Lite Work


Mosey, Hillbilly Walker, Cherry Picker, Windmill,


Mosey, The Motivator

Mosey, Circle of Pain (Mercans, Flutters, etc)

Mosey, Circle of Pain (Box cutters, Big boys, etc)

Mosey, Circle of Pain, (We named a workout called the Frat Boy, which involved a stair workout with Burpee’s).

Last 10 minutes we did Rowers, Fire Hydrants military presses, forward, and overhead claps.

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no gears required

WARMUP: small mosey, 20 SSH, 10 imperial walkers, 10 cherry pickers, 10 good mornings, 10 low slow squat
THE THANG: starting by the bike rack do 12 BBSU, run past the front entrance to the intersection at the side of the school, 12 kick through merkins, back to the bike racks, 11, 10,… you get it
any who finish starts at 1 burpee and works their way up. Fishstix and Minuteman got to one burpee before time was up
MARY: 60 seconds left on the clock, Minuteman called a 10 count superman with a ripcord pull. Stix called a body destroyer to run out the last few seconds
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 10 year stuff is coming, ready the newsletter

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Longest 11 ever

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Downdog
Mosey to the school for a round of 11’s.
Breakdance merkins(double count) on one side.
Crunchy frogs(in cadence) on the other side.
Distance between points was approximately 0.2mi.
No one got through all 11. Maybe it was too far?

Thanks for the opportunity to come run with the high performance HIM’s of the Fort. I’m always impressed by the showing and the effort laid down.

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Seamstress Last Stitch in the Fort

WARMUP: not really the thing to do at Minnow Pond. Come at 0510 if you want a warmup
THE THANG: run, hard.
first stop – 1 merkin, 1 squat
2 merkins, 2 squats
Keep adding each time we stop
often we kept adding reps till the 6 was in. Then we took off again. PAX were advised to mosey when the group left and not worry about completing all the reps. Most hit 4 miles

Macgyver, Bones, and Badlands got out in front of me around mile 2 and Grout eclipsed me after mile 3. I always seem to push myself a little harder when I’m on Q at minnow pond. We have some strong and fast PAX in the Fort.

NMM: The idea was for the PAX to not know how far we were going or when we would stop. And that when we did stop, there’d be work to do. Just like our work lives that take us to new locations….

Seamstress had no idea when he came to FM that he’d be called to move so soon. Nor does he know when he’ll be called away again. Many PAX expressed gratefulness for the impact he had on us and prayers of blessing were offered (are still being offered) for his move to Chattanooga

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A little mist in the gloom

WARMUP: various warmups done
THE THANG: partner up-100 merkins, 200 Bobby hurleys, 300 single count mtn climbers.
Mosey to wall- wall sits while pax broad jump length of group x 2, 10 step ups, 10 derkins, 10dips at courtyard x 3 sets, mosey to playground 5,4,3,2,1 pull-ups and burpees. Indian run back to COT for 1 to 2 min of Mary.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: final countdown, dam 2 dam, trash pickup
COT: prayers for metro brothers family, prayer for marriages, pray for bobbers friend who was at incident where one of his friends was tragically killed.

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Merkin Filled Zipper

This is Band Camp reporting for the work-swamped Fire Marshall Bill and the 16 other PAX at minnow pond on 8/4. Looks like y’all ran a zipper and did merkins? This report has not been verified, but I think the tags are accurate

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Takin’ it back old school because I’m an old fool

WARMUP: we ran up the hill on Massey into the big parking lot to circle up. Started with some SSH and stopped pretty quick to get in cadence. 5 burpee penalty. Started over with SSH in cadence…stopped again to get in cadence. 3 burpee penalty. Started again and stayed in cadence for the most part. Moved on to sumo squats, merkins, shoulder taps, up and down dog, and finished with some back stretching.
THE THANG: From the parking lot, we ran down the grass hill over to the small lot with the wall that used to have nails sticking out (we didn’t find any of those). We did 7s here with burpees at the bottom, jump the wall, and donkey kicks at the top.

Finished here and had a short run over to the “step up” wall. Before we left the parking lot, we were reminded we have one mouth and 2 ears and if we’re thinking of our responses before someone else is done speaking, are we truly listening??

Made it to the step up wall where we did 11s. Steps up were both legs (bad idea here) and we did decline ranger merkins for the other half of our 11s (10+1, 9+2…1+10).

Left here with the plan to go to LBJ church and with 15 min left, we Omaha’s back to the big parking lot. Dora was the plan and previous site Q Bobber suggested running up and down the big hill…so we did. Partner up and Dora was: 100 diamond merkins, 200 jump squats, 300 flutters 2 count…which no one made it to flutters.
MARY: 5 min to spare we ran back to COT for MARY. Both Jackelope and State Farm got a chance to call cadence and crushed it!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots! Check out the newsletter! Dam to dam is coming so look for Sept 1 sign up!
COT: welcomed Stiletto who was visiting Maximus from TX, and Wegmans has 13 weeks to perfect his smoking craft as he takes care of that new baby!

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3.5mi-4mi of leg sweeping

WARMUP: Walk 20ft, circle up and do some SSH followed by 5 Burpees. That’s all you get.
THE THANG: Run the Earth Fare lot then 20 Merkins.
Run to the bottom of the hill before the GHES entrance. 10 Carolina Dry Docks, 10 Wide Arm Merkins, 10 Diamond Merkins.
Grab a partner and push each other until the finish.
Run to the first light pole heading up the back road. NUR to the next light pole, run 2 light poles, NUR 1, run 2, etc all the way up to the top. Recovery run with your partner back to the start.
Do a set of American Hammers.
Repeat the round heading up and down the hill then Grave Diggers and other Mary exercises.
Run the lap around the basketball lot, burpees, then grab the 6.
Final instructions: Run back to the bottom of the hill in front of the school, do the CDD, W.A.M. and Diamonds.
Run back to the stop sign for 20 Merkins, run the parking lot and do more Merkins.
MARY: Scattered throughout the workout.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: You know what to do.

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Accountability takes a Brother

Minnow Pond starts with the pledge of allegiance. Off to Church of God parking lot. The route – Crossroads 10 Merkins -4 different legs with 4 different exercises. 15 squats top of Hill, 15 Monkey Humpers top hill at 160, 15 dips in front of Bloom, 10 Bomb Jacks Road past COG. Repeat until 5:55. Met back for a quick Mary of 40 flutters in cadence. Head back to COT.

Discussed we need other men in our life for accountability, guidance in work, marriage, raising kids and keeping a balance. Can’t do life alone and plenty of men in the Fort that can provide wisdom of life. Seek out other men!!!

Thanks Jekyll for the opportunity to lead.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Anniversary coming up for the Fort, stuff the bus, Stang Golf and read Newsletter.

COT:prayers for Jekyll recovery, Walker and others recovering. Marriages and kids starting back to school.

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Swampy Soup conditions were no match for 17 men to do the harder thing by launching from startex and heading into the #gloom. And when I say #gloom, I mean original AO, full grass, dirty, immersion. *just want to add that it makes me so happy to see Bojangles out with us again. pretty close to an OG and a strong leader. 2.0 Jackalope falling right in and establishing his own path too. Very cool. Cousin Eddie Accelerating, Bobber has the gift of gab, and Grout is a silent killer.
WARMUP: Full COP with SSH, IW, Merkins, Windmills, overhead claps.
1. head to hill for Jacobs ladder (7) with Donkey Kicks and Bombjacks
2. Playground- Partner up for lap around playground while partner does pull ups till return. Flapjack. Rinse/Repeat
3. Partner Derkins/Dip. P1 hold plank, P2 does exercise on back of P1. 10 reps. flapjack; Rinse/Repeat
4. Pike Place Muscle ups and wall sits. Extra credit for IJ, Bandcamp and Funhouse for heading after the #monster
MARY: LBC, Rosalita, Hello Dolly, American Hammers, V- Up
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Stuff the bus, 10 year coming up
COT: Praise for Kermit’s new job. Bonsai’s leadership, and a few prayers for YHC Rhinoplasty

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