WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walking, Low Slow Squat
THE THANG: Mosey to the amphitheater. Pax will start with 3 burpees. Then we performed the pendulum. PAX swing from the bathrooms to the first set of swings on the opposite side of the amphitheater. At the bathrooms there were 12 BBSU, at the swing 12 4-count flutters. Every round decrease by one on both sides. Always 3 burpees in the middle.
OnlyFans, Cubbie, and YHC made it to the 3 count with Skipper and Soup making 4 and Slash picking his way back to CoT earlier than the rest of us.
Mosey back with two extra stops for burpees. That means everyone should have had about 60 burpees in their morning diet.
MARY: enough time for 7-8 american hammerz
ANNOUNCEMENTS: stuff is happening
COT: Talked about trust