4 Station Accumulators

Mosey toward tennis courts along back of campus, stopping periodically for:
– Imperial Walkers
– Mountain Climbers

4-station circuit set up that included climbing seating outside the tennis courts. Same exercise (or set of exercises) done at each station in the circuit. We did a total of 9 rounds:

Round 1- 1 burpee at each corner
Round 2 – 1 burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks at each corner
Round 3 – 1 burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch
Round 4 – 1 burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins
Round 5 – 1 burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks (4-count)
Round 6 – 2 Donkey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks
Round 7 – 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks
Round 8 – 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks
Round 9 – 5 plank jacks

For the Larry Birds, box cutters were done at the end of each round until the 6 was in.

Thanks Fogerty for the opportunity to lead.

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Join or Die

Today is Flag Day, so we did work to honor the commissioning of the stars and strips as our official flag on 6.14.1777. An assortment of sandbags  and Jerry Cans was provided for all to celebrate accordingly.

Buy In:

6 Ruck Body Builder’s – 8 Count
14 Ruck Lunges w/OH Hold
17 Ruck OH Press
77 4 Count SSH w/Ruck

WOD: Join Or Die – Flag Day
4 Rounds
* 250 Meter Ruck w/Coupon
* 17 Coupon Squats (With Ruck)
* 250 Meter Ruck
* Exercise Based On Round
   * Round 1: 77 Coupon Pull Throughs (With Ruck)
   * Round 2: 77 4-Count Flutter Kicks with Ruck Overhead
   * Round 3: 77 Ruck High Pulls
   * Round 4: 77 Ruck Push-Ups

We made it through round three and ran short on time.


HIM CAMP Aug 11-13
STUFF THE BUS the weekend after

Beaker to stay on the path with his daily 5K in June
Kaiser for leadership with his M as well as her health
PL for family sickness to pass, praise on 3 months for baby Nell!

Thanks Beaker for letting me take the reins today.

Punch List out.

TClap |


After a SL pre-ruck, YHC was 1 minute late to start… No worries – this isn’t a GORUCK event, so no punishment, right? The plan today was to teach a few lessons about GORUCK events… and how to properly train.

We got the sandbags out of the truck and proceeded to the shovel flag location. Drop the sandbags, disclaim to the PAX, move.

Coupon Ruck 1 – all PAX who have not participated in a GORUCK event grab a sandbag and file in columns of two. Need to work on that two columns thing… the Cadre wouldn’t have what we were doing… halfway to destination have PAX swap coupons.

Iteration 1: 10 minute EMOM
20 Reps EMOM, repeat twice.
Ruck Squats
Ruck Merkins
Ruck Lunges
Ruck Sit-Ups
Ruck Bent Over Rows

Quick hit about events – it’s not the smoke sessions you need to worry about… it’s the time under weight and the miles. That’s where the bulk of your training should be. Also – sandbags are “comfortable.”

Coupon Ruck 2 – Head back to start point in same fashion as before, swapping coupons halfway

Iteration 2: 10 (really 9…) Minute AMRAP
10 Reps Each, in Order, Repeating As Many Rounds As Possible
Ruck Cleans
Ruck OH Press
Ruck Back Squat
Ruck Good Morning

Finished up just before 0600. Low squats to talk NMM.

YHC is in the midst of infant #5. And I thought I’d have learned it all by now… wrong. What I have learned is that everything is just a phase… don’t miss it. Seriously. Don’t miss it. Because you will. Whatever season you’re in – cherish it. As the great philosopher Darius Rucker once said: “It won’t be like this for long.”

Thanks Tinsel for the opportunity.

Punch List Out

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Endless streams of Omaha at BlockParty

The freshness of downtown Fort Mills morning dew and mumble chatter was in the air.

An immediate Omaha was necessary, best way to do that is by running aimlessly while thinking of your next move.

Ran up the hill to the parking lot, quick fake out then continued moseying to WEP parking lot.


promised we will warm up muscle groups that we would not be using.

– Peter Parker and Parker Peters
– @bandcamp like broga moves

Mosey aimlessly back up through the brick ledges where many Irkins, Derkins, Step ups, and dips have occurred in the past.

Made it to parking lot with large wall in front of pharmacy. Being stubborn or optimistic, decided to stick with the Weinke on this one but quickly modified then aborted.


Believe this one is exicon worthy, a muscle up/toe tap Webb like exercise. The idea, 1 muscle up followed by 4 alternating toes on the wall motions increased accordingly.

Decided to break up group in half. One half start on end of parking lot and burpee broad jump to those doing the Webb. Rinse and repeat.

The mumble-chatter was growing, rightfully so, quickly abandoned mission after two rounds.

Off to the roads thinking up the next round with general direction from the weinke in tow.

Next stop, the iron cross

– start at Loom parking lot
– 25 Mike Tyson’s
– Run to 4 way stop, run up hill on Williamson st to lit parking lot
– 25 Appolo Onos (d/c in case wondering)
– Run to Fort Mill Church of God freshly paved parking lot, vandalized with chalk ( let the record show YHC did go and wash off with h2o following)
– 25 jump squats (you’re welcome battle bot)
– Run to FM town hall building (formerly comporium) on Monroe white st
– 25 merkins

Rinse and repeat

Little bit of Mary for the overachievers and COT.


The rep count was intended to enable PAX to focus on form but you can only lead a horse to water. The spring chickens gotta run, so let em run.Most got 2 rounds or almost 2 rounds with 3+ miles total.

The many leadership opportunities of Qing are invaluable, along with the ability to share a message. Discussed missionality and finding your HIZ along with helping your kids or others do the same.

It’s always a privilege to Q at The Forts premiere AO, where I have a deep gratitude for what F3 has done for YHC as my 1st AO. Thx @kermit for the nod.

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Once a year Q

WARMUP: 6 Windmills
THE THANG: After Funhouse led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, we ran to the bottom of Main ST where the gaggle performed 1 burpee then ran to the 2nd light pole (16 on the Hobo’s sIde) perform a burpee then run back to start. at this point the “A” group began to separate themselves from us mortals. Epstein didn’t kill himself. Continue performing 1 burpee at ever other light pole and running back to the start until you reach the end of the street. Run back to the start, perform your burpee then choose your own adventure loop. Big loop, over the bridge and around the block. Lil loop, take the alley behind hobos and head back to the start. Rd 2 was 5 merkins, Rd 3 was 5 CDD. Some Pax got more miles than others, looking at you #Badlands and #MacGyver.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murph options, other things I don’t remember
COT:Prayers for marriages and sick family members. God answers your prayers, keep praying and they will be answered. Sometimes blessings come from ppl and places you didn’t expect.

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DOAH Sweeps the Q

YHC was scheduled to Q, but had some 2.0 troubles overnight… so Dark Helmet graciously picked up the pre programmed Q.

World’s Worst Suicide
Mosey over to GHMS rear bus entrance. Start at basketball court.
PAX will travel forward three light posts and perform 5 burpees.
PAX will then travel backward two light posts and perform 5 merkins.
Rinse and Repeat as needed.

Thanks to DOAH for the help. Below is his version of what happened… can verify.

13 of the faithful came to a YHC led
“@Punch List is here in Spirit” Q…
• @Solo gave up his executive suite at
Planet Fitness to rejoin us in the gloom
• @Joe Lyons (F3 Long Duck) may be old, but at least he’s fast
• @Cobra Kai may be old, but at least he’s slow
• @fishstix may be old..
.. уир
• @Ölaf won the Fireball trophy
• @Poppins and @Vuvuzela were the kings today… by a fair margin
• @Badlands can be slowed down by excessive Merkins
• @Cyclops may or may not have done all of the reps while calling out to his estranged pets
• @SouptoNuts got faster as the workout went on… or I got a lot slower… or both… (probably both)
• @trucker is like Craftsman tools.
Reliable and not prone to wearing out.
• @Flounder ventured out as a lone man to discover the new world… still made it back for COT

Punch List out.

TClap |

“Good Ol’ Suck”

Mosey through soccer field and around to side of school
5 Windmills IC (Yeah!)
11 Merkins IC

Mosey to rear of school.
6 Rounds Chelsea to kick off –
5 Pull Ups, 10 Merkins, 15 Squats EMOM

Keep a perspective as you move through your life… stages of life come and go.

Mosey to front of soccer field
Pyramid Complex – 50 yd mosey in between rounds
5 Burpees
10 Big Boys
15 Merkins (Reminder – this one was zero fun)
20 Squats
25 CDD’s
A wild Olaf appeared and was tagged in by Dirty Harry at this point in the weinke.

Mosey back to bus loop.
Isometric Recovery
Low Slow Squats x 20
Hold 60 Seconds at end of last squat
Pulse 20 times

Mosey to COT
11xWWI Sit up
22xHeels to the Heavens

Prayers for Luka, Grassy Knoll, community in times of need
Praise for family, Divac’s 2.1 being born today

Blood Drive tomorrow – hit up 3D for info

Punch List out.

TClap |

It’s Good to Be Back

SSH x 20
Low Slow Squat x 10
Moroccan Night Club x 20

Disclaimer, move to start point.

Use parking rows as pain stations
11 Reps Each Stop

Method of Travel
Rounds 1 & 2: Lunge walk to each row
Round 3: Bear Crawl KB Drag

Stop 1
Kid Launch

Stop 2
One Legged RDL both sides

Stop 3
Tricep Extensions

Stop 4
Goblet Squats
Cossack Squats

Stop 5
KB Swings
OH Press

Stop 6
Burpee Snatch

Stop 7
Bent over rows

We completed 2 rounds and headed back to start for some Mary

WWI Situps
American Hammers
Merkins (who knew this was Mary??)

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Good coffee is the key to any good morning

Lots of fit guys forgot to read the Q schedule, lesson learned.

warm up by the bank, lil’ bit of this, lil’ bit of that

other side of the bank for a 5-10-15-20-25 accumulator from one side of the small lot to the other. Mode of transport, bear crawl, exercises included SSH, merkins, jump squats, shoulder taps, BB sits

to the new lot by the new natural food store, highly recommend, nice size lot. accumulator up and down 10, 10-20, 10-20-30, 10-20-30, 10-20, 10. Exercises included BB sits, Travoltas, Monkey Humpers, mode of transportation on paper was Toy Soldier, until Punchlist went to the crawl bear, many others followed suite (a spectacular example of modify as needed when there is an old slow guy on Q)

to the side of Subway for a wall sit and a couple pop out burpees

to Hobo’s-ish for a few Mahktar N’Diayes and Kneetar N’diayes

the we went to the ABC store and did some sprints

to Loom-ish for step-up and dips

Back to COT, Mary included the dying cockroach

My thanks to Kermit for the opportunity

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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