Zipper takes no mercy


THE THANG: Zipper: 3.2-3.8 miles of neighborhood hate. 10 merkins and 10 squats at every cross street between Spring and Unity. If the reps dont kill you the hills will. Always a #crowdpleaser and you are better (albeit #smoked) after.

MacGuyver was the #King today- no surprise. B.O.B was up there and Grout was in top 3 or 5? #triplehate Bash Brothers: State Farm and Jackalope came back to swim at the pond for the second week in a row. Also great to see their dads. Keep your eye on Cousin Eddie. He’s rising fast!

MARY: Dont understand

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brew Ruck tonight, Final Countdown
CSAUP 9/10

COT: Praise and Prayers for State Farm and Jackalope who will be making their way to the Citadel in a few weeks. Prayers for marriages, our children.

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Tanknation at the ballroom

WARMUP: Broga, SSH, IW, Windmills, dips, derkins, mosey
THE THANG: 10 signs with exercises on them. Each increments by 1 exercise. Do a sign then a lap. 10 ea. Merkins, big boys, squats, plank jacks, LBCs, Mtn climbers, SSH, flutters, American hammers, burpees. See yard backblast for more derails
MARY: Rebel led
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter.
COT: prayers

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Partner Murph and Hills

WARMUP: SSH, arm circles, Imp Walker, HB Walker, lap around park
THE THANG: Rebel led Partner Murph, 100 pull-ups, 200 merkins, 300 squats, while one is doing exercise the other partner ran to statue and back.

Hand off to Fogerty did 6’s up the hill with BB sit-ups and SSH. Went to adjacent parking lot for 4 corners. Pax named an exercise and led. Got in 3 laps around lot.
MARY: continuous Mary without feet touching ground led by Pusher.

COT: prayers and praises lifted up. Fogerty took us out.

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No discounts for the Coupons!

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Pickers, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, LBCs
THE THANG: Starfish w Bombjax at the center – 3 exercises at each of the corners. Coupons were a hit !
MARY: 5 mins at end
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood drive, CSAUP, Bubble pancake breakfast, Final count down,

COT: Prayers for Tootie, Destiny in-laws, Health, Families

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The Forts fastest AO

Tuesday July 12th seabiscuit becomes the Forts newest official AO. Join us in the parking lot of Blues smokehouse @5:15am at the corner of Doby’s bridge rd and the bypass. This is going to be a speed based running AO, geared towards improving overall speed. If you’re not fast, then this is for you. If you are fast, this is also for you. It’s kinda like Disney, there’s something for everyone.

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Light Poles and Jack Webb’s

WARMUP: little mosey and then SSH, O/H Claps, MNC, MC, Imperial Walker
THE THANG: 6 light poles and treat it like suicides with an exercise at each pole. 1st pole, 10 Wide Arm Merkins, 2. 15 CDD, 3. 20 Merkins. 4. 25 Squats. 5. 30 Monkey Hunpers. 6. 35 Plank Jax.
Mosey to front of Middle School in front of Benches. Two rounds of Jack Webb. 1st round up to 5 & 20 Heels to Heaven / Big Boy Sit-ups. 2nd round up to 5& 20. Merkins/Dips. Return to basketball court for sprints. And end with some Mary.

Welcome FNG Wicked Tuna, EH’d from Colombia, SA. Yes that is South America

Thanks Fogerty for the Q stick. Great to see Beacon back out!!!!

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Partner B.L.I.M.P.S. and a pair of Jacks

– SSH x20
– Windmills x10
– Mountain Climbers x10
– Hill Billy Walkers x10
– Low Slow Squat x10
– SSH x10
Partner B.L.I.M.P.S. Round 1
1. B – Bomb jacks ==> Broadjumps
2. L – LBCs ==> Lunges
3. I -Imperial Walkers ==> High Knee
4. M – Merkins ==> Mosey
5. P – Plank Punches ==> Power Skip
6. S – SSH ==> Shuffle Left/Right

People’s Chair with Jack Reachers (2x)
Jack Webb 1:4 – to 10

Pax choice (American Hammers, Gas Pumper, Makhtar N’Diayes, Grave diggers, forgot the others)


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Respect Bday Q

YHC was honored to Q minnow pond on my actual 50th (RESPECT) birthday. since the theme is 50, the route was a loop with 5 pain stations with 3 exercises of 10reps (to equal 50 reps per exercise and lap). Goal was 5 laps for the gazelles.

The stations were at Main/Tom Hall, Tom Hall/Withers, Withers/Confederate, Withers/Watson, and Railroad/Main.

Unfortunately I scheduled skin cancer surgery 2 days prior without thinking about the implications. Doctor requested I not exercise for 2 weeks but I couldn’t resist. Reason why I mention this is as a Public Service Announcement: use sun screen all year long and always reapply daily to avoid skin cancer.

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Leading The Old Men in Circles

WARMUP: Everything in cadence to 10
Windmills, Cherry pickers, M Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers, HB Walkers
2 laps on the track around basketball courts, met around 4 square and did SSHs, calf stretching and groin stretching.
10 Merkins
15 BBS
20 calf raises
25 Superman’s
30 CDD
35 LCB
Run lap around parking lot
Rinse, repeat

Baseball stretches
Leg across body
Knee to chest
Knee to ground
Groin stretch

Pain ends

MARY: Nada

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence on Monday, July 4th at Honey Badger; GoRuck Star Course on Oct 8th in Charlotte.
COT: Prayers for kids turning 18 and living in the freest country in our realm!

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