Almost a 3-way

WARMUP: Mozy, Side straddle hops, tie fighters
THE THANG: two pain stations set up 50yds apart, two rounds…almost 3. Mozy to tables for step ups and dips
MARY: round robin
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Donations to ship remaining shoes
COT: prayers for Peabody, prayers for Family!

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Almost a 3-way

WARMUP: Mozy, Side straddle hops, tie fighters
THE THANG: two pain stations set up 50yds apart, two rounds…almost 3. Mozy to tables for step ups and dips
MARY: round robin
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Donations to ship remaining shoes
COT: prayers for Peabody, prayers for Family!

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Tabata and Talk

WARMUP: Various Calisthenics
THE THANG: 6 rounds of Tabata (5-1min exercises) targeting upper body, core, Lower Body, and Total Body with
MARY: Various Ab Exercises
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Mens Shelter and Kenya Charity Drive (see Poppins for Details)
COT: Prayer Request for Kaisers Friends who were displaced by Home Fire 🔥.

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Continued blessings to Kenya!

F3 Kenya :flag-ke: Update:
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes :athletic_shoe: :mans_shoe:
So I wanted everyone to know the funds we collected last year to send shoes to Kenya have been depleted and we still have roughly 1/2 the shoes left to ship! Now
has graciously been holding them for us and I personally will continue to send them in small quantities like you see below as I can afford but would welcome any assistance from the Pax in the region. Not only that we have a new request to assist F3 Kenya in a new way in a more perpetual fashion that I believe will be far better in the long run for this community. Now I feel led to continue to support these men but I understand there are many, many equally as important and more local initiatives in the Fort to support. If you feel led however to help with this initiative please consider donating towards the $800-$1000 estimated to send the rest of the shoes we collected last fall.
Thank you again for all of your generosity this far. I’ve gotten to know F3 Safari well and the man’s heart for his people is incredibly humbling. It’s been a joy like none other to partner with him and what’s he’s doing out there!

Here is the link for the go fund me. Thank you so much brothers!

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Throwback jams session

WARMUP: 25 SSH, 15 Moroccan Nightclub, 20 hillbilly walkers, 15 lss, 15 mtn climbers, 10 count plank, hands to the sky, Honeymooner, down dog, mosey to side of school loop
THE THANG: Head to toes Tabata – 8 cycles, 6x sets ea. 25 secs on, 10 secs rest/1 min recovery.
1. cdd/run lap
2. Dips/crab walks
3. Merkins/butt kickers
4. Lbc/bearcrawl
5. Superman’s/run lap
6. Monkey humpers/toy soldiers
7. Squats/lunge walks
8. Calf raises/ mosey back to cot
MARY: box cutters, American hammers, sitting flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bethel men’s serve on Thursday, jaeger, rooster
COT: prayers for surgery and speedy recovery for sawdust, prayers for marriages and family

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WARMUP: Extended favorite warm-up with leg and hamstring focus
Broad jump retreats – 3 sets of 6
10 yard sprint with a backpedal after touching ground – 5
Peter Pointers – 2 sets of 15
20 side to side hops, then 10 really exaggerated high knees, then 20 yard sprint – 4
Apollo Ohnos – 25 each side
Box drills – 5 sets of 3
From on the ground looking opposite direction get up into a 20 yd sprint -3
Lying on back into a 20 yard sprint – 4
90 degree max jump turns 3 sets of 10 (5 turns each)
5-10-5s – 3 rounds
Ali Shuffles – 2 sets

Frisbee golf: 2 teams; after each throw, the team has to do the following:
Wide-arm merkins
Back raises
Russian V-up twists

For every throw that occurs from the team, the amount of reps per exercise increases by 2, starting at 2 reps per exercise after the first throw.
Both teams won one round each.
Before you speak in anger toward your family or a friend, ask yourself:
Is it TRUE?
Is it Helpful?
Is it Inspiring?
Is it Necessary?
Is it Kind?
COT: People seem to be working through lots of illnesses and sicknesses generally outside of the PAX. Prayers for those struggling through these challenges.
Thank you, @Poppins, for the opportunity!

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Lucky stars


Potato pickers
Hillbilly walkers
Imperial walkers
Honey mooners
Downward dog
Parker peters
Shoulder taps
30 ssh


Star routine with cones at 5 points and inbetween we rolled dice to see what exercise we had to do- it was mostly ssh x30, but a couple merkins, burpees and squats mixed in: 3 rounds, blue cones, green cones then both!

Blue cone round

25 plank jacks
20 merkins
20 Star sits
25 LBS
15 monkey humpers

Green cone round

5 burpees
5 jump squats
5 jumping lunges
5 bomb jacks
5 polo ohnos

MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rooster, Jaegar

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I Got Q, Babe

Well its Groundhog Day…again. Why not smash the alarm clock, rise and shine (not fotgetting our booties because its cold outside), and head to Gobbler’s Knob…I mean, The Ranch for some F3 fun? That’s what 4 did this morning. Here’s what we did:

The Thang
10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
10 MNCs (IC)

Mosey to front of school
Escalator exercises – increase by 1 rep at each pole (10 poles and 55 reps total)
American Hammers
Ranger Merkins
Calf Raises
Ab Mat Sit-ups
Carolina Dry Docks



Mosey back to flag

25 Calf Raises Normal
25 Calf Raises In
25 Calf Raises Out
10 Imperial Walkers (IC)

As you can see, the theme of the day was repeat – just like weatherman Phil Connors (Bill Murray) is forced to repeat the same day again and again in Harold Ramis’s 1993 cinematic masterpiece, “Groundhog Day.” Unlike Phil, we didn’t get stabbed, shot, poisoned, frozen, hung, electrocuted, or burned. We did not rob an armored truck, save a life, get arrested, drive on the railroad tracks, learn piano, learn to ice sculpt, or learn 19th Century French Literature. However, like Connors, repeated the same thing again and again.

Thanks for the effort this morning, fellas. Appreciate you posting in the cold rain and for the mumblechatter. I now know what exercise to call when Band Camp is in attendance. Thanks for the opportunity to Q, Poppins. Always an honor to spend the Gloom with you men, especially Sawdust.

Italian Job

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