APFT at Golden Corral, version 1 of 6

2nd Tuesdays of the month at GC will be the APFT and we’ll track progress.

Mosey to Lake Wylie Brewing for 10 windmills, 20 imperial walkers, 10 low slow squats.  2 mins AMRAP merkins for count, 2 mins AMRAP big boy sit ups for count, and timed 2 mile run.

Points are awarded for count/time bracketed by age group.

PAX, # of reps/time (scores), then total points/ave points
Maximus, 71 merkins (98), 66 bbsu (89), 13:04 (100) = 287/95.7
Gears, 59 merkins (92), 61 bbsu (89), 14:15 (99) = 280/93.3
Dark Helmet, 74 merkins (100), 62 bbsu (90), 15:17 (90) = 280/93.3
Long Duck, 75 merkins (100), 37 bbsu (69), 15:59 (91) = 260/86.7
Change Order, 61 merkins (94), 54 bbsu (86), 16:48 (77) = 257/85.7
BOT, 73 merkins (98), 54 bbsu (74), 15:17 (83) = 255/85
Olaf, 62 merkins (87), 50 bbsu (69), 14:17 (92) = 248/82.7
Body Wash, 67 merkins (94), 32 bbsu (54), 15:31 (84) = 232/77.3
Grout, 44 merkins (76), 38 bbsu (66), 16:41 (78) = 220/73.3
Lutefisk, 52 merkins (76), 50 bbsu (69), 17:29 (63) = 208/69.3

It’ll be interesting to see the progress, we’ll be doing this 5 more times so don’t be afraid to start in July!

TClap |

Thin Blue Line:Retired St Louis PD Capt. David Dorn

Good Morning men of The Fort

Today was my first day as Honey Badger site Q and I wanted to get the week started like a Hero. We had 9 Pax show up for a Heroes Beatdown and I hope I didnt disappoint them.

We started with a quick mosey around the NaFo parking lot followed by SSH, Morrocan Nightclub, Windmills and Imperial Walkers.

Then we headed over the the football field for 2 rounds of :

38 Burpees  ,  Run 100 yards

77 Flutters   , Run 100 yards

38 Merkins. ,  Run 100 yards

77 Squats.    , Run 100 yards

38 American Hammers , Run 100 yards

77 LBC’s  , Run 100 yards

And Bevause we did it so fast I added a DORA

100 CD ,   200 Boxcutters and 300 Lunges

I wanted to Honor Retired St Louis Capt David Dorn who served 38 years for the St Louis PD and at 77 years old was helping a friend work security at his Pawn shop when riots broke out and he was shot and killed by rioters.

Ended with COT



TClap |

Uphill Times

19 Pax posted on a Yumid morning to salute Old Glory and dig deep to tackle the surrounding hills.  We were honored to welcome FNG/The Fonz (EH’d by Pusher) and a quasi-Kotter in Santini ( who has lost his excuses for not posting to any downtown FM AOs).  Longshanks led The Pledge and then the fun began.

The Thang

Hills, hills and more hills — that was the recipe for the day.

Brief warm-up in the parking lot to allow Body Wash to catch up with the pax on his late arrival — SSH, Mtn climber, Parker Peter, Merkins

Run to parking lot at WEP

Muster at bottom of hill leading to stop sign at entrance of parking lot

Run to top, do # Burpees of your choice, run back down; rinse & repeat adding # Burpees on each return to the top (UvU format — you pick initial # and increment); continue repeatedly

Muster at bottom of Stairway to Heaven

Run to light pole at top, do # Merkins (starting from last # Burpees, using same increment pattern), run back down; rinse & repeat adding # Merkins on each return to top; continue repeatedly

Run to large parking lot across from gun shop on Massey Street

Run to bottom of Massey Street; run back to top, do # Freddie Mercurys (starting from last # Merkins, using same increment pattern), run back down; rinse & repeat adding # Freddie Mercurys on each return to top; continue repeatedly

Mosey home


Naked man moleskin

Thank you to Longshanks for the Q invite at Minnow Pond — great AO, great format, lively pax who all got after it today.  It was especially sweet since it was my first Q back in The Fort in 90 days.  (Apologies to a few pax I missed in the attendees — Gen X camera malfunction)

Welcome to The Fonz!  Yes, he set a new fashion standard to rival Slash’s collars.  Plus, he pushed toward the front of the pax throughout.  Great first time out….look forward to seeing you again.  And T-claps to Pusher on the EH.

Great to have Santini in The Gloom!  If you have any history with this #Redwood, then you know why it’s great to have him back.  If you don’t, then find the chance to saddle up next to him the next time you see him in the circle and ask him about origin of the Moroccan Night Club. or Stairway to Heaven or the Echochamber.

Theme for the day was hills, because they provide great training for runners.  AND, because we’re living in “uphill times” in my view (pandemic, unemployment, social distancing, racism, injustice, protests, rioting — pure chaos in the headlines).  These hills in life (short, long, steep or any combination) can be strong training ground as well.  Much has been said by many about the “silver linings” of lockdown life.  Certainly that’s been true for me and my family.  At same time,  the tough stuff, the difficulties, the adversity in life are also challenges that can build endurance, resilience, passion, vision for the road ahead.  Take some time to reflect where the tough parts of your current situation are sharpening you and your family for the journey ahead.  Don’t limit your review to just the fun, funny, joyful, positive experiences  — the darker more challenging moments can provide training benefits too.

Great to be back in The Fort!

Keep pushing!



TClap |

Negative Splits

23 was the number to launch The Fort’s newest AO: Sweep The Leg.  The goal of any AO should be acceleration of overall fitness of the Pax, and I believe we delivered this morning.

The workout was simple.  3 miles, half mile segments with pain stations.  The goal was negative splits with 3 minute pain stations between segments.  Something like the following:

  • .5 miles at 8:15 pace, 3 min pain station
  • .5 miles at 8:00 pace, 3 min pain station
  • .5 miles at 7:45 pace, 3 min pain station
  • .5 miles at 7:30 pace, 3 min pain station
  • .5 miles at 7:15 pace, 3 min pain station
  • .5 miles at 7:00 pace, 3 min pain station

Pain stations included crowd favorites such as:

  • Burpees
  • Bombjacks
  • Squats
  • Hillybilly Squats
  • Flutter
  • Freddy Mercury’s
  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Peter Parker
  • Parker Peter
  • Monkey Humpers

The leaders of the pack did the full pain station, those bringing up the six may or may not get to do the exercises at the pain station, but it kept the pax mostly together and pushed guys to keep up since the overall pace continued to speed up.

Hit this link for the route and some deets.

The #Kings this week were Pointer, Maximus, and Shady, who will be added to the Q list for an upcoming workout.

Ready your newsletter and pray for our country and the unrest going on right now due to racial injustice.

Honor to Serve.

TClap |

Dropkicked at The Rock

BAOPS. It’s an acronym  that Trucker has been pushing, almost devoting himself to, with regard to the AO, Alcatraz, he now oversees. If you’ve been living under a rock for the last several weeks, let me enlighten you on Tega Cay’s own “Rock.”

Rather than being on its own island, our version of Alcatraz is almost at the end of a peninsula. Rather than water with treacherous currents, our version has streets with treacherous hills.
Just as you have to plan some extra time to get to THAT Alcatraz, you also have to plan some extra drive time to get to our version of Alcatraz…it’s way down TC Drive.

When Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary was in operation, it housed the hardest, most notorious criminals of its day. In Trucker’s verbiage, BAOPS stands for the “Baddest Area of Operations (AO) for Pain on Saturday.” Consistent with the last several weeks, some of the most hard-charging PAX from The Fort & Rock Hill (The Rock-how fitting) posted at Alcatraz this morning. Some even thought they rolled up on a convergence when they drove in with all the cars.

21 PAX (welcome Suplex) joined Router & YHC for a total of 23 to embark on a twist of a workout this morning. It’s been a minute since we’ve had Router post with us but consistent with our memory, he was prepared to bring it. After we were disclaimed and he shared with us his plan to put us through some conditioning (as part of the strength & conditioning workout), we took off for a warm-up mosey, ultimately leading us to the top of “the hill” on the back side of the park. This time however, we’d be going the other direction.
So here’s the deal, we’re running segments, of which there are 3. Segment 1, you’re running to your “pukey” limit. You know what that is; the place you get to where you’re about to splash. Yeah, get in that zone. Run it to the stop sign just past the Firehouse and do a recovery run back to the start. Then pukey-limit run to the stop sign and run to what amounts to the trail entrance just past the COT parking lot and recovery run the remaining trek back to the start. Now, pukey run that whole thing. Oh no, then….do a few more of those segments again but honestly, this is where the wheels started to come off as the PAX spread out and nobody was exactly sure what to do next . So, some ran more, some did some mary and some picked up the six. Yup, just as planned.
Then…oh dear Lord, this is where we take it to the next phase and you think your heart is going to pop out of your eye socket. Router takes us to the bottom of the hill, yes that hill. He explains his plan for 30/60/90. Fortunately, we never made it to 90 but nevertheless, when he says GO, we’re to take off up the hill, running for 30 seconds until he says stop. Yeah, that was tough but he made us go back down the hill to do the 60. Run up the hill and keep running for 60 seconds. Now that was B-RUTAL. Fortunately it was now 0701 and it was time to hand off to Maximus for the strength portion of the strength & conditioning.

With Max on Q, we would slow mosey (oh, thank you) back to the parking lot, pull a Switzer at one end and drop to a plank (ala Honey Badger). Next up, a nod to a USMC Serviceman named Cpl Albert (Bert) Gettings, 27, of New Castle, PA. Yup, we’re doing a modified BERT. If you’ve never done the real Bert, go give it a run and recap it to me afterward. Cpl. Albert Gettings was killed in action Jan 5, 2009 while conducting counter-sniper operations in Fallujah, Iraq. He was serving as a team leader with the 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force out of Camp Lejeune, NC.

25 Burpees
50m Bear Crawl to the other end of the parking lot
50 Hand-Release Merkins
50m Bear Crawl
80 Walking lunges
Bear Crawl back
50 Squats
50m Bear Crawl
80 Carolina Dry Docks
50m Bear Crawl
Mary til the six is in

In closing, please do yourself a favor, push yourself to do something more challenging than what you thought you were capable of. Not just in the 1st F although that is a great start, but in the 2nd & 3rd, too. This world needs it now and frankly, you’ve been built and called for this. Do not be a wallflower.

Announcements: Gears starting a new hard-hitting AO this Monday, 6/1. Classroom Ready partnership oppty coming soon from Bonsai, Q-Source is for everyone, AO’s opening back up week of 6/8, big ‘ol convergence 7/11 and several other announcements.

Prayer Request: PAX going through job/life transitions. Our country always but especially now with community tensions. Health of family/friends.

Router & Maximus

TClap |

20 at The Snake Pit

OMG Becky, am I at the correct AO? That was my thought when I pulled up at 5:11am and saw 15+ dudes waiting in the parking lot. The power of location! The Snake Pit doesn’t get much love way out at CRHS. I was honored to lead 19 others in a kettlebell workout. Here’s what we did:
1 Curl (each side)
1 Tricep Extension
1 Chest Press
1 Big Boy w/ Press
1 Goblet Squat
1 KB Side Bend
1 Bentover Row (each side)
1 KB Swing

Longshanks came running through with a super bright headlamp.

Round 2 was the same set with an added rep, so 2 of each. 3 of each in Round 3. 4 of each in Round 4. 5 of each in Round 5….we did 12 Rounds and got swole! It wasn’t too shabby the first few rounds but after round 5 the groaning and complaining started. Music to a Q’s ears! After 12 Rounds we circled up for 20 Flutters in cadence and 10 Box Cutters in cadence. 6 o’clock happened.

We heard about Park and School AO’s opening soon.
We heard about an upcoming Convergence.
We prayed for Tinsel’s son.
We prayed for the end of the school year.
We praised Sky Q for life and the ability to workout in His presence.

Site Q’s…please schedule me.

The Thang

TClap |

Back 9- Fore

13 was the count for minnow pond.
0514 Pledge and disclaimer
0515 take off to the FM Golf Club. Circle up for instructions.
Back 9 @ tee boxes 10 merkins, 10 squats run cart path to green 10 burpees.
Make way around the back 9. (Dark Helmet complained a lot. reminded him of his and Essos race just a few weeks earlier)
( I love making Dark Helmet complain along with the rest of the PAX) about the 4th hole we made a small adjustment to the burpees 5 at the green. keep merkins and squats the same. once finished give good push to make it back to Veterans Park by 6.
It was a lot of fun. We got better.
Announcements- Fort convergence planned for 11 July location pending. look for coms on opening all sites early June.
prayers- Bandcamps family friends and the loss of a child, JWOWW and the loss of high school friend to Covid. Tinsels son on surgery for elbow injury.
Praise for being able to get out and workout.
Backdraft out.

TClap |

Kettle Bells & Stuff at the Snake Pit (sort of)

I know it has been  said by many but man, it feels good to be in the gloom with the guys again. Once I got my logistics figured out and blew the dust off the ol’ rusty kettle bell, Fire Marshal Bill & I made our way to the relocated Snake Pit AO. Hopefully, all these temporary relocations will be behind us soon.
17 others joined us for a total of 19 socially-distant PAX in the gloom this morning. We had one of the original Redwoods (Santini), one of the youngest guys in the PAX (Lil’ John), our resident story teller (Spitz) and a whole bunch of other faces I like seeing in the gloom.
Once 3D finished his struggle-fest with planting the Shovel-Flag into the ground and I did an oh-so-brief disclaimer, we took off for our warm-up mosey. A few minutes later, we returned to our Kettle Bell and began the instructional portion of the workout, more of the modified high-intensity variety.

2min of Burpees
5min Kettle Bell with 20ea: Curls, Low Rows, Upright Rows (repeat until 5mins is over)
5min Run at a “go get-it” pace: 1/2mi route is out to light at Banks St and back. So interesting why my first 200 yards of this run was brisk yet the rest wasn’t so.
5min Kettle Bell with 20ea: Overhead Press, Chest Press, Tricep Extensions (repeat until 5mins is over)
2min of Burpees
5min Run at a “go get it” pace to Banks St and back.
5min Kettle Bell with 10ea: 4ct Flutters with the press or the KB in the air, V-Ups, Big Boy Sit Ups (repeat until 5mins is over)
2min of Burpees
4min Kettle Bell with 2 forward lunges, 2 reverse lunges, 1 left lunge, 1 right lunge, 1 deep squat (repeat until 4mins is over)

And just like that, we were already standing at COT, how convenient.
Announcements: Guys are clearly looking to slowly start posting again so please pay attention to Slack (and possibly Twitter) or text/call another PAX to find out where the AO’s are now if they used to be at a school or park. Those grounds are still off limits but hopefully not for much longer.

Prayers/Praises: Mental health right now (and always), health for a spouse. PAX on the road to recovery and joining us back in the gloom, for a friend battling illness and getting the care he needs, MARRIAGES, physical health of other PAX, , upcoming moves, kids taking big tests, small businesses during this time and many more.

Until next time,

TClap |

World Domination Complete – The Hive comes to Saturdays at a socially distant location near you…

Well it was bound to happen and eventually it did, The Hive crossed over the last day of the week not yet occupied by The Hive…  Spitz led the first half and Tesh closed strong on an absolutely beautiful day in The Fort.  We are blessed to be in this great town and I am blessed to have the brothers of F3 here in Fort Mill coming out and supporting this AO.  We will soon be back to the new form of normal and I will definitely be ready to stop using Worship Planner…



TClap |

“Quarantine Convergence” – Snake Pit 4.22.2020

Snake Pit 4.22.2020

Disclaimer – we had an FNG so I had to cross the t’s and dot the i’s.

My goal was to play a Queen play list because my current quarantine stache is making YHC look like Freddie Mercury. We decided against the music for the sake of the residents nearby. 



20 SSH, 10 IW/HW/Moroccan Night Clubs


I wore an interval timer that was set to go off every 3 minutes. Every time it sounded we did two things:

1. 5 Burpees at each beep
2. Go onto the next Circuit and pick up where we left off from the time prior

Each Group Rotate After Each “Burpee-Val”

Circuit 1
25 Calf Raises Toes Pointed Straight
20 Goblet Squats
10 Skull Crushers
5 Clean and Press Each Side
30 Flutters With Bell

Circuit 2
25 Calf Raises Toes Pointed Out
20 KB Swings
15 Kid Launches
10 Curls Each Side
5 Right Turkish Get Ups
30 LBCs With Bell

Circuit 3
25 Calf Raises Toes Pointed In
20 Reverse Lunges (10 Each Side)
15 OH Press
10 Lawnmowers Each Side
5 Left Turkish Get Ups
30 American Hammers With Bell

In all, we made it through each round 3 times. You can do the math to figure out the totals.

While we were cycling through, I asked the PAX one by one to tell the group how they’ve taken advantage of all of the added time with family/friends. Most have been able to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of the commute/work/busy life and have been able to focus on their families more. This is a huge blessing that we must not miss the chance to capture!

In all, we had 12 PAX and 850 total burpees. It got a little hairy toward the end, but I believe everybody enjoyed the work. Thanks for the opportunity to lead, 3D.

Manion WOD this weekend – reach out to Maximus if you would like more details

Be Intentional in this time – how often are we forced to spend more time with our family?
1 Peter 5:7 – “Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.”
Praise for UHAUL’s Niece at Texas A&M for receiving a grant/scholarship to clear away most of her school debt.

Welcome, FNG: N-95!

Punch List out.

TClap |