The lap begins with a 10 pace bear crawl.

List of Exercises:
40 Big Boys
40 Merkins
40 Low Slow Squats
20 Big Boys
20 Merkins
20 Low Slow Squats
30 second plank
30 Bench Dips
30 Calf Raise on the Curve
Choose your own exercise for the rest of the workout.
– Hominy announced that he will be taking over the Site Q for <#C03GHN4R98U> beginning on Saturday, December 7th, 2024.
– Come to Thanksgiving convergence.
– Read your newsletter for more announcements.
Let’s go out and make an impact on others this week!

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Falling Over on the Elbow

WARMUP: imperial squat walkers

THE THANG: ruck around, find out. 3.5 miles
Stopped for a couple step ups, merkins, Bulgarian split squats

Found Dark Helmet at Coach’s Box for his 10 F3 anniversary.

Shuffled back. Cornerstone fell over, freaking YHC out

Thanksgiving Convergence (0630 at The Ranch)
Xmas Party (12/21)
D2D10k (1/25)

COT: was held

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