A “Gloomy” Morning

WARMUP: SSH, toy soldiers, quads, Cherry pickers, mosey
THE THANG: lots of running today, got just short of 3 miles. Dora 200 step ups, 200 squats, 200 calf raises. Did some wind sprints in parking lot multiple times, suicides, etc.
MARY: LBCs, hammers, dollys
ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 golf, Christmas party
COT: Prayers for marriages, prayer for Ruby as he meets with a brother in need, remember to say No to some things this season to say Yes to the more important things.

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Pearl Harbor day

WARMUP: 10 of each: windmills, LSS, IW, Moroccan Nightclubs, SSH

Round 1 for the actual day of Pearl Harbor – 12 rounds of 7 toe touches, 1 pull up, 9merkins, 4 squats, 1 pull up (12 7, 1941 – see what I did there?)

23 CCD run to bottom and complete 35 flutters and run back to top of hill for 2,335 servicemen who died

24 LBCs run to bottom and complete 3 burpees and run back to top of hill for 2,403 total people killed

20 wide arm merkins run to bottom hill and complete 26 WW2 sit ups and run back to top of hill for 2,026 sailors/marines killed

16 diamond merkins run to bottom hill and compete 6 burpees and run back to top of hill for 1,606 sailors who died aboard the ships

11 ranger merkins run to bottom hill and complete 78 hello dollys and run back to top of hill for 1,178 wounded Americans

6 burpees run to bottom of hill and complete 8 burpees and run back to top of hill for 68 ships destroyed

3 pull ups, 5 squats and 3 LBCs at the pull up bars for 353 aircraft destroyed

ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter!!
COT: prayers for marriages and Truckers cousins new born in hospital

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The Del & Davidson

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Moroccan NC
THE THANG: The Del & The Davidson

The Del:
25 Burpees
400 meter Run
25 Weighted Pull-Ups
400 meter Run
25 Handstand Push-Ups
400 meter Run
25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
400 meter Run
25 Burpees

The Davidson:
800 meter Run
10 Thrusters
600 meter Run
20 Cindy on your Back Squats
400 meter Run
30 Goblet Squats
200 meter Run
40 Bentover Rows

MARY: Chest Presses, Curls, Flutters, Hello Dollys, American Hammers, Freddie Mecurys
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethal Men’s Shelter on Wednesday. No items need, just show up to serve. Register for the Christmas Party. Site Q Handoffs on Wednesday
COT: Prayers and Praises from all PAX.

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Pole Work makes the Goal Work

WARMUP: Some normal stuff
THE THANG: Split into 4 groups of Pax to run the poles. Pole 0: 10 KB Swings while rest of group does Seal Jacks, Pole 1: 10 Merkins, Pole 2: 20 Squats, Pole 3: 30 Plank Jacks, Pole 4: 40 Flutters. At least 4 or 5 rounds were completed by all.
MARY: LBCs, Protractor, Hello Dolly and then the classic Hive finishing move: Airborne’s hip destroyer
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Coffeeteria at Panera during the winter, Shovel flag handoffs this week on Wednesday, Serving at the shelter this week, and final highway clean up next week
COT: Take time today to love those around you because you don’t know when is the last time

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Slippery When Wet

WARMUP: mosey to School Gym e trance
SSHs, Squats, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, windmills,
Mosey to main entrance of school
15 Dips, 10 Derkins, 10 step ups each leg
Mosey to front of school
10merkins, 10hillbilly walkers
Mosey to back of school
10merkins, 10imperial walkers
Mosey to back entrance of school
10merkins, 10hillbilly walkers
Mosey to Gym entrance
10merkins, 10Imperialwalkers
Mosey to main entrance
Perform 9 exercises while 1 pax acts as timer going around the iseloles triangle
Step ups
Shoulder Taps (plank)
Calf raises

3 rounds of each
Timer PAX did 1 mosey, 1 bear crawl, 1 backwards run
LBCS, Dying Cockroaches, Diamond Merkins, Freddy Mercury’s
Christmas party 12/16 at Airbornes
Happy Hour 5k for St Jude’s

YHC talked about topic on slack around disappointment and how it’s part of everyday because of the brokenness we live in. If we lived in Sky Qs intended paradise disappointment would not exist but because of The Fall, we live in disappointment. Question and challenge for each of us is how will we lead through it and rise above it and shine light into that disappointment. Be a leader and don’t swim in the missed opportunities but rejoice in moving forward.
Thank you Kaiser for the Q stick! Humbled and Grateful

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Keep it simple

WARMUP: running, stretching, etc
THE THANG: pull ups, merkins, curls, dips, running, swings, overhead press, squats
MARY: ab work
ANNOUNCEMENTS: thanksgiving convergence
COT: keep it simple – Ecclesiastes Chp 7

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Black Friday “Convergence”

WARMUP: Toy soldiers, butt kickers, karoaci and mosey around the parking lot.
THE THANG: Base number is 10 reps. Stacked deck of cards so that there were only aces through 5 cards. PAX pulled a card from deck and that was the multiplier on the reps…eg a 3 card would mean 30 reps of the exercise.
Chest Press
OH press
Diamond merkins
Figure 8
Triceps ext
KB swing
Single leg deadlift
Arm curl
MARY: airborne ship exercises
ANNOUNCEMENTS: maximas and airborne are going to pull off the Christmas party

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Merkin 200 at the Yard

Short mosey to start
Warm-up: SSH (I/C 20x), Windmills (I/C 8x), Imperial Walker (I/C 15x), Moroccan N/C (I/C 15x), Mountain climbers (I/C 15x)
Six count burpees (5x)
Short mosey run
Routine #1: Prison Yard Merkins: at a half basketball court do 10 merkins at one corner, bearcrawl to next corner and do nine merkins, keep going around until finish with one merkin (from 10, the total merkins here is 55).
Short mosey run
At the benches:
Step ups (10 each leg, OYO)
Derkins (15, single count)
Butt Touch Squats (15x)
Incline merkins (15, single count)
Calf raises (I/C 20x)
Dips (I/C 15x)

Short mosey run to fire access road
We ran a short bit and then stopped and did a push up exercise, rinse/repeat.  Some ten counts in between.  The push ups were:
HAND RELEASE (15 single count)

Short mosey again, stopped and did:
Toy soldiers, stopped and did monkey humpers
Lunge walk, stopped and did bobby hurleys

Short mosey run
Another push-up exercise bit:
HAND RELEASE (10 single count)

Short mosey to last push-up-related bit:
Six count burpees (5x)

Mary: Freddies, LBC
Fini, COT
Thanks to all for joining me on the day I hit 200 F3 posts in 2022.

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2022 Thanksgiving Day Convergence

Warmup: SSH (I/C 15x), Windmills (I/C 10x). Imperial walkers (I/C 15x), Moroccan Nightclubs (I/C 10x), Mountain Climbers (I/C 15x), right arm high, left arm high
Ruckers dismissed with Olaf. Pax count off by threes; pax split up and will rotate between
Partner up for a Jack Webb. Mode of transportation is a partner push across the field (crowd pleaser).
1 Big Boy Sit-Up – Partner 1 pushes partner 2 across the field
4 Merkins – Partner 2 pushed partner 1 across the field
The goal was to get to 10 Big Boy Sit-Ups and 40 Merkins.

Grout Q:
1. 5 EA Burpee
2. 10 EA LBC
3. 15 EA CDD
4. 20 EA Lunges
5. 25 EA American Hammers
6. 30 EA Shoulder Taps
7. 35 EA Flutters
8. 40 EA Mountain Climbers
9. 45 EA Squats
Run to top of hill and back.
Complete # 1 thru # 8 and run to top of hill Ann’s back.
Continue dropping the last exercise.

HarryCarry Q:
At the middle school’s loop, start at the bottom of the loop and do exercise noted (listed below). Run to the short brick wall at other end of loop, jump the wall, continue running up the loop. Stop at flag poles and do Bobby Hurleys (15 oyo). The proceed to run back to bottom of the loop; do the noted exercise there and repeat with the run/wall jump/run/bobby’s etc.
Smurf jacks (20 OYO)
Squats (20 OYO)
Monkey Humpers (20 OYO)
Lunges (20 OYO)
Lunges (10 each leg OYO)
Sumo Squats (20 OYO)
At 07:25 Pax reconvened at field.
Six-count burpees (I/C 6x)
End. COT

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