Barney Fife’s Ballroom VQ

The Message:

Since this was my VQ I was not overly confident and could feel the butterflies doing side straddle hops in my stomach. I had made a homemade deck of workout cards that I was looking forward to trying out. However, the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry and my plan quickly fell apart. I am ashamed to admit that I underestimated my fellow PAX. My plan was based on a group of what I assumed would be 5 – 10 that would eventually draw 5 cards each by the end of the workout at which time we would compare hands for a modified game of poker.

As I stood in the gloom waiting to give my first disclaimer I was pleasantly surprised to watch the steady stream of vehicles arrive, one after the other. By the time 5:15 rolled around there was a total of 26 of us and I was less nervous and could feel the support in the air. I quickly realized that I would have to modify my plan but I was happy to do it because no matter what happened I knew I was among good friends that would be quick to help if necessary.

After stumbling over a barely adequate disclaimer we started with a CoP warmup:

  • Windmills
  • Side straddle hops
  • Hillbilly walkers
  • Carolina dry docks

After the warm up it was time for a short mosey to the football field.


The PAX lined up on the goal line and planked while one person at a time sprinted to the 40 yard line, drew a card and brought it back and called their exercise out in cadence. After each PAX brought one card back for a random beat down that worked the legs, arms and abs we split up into 5 groups on the field. Each group used the 5 workout cards that they had drawn from the pile and moved to the next group of cards when they were done. After each group worked through all 5 sets of cards we lined up on the 40 yard line for more sprints:

  • 10 yard sprint, imperial walkers back
  • 20 yard sprint, power skip back
  • 30 yard sprint, hillbilly walkers back

We moseyed back to the parking lot for CoT where I explained to the group what an enormous impact my F3 brothers have had on my life since I began coming in April and we all welcomed FNG Flyby to the family.

Thanks to Short Sale for giving me the opportunity to Q, I thoroughly enjoyed it and promise to make it SUCK more next time. Thanks to all the PAX who came out and showed their support.

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Moseying through life searching for your Rock

Eighteen men posted on a beautiful morning to make each other stronger in body and spirit.  I won’t try to capture all of the words of wisdom shared but get out there and post to engage…

The Message…  The bottom line of the messages given intermittently throughout the pain was around impact and finding your God given purpose and engaging in the Journey that will take you from where you are today to where God wants to to be, having an impact in the areas of the world he has called you.  Don’t just mosey through life smelling the flowers and then moving on to the next thing.

The Thang…

Mosey to the corporate parking lot where Shinguard started the morning with COP.

  • SSH x20
  • Squats x20
  • LBC x20
  • High Low Flutter x20
  • Worlds Worst Merkin x10 (Wide arm, Regular, diamond = 1 rep)  that was terrible

Mosey to the wall for some muscle up and donkey action.  2 sets (10 x 10 then 5 x 20)

Mosey to the top of the Hill for some hill repeats. x2  Run down hill and run backwards back up with 10 burps at the top.

Mosey to the grass hill with a forward bear crawl down the hill to the sidewalk

Mosey to the lower wall for some wall sits and baby dips while in sitting position

Mosey to the courtyard for wall jumps, derkins, irking, and dips with a few rounds.

Santina took over and rotated through a series of SSH, Carolina Dry Docks, Lunges, Moroccan Night Clubs, Seal Jacks and a repeated, slow, methodical rip your muscles out shoulder type of experience.

Moseyed back to COT for a couple of ab exercises then done.

It was an honor and privilege to Q and to Q with Santini.


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If all else fails, SSH

Honored to Q at The Fort, thanks to Bonsai, 13 PAX and Old Bay for bring us an FNG, Sherbet

Laminated post-it note in hand, and we’re off

Mosey around path, circle-ish, 10 SSH, 10 Imp Walker, 10 LSSquats
Mosey to next lot toward downtown, circle up, 15 SSH, 15 Imp Walker, 15 LSS
Mosey to next lot toward downtown, circle up, 20 SSH, 10 Imp Walker, 20 LSS
Mosey across the street to the next lot, 10 merkins, 10 LBCs, 10 jump squats
Mosey up the big hill to the big lot, 15 merkins, 15 LBCs, 15 jump squats

Move to the end of the lot, exercise 1/2 way across to lot, jog it out the other 1/2
Karaoke L, Karaoke R, Powerskip, Squat Walkers, High Knees , Butt Kickers, 50%, 75%, 100%

Base + 3 station suicides:
20 CDD
20 CDD, 50 OH Claps
20 CDD, 50 OH Claps, 10 burpees
20 Squats
20 Squats, 50 MNC
20 Squats, 50 MNC, 10 Flying Squirrel

Half way through the round Beacon and Corruption found us and we hit some of the warm-up highlights again
10 SH, 10 Imp Walker, 10 squats, mosey to the other side of the lot
10 merkins, 10 LBCs, 10 Jump Squats

Back to suicides
20 merkins
20 merkins, 50 LBCs
20 merkins, 50 LBCs, 10 Makhtar N’Diayes

Mosey back down the hill, back toward the park to find a piece of wall … wall sits while everyone pops out for 2 burpees

Mosey back-ish, taking the long way around, for a good 3/4 mile trip home, one stop for 25 SSH

2 minutes of Mary, ending with 10 SSH

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Beyond- Freedom has never been easy.

Always an Honor to Q. To be able to push men Beyond their comfort zone. To teach and be tought.  America has given me freedoms that most of the world can not even fathom. Freedom has been given to us all by the selfless acts of men and women willing to give themselves up so that we can live like other country.

We started with a disclaimer. Let all know who I was and checked to see if we had any FNGs. None present so made amentsl mental note to self that I need to work harder on bringingthis gift to other men in my reach. We took off with slow mosey that led into some dynamic movements Stopped for Pledge of Allegiance and then circled up. We warmed up to the acronym FREEDOM (Flutter kicks, Rosalita, empty wheelbarrow, Everests, donkey kicks, outlaws, and Mtn. Climbers) we than did 17 Merkins in cadence followed by 76 SSHs in cadence.
We moseydto drop off in front of school did the next 5 exercises followed by sprint Squat jumps, merkins, bomb jacks, CDDs, burppees 10 of each.
Mosey to small car circle. Get into discussion on true freedom and that is through Jesy=us CHrist. Q had found verses in bible that talked about freedom through him and matched it up with some good exercises. Fastest each round would get to read next verse. Here they are if you want to li=ook them up.Romans *:16- 10 jumpsquats. john 8:32 burpees- 1 peter 2:16-17- 10 grave diggers each side, 1 cort. 6:12 10 jumping lunges, 1 cort. 9:19 10 tony hawk burpees, Acts 13:39 10 bomb jacks, 2 cort. 3:17 15 squats, Psalm 119:45 20 CDDs, romans 6:6-7 20 merkins, gal. 5:1 10 hand release merkins, Gal. 5:13 20 Monkey Humpers, Psalm 118:5 20 flutter kicks. COT. Prayers, and Praises.
Thank You was an Honor.

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2 Year Anniversary of The Abyss

Today we celebrated 2 years of the Abyss.  When the shovel flag was planted 6/29/20016 by Dark Helmet the Abyss was merely an idea that “if we build it….they will post.”  And post the PAX did!  Over the past year and half it has been an honor to be the Site Q of this versatile AO and I appreciate all the PAX who have come out and led a workout.

Q got to the AO with seconds to spare due to an emergency bathroom visit at a 24 hr Harris Teeter in route.

Once disclaimers were given and the 5 F3 Principles given (due to FNG) we were off.

Quick mosey around the front half of the AO to allow all stragallers to exit their vehichles (ehem…Wildthing) and then to a warm-up circle.


  • Windmill
  • Weed Pickers
  • Moroccan Night Club
  • Slow Low Squat
  • Plank (a few Broga moves)
  • Merkins
  • Stretch with knees to chest

The Thang

I told the PAX that I wanted to highlight a few of the “features” of the AO during the workout so we started with the Flag pole.

  • Bear Crawl around circle in front of school

Mosey to very back hill of the AO for a series of hill exercises

  • Lunge walk–Sprint to top
  • Broad Jump–Sprint to top
  • Basketball shuffle Flip half way

Mosey to the Basketball court for some Suicides

First Suicide–

all four goals and back


  • Start with 10 Squats
  • 2nd Goal–10 Merkins
  • 4th Goal–5 Burpees

Mosey into “wet and muddy” field

  • Elbow Plank position with Peter Parker’s
  • Jack Webs (everyone’s favorites)

Mosey to “the hill”

  • Finished strong with 5 sprints up the hill

Mosey to COT.

Everyone pushed themselves and got better for it…includding FNG who was off to the side threatening to Merlot.

Once Namorama was finished we welcomed FNG Oompa Loompa!

Announcements and Prayers

Thanks again for all the PAX who came out today to celebrate this AO.  We had 24 there and we have set the goal for 30 next year!


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The Fort 2018.24

For the first couple minutes we just stood around and watched the Hogs and Coyotes enjoy a pain station.  Someone finally looked at a watch and realized we better get going.  First half of the Q was Deacon with some inspiration.

Mosey around the park SSH (20x), WM (10x), Squats (10x), Hill Billy Walkers (10x), Imperial Walkers (10x), Merkins (10x)
Run to the hill for Jacob’s Ladder: Burpees at the top, Squat at the bottom (7x)
Run to the playground for partner drills One partner does pull ups, the other runs a lap – 2x One partner does dips, the other runs a lap – 2x One partner does LBCs, the other runs a lap 2x

Next up was YHC with some strength and mobility.  Mosey to the Springs Global parking lot and mobilize the shoulders with and overhead clap x20 in a varied cadence.  Going slow and maintaining your hands as far back as you can will make it difficult and increase range of motion.  Next on the ground for Superman with more overhead claps.  Balls2wall till the last man falls.  Moroccan night clubs x20, superman Moroccan night clubsx10, balls2wall.

Next is mobilize the hips with lung walks simon says style, only stepping on my signal and hold as low as you can go. x20 lunges sprint to end of parking lot.  Calf raises x20, AlGore calf raises x10.  Rinse & Repeat.

Last was core and total body.  Warmup with Snap-Crackle-Pops (3 count exercise on your 6, go to LBC position, put your right leg over left, bring your right elbow up to knee, left elbow, and down is on 3, then vice versa) x10 each side, Amercican hammer x20, Dragon-walk 15 yards.  Rinse & repeat.

Mosey to COT.

Moleskin:   The theme of the month is IMPACT.  If I may try to relay the sentiment of the words from Deacon, don’t let your impact be influenced by fear.  There will be obstacle put in your way that look insurmountable, but that’s simply fear put there lead you to comfort and away from impact.   I also noted that I like to make mental models of impact, and gave two: asteroid craters and boat wakes.  The IMPACT will be measured LONG AFTER the asteroid has fallen or the boat has passed.  Your IMPACT has infinite consequences whereas your feelings are fleeting.  Till next time, brothers.  Always honored.

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F3 Dads Game: Boogers and Pickers

I was at an F3 Dads workout with my two sons on June 9 at The Fort (WEP). It was a good turnout of F3 PAX and their 2.0’s. Airborne was QIC for the workout and led the kids and dads on a great COP followed by a mini Murph. It was great to expose the kids to a Murph! After the Murph and water break, Airborne huddled up with me to see what we could come up with something fun for the kids. He saw me arrive with a large mesh bag full of stuff. Oh I had something up my sleeve. I gave him a brief outline and he gave me the thumbs up to Q-Jack the workout at this point. So here it is…..

Boogers and Pickers

This is a little game we used to get the kids to play when I assistant coached youth soccer for my son’s teams (the younger groups, U-9 and under). It was a real crowd pleaser, the kids would look forward to it near the end of practice. Goal was to have fun and make them fall in love with the game, but they also got a workout with all the running and reinforced some basic kicking, trapping, and lateral movement skills.

What you need:
* Open field – size depends on number of kids/adults. Preferably level.
* Cones or something similar to mark boundaries
* Soccer balls or kick balls – ideal would be one for every kid, or one for every other kid at the least. I’ve also tried it with medium sized inflatable beach balls – that was a real hoot.

Field setup:
* Make a rectangular playing field. 2:1 ratio length to width ideally, but can be adjusted based upon number of people and/or age of kids. The idea is that the kids will not be too close to each other when they run from end to end, so if you have alot of kids make it a little wider so they are not shoulder to shoulder when they run. If you have alot of young kids, make it a little shorter when they have to run so they don’t get too tired too quick. You will get the  feel for what you need based upon numbers and ages of the group. You want it to be a little challenging, but more fun. When we played we had 25 people – about 2:1 kids to dads – so our field was about 10-12  yards wide by about 25 yards long. Mark boundaries with cones.

Team setup:
* Divide entire group into two teams – kids vs. dads
* One team will run – those are The Boogers (we let the dads run first)
* Other team will kick the balls – those are The Pickers
* Divide the Pickers in half. One half lines up spaced out along the length of one side of the field, the other half lines up on the opposite side. Divide the balls evenly on both sides of the field and give them to the Pickers. Pickers cannot be within 10 feet of the ends where the Boogers start. That’s the start zone.
* The Boogers are all at one end of the field, lined up abreast, not single file – they all run together at the same time, not one by one

* When the Q says – the Boogers are to run from one end of the field to the other. If they make it to the opposite side, they are safe. Do not return to the same end as they started. Just run from one end to the other and stop – that is one round of play.
* Pickers try to kick the ball at a Booger as they run – pick the boogers! They kick the ball from their side to the opposite, and trap and kick balls back across as they come to them. Pickers should move side to side as needed to trap incoming balls. If they have to go out in the field to get a ball, they have to return to a sideline before they kick it. Pickers don’t have to kick straight across, they can kick where needed to get a Booger – but they cannot kick into the starting zone and they cannot target a Booger who has made it to the other end of the field, the safe zone. Pickers can only use their feet, and are to keep the balls on the ground as much as possible when they kick. Only if you are using beach balls then they can air it out and kick high.  Dads – kick lightly!! Remember, we want this to be fun, don’t want anyone getting hurt.
* If a Booger gets hit by a ball as they run between the ends of the field, they immediately go to one of the sidelines and become a Picker, kicking balls to pick the other Boogers out there.
* Boogers are allowed to pause, dodge, jump, etc, to avoid being picked, but they have to run from initial starting end to the other end.
* When all Boogers are at the opposite end, no more kicking. That is the end of one round.
* Collect the balls, give them to the Pickers between rounds so they can be ready. That gives the Boogers a little rest.
* Rinse and repeat until only one Booger remains. That’s the Slippery Booger – the one that was impossible to pick – and the winner!
* Then the Booger team becomes the Picker team and vice versus, and do it all over again.
* Have the winner of the kids and winner of the dads come out in the middle and get a round of applause! They earned it.

* Some kids, and parents, are dang good at being Boogers. After a 3-4 rounds, there usually ends up being 3-4 kids or so (or dads) who can dodge things with the best of them, making it obvious it will drag out a while before there’s only one. What I ended up doing for the kids who were running is ended up making them stop 2/3 the way and go back – shorten the field, concentrate the kickers. For the dads who were tough to pick, I made them do 10 jump squats mid-way. Be creative if it goes on and on and gets tough to whittle it down to just one booger winning it.
* Seriously, try it with beach balls. The more the better. Little kids can kick them harder, faster. Also, you can get them up in the air without fear of hurting someone. Plus, sometimes they don’t always make it to the other side – those become obstacles in the field the boogers cannot touch or they become pickers.

Have fun with it!! Guaranteed the kids will have fun.


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A Respectable Day at WEP

June 2 marked the official start to summer at The Fort, and 13 men met at WEP to get after it.  The mumble chatter started early and continued through the workout (well most of it, anyway).  Here is what happened:

The Thang:

Mosey from the parking lot, through the wooded trail,  and out to the main road.  Head to the Springs lot for COP:

All in Cadence:

SSH x40, Windmill x 15, CDD x 20, Squat x 20, Mountain Climber x20/hold/Peter Parker Peter x 15/hold/mountain climber x 20, Boat and canoe x 4, Monkey humper x 15

Mosey to the narrow parking lot by the Springs building and pair up.

  1.  Partner 1 does Freddie Merc’s while partner 2 runs the full length of the lot and back.  Flapjack
  2. Partner 2 does Sumo squats while partner 2 runs the full length of the lot and back.  Flap jack

Take a short mosey to the  awning over the sidewalk

3.  Partner 1 does wall pull ups while partner 2 crabwalks the width of the parking lot and back.  Flapjack.

Since this was the first week that The Fort started at the earlier time of 6:30, we moseyed back to the park thinking there might be some Pax who didn’t get the message.  Sure enough, Weezer and Drop Thrill were in the parking lot waiting for the workout to start.  We picked them up, did a short mosey to the field and I handed off to Walker

Line up for 11’s:  10 burpees at the start, run about 20 yards, do 1 LBC, run back.  Continue decreasing the bupees by 1, while increasing the LBC’s by 1 until you complete 1 burpee and 10 LBC’s.  Plank for the 6.

Walker then led the group through a series of upper body and ab exercises:

20 merkins (double count in cadence)

20 diamond merkins – oyo

10 plyometric merkins (hand clamp or full body jump) – oyo

10 prison cell merkins – oyo

50 flutters in cadence (crowd pleaser)

40 Freddie Mercs in cadence

20 regular merkins in cadence

10 merkins with left palm facing the sky, right regular, 10 opposite (impossible, except for the Q!)

Hold feet 6″ off the ground for 90 secs

30 flutter kicks in cadence (ugh!)



Walker and I had a Q planned for Alcatraz about a year ago, but a scheduling conflict prevented it from happening.  So, I was pretty psyched when Bonsai told me I was paired with Walker for today.    Walker is all business and always pushes the Pax.   I like that.

There was plenty of mumble chatter from the get go.  I called out the 60 sec warning before the start of the workout, but I don’t think anyone noticed as everyone continued to talk.  I had to yell slightly to get everyone’s attention when we were starting the workout.    The chatter continued on the trek through the woods and during COP.   People just wouldn’t shut up this morning – it was great.     It’s good to be the Q when that is happening.

Walker took some time to remind the Pax about good form on merkins (to prevent shoulder injuries) and LBC’s (for better results).    Slow down the pace and do the exercises properly.   It’s good advice for guys who workout several days a week.  He called out some pretty tough merkins (plyometric) and some done on the  back of your hand (try that sometime).

We had a lively group today and it was truly a pleasure and a privilege to lead them with my friend and co-respect, Walker.

Announcements:  F3 Dads starts today and goes throughout the summer.  Contact Change Order for more details or if you’d like to Q.

Read your newsletter for everything else!


Continued prayers for the Giesler family.










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2018 NANTAN Summer Tour


The NANTANS of the The Fort and The Rock have come together to tour many of our AOs this summer to invigorate Male Leadership and emphasize the core principles of F3.

Santini, CSPAN, Pusher, Italian Job, Ponytail and Cake Boss will be hitting 8 AOs, 1 stop per week through the summer. We will announce each Sunday where the next tour stop will be.

Some of the key leadership principles will be:

  • F3 Mission
  • F3 Core Principles
  • Lexicon— things like Nantan, Weasle Shaker, 1stF, 2ndF, 3rdF
  • Leadership experiences
  • QSource

Send FNGs and bring seasoned PAX because you won’t want to miss this!

(Weasel Shakers will be reviewing all fine print and making sure everything is covered)

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F3 The Fort Convergence to Honor our own Badger

YHC (Cake Boss) got a text back in March from Atticus that one of our own has been diagnosed with liver cancer and it was aggressive. This hit close to home in many ways as my sister passed away in October from liver cancer and it was still very tough to realize the finality of her passing.

Badger was EHed as part of the Knight’s Bridge PAX. Was a regular at Alcatraz but got very involved with Stealth Baseball and travel for work, but was still an advocate for F3 and a PAX member forever. Jiffy was one of Badger’s EH’s and is a legacy that will live in The Fort.

Through church, I saw the many prayer requests were coming in for Badger since I am a Deacon and last week I saw the call for hospice was made. Never a good sign! A group of us went to Badger’s house on Sunday and prayed with him and his wife as the time was getting short. Monday morning while leaving workout a text from Badger’s M mentioned the nurse said it would only be hours. By the time I got out of the shower, Badger had passed. 60 days from diagnoses

While at the house the conversation with Decibel, Becky and his mother in-law it was clear Badger had all is trust in Jesus and that there was “NO DOUBT” where he was spending eternity. Missing Badger will be tough for his M, Kids, family, Stealth Baseball, friends and many others but the Joy of having “NO DOUBT” where he is and that those who call Jesus Lord will see him again is overwhelming any sadness.

Here is the workout that we did to honor Badger. 124 men in The Fort with 100’s across F3 Nation wearing Badger Red on Thursday AOs for our brother.

Sir Topham Hat led the COP and asked that the PAX be silent and really reflect would it means for all of to be there and remember Badger the man!

Senator Tressel:

The Thang:
Mosey from the big lot to the small grass circle near the back entrance to the stadium.  SWITZER
I took a few minutes to tell my group about my friendship with Matt.  Matt and his family lived a few houses down from my family in Knightsbridge before they moved a few years ago.   Our families got to know each other and we did the normal neighborly things like backyard cookouts, Halloween celebrations, birthday parties, playing with our kids together, and helping each other with home projects.    My daughter Claire babysat their kids, and my son Sam and their son Brayden became fast friends.   The Gieslers were great neighbors and friends, and we enjoyed spending time with them.
Matt played late night soccer so he didn’t make many F3 workouts during the week, but he joined us (me, Decibel, Trucker) at Alcatraz for Saturday workouts.
My wife called me one day to inform me about Matt’s cancer and that it was quite serious.  I couldn’t believe it.  He was just 39 years old.   Matt and his family moved to a new neighborhood a few years ago so I had not seen him in a while.  But, I sent him a text message offering my encouragement and support.  I texted Matt several times over the past 2 months and let him know that we were all praying for him.  Decibel, Trucker, Jiffy, Change Order, and I visited Matt a few weeks ago at his home.  We just hung out together, had a few laughs, talked about what Matt was going through, and we prayed together.    The group had plans to get together this past Wednesday, but sadly, Matt died before we could meet again.  I am very, very sad for the loss of my friend at such a young age, and I grieve for Becky, his children, his Mom and Dad, and his sisters and brothers.  I am very thankful that I had the opportunity to spend time with Matt before he passed away so suddenly.
On to the workout:
Line up facing the driveway leading to Munn Road for Jacob’s Ladder.  Run to the 2nd light, do a burpee, run back and loop around the grass circle.  Repeat for 1-7 burpees at the light.   Plank at the base of the drive way and wait for the 6.  Right arm/left arm high, 6″ hold and recover.
Mosey to the grass field outside the stadium for Jack Webb.  Start with 1/4 and work up to 10/40.
Freddie Merc x 20, Rosalita x 20, Hello Dolly x 20.  Superman hold x 3
Meet the rest of the Pax on the football field for COT.
Here’s my WO: mosy to football field. in honor of Badger being 39; 39 merkins, 39 squats, 39 CCD, 39 LBCs. Since he was a football and soccer fan, run up and down the stadium stands from one end to the other. In end zone, Jake Webb’s 1-4 ratio but stop at 39 arm raises. Sprint every 10 yard line from end zone to end zone. At each 10 yard line do 1 merkin to 5 squats. Increase by 1/5 up to 5/25, then descend back to 1/5 at opposite 10yd line. Head to fence, toe touches holding onto fence for 39 reps. Spoke James 1:12 at COT. We lost a humble friend. Loved opening house for us to sit around fire pit and drink a beer and fellowship; a great family man.
BURPEE X15 Soccer Run
LBCs X39 E2K X20
Soccer Run During the workout we keep 3 soccer balls moving at all time to honor Badger’s love for soccer. Badger was a man I respected to the utmost. He was not a guy that sought attention or glory, but he was always there when you needed him. He was in short a dependable guy. He loved his family and was a loyal friend. I was able to sit and talk with him after his sickness and his braveness and faith shown through at that time. He did not want to leave his family but was also welcoming of heaven. I am at peace because I know he is at peace. One thing I learned from the experience was not to wait to sit down with friends and be real. Let them know how you feel about them and always make sure they are walking with God.
Here my workout : Mosey over to the side of the parking lot and circled up the Pax. Started with reminding them that this was a silent workout. I asked them to keep Becky and the family in their thoughts to provide her strength and comfort. We got started with the workout – 5 burpees OYO. There were 3 rows of cones setup. Started first bear crawling to the first, then running to the second, then bear crawling to the last. At each cone do 10 merkins. Once you hit the last cone run back. Repeat with 10 wide arm merkins at each cone. Switched to legs with lunge walk to the first cone, run to the next, lunge walk to the last. At each cone do 5 bomb jacks. Run back. Repeat again with 10 squats. We circled up and did a set of 10 LBCs and then 10 American Hammers. Next in sequence – 10 merkins, 10 plank jacks, 10 wide arm merkins, 10 plank jacks and then 10 diamond merkins. We paused and shared with them that I’m involved with F3 because of Matt. I shared how weeks after Matt first moved in across the street he had a party. At the time I had never heard of F3. In his basement I met a number of the guys leading today’s Q. A couple of weeks later Matt got me to my first workout at Alcatraz. I shared that F3 has had a very positive impact on my life and I would be forever grateful. We returned to do more cone work. First a straight suicide. Then the bear crawl sequence with 10 dry docks and 10 dips, the the lunge walk sequence with 10 monkey humpers. Circled up again and did the sequence of 10s again of merkins, plank jacks, wide arm merkins, plank jacks and diamond merkins. We paused and talked with the Pax about how Matt got diagnosed just 60 days ago. I shared how Matt was a great man and a servant leader to his family. I shared that his introduction to F3 had a lasting impact on me. I challenged the Pax (and myself) on what impact am I having, how am I using my time. Returned to the workout with 5 burpees. We wrapped up with some ab work and headed over the stadium. I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the Convergence and to Matt
Men of The Fort:
There will be a 60 day challenge coming to continue remembering Matt/Badger….be prepared
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