Running Street Jackson

Tried to make a pun on an Outkast song lyric “I’m sorry Ms. Jackson” by saying “We’re running street Jackson.” But much like running Jackson Street, it wasn’t funny. (Although I laughed)

Ran for a mile
Core work for the 6
5 burpees
10 hand release merkins
16 split squats (8 each leg)

Rinse and Repeat

Keep after it. Awesome to see guys that don’t typically run 3+ miles in the gloom crush it today.

TClap |


We spent most of our time on challenges that @Mainframe “could have accomplished 20 years ago.”
Notes: @Peta needs a side career doing voice overs
   @Joe Lyons (F3 Long Duck) is actually from GA, which makes the bulldog thing understandable
   @Slapshot and @fishstix stayed towards the 6 to make YHC feel like the workout was challenging
   @SouptoNuts brought a co-worker (Joe Blow) along to commiserate. He name dropped @Royale_F3
   @photobomb and @Badlands were psychic on the lack of running and got more in on their own. For an extra fee, they’ll do tarot card readings
   @Sprocket is considering building a company based around puzzles of Mark Rothko paintings
   @Shady & @Esso seemed enamored with how many picnic benches you can fit under an awning

Kept it light on running as recovering from giving blood apparently takes me a long while. Spent a lot of time on mobility and leg exercises. And hey, you can learn a lot on YouTube:

The pistol squats after a ton of lunge walking pissed guys off. 🙂

TClap |


We spent most of our time challenges that @Mainframe “could have accomplished 20 years ago.”
Notes: @Peta needs a side career doing voice overs
@Joe Lyons (F3 Long Duck) is actually from GA, which makes the bulldog thing understandable
@Slapshot and @fishstix stayed towards the 6 to make YHC feel like the workout was challenging
@SouptoNuts brought a co-worker (Joe Blow) along to commiserate. He name dropped @Royale_F3
@photobomb and @Badlands were psychic on the lack of running and got more in on their own. For an extra fee, they’ll do tarot card readings
@Sprocket is considering building a company based around puzzles of Mark Rothko paintings
@Shady & @Esso seemed enamored with how many picnic benches you can fit under an awning

Kept it light on running as recovering from giving blood apparently takes me a long while. Spent a lot of time on mobility and leg exercises. And hey, you can learn a lot on YouTube:

The pistol squats after a ton of lunge walking pissed guys off. 🙂

TClap |

Light Pole Accumulators

– SSH (25)
– Windmills (10)
– Imperial Walkers (10)
– Hello Dollys (10)
– Box Cutters (10)
– Mountain Climbers (20)

Mosey to light poles along back entrance for light pole accumulator exercise.

1 rep at 1st light pole
2 reps at 2nd
3 reps at 3rd…etc.

When first pax gets to 9th light pole (and does 9 reps), run back to first light pole and sweep the rest of the pax.

Rinse and repeat with following exercises.

1. Flying Squirrels
2. Squats
3. Plank Jacks
4. Jump Squats
5. Merkins

YHC had more planned, but had to quit due to time. Clocked in 3.5 miles, according to Apple. Great work by all pax! Thanks Rebound for the opportunity to serve!

TClap |

In Cadence

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins
THE THANG: 7 of Diamonds-curls,manmakers,tricep extensions, halo lunges
MARY: kbell swings
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Him camp, adopt a highway, stuff the bus,

TClap |

The Fort Horsemen at the Colloseum

WARMUP: 15 SideStattleHops
8 (3 count) Michael Phelps
10 Moroccan night clubs
10 (3 count) V-ups
10 (3 count) dying cockroaches
10 (3 count) Mt. Climbers
10 (3 count) Peter parkers
10 (3 count) Parker Peters
10 (3 count) Hello Dollies
10 Box cutters
10 (3 count) Airplanes
8 (3 count) J-Lows

Dora – Partner 1 bear crawl down and toy soldiers back. Partner 2 does Turkish Get-ups until partner 1 gets back.
Two – 30 second 6 inch hold in plank position while resting in straight arm in plank position in between sets for 30 seconds. This allowed for my 2 minutes of sharing about the benefits of our SL.
Jack Webb Wheelbarrow style, partner up, partner performing the Jack Web gets into the wheelbarrow position with other partner holding his legs. Perform 1 merkin, then wheelbarrow 4 paces, then perform 2 merkins, then wheelbarrow 8 paces, so forth and so on until you reach the ultimate goal of 10-40. If the first partner attempting the wheelbarrow jack web needs a break he will remember where he was in the web upon stopping while his partner starts the same process. Keep swapping back and forth as many times as needed until both partners complete the series.
Ran a circuit around the school lot with six leg stations along the way. At each station do rep count of 15 for the first lap, then 20 for second lap, then 25 for 3rd lap.

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter, Come to the Testament on Wednesday.

COT: Prayers for deaths in the family of close friends, Praise for opportunity to serve others,

TClap |

4th of July Convergence

1776 Workout
50 Burpees
100 SSHs
100 Merkins
Run Lap
100 Squats
100 LBCs
100 Mountain Climbers
Run Lap
100 Carolina Dry Docks
100 Lunges
100 Flutters
Run Lap
100 Seal Jacks
100 Squat Jumps
100 America Hammers
Run Lap
100 Plank Jacks
100 Monkey Humpers
100 Dips
Run Lap
100 Hello Dollies
100 Overhead Claps
100 yard Bear Crawl
Run Lap
26 Burpees
Run Lap

TClap |

Options at Flight Plan

WARMUP: Route explanations
Option 1: WalMart loop
Option 2: 4 miler through Baxter with a few hills
Option 3: 5 miler through Baxter with a few hills
MARY: Nope-It’s a running AO
ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM camp, Litter pickup
COT: Had to be there.

TClap |

LIV vs PGA Tour at the Hive

Uhaul was spinning the tunes by request which meant 80s and 90s rap hits. It is clearly a spiritual gift for him and the Pax appreciate it.


Mosey around the parking lot
Windmills x 10
MNC x 15


Separate into two groups (LIV tour and PGA Tour). Focus today would be KB exercises to improve golf swing accuracy and distance. Tours would do 3 sets of each exercise with 12 reps followed by a lap and then switch tours.

Hand Plank Reach
Mtn Climbers

PGA Tour
KB Swings

Lap then switch

Round 2
LIV Tour
Floor press
Russian Twist
Skull crushers

PGA Tour
Lateral swings
Slalom jumps

Lap then switch

All Tours
Goblet Squats
Big Boys

Mosey back to COT

COT: YHC had not Q’ed in some time and while I laid out a clear disclaimer, I failed to recognize that we had an FNG brought to us by Cohiba. Thanks to the pax, we were able to remedy this and provide him with a good name and explanation of F3 and the core principles.

I left the Pax with a question…what times in your life have truly brought you joy? Its a question that I was journaling about last night. What stands out to me is my wedding, the birth of my girls, seeing my girls succeed at something and the fellowship of the Pax

What has truly brought you joy?

TClap |

KABOOM at Colosseum

WARMUP: Disclaimer only
THE THANG: 1776 reps of pain plus some running
COT: On this birthday of our country we added FNG Tang to our pax, EH’d by Mark Twain. Welcome brother! We sweat like crazy in the Gloom and let the familiar soreness settle in as the fireworks lit up the sky to honor our forefathers and our fellow Americans. Grateful to have been born in the USA and to share this life with my F3 brothers. May we stay United and foster Unity with those we meet each time we leave COT and enter the world around us. God Bless America!

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