YHC (Cake Boss) got a text back in March from Atticus that one of our own has been diagnosed with liver cancer and it was aggressive. This hit close to home in many ways as my sister passed away in October from liver cancer and it was still very tough to realize the finality of her passing.
Badger was EHed as part of the Knight’s Bridge PAX. Was a regular at Alcatraz but got very involved with Stealth Baseball and travel for work, but was still an advocate for F3 and a PAX member forever. Jiffy was one of Badger’s EH’s and is a legacy that will live in The Fort.
Through church, I saw the many prayer requests were coming in for Badger since I am a Deacon and last week I saw the call for hospice was made. Never a good sign! A group of us went to Badger’s house on Sunday and prayed with him and his wife as the time was getting short. Monday morning while leaving workout a text from Badger’s M mentioned the nurse said it would only be hours. By the time I got out of the shower, Badger had passed. 60 days from diagnoses
While at the house the conversation with Decibel, Becky and his mother in-law it was clear Badger had all is trust in Jesus and that there was “NO DOUBT” where he was spending eternity. Missing Badger will be tough for his M, Kids, family, Stealth Baseball, friends and many others but the Joy of having “NO DOUBT” where he is and that those who call Jesus Lord will see him again is overwhelming any sadness.
Here is the workout that we did to honor Badger. 124 men in The Fort with 100’s across F3 Nation wearing Badger Red on Thursday AOs for our brother.
Sir Topham Hat led the COP and asked that the PAX be silent and really reflect would it means for all of to be there and remember Badger the man!
Senator Tressel:
The Thang:
Mosey from the big lot to the small grass circle near the back entrance to the stadium. SWITZER
I took a few minutes to tell my group about my friendship with Matt. Matt and his family lived a few houses down from my family in Knightsbridge before they moved a few years ago. Our families got to know each other and we did the normal neighborly things like backyard cookouts, Halloween celebrations, birthday parties, playing with our kids together, and helping each other with home projects. My daughter Claire babysat their kids, and my son Sam and their son Brayden became fast friends. The Gieslers were great neighbors and friends, and we enjoyed spending time with them.
Matt played late night soccer so he didn’t make many F3 workouts during the week, but he joined us (me, Decibel, Trucker) at Alcatraz for Saturday workouts.
My wife called me one day to inform me about Matt’s cancer and that it was quite serious. I couldn’t believe it. He was just 39 years old. Matt and his family moved to a new neighborhood a few years ago so I had not seen him in a while. But, I sent him a text message offering my encouragement and support. I texted Matt several times over the past 2 months and let him know that we were all praying for him. Decibel, Trucker, Jiffy, Change Order, and I visited Matt a few weeks ago at his home. We just hung out together, had a few laughs, talked about what Matt was going through, and we prayed together. The group had plans to get together this past Wednesday, but sadly, Matt died before we could meet again. I am very, very sad for the loss of my friend at such a young age, and I grieve for Becky, his children, his Mom and Dad, and his sisters and brothers. I am very thankful that I had the opportunity to spend time with Matt before he passed away so suddenly.
On to the workout:
Line up facing the driveway leading to Munn Road for Jacob’s Ladder. Run to the 2nd light, do a burpee, run back and loop around the grass circle. Repeat for 1-7 burpees at the light. Plank at the base of the drive way and wait for the 6. Right arm/left arm high, 6″ hold and recover.
Mosey to the grass field outside the stadium for Jack Webb. Start with 1/4 and work up to 10/40.
Freddie Merc x 20, Rosalita x 20, Hello Dolly x 20. Superman hold x 3
Meet the rest of the Pax on the football field for COT.
Here’s my WO: mosy to football field. in honor of Badger being 39; 39 merkins, 39 squats, 39 CCD, 39 LBCs. Since he was a football and soccer fan, run up and down the stadium stands from one end to the other. In end zone, Jake Webb’s 1-4 ratio but stop at 39 arm raises. Sprint every 10 yard line from end zone to end zone. At each 10 yard line do 1 merkin to 5 squats. Increase by 1/5 up to 5/25, then descend back to 1/5 at opposite 10yd line. Head to fence, toe touches holding onto fence for 39 reps. Spoke James 1:12 at COT. We lost a humble friend. Loved opening house for us to sit around fire pit and drink a beer and fellowship; a great family man.
BURPEE X15 Soccer Run
LBCs X39 E2K X20
Soccer Run During the workout we keep 3 soccer balls moving at all time to honor Badger’s love for soccer. Badger was a man I respected to the utmost. He was not a guy that sought attention or glory, but he was always there when you needed him. He was in short a dependable guy. He loved his family and was a loyal friend. I was able to sit and talk with him after his sickness and his braveness and faith shown through at that time. He did not want to leave his family but was also welcoming of heaven. I am at peace because I know he is at peace. One thing I learned from the experience was not to wait to sit down with friends and be real. Let them know how you feel about them and always make sure they are walking with God.
Here my workout : Mosey over to the side of the parking lot and circled up the Pax. Started with reminding them that this was a silent workout. I asked them to keep Becky and the family in their thoughts to provide her strength and comfort. We got started with the workout – 5 burpees OYO. There were 3 rows of cones setup. Started first bear crawling to the first, then running to the second, then bear crawling to the last. At each cone do 10 merkins. Once you hit the last cone run back. Repeat with 10 wide arm merkins at each cone. Switched to legs with lunge walk to the first cone, run to the next, lunge walk to the last. At each cone do 5 bomb jacks. Run back. Repeat again with 10 squats. We circled up and did a set of 10 LBCs and then 10 American Hammers. Next in sequence – 10 merkins, 10 plank jacks, 10 wide arm merkins, 10 plank jacks and then 10 diamond merkins. We paused and shared with them that I’m involved with F3 because of Matt. I shared how weeks after Matt first moved in across the street he had a party. At the time I had never heard of F3. In his basement I met a number of the guys leading today’s Q. A couple of weeks later Matt got me to my first workout at Alcatraz. I shared that F3 has had a very positive impact on my life and I would be forever grateful. We returned to do more cone work. First a straight suicide. Then the bear crawl sequence with 10 dry docks and 10 dips, the the lunge walk sequence with 10 monkey humpers. Circled up again and did the sequence of 10s again of merkins, plank jacks, wide arm merkins, plank jacks and diamond merkins. We paused and talked with the Pax about how Matt got diagnosed just 60 days ago. I shared how Matt was a great man and a servant leader to his family. I shared that his introduction to F3 had a lasting impact on me. I challenged the Pax (and myself) on what impact am I having, how am I using my time. Returned to the workout with 5 burpees. We wrapped up with some ab work and headed over the stadium. I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the Convergence and to Matt
Men of The Fort:
There will be a 60 day challenge coming to continue remembering Matt/Badger….be prepared