Out of control!

WARMUP: SSH,Windmills,Merkins,mosey
THE THANG: Al Carmichael
Run from station to station as a group and doing 10 reps of each exercise with a brisk mosey between each station and staying together.  Station A had Diamond Push-ups, Wide armed pushups, and Carolina Dry docks.  
Station B had Squats-Hold for 30 seconds at the end, Lunges, and calf raises-hold for ten second at the end.
We finished and did 11’s on a slight incline. Hand real ease merkins on one end and flying squirrels on the other.
@bandcamp wore his vest bc he’s extra moderate.

MARY: LBC, American Hammer, box cutters, flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rebound was leading at hanging w stang, longduck is a pickle ball champ,
COT: We are not in control. We can put in the right effort, and we can put in the wrong effort. There is clearly a line where it is best to turn it over to God and trust he has our best interest at heart. Then we need to move on to the next good thing we can do.

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Clydesdales, Wed Aug 16

Apparently we ran, apparently there were 22.

The route was spectacular, all downhill, except for the uphill.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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The Shirtless Wonders

WARMUP: Change Order with stretching and other fun stuff
Trucker started off with some wind sprints between the light poles in the back parking lot. Merkins completed at the end of each round. Four rounds finished before next hand-off. Fishstix had next. Partner up, One partner bear crawled to the wall and completed 5 muscle ups and back to other partner. The other partner did the following exercises: HR Merkins (Rd1), CCD (Rd2), and Flutters (Rd3).
Hand-off to Mainframe. Partner burpees, each partner alternated doing burpees starting at 1, when the team reached 20, they ran a lap. Four rounds, lots of burpees.
Finished with Change Order broga

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Stuff the Bus Convergence

Ran over to parking lot behind football fields
SSH – all exercises were to 20 INC
1 burpee
2 burpees
Cherry Pickers
3 burpees
4 burpees
Moroccan Night Club
5 Burpees
Imperial walkers
6 burpees
7 burpees
8 burpees
9 burpees
10 burpees

Throughout the workout we had pax share about different opportunities we have within The Fort to serve our community. We had the following speak (Fogerty – Trash Pickup, Cousin Eddy – Bethel Men’s shelter, Jiffy – FM Care Center, Stuff the Bus)

Partner Up
Round 1 –
Flying Squirrels
Inch worm merkins

Round 2
Big boy sit-ups
Jump Squats
Wide arm merkins

We have an amazing opportunity in The Fort to impact our community. We have pax impacting our community through service. Challenge was raised, if you aren’t actively impacting the community, why not?

It was an honor to be able to lead the workout this morning. This was diffident from most workouts because of the number of times we stopped to talk. However I felt it important to share with the guys what is happening around them. We also were able to congratulate Double D in his hand off of Nantan to Esso. Double D, thank you for you service to the pax. You have always been someone who ask the tough questions that challenge us and I thank you for that and what you did for our Region during your reign as Nantan. Esso, I look forward where you are going to take us and your energy to lead. We have a bright future ahead.

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Whetstone not Wet Stone

Cohiba led warmup where we ran to front of Elementary School and commenced with COP

Hand off to Kaiser where we ran bball courts behind middle school and performed a modified Dora
-dips, irkins, big boys

Hand off to CakeBoss
Mosey to side of elementary school

Partner one big boys
Partner two bear crawl

Partner one leg raises
Partner two bear crawl

Partner one LBCs
Partner two bear crawl

Partner one hellos dollys
Partner two suicide sprint

Partner one something
Partner two suicide sprint

Mosey to driveway for gasers between light poles
Last one all the way to COT

8/4: Convergence
8/5: Stuff the bus

Prayers and Praises recognized

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Smokin Tour of Pain

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Broga, Strawberry Pickers, and Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: Mosey to four corners by church. Performed exercises at four corners at end of each street being 10 reps of Merkins, Squats, Big Boy Sit Ups, and Mountain Climbers with 1 Burpee when coming back to four corners. Completed 2 rounds of each exercise with 3.5 miles.
MARY: Didn’t have enough time.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Friday Convergence, Stuff the Bus, and HIM Camp
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Hot in the City…

WARMUP: Mosey to Print Shop
5 Burpees at Print Shop
10 Merkins at The Crossings
15 Dips at The Church of God
20 Squats
Rinse and repeat
3-4 miles between front and back of PAX
2 rounds of exercise moves
Convergence next Friday
Stuff the Bus next Saturday
Prayers for all the new drivers on the road and over all of our relationships with our 2.0s

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Oklahoma at STL

Warmup: None

The Thang:

BLIMP inspired workout
Burpees x 10
Lunges x 10
IWs x 10
Merkins x 10
Plank Jacks x 10

Route looked a lot like the state outline of Oklahoma. Tesla was the King with 4.25 miles. All others had 3+ including a minimum of 5 laps.

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