Pain but No Rain

Disclaimer was given.

Mosey to Brayden for loops with 10 Merkins and 10 Squats at the pool.

Total Milage 4-4.5

Prayers for : Karen(Sugar Daddy relative) and her battle with Cancer, marriages, health of 2.0s and clarity of Gods plan.

Great work was done by all

-Yard Sale

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Mentorship Has Its Privileges

WARMUP: COP – SSH, Mtn climbers, Peter Parker, Parker peter, inperial Walker, Merkin

Grab partner and discuss a non-F3 mentor who helped you in life while doing partner leg throws

Different partner, now discuss non-F3 man you helped mentor in life while doing partner planks/merkins/shoulder taps

Different partner, now discuss missed opportunity to share a mentor relationship with another man in your past

hand off to Long Duck

Series of exercises marked in parking spaces. each pax chooses a space, completes exercise, runs 1 lap, then moves to next space/exercise and repeats the cycle.

Run home

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Long Duck is The Fort’s Whetstone Q. Don’t be confused by the lexicon…Whetstone=Mentorship. it’s that simple. Long Duck shared his experiences (which are vast considering his long service as a sponsor in AA). Tap this HIM to learn more about starting or improving in the area of Mentorship.

COT: Prayers for Slash’s dad and Escargot’s son and Long Duck’s friend Tyler struggling with drug addiction.

thank you Shower Curtain for the opportunity to lead the pax!

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Door Dash Monday

WARMUP: Run behind Earth Fare out past bank into Brayden around back to parking lot by the pool and muster.

THE THANG: 10 Hand release merkins OYO + 10 Shouldwr taps IC

Then we sprinted up to Inizios and onto several other establishments along 160, stopping each time for 10 merkins of varying flavors and some abs. last sprint was to HT lot. pax moseyed back home with some extra running and Mary to wrap up. Great push by all!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2DB slated for Sat and will have outstanding 2nd F so be there!
COT: Words on Whetstone from Olaf + prayers.

Life is full of sprints, some long and some short and some of unknown duration or finish lines. We do this crazy stuff in the Gloom to prepare ourselves. Now you know you’re prepared when the next sprint arrives in your life.

Thanks to Badlands for the invite!

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Riggs is gonna have to help Murtaugh off the pot…

WARMUP: mosey to Lowes for
20 SSH
10 Windmill
10 Cherry Picker
10 Merkins
11s running from the road to the front of Lowes. Start at one BBSU and 10 Leg Lifts (whatever they’re called)
Give the PAX a 10 count and change things up with…
21s?! running half the distance. Starting with one calf raise in squat position, and 20 squats
Upon completion we did some 10 counts in downward dog position to stretch our calves
Mosey back to COT and partner up for 3 minutes of Roshamburpees!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D and the Jeager
COT: Prayers of thanks and prayers for the lost

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deck of discipline

Mosey toward far lot near Dave Gibson including dynamic warmup – toy soldiers, high knees, butt kickers

circled up for IC exercises (10-15 reps) each:
SSH, WMs, IWs, OH claps, MNCs, plank w/yoga stretches, Merkins, Mtn Climbers

Mosey to back near basketball hoops


Part 1)
Deck of Cards:
Spades: Bomb Jacks
Clubs: Al Gore MNCs
Hearts: Superman Claps (think OH claps while laying on stomach doing superman)
Diamonds: Diamond Merkins
Jokers: 10 Burpees

stopped with 15 minutes left (about 2/3 of deck)

Part 2)
Core Corners:
Using approximately a full basketball court, bear crawl long ends, lunge walk short ends while stopping for IC core exercises at each corner (LBCs, flutters, AHs, box cutters, Freddie’s, shoulder taps, mtn climbers)

MARY: Mosey back to CoT

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Are you a Lizard Bullfrog or Leach 🤷🏻‍♂️

WARMUP: Cornerstone prayed us in
We discussed F3: Groups


Where are we leading in each of these groups

Most influential is in our HOME TEAM

Cyclops prayed us out!

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21s have short term memories

Low slow squats
Lil baby arm circles

21s merkins and squats
Started at bottom of hill by light poles. Ran up hill to next light pole between sets. At 11 we turned around

For those who don’t know 21s, you start with 1 merkin and 1 squat. Work your way up to 21 each.

Pax were to fast so I had to make some stuff up on the fly to fill last 10 minutes.

Each pax grabbed a rock of medium size. Some pax don’t listen very well and they had to change.

Start on your back with rock at your waist. Arms extended. Raise rock over your head and touch it to the ground – 10

Toe touches – 10

Repeat those exercises with rep count of 8

Move up toward school to do some abs and 10 more merkins and squats.

Total of 240 merkins and squats for the day.

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2nd times a charm

THE THANG: Fort Mill loop. 160 – Massey- Harris – Munn – (optional Kingsley loop)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: sign up for D2DB10K, double down Saturday at 6 @ 6
COT: prayers for patience and those dealing with health issues

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