Can we just get along?

Life is not always how we thought nor visioned it would be. There are a lot of personal experiences YHC could pull from, but as I reflect back to our COT, who would have thought that we would have another mass shooting at a concert – less than 2 weeks after Pittsburgh’s??

*jump ahead to COT* As we circled up and voiced our praises and prayers (which I will list at the end), I mentioned the need to continue to pray for Pittsburgh and the need for all people – no matter what color, race, or religion – to just get along when one of the PAX mentioned that there was another mass shooting the night before. My heart sank. How? Why?

It doesn’t make sense. As I sat in my  aunt & uncle’s house in Pittsburgh 2 Saturday’s ago watching the local coverage of the synagogue mass shooting, seeing my aunt’s face of shock, crying, confusion, I began to realize that we may never have it the way we vision. Forgive me for harping on this, but as some know, my extended family in Pittsburgh are Jewish. It was the most surreal experience knowing that my cousin and her husband live in Squirrel Hill, 3 blocks from the synagogue (luckily that was not their synagogue) and seeing the devastation. Unfortunately, for my cousin’s husband, unfortunate news arrived late Saturday night as 2 of the deceased were extended family members of his. Sunday, they televised a local memorial service where they had clergy from all religions speak. The message: we are all one community. This, this is the vision our GOD has for us all, not what we thought we needed, bought, nor material stuff we have, but to be true good stewards of our neighbors – Love one another. Forget color, race or religion, we are all one in this community and the vision for us all should be to make peace with everyone, live in a world without hate, terror, wrongful deaths….etc….

Now that I vented (my apologies), the morning started with a nice crisp cool morning. As PAX rolled in, all eyes turned to one of the last cars pulling in; a white Accord blasting hip-hop music, the driver head bobbing to the beat (thanks for the entertainment mixxmaster Flat Tire). This definitely got the PAX fired up. Plus 2 PAX were stupid or courageous (not sure which) to don rucks. After posting in Pittsburgh 2 weeks ago at the Point State Park AO, the Q that morning broke out a WO from one of our local AOs in Lake Norman – Sharknato. Ever since then, I thought, wow this would be a good one to lead next time I Q.

So after a mossy to the band field, we circled up and did COP. Yes YHC lead off with SSH’s, so I can now omit that from any future Qs. Each PAX would do 20 merkins & run a lap around the field, 20 squats & run the lap, 20 LBCs & run the lap, and 20 V ups & run the lap. Once that cycle was done, rinse and repeat until time for COT. Halfway through the AO, Pusher did a smart audible and relocated to the student parking lot since FMHS band members started to pull in to load up for their trip to Indy for the marching band nationals. We ended 5 mins early to do 5 minutes of mary.

COT prayers: Sir Topham Hat’s brother in-law who is a member of the Pittsburgh SWAT and was one of the first responder’s who had to witness the situation first hand, Frat Boy’s daughter in her upcoming cheer leading competition,  MOAB’s need for children’s clothing for their 2 foster kids, and all the rest that I seem to have forgotten – sorry.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this awesome group of #HIM


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How heavy is a Bonsai tree?

As I was preparing for the Q at Fire Ant I was excited and had everything planned out. However apparently the one thing I didn’t plan for was my inability to set the alarm for the correct time. I woke up at 4:55 and pretty much ran out of the house with all my gear in my hands. I was able to get to the AO with a few minutes to spare, but my head wasn’t in it. It didn’t take long for the Pax to notice as I completely forgot to count in cadence for the first exercise. After a couple exercises I was able to get my head right and lead. Apologize to the Pax for my mistake. Thanks for bearing with me as I proceeded to Q. In the end I believe it was a good workout, but definitely started out rocky.

We started the workout off with a homemade litter/gurney/stretcher (whatever you want to call it). However thanks to Spider Man I decided to place 230 lbs (my weight) of sandbags on this litter because he mentioned he was able to hold all the weight of a Bonsai in one hand. 4 Pax jumped on the litter while the rest of the Pax grabbed the cinder blocks and moved around toward the back of the school.

Dropped gear and began the warmup

Windmill – helps when you count in cadence so the Pax know how fast to go
LBCs – after getting poked by the Pax I figured I would make sure they rolled on the wet ground

The Thang:
Pax counted off in 4’s since we didn’t have enough blocks for everyone. Each group took an exercise and work through all 4.

Round 1:
5 man makers
10 merkins
Farmer Carry down stairs and back up
20 LBCs

Bear crawl 40 yds
Crawl bear 40 yds

Pick up litter and cinderblocks and move

Round 2:
5 man makers
10 V-ups
15 Curls
20 Shoulder pulls

Pick up gear and move (Rotate as needed)

Round 3:
5 man makers
10 – can’t remember, but it was not fun
15 Squat Thrusters
20 Ruck Swings

Arrived at COT with 1 minute remaining so we finished off with 5 more man makers

The intent of this workout was to get Pax to work on their grip strength by carrying heavy stuff with their hands. I have found that carrying items where I need to leverage grip strength is a weak point of mine. My grip tends to give out much quicker than other areas. The only way to get better at something is to continue to work on it.

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Lazy Dora

12 Pax posted to Fire Ant tossed on their rucks and got a little stronger today.

With Fire Ant moving to a new location in two weeks I took the opportunity to move us 2 by 2 around the back of Harris Teeter to enjoy the wonderful aroma emitting from the dumpsters.

Rucks off for the usual warmup – SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Mountain Climbers.

The Thang

Partner Up for Lazy Dora.  Each team of two will do 100 merkins, 200 Flutters and 300 Squats.

For the merkins, partner 1 will do 10 merkins, while partner 2 planks.  Switch at 10 and Partner 2 will do 10 merkins while partner 1 planks.  Continue alternating until you reach 100.

For the flutters, partner 1 will 20 flutters (double count) while partner two will hold six inches.  Switch at 20 and partner 2 will do flutters while partner 1 holds six inches.  Continue alternating until you reach 200.

For the squats, partner 1 will do 25 squats while partner 2 does an Al Gore. Switch at 25 and partner 2 will do 25 squats while partner 1 does Al Gore.  Continue alternating until you reach 300.

Once all are complete move 2 by 2 to the parking lot in front of Bubbles and Bows and line up on the island for 7s.  Complete 6 ruck swings and bear crawl across the parking lot to other island.  Do 1 man-maker.  Lunge walk back to other island for 5 ruck swings.  Bear crawl back for 2 man-makers.  Continue this until you have gotten to 1 ruck swing and 6 man-makers.

Ended just in time for COT with Golden Corral.


Fast 5k and F3 soccer – 10/27

Christmas Party – 12/1

Check WWL’s pre-blast for the custom ruck event coming to The Fort 5/4/2019.  Options for a Heavy, Tough, and Light.  Get signed up.

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Laces In / Out : Garbage IN Garbage OUT! and The Class of……


13 men showed up at FMHS for some get better positive habits.

4 runners hit the track with Sir Double D doing some mile repeats…..ouch!!

9 others followed YHC off campus to the local Catholic Church for some ladder climbing

The Thang:

Mosey out of FMHS lot up hill to St Phillip Neri lot and COP

  • Plank
  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Sumo Squats
  • Peter Parker
  • Parker Peter
  • Toy Soldiers
  • Shuffle left
  • Shuffle right
  • Mosey to back of church building
  • Dips
  • Calf Raises

9 Stations building on each

1 – 5 burpees, run
2 – 5 burpees, 10 ‘merkins, bearcrawl
3 – 5 burpees, 10 ‘merkins, 15 LBCs, run
4 – 5 burpees, 10 ‘merkins, 15 LBCs, , 20 dry docks, bearcrawl
5 – 5 burpees, 10 ‘merkins, 15 LBCs, , 20 dry docks, 25 squats, run
6 – 5 burpees, 10 ‘merkins, 15 LBCs, , 20 dry docks, 25 squats, 1 minute plank, bearcrawl
7 – 5 burpees, 10 ‘merkins, 15 LBCs, , 20 dry docks, 25 squats, 1 minute plank, 30 American Hammers, run
8 – 5 burpees, 10 ‘merkins, 15 LBCs, , 20 dry docks, 25 squats, 1 minute plank, 30 American Hammers, 35 shoulder presses in peoples chair, run
9 – 5 burpees, 10 ‘merkins, 15 LBCs, , 20 dry docks, 25 squats, 1 minute plank, 30 American Hammers, 35 shoulder presses in peoples chair, 40 side straddle hops, run to COT



Circle up with runners and hit up the announcements

  • 10/27 – Fastest 5k & F3 Soccer
  • 12/1 – Fort Christmas Party

Prayers for Jwow travel and Double D nephew/family.

Spoke about all the hours in the day and if we are filling our heads with trash, trash will come out. It is in the form of negative outlook, pessimism, depression. Instead fill yourself with encouraging positive productive things and don’t feed off of the culture… only lies to us which leads to disappointment. Connect with Sky Q often and find out his plan for you and how to navigate this crazy life!!

Thanks Lil E for the Q!! Humbled and Honored!

Cake Boss out

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Block Party Beast Beatdown

YHC was excited to get the reminder of my pending Q at Block Party. You see, it’s been a bit since I’ve Q’d and I haven’t been as committed to my First F as I should. Would I be dying trying to call cadence? What exercises should we do? Would anybody even show up? After a restless night of sleep, I got up, picked up my boy Atticus, and cruised to the spot where it all started in The Fort…WEP! One of my questions was answered right away as cars started rolling in the parking lot. And they kept coming. Seeing all the PAX (18 in total!) definitely humbled me and got my Qdrenaline flowing. After a quick disclaimer, we took off.


Mosey to the first mile marker with some high knees and butt kickers thrown in. Plank series at the marker, flip to crab for some dips (crab dip?), and back for more planks. Merkins and then back to moseying.

We stopped at each marker and did more stuff including but not limited to squats, LBC’s, wide arm merkins, mountain climbers, Peter Parkers, etc.

After completing the circle, we headed over to the brick wall at the UC Synergetic visitor parking lot on 160. Everybody grabbed a seat on the wall and watched while the guy on the end burpee broad jumped his way to the other end of the group and took a seat. Everybody got a turn and great fun was had critiquing form and jumping ability.
Next up was a bear crawl race up the big grassy hill to the main parking lot. While catching our breath, YHC talked about the word of the month, Encouragement. I shared that Barnabus was one of my favorite men of the Bible. Acts 4:36 tells us his name means “son of encouragement”. That’s exactly what he was during his missionary journeys with Paul. I want to be an encourager and our kids certainly need that from us. Some of the best words you can say to your kids: You got what it takes! I believe in you! The challenge to encourage someone that day was issued.
Next up was the meat of the workout, THE BEAST.
The Beast = 6 stations, 6 exercises at each station, 6 rounds. After each round, plank up and wait for the 6.
1st round – jumping lunges
2 – Freddy Mercury
3 – Low Country Crabs
4 – American Hammers
5 – Flutter Kicks? I can’t really remember?
6 – Burpees (crowd pleaser)
A quick look at the watch indicated 3 minutes till 6 so jailbreak to COT

We had a lot. Christmas Party, upcoming workout, CAH volunteer opportunities, etc. As they say, read your newsletter
Prayers and praises were shared and Chicken Hawk closed up out.
Thanks Shady for giving me the opportunity to Q! I needed the kick in the pants to get back out there and I loved every minute of it.
Flat Tire

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Hurricane Michael

I heard the rain from Hurricane Michael pounding my windows right before the alarm clock went off. If it weren’t for Lil E and the Pax, I would have fartsacked. The Pax in attendance were actually looking forward to the storm. We stood against the rain and got stronger.

The Thang:

COP: SSH (30x), IW (20x), WM (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (20x).

Mosey to the hill near the stadium to add inertia and do the following exercises.

  1. 100 Yard Dash
  2. Jumping Squats (2x)
  3. Big Boy Sit Ups (3x)
  4. Pepper Grinders (4x)
  5. Burpees (5x)
  6. LBCs (6x)
  7. Sumo Squats (7x)
  8. Heels to Heaven (8x)
  9. Dips (9x)
  10. Calf raises (10x)
  11. Merkins (11x)
  12. Penguins (12x)

COP: V-ups (15x), Scorpions (15x), Windshield Wipers (7x), Peter Parkers (15x)


We live in a hero-centered society. More attention and accolades are focused on the player verse the team, the “I” and “me” instead of we. At times, people who show humility are perceived as weak.

So why should we remain humble?

The answer is because God can do more with a humble heart.

A man who lacks humility tends to be arrogant with a heart that’s hard as rock. How can God plant seeds on their hard soil?

A man with with a humble heart tend to grateful for with an open mind and heart. God can plant many seeds that bear fruit with their soft soil.

James 4:10 ~ Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

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Run, run, run. Do some things. And then run some more. Grass is wet.

The Thang:


Mosey up Munn Street to the other side of the school.

A few warm up exercises in the parking lot.

Partner up for accountability and run the LARGE half circle stopping three times to do 10 burpees, 20 merkins, 40 lbcs at each stop.

The complaining..errr…mumblechatter started.

Nice soft grass was found on the lacrosse field along with 2 tires.  Two groups lined up.  One line ran carrying the smaller tire while the other line rolled the tractor tire the length of the field.  The remaining Pax did a series of exercises until their turn.


A nice lil mosey o a wall for some sits and BTTW.

Another run and then 150 calf raises (50 regular/50 toes in/50 toes out)

Lots of complaining.

Ran back to COT for a quick round of Mary.

The End.

My message was short but hopefully is remembered when life happens – there is opportunity in change.  Look for the good side and embrace what that can mean for you.

As always an honor to lead the men of The Fort, esp on the day we honored Dark Visor who passed away yesterday in Alpharetta at a workout.

Until next time….

TClap |

011 Ruck PT at Fire Ant

Lucky me, after the weekend of the GoRuck Selection Facebook Live event I get to Q the Fire Ant.  I felt privileged to be the first.  If you don’t know what the GoRuck Selection is just check out Go Ruck on Facebook.  This event goes 48+ hours of some of the worse PT, ruck marches, and extra weight carries you can imagine.  If you’ve done a GoRuck Tough, it like that on steroids for 2 straight days!  And it’s led by 7-10 of GoRuck’s best cadres.  Completion % is > 2%.  And you get to watch this live on Facebook!  It’s crazy, if you want to check it out, video replays are on their FB page.

So we had 14 PAX ready to test their will on the ruck, including Sasquatch and Wegmans who borrowed rucks to join us, as well as Tinsel for his 1st ruck workout! I had asked all the regular ruckers to bring their sandbags and they did not disappoint.  It’s amazing how the numbers work out sometimes.  14 guys + me /  7 sandbags of extra weight = perfect fit!  (Spiderman later ragged me for clip boarding for like 4 minutes…he was right) After Dark Helmet’s Q school disclaimer we lined up 2×2 with a sandbag between each man and started the long march.

We moseyed over to the church parking lot north of the shopping center talking about the GoRuck Selection and Doug – the only man to finish the 48 hour Selection this year.  About half of the ruckers watched some of the Selection on Facebook Live at some point this weekend.  Many of them were yelling at their devices “DFQ 011!!!!!” at least a few times…

When we arrived I told them about our goal today.  In honor of 011s Selection completion we had 11 ruck exercises and we would complete 11 reps for each.  These were some of my favorite PT items the cadres had 011 go through countless times during Selection!

  1. 8 count Burpees with ruck on
  2. Ruck Curls
  3. Squat Thrusters
  4. Flutters with ruck press
  5. Overhead ruck press
  6. Ruck sandbag toss (in the grass)
  7. Ruck Swings
  8. Man Makers
  9. Tricep Extensions
  10. Overhead Ruck Hold with Lunges
  11. Ruck sandbag Bear-hug Carry for 110 yards

This PT was brutal and allowed for plenty of mubblechatter.  We completed the full rotation twice before we were almost out of time.

Once complete, we lined back up in 2×2 formation.  Each man had a sandbag between them.  This time we would rotate the bags between partners on our route back to COT.  We took the long way and each man carried a bag twice.

Back to COT right on time – Dark Helmet and his 6 PAX not so much.  We did flutters while we waiting for their LATE return.

COT with Nameorama – announcements – prayers – BOM

An Honor to Lead




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Laces In – 9.20.18

14 strong at LacesIn on a great morning.  All tolerated a few of YHC’s favorite exercises.

Warm up

Short mosey and circle up for the usual suspects.

  • SSH
  • Windmill
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Peter Parker
  • Parker Peter

The Thang

Mosey over the band lot and line up on the goal line for the following

  • Lunge walk 50 yards. Stop every ten yards for 10 squats.
  • Bear Crawl remaining 50 yards and 10 CDDs every ten yards.
  • Crabwalk back 50 yards with 10 LBCs every ten yards.
  • Burpee broad jump remaining 50 yards.
  • Theee rounds of suicides to the 10, 20, and 30


Mosey to base of hill at the entrance to parking lot from Munn Road and do the following:

  • 10 singe count Merkins, 10 sumo squats IC, 20 Freddy mercury IC. Run to third light pole and back.
  • 10 single count diamond Merkins, 10 monkey humpers IC, 20 Flutters IC. Run to top of hill and jog back down
  • 10 single count wide Merkins, 10 bombjacks, 10 hello dollies IC. Run to top of hill and jog back down.

Mosey back to start for a few minutes of Mary




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Q School Week 3

A big turnout of 24 pax posted to Golden Corral for the third week of Q School.  The Ruck gang added another 9 pax, for a total of 33!  It was great to see such a large and enthusiastic group seeking to learn and grow.  The F3 mission is all about leadership, and the leadership foundation of F3 is grounded in the workout Q.  So, YHC was honored by the chance to help teach new Qs and to do so alongside our new 1st F leader, Royale.

Royale started us off with a full disclaimer and why we give it every time.  The PAX need to know and understand the assumption of risk every morning, no matter how many times they’ve posted.

Before the mosey to warm-up Royale took a minute to explain how to “read the PAX”.  The Q should be deliberate when starting the workout by eyeballing guys with experience levels and condition levels.  We talked about a Sweeper and how a Q should assign someone to the six.  No man left behind!

The Thang (DD takes over from here)

Warm-up run to back parking lot behind HT and circle up

COP — series of warm-up exercises led by various pax to get loose and to gain familiarity with Counting in Cadence, emphasizing a few important points:

  • Consistent correct use of three commands of Cadence counting for earning confidence of the pax and keeping them altogether in rhythm
  • Sync each count with a movement in the exercise…the Q is counting MOVES, not just counting out numbers
  • Use good form in all exercises
  • Use moderate or even slow counting pace — you can count too fast but you can never count too slow (just ask Senator Tressell)

After COT we broke the large group into 2 sub-groups.  Double D took Q101 group for newer Qs and those that have not Q’d.  Royale took his hand at the Q201 PAX that have Q’d at least a few times.

Double D continued the COP format to allow all pax more opportunity to lead exercises in cadence.  We discussed the fact that the Q’s role is to lead, and as leader his priority needs to be on the pax.  This is not a workout built for the Q’s benefit.  It’s a workout for the pax who are present, led by the Q. We also discussed not feeling trapped by your Weinke and like you have to follow it rigidly.  If you miss an exercise or your rep count is longer or shorter than you planned, just carry on.  No one knows your Weinke and no one will call you out as making a mistake.  Show yourself some grace and just keep rolling on.

The pax also raised many questions:

  • How to prepare — review prior BBs for the AO, review BBs for other AOs, talk to the site Q, make a scouting trip to the AO, arrive early to the workout, ask site Q to arrive early to the workout, practice cadence counting, practice exercises
  • Exercise choice/workout structure — don’t include anything you can’t comfortably do yourself, don’t overdo # of reps, include Dora, small group stations, OYO or partner portions as means to limit period of time Q has to count in cadence
  • Start/end time — Always start on time (ie, 0515 for most weekday workouts) and always end on time (ie, 0600 for most weekday workouts)
  • How to manage COT — always starts at end of the workout period (ie, COT is not included inside the workout time, such as 0515 to 0600), includes 5 elements: (i) count off, (ii) Name-o-rama, (iii) announcements, (iv) prayers & praises and (v) Ball of Man.  Does not have to be long or complicated.  just plan to cover the basics.
  • Backblasts — Q’s job is not complete until Backblast is posted.  Get Backblast posting rights from Old Bay or Gears.  Don’t feel pressure to write a novel.  Get the names and a basic summary of what happened.  Backblasts are critical because they provide connectivity for all pax – those present and those absent – and they provide material for Qs to draw on for planning their workouts.

In order to get he heart pounding and the sweat flowing, we did some sprints up the street by Grace Church.  Then we moseyed back to COT.  We discussed along the way back the importance of watching the clock and location so that you can finish on time back at home base.  It’s better to arrive back home early and knock out a few exercises there than to reach finish time 1/4 mile or more away from home.

During his session, Royale explained how you handle a Q-Jack or too much mumble chatter.  The group will usually self-police but if they don’t making guys do burpees is an easy way to get them back on track.  Do not give up your authority to lead.  Also talked about how to address the Larry Birds (guys out front on  their own) with a communication to them on what to do if they finish early.

But sitting around was not what we here to do!  Our next evolution started with a Lazy Dora.

  • Partner Up
  • 100 Merkins combined.  Rotate partners at 20 while other partner planks
  • 200 Flutter Kicks (double count) while other partner holds 6 inches.  Rotate at 25
  • 300 Squats while other partner holds Al Gore.  Rotate at 25

During these exercises I shared more about an advanced Q style.  What message can you bring to the PAX to help them become Accelerating men?  Some of my favorite workouts are when the Q shares a life lesson during breaks or incorporates it into his workout.  I gave ideas that I’ve stolen from all kinds of sources.  The Q-source, 43 feet podcasts, Jocko podcast, twitter, our 3rd F theme of the month, etc.…

An example I shared about a recent Q I had at the Abyss (see back blast) around the 43 Feet podcast and a Man’s Concentrica.  I made a bull’s eye game with corn hole bags.  The PAX competed around the different areas of focus in a man’s Concentrica.

We moved on to a wall for some more discussions and exercise.

The first wall had a ledge and was no good, so we moved down to the next building where a better wall was located.  Another great lesson from my mistake by telling guys to recon the site before the workout!

During wall sits we opened up questions from the PAX.  Some great questions were raised around workout groupings, how many reps should you prep for, and knowing your group.  We continued with BTTW and another Wall sit.

Last item I shared during the final wall sit was around the COT Prayer.  This was something that made me very nervous around my first Q.  I was not accustomed to praying much, and certainly not in public.  I told the PAX this is an important piece of your leadership when you Q.  Do not give this away to another man.  Finish what you started by sharing from your heart.  It does not have to be each individual prayer request from COT… but don’t forget about this practice too!

We moseyed back to the front of Harris Teeter and joined back up with Double D’s group.


Naked man moleskin

Double D double-clutched the smartphone video during COT (where’s a millennial when I need one?), so this BB is missing a few pax names.  Apologies to those I missed for allowing my Respect traits sabotage the recording of your presence.

Thank you to all the pax who posted!  It was great to see so many new faces as well as some veterans in support of new Qs.  This morning reflected the excitement and engagement  of the pax necessary to sustain the culture of The Fort.

Thank you to each of the new Qs for stepping up. You will be nervous and anxious — that’s normal and expected.  Your workout won’t be perfect — no Q’s workout ever is.  You will also learn and grow through the process.

And a shout out to the Site Qs — take a look at the list of pax here and get these guys booked into Q slots!


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