Pike Campus Pain Loop

Mosey the DTFM warmup loop
Stopped at the Pharmacy
10 SSH
10 Windmill
10 LSS
Mosey to pain stations
Station 1: Lower Small Pike Parking Lot
5 Lt. Dan Magic Legs
Station 2: Upper Big Pike Parking Lot
10 Burpees
Station 3: Covered Pike Parking Lot
15 Carolina Dry Docks

Rinse and repeat

Flutters, Hello Dollies, American Hammers
Christmas Party
Bourbon and BBQ
Thanksgiving Convergence
I love you guys.

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From the Ballroom Archives

The rain was coming down at the Ballroom. Mosey to the cover at the front of the school. <@UGND8G4TD> informed me the rain would stop at 5:30, he was correct, as usual.
Puller from the archives, this workout was also executed 7-10-2018.
with counts of 10-15 (depending on my wandering mind)
imperial walker, windmill, morrocan NC, LBC, hillbilly walker, weed puller, OH clap, dying cockroach, stationary toy soldier, richard simmons, LS squat
<@U5KHMNAG4> decided to show up, welcome
hello dolly, travolta, scorpion DD
to cheat death, and/or pulled muscles, etc, we mosey to a slick parking lot and do some crossing drills
karaoke L, karaoke R, high knees, power skip, butt kickers, squat walkers, bear crawl, 50%, 75%, 100%
next we mosey, and find a string of lights, we might have stopped at every light, maybe every other (once again, wandering mind)
We did 3 different rounds of: exercise 1, mosey, exercise 1&2, mosey, exercise 1,2&3, mosey, exercise 1,2,3&4.
1. OH clap, donkey kicks, squat jumps, HR merkins
2. morrocan NC, plank jacks, monkey humpers, Mahktar N’Diayes
3. arm circles, flying squirrel, stationary lunge, Kneetar N’Diayes
MARY: I had a girlfriend named Mary in my first year of college
ANNOUNCEMENTS: yes, primary focus on the BBQ/Bourbon event Friday
COT: of course

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Richard Simmons

WARMUP: imperial walker, LBC, squat, travolta, hillbilly walker, plank stuff, stationary toy soldier, dying cockroach, SSH

12 stations: curls, goblet squats, BB sits w/ bell up, swing, clean and press L/R, around the world, figure 8, russian twist, flutter w/ bell high, OH pre L/R, bentover row L/R, 2 hand OH press/2 hand clean press
alternation transit between station:
w bell … bear crawl, bell OH, lunge
run around lights, about 150 yards after every station

MARY: windmill x 10


COT: yes

Appreciate the opportunity to lead the youngsters

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Hills with an airborne ending

Plank variety to downdog<>updog

Run to print shop, SSH in cadence, 5 pull-ups, 5 T2B.
0.5 mile loop… beneath FMcog awning = 3 burpees and 5 jump squats, then run behind the church and to the stairs, run up the stairs, 15 dips on picnic tables, down the stairs and then up the hill to 1st Baptist parking lot for 10 single count Peter Parker’s from elbow plank and 5 side plank dips each side, run back down to hill to FMcog awning and repeat…
Run back to print shop for 5 pull-ups and 5 T2B, run back to COT for Mary and airbornes.

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Walmart Run

Trail Route
Road Route was a round-trip run to Walmart not for a honey do list which was around 4.5+ miles, shorter route was a little past the post office
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party, Volunteers to help out in WNC.
COT: Prayers for people impacted by storms

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The Ballroom Nine

After a quick disclaimer, we moseyed to the track around the football field for COP:
SSH x 10, windmill x 10, squat x 15, wide arm merkin x 7/hold/mountain climber x 15/hold/right-left arm-leg high. Hillbilly walker x 12, sumo squat x 15

Mosey to goal line for 50 yd suicide burpee. Run to 10 yd line, 2 burpees, run back; run to 20 yard line, 4 burpees, run back……run to 50 yd line, 10 burpees, run back, plank for the 6.

Circle up for classic Jack Webb. 1:4 ratio,merkins/overhead claps. We did 8 cycles.

Leave the field and mosey to the outside wall of the gymnasium.

Peoples chair (60s), walk out to the road, do 5 bombjacks. Rinse and repeat 2 more times, with 5 jump squats and 10 side straddle hops.
BTTW (20s), walk out to the road, do 5 merkins. Rinse and repeat 2 more times with 5 diamond merkins and 5 wide arm merkins

Line up for Indian Run around PKMS and head back to the flag for ABLAB

MARY: ABLAB: Hello Dolly x 15, LBC x 15, Big boys x 15, Pretzel crunch x 15, Superman hold x 3.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yesterday’s F3 golf outing/fundraiser was a big success. Bourbon tasting on Nov 8, F3 Xmas party on Dec 21

COT: Prasie for Tater’s son with new job in Atlanta. Prayers for ST’s friends children Zach (motorcycle accident) and Abbie (Guillian Barre syndrome)

We had a great group this morning to kick off another cool morning – love it. I haven’t been to this AO in a while and it felt good to be back. I planned for 45 minutes, but found that I was way short on exercises. The Jack Webb’s and Indian Run around the school were audibles. Always have a watch! Thank you for the invite <@U790WHUKC>.

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