’88 Q – 071124 The Coach’s Box – Honoring Logan Gurley

Welcome and 5 core

FMHS Student Logan Gurley died July 8th just 3 days ago. He played basketball here at Fort Mill High School. Two numbers we will key in to tribute him are 16, his age. And 21 the jersey number shared in a photo online.

Mosey in front of the gym

L- 16 Lunges IC
O- Obama across FB field. (4 :bear: paces: 4 merkins Across parking lot about 40 yds)
(mosey next to FB stadium bleachers)
G- 16 Billy Goats IC (mosey to end zone)
A- 16 Apolo Ohnos
N- No Mercy ½ -¾ Mile
mid point of front stretch.
Jog to turn 1: bear crawl to turn 2.
Jog to mid point on back st. 16 merkins. Jog to turn 3: lunge to turn 4. Jog to starting point perform 16 squats.

Mosey to flags

21 Bobby Hurley

16 Elbow 2 Knee (E2K) IC flap Jack

Welcome to FNG Blueprint!

COT Quote from Logan’s dad:

“I want him to be remembered as a respectful young man, as a fighter.”

“Just to take him to his games again. Just to be there for him. Just to tell him, be safe out there, I love you.”

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Running / Ruck AO
Down to Jackson
Left on Harris
Left on trailhead
Up parking lot out of WEP
Left Ardrey
Cross 160 to Skipper
Right on Grier to Hardee’s
Right on Main
Loop gives you 2.5. Runners extended until 7am

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The Sweaty ? Prep

Disclaimer Shared
THE THANG: Trails or Roads Route Shared
MARY: she was missed
ANNOUNCEMENTS: the sweaty Barry coming up. Read your newsletter

COT: Don’t forget about one another, always have another’s SIX! Reach out to each other and encourage and support. We all carry burdens that we don’t share. You never know when one of us needs a NOD more than you know.

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Blame JWOW

Honestly I was expecting low attendance so I was pleasantly surprised when I start seeing several cars rolling into WEP. JWOW sent me note mid week asking if I’d be willing to bring the junkyards on Saturday so I had to oblige him. After a quick disclaimer the PAX performed some basic warm-ups. Then we moseyed down the path to the bottom of the big grass hill. Split into 3 groups. G1 ran to end of path back toward parking lot and did 10 bomb-jacks. Return to start. G2 nurred up the grass hill, did 10 squats, then returned to start. G3 ran to end of path in other direction, did 10 bomb-jacks, then return to start. Rotate so each group did each section once. Yog down to Harris St park for the fun. I was trying to find decent grass so I thought the outfield would be safe. Partner up. P1 does 8 Junkyard dogs while P2 is alternating between high and low plank. Then partner push to other side, P2 does the JYDs then partner push back. JYDs are P1 does burpee, then dives under P2 whose holding high plank, then when P1 stands up P2 goes into low plank and P1 jump over. Simple but stupid. The plan was for 3 sets of 8 but after much chatter we went 8 ,6, then 4. I thought this spot was decent but apparently Slow Jams found the one massive fire ant hill and got about 100 bites.
Yog over to base of Harris St. Next movement was run up Harris St stopping at every other power pole for 10 merkins, 10 squats, and 10 froggers (deconstructed burpees). The plan was to do some more group work at church on top of hill but we were a little tight on time so started back to park. 5 bomb-backs, 5 seal-jacks, and 5 plank jacks at every other power pole. Few mins left for 2 all you got sprints up small hills in park. It was a super humid day so I wasn’t the only PAX looking like a sweaty mess at the end. Apparently the JYDs got a zero star review afterwards and I got a nice text from Spiderman calling me an asshole for spiking his heart rate by running up Harris St. So it was a great morning. Thanks for everyone that posted and thanks to JWOW for giving me the nod.

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3 Lessons of Marcus Aurelius

WARMUP: off to Kimbrell’s after being disclaimed. PAX did LSS, Windmills (approved by Trucker), imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers and 50 side straddle hops – with a declining number of burpees (not approved by Trucker) in between exercises. From there – Mosey to Unity Presbyterian

THE THANG: lesson 1 – The happiness of your life correlated to the quality of your thoughts.
10 burpees followed by 7’s – Diamond merkins at the top of the driveway and squats at the bottom. Plank for the 6 or go get them.

Mosey to First Baptist for lesson 2

Lesson 2 – If you’re distressed by anything external, it is not due to the thing itself, but your estimate of it. And this you possess: the power to revoke it at any moment.

More 7’s – diamond Merkins at one end, run to the opposite end of the lot for squats and repeat until the sequence is complete.

Mosey to downtown Fort Mill on Main Street to find benches – 10 Bulgarian split squats each leg (for a notably absent Band Camp) and provide lesson 3

Lesson 3 – The best revenge is to be unlike the one who performed the injury.

Mosey to COT for a few AB exercises – but just a few – then 0600 was upon us.

MARY: See above
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks to Soup To Nuts for the call. Always grateful to post in the gloom with group of HIMs.

Cyclops :eye:

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WARMUP: mosey to the football stadium – exercises with burpees in between.

THE THANG: on the hill – 50’s
50 merkins buy in
Run to 3rd light – 10 squats
Return to bottom – 40 merkins
Run to 3rd light – 20 squats
Return to bottom – 30 merkins
Run to 3rd light – 30 squats
Return to bottom – 20 merkins
Run to 3rd light – 40 squats
Return to bottom – 10 merkins

Run to top of hill – mosey to Citi lot off campus

6’s and 13’s – 6 rounds of 6 burpees and 14 squats. Modified burpees to Diamond merkins after 3 rounds.

Return to campus benches at the gym for Bulgarian split squats and five burpees and continue to COT.

MARY: not enough time
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks for the call, Warning Track.

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D-day at the Coaches Box

Today’s workout was about perspective. History provides the best perspective and on 6/6 we were reflecting on D-Day.

Started with a mosey towards the entrance of the high-school.

Stopped and did

10 Windmills IC

Mosey to the bottom of the hill right at the entrance.

To celebrate, honor, and remember the 80th anniversary of D-Day we executed the following:

80 seconds work
2:40 minutes recovery

80 HR Merkins
80 Squats
80 4ct Flutters
80Diamond Merkins
80 Calf Raises
80 LBCs

So the idea was all Pax do as many reps as possible in the 80 seconds then the “recovery” run was back to the top of the hill where we each did 6 burpees and then get back to the bottom. Any excess time left of the 2:40 is your “rest”.

The Pax loved this and looking at time we got through 7 rounds of this before breaking back towards COT.

On the way we stopped by the band lot and did a 80 yard bear crawl followed by 44 SSH to close us out.

One last note on perspective…. It’s easy for us to get caught up in the day to day but take a step back, reflect on how we all got here and the opportunities each day brings because of the sacrifices of others.

Thanks to Warning Track for the opportunity!

:punch: :punch: :pray:

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Winter Green Skoal and Cindy

It was a balmy morning at The Ring, but the mumble chatter was fire. A little warmup and we were off to grab our old friend Mr. Cinder Block.

We celebrated the 80th anniversary of the day before D-Day.

Thang: 4 Corners of pain. Every lap move you cinderblock up one cone. The 4 Corners were:
– Bombjacks
– Dry Docs
– Flutters
– Merkins
Mode of transport was running.

Nice work by all!

– JWow

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