Tour de odor AKA style

Imperial walkers
Hillbilly walkers


After warmups we moseyed to back of HT,
Performed wall sit burpee waterfall with everyone doing 1 burpee, then 2

Mosey around back towards church

Toy solders

In back parking lot, break up in groups of 3,- took a couple tries
Partner work – groups of 3
Partner 1
Cocaine bear Crawls to light pole and back
Partner 2 SSH
Partner 3 Mtn climbers

Mosey to church

Bench work
Bulgarian split squats and cactus jacks

Got all the way up to 10/40

100 Derkins
200 dips

Back towards Flag


50 4 count flutters IC, Box cutters, dying cockroach and American hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fast 5K, Joc, Bethel
COT: make every day count and be sure the ones you love most know it!
It was an honor to serve today, Thank you men!

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It Pays to be a 1

It was a relatively warm morning at Minnow pond where 17 strong PAX met to get some miles..but only limited smiles.

Ran straight to WEP in front of the stage.

The workout:

Start with 10 Burpees

Run to the first swing along the paved path do 10 merkins and 10 lbcs

Run back to the stage do 9 burpees

Run to the 2nd swing on the path do 10 merkins and 10 Lbcs

Run back to the stage and do 8 burpees

Keep going along the path as far as you can until time.

It was here that YHC made the decision to split the pax up into 1’s and 2’s.

I was thinking I just wanted to create some space on the path….unfortunately…what happened was the 2’s were given the opportunity to run up the WEP hill pretty much the entire time.

Despite the complaints the PAX handled it extremely well.

At 5:55 we headed back to COT and got there just in time for 10 more merkins 10 more LBCs and 1 last burpee.

Thanks to Nasa for the opportunity. It was great getting out amongst the PAX this morning.

Until Next Time….


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2025 – SLT Disruption

WARMUP: full crew in cadence
65ish SSH for the 65 dudes that were in the circle
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Peter Parker

Split to boot camp and kettlebells
– Buy-in: 20 bomb jacks, 20 donkey kicks.
– Bear crawl the length of parking lot / whistle = 10 merkins
– Lunge walk parking lot / whistle = 10 jump squats
– 20 swings
– 5 merkins
– 5 goblet squats
– count down the merkins and squats keep the 20 swings
– Swing progression
– Squat Swings
– Swings
– American Swings
– Rack bell
– slow step back reverse lunge
– press when returning the back leg
– Clean Progression
– Row
– Clean
– Swing
– Snatch

Unbeknownst to the PAX we switched modalities about halfway through. This was to represent the foundation 1 from Q-Source:

“Because it induces movement, leadership causes Disruption”

PAX were disrupted from their planned morning workout to make sure both Qs saw all the PAX and to push them outside the complacency zone of their established routines. With the leadership, we should expect disruption and embrace it.

Leaders influence movement towards advantage. Disruption is a solid technique to induce movement.

“If a man calls himself a leader but does not cause Disruption by initiating movement, then he is not practicing leadership. He might be doing something else, like managing or governing, but he is not leading.”

It is not the goal of the new SLT members is not to manage or govern. It should not be the goal of the Site Qs to manage or govern. Let’s lead!

F3 is not an organization with leaders, but an organization OF leaders. Each man is freed to lead. The particulars of Site Qs and the SLT structure is nice, but let us not be afraid to disrupt when we have a vision for advantage.

Kermit handed 2nd F Q off to Liberty Bibberty
Band Camp handed the Weasel Shaker off to Poppins
Esso handed the Nantan Flag off to Band Camp

It is an honor to be considered a leader in the Fort. But be mindful every member of the PAX is A LEADER. Let’s all be about the business of leading.

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That 3.0 miles was really 3.76 miles

THE THANG: Run down and up Harris Street to WEP and back – 3.3 Mi
Above plus Banks St and back – 5.0 miles

COT: Share heavy stuff in COT. Others have been there before to guide you through. Be aware of others’ peaks during your valleys. Because soon enough, you will be back at a peak to another PAX though his valley.

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No show, No problem

WARMUP: <@U08GGTLHL> took the lead, exercise was called, 5 burpees, exercise was called, 4 burpees, exercise called, 3 burpees, exercise called, 2 burpees, exercise called, 1 burpees

THE THANG: cardboard roulette from the trunk of my car. 10 exercises on the board, 10 reps each followed by a lap. 9 exercises, 10 reps each followed by a lap, 8 exercises followed by a lap, descending down from there

MARY: Flitters and box cutters

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

COT: prayer and praise from everyone

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Did You Pass the Test? APFT at MP

Pledge of Allegiance at 05:14
WARMUP: Quick warmup in the parking lot of the following:
– 20 SSH 4 ct
– 10 windmills 4 ct
– 15 imperial walkers 4 ct
– 15 MNC 4 ct

Runners and ruckers went running and rucking. The bootcampers ran to corner of Confederate and Main.
2 mile timed run, 2 min BBSU AYG, 2 min merkins AYG. Scoring is based on age.
Started off with the 2 mile run. Loop was down main, left onto Academy, left onto Monroe White, left onto Confederate, back to start. That’s about .47 mile. Did 4 loops of that. End was down Academy at the Loom parking lot to get the full 2 miles. It is not completely flat loop, but that’s as flat as you can get in the MP area.
Next up we did merkins, then finally BBSU.
We had extra time, so we went to Print Shop for 2 mins AYG pull-ups.
That gave us about 5-6 min before COT. Ran back to COT for some Mary.
MARY: 5 min worth of ab/core work
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter, get involved.
COT: Alot lifted up.
My mom passed away on Tues 3/3. She was 91. She had a pretty rough childhood. Raised by her dad who immigrated from Portugal as a teen, her mom left when she was 6. Her oldest sibling sister was 9 at that time and became the mom for everyone. He had anger issues among other things and abused them regularly, but he also provided the best he could and kept the family unit together. There were more good times than bad, but the bad was really bad. She could have easily brought those demons into our lives as children, for children who are abused often become abusers when they are adults, but instead she and all her siblings chose to break that chain and live in love as much as possible. It takes a strong person to do that, break those chains. I am forever thankful she did. She touched a LOT of lives by this, living in love. She was an amazing, strong, loving, caring woman, who near always put others ahead of her. She is the embodiment of living in love. That’s what I ask of you all. We are given choices every moment in our lives, every day. Choose to live in love whenever possible. That will leave a lasting impact more than anything else you do.

Blessings and SYITG,

TClap |

DORA Rules at GC

YHC was honored to be given the Q stick at Golden Corral by Half Shell today. This represented my first trip back in the gloom at 100% since dealing with a post D2D bronchitis and my spirits were excited about the opportunity. While not yet Springlike weather, the Pax were quickly sweaty from the downpainment on the day.

After seeing a post by IJ, I decided to maximize the DORA concept at GC today for encouragement, challenge and candor of a partner workout.

Mosey to Oil and Lube shop
Windmills x 10
IW x 10
MNC x 10
Monkey Humpers x 10
Mtn Climbers x 10
SSH x 10

Let’s go!

Partner up and run around HT for Group Dora stopping 5 times for:
5 burpees
10 lunges
15 Box cutters

Mosey to another lot for Lazy Dora
Alternating turns
100 Merkins/ partner plank
200 Squats/partner Al Gore
300 LBCs/ partner 6 inches

Mosey to Walgreens lot for normal Dora
50 Bombjacks
100 CDDs
150 Flutters

Mosey back for Big Boys until end


Read your newsletter

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Around The Fort to Return The Pond to Its Roots

WARMUP: Skip to the Thang.
THE THANG: In an effort to return Minnow Pond to its roots, we ran, stopped for exercises, ran, stopped for exercises, repeat. I will write the stop then the qty & category of exercises.
Fort Mill Pharmacy-3 Core Exercises
Jackson St/Sidney Johnson-3 Upper
Harris St-3 Lower

First Flat up the Harris St hill-2 Core
Massey St-2 Upper
Bottom of Massey-2 Lower

Up Main St to Leroy St-1 Core
Leroy/Summersby-1 Upper
Back to Leroy-1 Lower

Back to COT for a few more core exercises

All got 3.5+mi. 1 got 4mi.

MARY: See above
COT: 5th Core Principle

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Sweating with the oldies

SSH, windmill, but kickers, high knees, inch worm merkins on the field

Bear crawl back across the bridge

7’s on the hill while nur up merkins at the top and big boy sit-ups at the bottom

Moves over to the basketball courts

2 rounds of
Dips, decline merkins and step ups
20 each

1 round of
American hammers, squats, wheezy jeffersons

Move to the picnic tables
1 round
Bent over rows by grabbing one side of picnic table and picking it up
Dead lift

Airborne hip exercises

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