I call this one the rope a dope…

Ok so right off the gate I have to say tagging 30 people is a chore, but I love all of you so I did it anyway. I dont get the opportunity to Q Slow Burn a lot so I am always grateful when the chance arises. One thing that never ceases to amaze me is the amount of folks that go to the Burn. I wanted to bring some things to those folks they may not have been exposed to before. We started as any other day with the disclaimer and identifying the FNG in the crowd EHed by Smithers. Off we went…

The thang

Slow mosey down to the parking lot in front of the old Baxter Fun house. We kicked butts and high knees along the way. Dark Helmet got a little handsy. Circle up for some windmills, merkins, and Moroccan night clubs. The counts ranges from 15-3 depending on my vibe in the air. Mainly I just get tired of the same old 10 or 20 counts. Q tip #1- DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY once in a while

Mosey over to the road leading back towards Armory. Next we were going to work on pacing. The object is to run the same distance over the same time repeatedly. First was a 1 minute run toward Forest Hill church at whatever pace you need to hold to get to 1 mile. So if you are a 5 minute mile guy, then run fast. If you are a 20 minute mile guy, then basically walk. This was a true UVU. We ran for 1 minute out then had a 1 minute rest. Then 1 minute back. Most ended right were we started. Next series was 2 minutes out, 1 minute rest, 2 minutes back. Again, other than Long Shanks, everyone ended close to where they started. This is a great training exercise for anyone trying to figure or work on pacing.

Next we went over to the Lowes sitting wall (or we sit on Lowes, idk). Count off by 1 and 2. Team 1 inch wormed out to a line in the parking lot then mosey back. 2s keep sitting on the wall. Once back switch. We did 2 rotations of this. We then did 2 seriees of bear crawls in this same manor. To cap it off was a series of slow merkins. 3 count down… to 10 I think.

Next we meandered over to another area where to everyone’s surprise we found a kettle bell coarse laid out. Everyone had their opportunity for rows, presses, swings, hay bailers, and curls. Whilst others waiting we did squats and merkins.

For my final trick we moseyed over to the gravelish lot next to Empire pizza. Here we partook in some HIIT style training. 1 minutes ARMAP burpees , rest, then 1 minute AMRAP merkins. COT

Prayers for Spitz to be the sounding board for a youth. Prayers for that boys family. Invergence on the 29th and convergence on the 30th where YHC has part of the call so I hope to see you all there.


So here is where things twisted everyone’s mind. I explained that we had actually performed workouts from 5 different style AO’s in a single Q. The warm ups with low counts and less impact-full exercises is something that can be found at a moderate style workout( Slow Burn/ Footloose). The running where we worked on pace setting is something you can find at Laces out or Clydesdales. The wall sits, inch worm, bear crawl combo was a stereotypical boot camp like Laces in, The Coop, or The Ranch (Constance motion with an elevated degree of difficulty). The KB portion was exactly what you can expect at Armory or Tomahawk. Last but not least the HIIT ARMAP is your Varsity style.

Moderate is a steeping stone on your fitness journey. Be careful not to get complacent and stop challenging yourself. We proved today that 30 men can do 5 styles of workout. Go at your own pace. Just because you “aren’t a runner” doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try a running AO. Just because you dont own a kettle bell doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try a KB AO (there are always extras). Just because you aren’t Pin Up doesn’t mean you should skip a HIIT workout. Push yourself men. The greatest growth comes from the most discomfort.

Challenge was issued of try a new AO this week. Who’s up for a change? I believe in you guys. Ill meet anyone anywhere if they want to try a new AO. Open invitation…

Thanks Barry,

Cage out

TClap |

Welcome to Alacatraz!

It has been a long time since YHC posted at Alcatraz and much less led a WO there. The AO is fabulous and thanks Senator for the invite. It is great seeing different faces going to different AOs and appreciate the opportunity to Q.

Warm Up

Mosey around the field with some dynamic stretching.  Circle up in the parking lot to avoid the wet grass. I know, we are soft!

SSH, Smurf Jack, Tuck Jumps, Monkey Humpers, and Bomb Jacks x 10 IC each, no rest in between

Squats x 20 IC

SSH, Smurf Jack, Tuck Jumps, Monkey Humpers, and Bomb Jacks x 10 IC each, no rest in between

Windmills x 20 IC

SSH, Smurf Jack, Tuck Jumps, Monkey Humpers, and Bomb Jacks x 10 each, no rest in between

Mosey around the hill for the main course stopping to grab some music along the way. This was a lot like the workout on Friday, so I knew we were in for it.

AMRAP 3 rounds of 9 minutes with 90 seconds rest in between.  Nirvana channel on Amazon was played….great songs once again. Channel does not dissappoint!

Round #1 – 10 Burpees at the bottom, bear crawl to the telephone pole, run up to the yellow sign 10 squats, 10 tuck jumps at the top

Round # 2 – 15 dips at the top, 15 CDDs at the middle, 15 bomb jacks at the bottom, crab walk to the pole

Round # 3 – 15 Merkins and the bottom, run backwards up, 15 jumping lunges at the middle, 15 tuck jumps at the top.

Mosey back to the parking lot for 90 seconds of boats and canoes.

COT – Prayers to those affected by the hurricane, families, addiction, and unspoken.

CAH work day on 9/30 at 10:30AM until complete.  Lunch will be provided
2nd at Dunkin
Invergence the 29th, Convergence the 30th

TClap |

Dealer’s Choice: Shovel Flag hand-off at The Ballroom

A beautiful early fall morning with a bright moon called some hearty soles to the “new” Ballroom. Q-drenaline was surging in my veins as the cars kept rolling in. YHC was proud to have my 2.1, Pigeon roll out of the fartsack to join us. As no FNGs were present, an abbreviated disclaimer was offered. Off we went.

Mosey to inbound carpool lines and circle up. COP: (all IC), SSH *20, Windmills * 15, Merkins * 10, Pater Parkers * 10, Plank-o-Rama (As hard as I try, YHC still can’t get execute the hand/foot in the air combo), Squats * 20, MNC*25. Now that we’re warmed up, mosey to the gym wall. Before we got to the wall sits, YHC offered a few words on Leadership: F3 is an incredible opportunity to hone your leadership skills. As I am also a scout leader, F3 has sharpened my abilities and made me much more comfortable taking on the mantle of leadership.

Wall-sits while Pax on each end run out of line, do 5 squats, return and next man goes. Repeat, but this time each Pax does 5 Bombjacks. Nice form by Twister and Anchorman had a nice vertical. Now that the hammys are sufficiently smoked, mosey to the staff parking lot, under the bright lights for:

Deck O Pain: Each Pax draws a card and the group does the number of exercises on the card. Exercises were based upon the suit shown on each card as follows: Hearts = merkins, Clubs = squats, Diamonds = LBCs, Spades = Bombjacks. Each time a 10 is drawn, everyone run a lap around the lot. This is an easy “set it and forget it” piece and gets everyone engaged in the workout. Newer Pax get a chance to practice calling out the cadence and can gain some confidence in their leadership skills. Some quality mumblechatter followed along with an inordinate amount of merkins. We made it to about card 42 when YHC called an Omaha and had us run one more lap. After that, mosey back to COT.

Before the announcements, YHC offered a quote that I really enjoyed on Leadership:

Men make history, and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better. – Harry S. Truman

 That really hit home- having the courage to lead and building my skills are areas that I often fall short on. But sharpening iron alongside my brothers will help me to progress in these areas.

Announcements: upcoming Invergence and Convergence, G-fit workout on Fridays, read your newsletter. Prayer and a praise for our scout leaders of Pack 250, other prayers for Houston, F3 Columbia team and injured Pax. Cake Boss took us out with an awesome, prayerful giving of thanks for the leadership shown by fellow Pax and asking that we each become the leader that our Father meant us to be.

Before we got to Prayers, the Shovel Flag for the Ballroom was officially passed off to YHC as the new Site Q. I was honored when Cake Boss asked me to take over for him. Big shoes to fill there, but this is always a solid group of supportive Pax, so just know that I’ll be reaching out to each of you to get on the schedule. Thanks also go out to Change Order for leading this AO for many years. One reason I was glad when Cake Boss approached me about taking over as site Q was that I had thought about it when Change Order had been looking for someone months ago. Probably should have stepped up then, but opportunity came knocking again. As always, color me honored and humbled. See y’all in The Gloom.

Short Sale out.


TClap |

22 for lessons on Self and Spiritual Discipline




Little baby arm circles 10 IC

Windmill 10 IC

Low slow squat 10 IC



Mosey to the bridge

Irkin then inch worm to the right to the end

Dip then crab craw back to the center

Meet back in the middle talk about spiritual discipline


Secrecy: not making our good deeds known, let god take receive attention. This is something i have been trying to work on and not to boast about what i have done but to allow him to receive the glory


Submission: to allow gods will to free us of our burdens & cares so we can follow Jesus. My testimony was when my daughter was diagnosed with cancer i gave it all to him and the worry and stress was gone something amazing.


Soul Friendship: engaging with fellow disciples of Jesus in prayerful conversation or spiritual practices. A great example is wet stone partner and i encourage you to be a part of that program


Mosey to the wall and stairs

Peoples chair with some arm straight out, overhead pumps 2 teams

1 from each team runs up the steps and back down

Feel the burn


Mosey to the left side of the school to open parking lot


2 teams, 1 team runs together around the parking lot while team 2 preforms exercise till the 6 is back then team 2 runs



Fire hydrants left leg (lift your leg up like a dog pees on a fire hydrant) thanks to my ST. Simmons brothers for that one


Fire hydrants right leg


Worse worse worse LBC ( start in LBC position right elbow to left knee then right elbow to left elbow to right knee then preform crunch) now you know how it got its name, thanks to my ST. Simmons brothers for that one too


Plank jacks


Bomb jacks


Calf raises


Next came a little word on self-discipline


Self-discipline: the ability to control one’s feelings & overcome one’s weakness. This one I struggle with especially sweets in the house I lack this and need to improve on it.

Will Power: control exerted to something or to restrain and impulse. I have taking on the Ragnar this year which a year ago I would have said you are crazy if you think I am going to attempt that. My mind set now is I am going to crush this race with my fellow brothers. So Saturday rolled around I choose not to stay and watch the fight that was so hyped up but to wake up and run at 5:45 in the morning to train for this race. Mind over matter

Determination: firmness of purpose

Mosey to cot

For some AB Lab

Start with American hammers IC


Freddy Mecury IC

LBC IC TCLAPS to the FNG (PSYCHO) perfect cadence count


22 at the BALLROOM

1 FNG (psycho)


Prayers and praises


As always a pleasure to lead a great group of HIMS

Fantastic work gentlemen

TClap |

Windjammer Glory Run

Record breaking 16 PAX at Tempo.  Dash to Windjammer and Back was The Thang.  Lots of 2ndF during the 1stF with a 3rdF pause in the middle to give thanks to Sky Q at the Windjammer Dock.


View post on imgur.com


Aging Parents, Marriages, Job Situations.

Much thanks given to Sky-Q at the dock this morning… Praise to the King.



G-Fit tomorrow at 1900

CAH Guidance Saturday Sept 2 at 1600

Invergence Sept 29th

Read Your Newsletter

TClap |

This Just In: Injured PAX deliver Epic Beatdown (at The Fort)

It’s exciting!  Something about Qing The Fort is just exciting. It was YHC’s (Zima) first post almost 4 years ago. It was my first VQ warmup (w/ CSPAN and Audit..no pressure). And it’s the perfect location to bring guys from all sides of town together..to sweat…to sharpen…to get better.

Disclaimer: Sasquatch has been on the IR with an achilles injury. Zima has been on the IR with a rotator cuff injury. Chances are you might not get your money’s worth. If you wanted to get a good beatdown go to Alcatraz. If you wanted to play soccer go to the Deep.

However, Sasquatch and YHC don’t let something like this get in the way. We embrace it and work around it. We conspired to deliver a beatdown that ensured afternoon naps.


Sasquatch on Q

Mosey to Anchorman’s Cones (Thanks Anchorman)

Dynamic Warmup (from one side of cones to the other)

  • Knees to chest
  • Heel to Waist
  • Heels to Butt
  • Inch-worm
  • Side Shuffle (fwd and back)
  • Low side shuffle (fwd and back)

Circle Up for COP

  • SSH IC X15
  • Moroccan Night Club in static lunge IC X10 (each leg)
  • Plank Series
    • Peter Parkers IC X10
    • Upward Dog/Downward Dog
    • Parker Peters IC X10
    • Upward Dog/Downward Dog
    • Mtn Climbers IC X10
    • Upward Dog/Downward Dog
    • Ski Jumps IC X10
    • Upward Dog/Downward Dog
    • Plank, Left High, Right High

Mosey to Playground

  • Sasquatch THANG (Groups of 3) – Rotate when Position 1 completes – 4 Rounds
    • Position 1 – Toes to Bar (or knees to chest) X8
    • Position 2 – Freddy Mercury’s
    • Position 3 – Merkins

Zima on Q

Mosey to the base of the cones for some Dora 3-2-1 (Reverse Dora). Partner Up! One partner runs (50 yds out and back) while the other completes the exercise.

  • 300 Flutters (2-Count)
  • 200 Mtn Climbers (2-Count)
  • 100 Bombjacks (say what?)

Mosey to statue hill for Quadzilla (see: Quadraphilia in the #lexicon). YHC sets timer for 4 (actually 5) minutes and PAX run uphill backwards and downhill forwards until time called. It’s a quad killer.

Mosey back to the cones for…

Suicides; however you need to do the following exercise at the beginning and then every time you reach the “baseline”.

  • Series 1 – 5 Flying Squirrels
  • Series 2 – 5 Tuck Jumps
  • Series 3 – 10 Monkey Humpers

With just a few minutes left we finished with SSH IC X25 and then American Hammers IC X20 or 25 (Can’t remember). Clean up the cones and mosey to the parking lot for COT.


It’s frustrating having an injury. We should do well to lift up the many PAX dealing with injuries, because it can drive a #HIM crazy.  Fortunately for Sasquatch and YHC, we can modify and work around what ails us. For others it might not be as easy or the injury may be too severe. All this to say if you know a PAX in this predicament, shoot them an uplifting text, give them a call or meet them for lunch.

Tclaps to all the PAX who put in the work this AM. There was a lot of meat in today’s workout and we tried to keep things moving at all times (see: move with a purpose). It seemed we needed to push a little harder this AM to let the other (Paid) workout folks (about 20 of them) at WEP know this wasn’t your ordinary workout. These were guys getting after it and leaving it all out on the field. That and it’s always fun to chase Longshanks. One day man…one day.  Here are the rest of my notes.

  • Thanks to Anchorman for the cones
  • It’s amazing that Crabcakes can pull an Elvis without anyone knowing #promove
  • Tclaps to Spiderman for running 8 miles and then joining the workout
  • It’s always fun to workout with Longshanks and Dark Helmet. Uncomfortable, but fun!
  • Wegmans really needs to share his shaving technique with his brother (Sasquatch), nah we probably wouldn’t recognize him then.
  • Great to see so many familiar faces and some new ones. I need to get over here more often.
  • Quadzilla is still a favorite of mine and the PAX still hate it. Yay!
  • Thanks for putting up with us and allowing us to lead

Prayers and Praises

  • Lots of prayers for injured PAX
  • Prayers for families experiencing strife
  • Praise and prayers for several 2.0s on the way
  • Prayers and for teachers
  • Praise and Prayers for 2.0s and families back to school


  • Lot of marketing for Qs next week
  • Nun Run – get it on the calendar (see newsletter) and run with SPEED FOR NEED
  • Read your newsletter

Always an Honor!

Zima & Sasquatch


TClap |

Tour of the Front 9 @ Tempo

I let Gekko’s DM on twitter sit there all day. A call out to Tega Cay Pax that he needed a sub Q at Tempo for an injured Senator Tressel. Messages came in that several Pax were down range. You see, I had a scheduled fartsack for Thursday morning.  So I let it sit there. Silent. Crickets.

I’m not sure if it was the weight of the silence, or the guilt I would feel the next morning (something I call fartsacker’s guilt), or the fact that I just listened to Dredd and OBT talk about what a High Impact Men was on the Art of Manliness Podcast (Check it out HERE), but I started to put together a route that would be challenging.  Fishsticks chimed in and said he would put something together and I jumped in and said it’s already done.  Transition to Thursday morning.


0515 came and I outlined that we would run up Tega Cay Drive and then enter Tega Cay Golf Course at Number 9 Tee Box and then run the front 9 (Carolina Pines). We proceeded to hole #1 and ran the entire way through to #8 green and got back on the trail that led us back to COT.  Doesn’t sound exciting but there are so many quick elevation changes that your heart rate gets up quick and doesn’t come down until you’re back at Trailhead Park. It was a great morning and I am thankful for the guys who came out. As I mentioned to Falcon’s Crest, I wouldn’t be out here doing this without you guys.


As I mentioned above, before F3 there would have been no chance of me getting up and going for a run like that. I’m still a work in progress (I mean who schedules a fartsack?) but I’m trying to get better. The guys to my left and right are trying to get better and they encourage me. As I held back a little for some of the PAX (truth is I was having a hard time keeping up with Spud), they said they were fine and to go on ahead. I let them know that it ain’t about the workout for me anymore, so we’re cool. It was a great morning and I had the privilege in COT to hear praise after praise. Glad I showed up. Here are my notes:

  • Good work Decibel. You’re sick and you’re still coming out! Get well soon brother.
  • Falcon Crest, you just keep coming out. Keep it up and sorry/notsorry about the route. You’ll keep getting better
  • Spud is not human. I repeat! Not human! 🙂
  • Great to see you in the gloom Repeat!
  • Always a good time and chat with Fish Sticks
  • The Front 9 is hilly but I still think the Back 9 is worse (save for another Q)
  • Repeat mentioned that this route should be an official BRR training route. I think it is now.

Announcements (Check the newsletter as we went straight into praise reports)

Praise & Prayers

  • Repeat praise with the new baby
  • Decibel praise for his little girl’s light, energy and humor
  • Zima praise for family weekend in the mountains
  • Spud praise for a reprieve from work pressures

Always an Honor to Q, even if I avoid it at times.



TClap |

Sea Legs gets a Security Detail

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, If you haven’t made it out to Sea Legs yet you are missing out. For my first post at Sea Legs I got to run across Buster Boyd Bridge and and witness some of Sky Q’s work in a beautiful sunrise. It’s a great AO, so set your alarm clock a few minutes earlier and get on out to Lake Wylie. As added incentive you’ll get some great 2nd F with some of the best #HIMs in the county.  Enough of the sales. Time for the meat and potatoes.

I arrived a few minutes early and scoped out T-Bones parking lot for some interval work. As I rolled in I shined the high beams on a couple of York County’s finest having a little conversation. I immediately exited the parking lot looking back to see if they noticed me.

Arrived to see some fellow PAX that I haven’t seen in awhile (great seeing you Axl and Hauschka). 0515 came, short disclaimer and off we went.

  • Warm-up: Run to Blucher* Circle and did a little loop around to T-Bones parking lot and then did 1 lap
  • As we lapped the parking lot I asked Witch Hunt if this was cool or if the police would stop us and ask what was going on. He said they were with the program, All good!
  • Workout: Intervals, run 1 lap (approx. .25 miles) at 10K or faster pace and then 1 lap recovery until time is called

My legs are feeling it and everyone seemed to “enjoy” the workout. Thanks for the opportunity Witch Hunt and please keep me in the rotation.


  • We ran laps around the 2 patrol cars for probably 30 minutes before they departed. I’ve never felt safer running which is saying a lot for me.
  • Great 2nd F conversation with Witch Hunt, next time I’ll let you speak
  • As much as DaVinci denies it, he’s a runner and likes it..I think
  • Great to meet you Never Never
  • Again, great to see Axl and Hauschka. I’ve missed you guys but it’s probably my fault I haven’t seen you.
  • Solid work put in by Andretti
  • Strava Art, look we made a pirate hook (as noted by DaVinci)

*Fun Fact, Blucher is the name of Frau Blucher from Young Frankenstein. Every time her name was spoken you could hear horses whinny in the distance. A common rumor was that her name Blucher meant glue in German (and glue is made from horses obviously) and is why the horses would whinny every time her name was mentioned.  This is one of the best ongoing gags in a comedy. To find out the real (less interesting) story click HERE. And if you haven’t seen Young Frankenstein yet, you are doing yourself a disservice. It is comic gold and some of Mel Brooks best work. PSA over!


  • It’s all in the newsletter
  • The Delta
  • Lake Wylie Shirt order closes 08/02

Praise and Prayers

  • Prayers for DaVinci and his business’ focus
  • Prayer for Witch Hunt’s M (2.3 due November)
  • Praise for Zima and family fun last minute vacation
  • Prayers for injured PAX

Great morning to get better. Thanks to all who posted and to Witch Hunt for the opportunity.


TClap |

Oshi Shinobu

What a great morning for a workout with 14 men at The Swamp.  We quickly split off as Ruckers, Runners and Bootcampers.  A short mosey led us to our 1st stop for the warmup:  15 SSH, 3-burpees, 10 Windmills, 3-burpees, 10 Moroccan Night Clubs, 3-burpees, 15 SSH, 3-burpees.

Good and warm we mosey’d to backside of Jush Fresh to the stairs.  Partner Up.  P1 Holds Plank, P2 runs stairs, Flip/Flop; P1 Flutter Kicks, P2 runs stairs, Flip/Flop; P1 Hello Dollies, P2 run stairs, Flip/Flop and finally P1 Wall Sits,  P2 runs stairs, Flip Flop.

Short stroll to the Fountain w/a round-a-bout version of 4-corners.  Working in Decending order w/4-stations;  8, 6, 4 and 2 reps at ea.  Starting at Fountain, Incline/Decline Merkins, run to top of lot, Squats, run around to fountain, step-ups (ea leg), run to bottom of lot, burpees and back to fountain.  Rinse and repeat to next descending count.

I wanted to do something a little different with the PAX this am and introduce a little Jiu Jitsu warmup so we mosey’d over by the Q’s truck and pick up some Martial Arts belts.  Partner up, P1 places belt around himself and sprints while P2 offers resistance by holding him back across the lane.  Rinse&Repeat x 2.  From there we demonstrated what each warmup is for and how to execute it in BJJ with:  seated shrimping, breakdance, alligator crawl, gorilla walks, leg drag drills and finished w/another bout of the belt resistance drills w/new partners and ab-work.


Always a struggle getting moving in the am and putting our bodies through the workouts but love the results and who I get to do it with.  In Jiu Jitsu we always finish w/a bow and handshake to one other with the statement of “OSS!” also known as “ossu”, means Oshi Shinobu, which conveys the idea of “persevering when pushed”. In other words, never give up, have determination, grit and withstand the most arduous of training.

TClap |

Millstone 10.5 Trail Race

Enough PAX posted to the annual Millstone Loop 10.5 I felt a BB was in order. YHC posted a link to the FREE registration a few months back to those PAX I knew would be interested and willing.  After discovering that Sir Topham Hat was not running in the race I emailed the Race Director to see if there were any spots open.  The director emailed back and stated registration was open for just the next 3 hours. Text sent to STH and @channel blast to Slack that if you wanted to register, now was your chance.  So on Saturday morning 9 PAX showed up to run 10.5 miles of uneven terrain (more on that later) on the Anne Springs Close Greenway.

0800 Nothing Fancy, On your marks, get set, GO!!!

A number of things can happen over the course of a trail race. Thrills, spills, classic rock, dodging horse droppings, getting lost, more spills, quality 2ndF, etc.  Towards the end, this is how the numbers shook out.

Place Last Time
9 Spud 1:28:49
18 Rad 1:38:22
23 STH 1:44:32
25 Gekko 1:47:46
26 Photobomb 1:47:49
28 Zima 1:51:18
57 NASA 2:13:38
65 DaVinci 2:24:18
N/A Gears 1:18:51

Trail Races are a lot of fun and a lot can happen. Here are some insights and comments.

  • Gears went rogue and ran 8ish miles. That or he got lost.
  • Photobomb dropped another type of bomb not knowing a few female runners were nearby. We asked if they’d like to pass and they stated they were fine, just don’t do that again.
  • Rad stubbed his pinky toe that morning and it fell off during the race
  • Several PAX learned the importance of fueling and hydration
  • A female runner offered her children to NASA for adoption (in jest…we think)
  • Spud and Zima tied for most crashes (2 each)
  • Spud continues to prove that he is not human
  • Gekko and Photobomb were bosom buddies. I tried to keep up but when Photobomb took the lead around the 9 mile mark, I waved them goodbye.
  • Tclaps to NASA who just keeps pushing himself in all 3 Fs
  • Tclaps to DaVinci who just started running and said sure, why not run 10.5 trails

All in all it was a great race, great community of runners and Legal Remedy on tap at the finish. The Rock Hill Striders know how to throw a party. I try to keep an eye on these somewhat CSAUPy events and will continue to try to keep the PAX updated.



TClap |