Churches chained together

WARMUP: grab a heavy chain & Ruck
During marching portions, swap every ~5 min on who (partner) was Ruck+2-chainz vs. just Ruck

THE THANG: March to St. Paul Episcopal
In parking lot: all with ruck & Chain
Chainkins, LS-SquatCH, Pickle-Chain-Pounders, Side-Plank-Pulses, other stuff

March along Unity, Group selfie @ Band Camp’s Abode, get to 1st Baptist across 160

Their P-Lot: partner— 1 PAX w/ 2-chainz, 1 using non-mosey MOT of their choice up &back to swap. 2-chainz pax walking w/ OH-press or Hold, curls, etc

MARY: no time for her, but Slow Jams did rub his Tummy with the Chain

ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter

COT: held; WNC victims & workers mostly on our minds

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King of the Hill

WARMUP: Mosey across street to Brayden. Windmills waiting on six
THE THANG: Run down to bottom of Brayden hill. Run up to first street (20 merkins) run back down. Flutters. Run up to second street (15 squats) run back down. Freddy Mercury’s. Run up to top of hill (10 bomb jacks) run back down. Hello Dollys. Run the Brayden loop and return to bottom of hill. Run up to top of hill (5 bomb jacks) back down to second street (10 squats) run down to first street (15 merkins) back up the hill across to COT.
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party, Bethel Men’s, relief efforts
COT: prayers for healing and those affected by the storm

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No Rules Just Right

Each person loaded up with a ruck and a sandbag. Short walk, uploaded weight. Partnered up, took turns carrying two rucks, two sandbags while other partner ran.
Rugby sprints – exercises then run fast
Short mosey to school. exercises performed while other partner ran the hill.
Finish strong: partner 1 carried all weight up the hill while partner 2 ran up the hill. Flapjack.
Ruck back to COT

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No mercy

WARMUP: N/A – prerun if ya want to

Pain stations from the flag down to Gold Hill and back to the light poles where we did some light pole work, starting at 2nd pole, one burpee building to 10. Then back to do the pain stations in reverse. We stayed together and did plank work waiting for 6 at each pain station.

Pain station #1 Bank (25 SSH IC)
#2 Culdesac by Dr. Luck (25 Plank Jacks IC)
#3 entrance to Gold Hill (25 Merkins IC)
#4 behind school (25 American Hammers IC)

On way back we did

#4, #3, #2 and #1 but dropped 5 reps off
Then we did #1 and #2 dropping off 5 again and then finally #1 for the last time before heading back to COT, 3+ miles plus a bunch of hill work and a lot of reps! Nice work by all :facepunch:

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 12 year, bethel
COT: yup

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Fort 12 Year Anniversary

THE THANG: Liberty led boot camp, 3D led Kettlebell and Time Machine led run
MARY: Dark Helmet rambled about cadence and people not keeping up with the rhythm of his glorious mane
ANNOUNCEMENTS: NASA presented the purpose of the Children’s Attention Home
COT: Esso talked about the purpose and greatness of the work being done by the Fort and Rock Hill regions.

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Massey Street Massacre

It was a gloomy and rainy day without the presence of lighting. So we decided to follow core principle #3. Disclaimer was disclaimed at 0512. Pledge of Allegiance at 0513. And we were off.

Briskly paced .5 mile lap up Main to Clebourne and back to Veteran’s Park
Karaoke and Side Shuffle across gravel lot and back

Start at the base of Massey St and mosey up to the Sisk Memorial Church Parking Lot
Upon arriving at the end of the lot each PAX was to do the following:

10 Merkins
20 Squats
30 LBCs

Out of the gate we all completed round one together, then I caught Spectre and Maximus’ shirt tails and they took the lead.


At this point Maximus took the lead while YHC grabbed my phone from the truck for documentation purposes. I believe there were box cutters, more box cutters, and American Hammers.



YHC has been MIA from the gloom, and that’s not atypical these days. Personally, I’d like to be in the gloom more but my concentrica has taken priority. And that’s OK. Prioritizing and executing on those rings of your concentrica is F3 101. Finding a healthy balance that doesn’t sacrifice those closest to you is the route you should take. After all, your family is your first ministry.

Funhouse – thank you for the opportunity to Q today.

Punch List out.

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What rain

WARMUP: quick disclaimer and off we go. Ran through the drop off loops and started with: SSH, windmills, cherry pickers, merkins, low slow squats.
THE THANG: Pearls on a string was the name. First stop was bottom of the hill for 10 bomb jacks. Up the hill to back lot of Keller Williams for 20 diamonds, 10 bomb jacks. To the back of the lot across the street added 30 squats. Went to the corner of the next lot to add in 40 American hammers (double count). Ran to the bottom of the hill for 50 flutters double count. Made 1 more stop for 60 calf raises (20 out, 20 reg, 20 in).

Ran to the flags and lunge walked for about 25 yards, then duck walked for another 25 yards.

Ran back to COT.
MARY: yes, got in some Mary time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: we announced some
COT: covered F3 mission, 5 core principles, and credo

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2024.37 Kitchen Sink

Move wights into place…

9/11 Memorial workout simulating 110 + roof (111) stair climb with sandbags and a parking lot with 37 spaces (373==11).

Split PAX into two teams for North and South Tower. Split teams into three groups each. At one end of parking lot (base of buildings) one group on each team will be performing KB lifts of their choosing (stipulation was to touch ground and then go over head, but that got lost in translation). One group will be performing burpees at each parking spot (or floor). One group will be carrying sandbags in between to relieve the other two groups.

As sandbag group relieves burpee group, he will proceed to the next available floor. (If he drops sandbag off at floor 25 while 25, 26, and 27 are doing burpees, he goes to 28.) There is an added mental exercise to count how many burpees/lifts you performed, and add that number to the number given to you associated with the bag you are carrying.

Demo: To start, floor 1, 2, and 3 will start with a bag and do that many burpees to preload the bag. Floor 1 will then run the bag to the lifters and hand it to the next available person. Lifter takes bag with 1, adds his lifts number (lets say 5) to 1. He then takes the sandbag, runs and hands it to burpee group at floor 4, tells him bag has 6 and runs to floor 7 to commence burpees. The man on floor 4 adds his burpee number (lets say 6) to the bag , runs, and hands it to the next available lifter and tells him the bag has 12.

Repeat until burpees have been performed at ever floor.

Run that back 3 times. (We got through 2… next time.)

Quick reminder that we will take for granted more than we will ever hope to contribute. We stand on the shoulders of giants and it was undeniably visceral on 9/11/2001 when we saw so many risk everything to help their brothers and sisters in need.

There’s two ways to make a living in this world… exploit systems or create value. I hope you get a chance at the latter. A rising tide lifts all boats.

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75mins, a little complexity, a lot of effort

The image of the board will be used as the workout details but in case others want to use this, here are a few notes to consider:
– Split the group if needed.
– Predetermine a good distance for the Mode of Transportation (M.O.T.) and ensure it’s clearly articulated.
– Keep repeating the “Thang” section until every PAX completes 1 time on the M.O.T.
– Give example of the exercise before that “Thang” section, not all examples in the beginning.
– Open to other feedback
THE THANG: See image.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter content.
COT: 5th Core Principle

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