The Thrill Is Back – At The Hive

It’s been a wild and weird year this year hasn’t it?  I took a break from in person workouts until I got used to this new normal and last year I decided to just go for it and start posting again in person.

UHaul thought it would be a good idea to let me Q again, I guess.  I’m just making up stuff at this point but here’s the real workout.

I call it Double Trouble.

One exercise with the bells, one body weight or with the bell if you feel spunky.

Round 1, 10 each exercise, Round 2 15 and Round 3 25 each of the following:

Turkish getups

Goblet squats


Tricep extensions

Sumo squat

Skull crusher
Rosa Lita

Dead lifts
Calf raises

American hammers

One arm dead lift
Moroccan night club

Between Round 1 & 2 we ran a bit to the church and back.

Thanks again for the opportunity to lead UHaul.  It’s good to be back out in the gloom.

The mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.  

TClap |

The Hive’s tribute to Osgood’s Pops

It was with deep sadness that we found out on the 26th that Osgood lost his father.  In honor of him, even while dealing with the reality of no ability to literally lean on each other, we came together in the Gloom and did our best to share pain.

The Hive – 3-26-2020

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Destiny leads from a distance

I don’t remember who was here, where was here, but I do know why we were here – acceleration.  Destiny pushed us and we all appreciated it after it was over, although we did do it at a distance.  That would be the new theme of The Hive, social distance.  We are not so far that we need the internet, but we are far enough to be safe.

TClap |

Darkest of All Helmets leads pain in sets of 50…

Helmet led a significantly socially distanced workout for the PAX.  I have forgotten one of the PAX, but I cannot remember who…

Somehow we ended up doing 50 of everything because someone might have been 50 years old.  Not sure on this logic, but PAX embraced the suck and did it anyway.

TClap |

F3iversary Q

Well, Omaha is something we have for a reason.  One PAX was at the wrong location, but arrived in time for a late start.  There was plenty of fellowship, albeit at a distance.  There was acceleration and shared leadership, albeit at a distance.  In the end there were 4 PAX that entered the gloom, shared some lifting of heavy things and then prayed together, all at a distance.

These strange days have led to many alternative approaches to 1st F, but there is something to be said about proximity, even while at a distance.


The Hive 2020-04-10

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Preparedness- Are You Prepared?

Attn #HIM of the The Fort and Lake Wylie,

Preparedness is discussed in Foundation Point F5 of the the Q- Source.  As Defined Preparedness is: Getting Ready for the Expected While being Ready for The Unexpected. This is an all encompassing need to us as men.  It is valid in all parts out our lives;  Father, husband, boss, team member, Site-Q, WO Q ect.

The purpose for this pre-blast is in regards to life saving measures that Pax can take in the event of an unexpected medical emergency at home, work, or at an AO.  We have talked about it in Site-Q Meetings and at the last Invergence.

Last week HomeBrew ,a Pax from Lake Wylie, who is near and dear to our hearts, had just this type of medical emergency come crashing down on him after his 2.0 suffered a Febrile Seizure and stopped breathing.  He had no training but HAD to ACT. So he mimicked what he had seen on TV and was able to revive her before EMS was able to arrive.  Good On Ya for maintaining a cool head and doing what needed to be done.  CPR and Faith in the Sky Q is what saved her life.  I have maintained CPR/AED/First Aid certification for 6-8 years now for work.  I feel better knowing that if I am put in that sort of situation I have at minimum the base knowledge to try and keep someone alive till EMS-Fire arrive on site to take over.

Here is what HomeBrew and I are proposing.  This will be a friendly competition between The Fort and Lake Wylie regions.  From 4-1 to 4-15 every PAX from either region that completes certification or re-certifies in CPR/ AED/First Aid he and I + the Nan’tan and 1st F Q will complete 5 burpees.   The region that draws the most new or recerts will pass that number on to the “Loser”, but honestly- Who really loses in this situation? IE The Fort get 30 pax LKW gets 20 pax = LKW will do 150 burpees. The Fort will do 100. As you all know, I HATE BURPEES, but have committed to drive action across the regions.

The Certification I have been using comes from  It is Red Cross compliant and should take between 30 mins to 1 hour to complete.  It is free unless you decide to purchases the hard copy certificates.  We will require a screen shot/ picture Tweeted or slacked to both HomeBrew and myself of the completed training for a CPR/AED/First aid at the end.  It will be added to the spreadsheet we will use to document Pax completion. The certification is good for 2 years.

It is highly recommended that All Site Qs get on board with this effort, but all PAX can benefit from this training. What better way to show leadership than making sure the Pax that Post to your AO know you have that training and are ready to act in the even that someone goes down.

Please join us in this and lets Ensure we are Prepared for the unexpected. Stay tuned to TwEETAR for a message from Homebrew.


Duck Dynasty  🦆👑and HomeBrew 🏠🍺

TClap |

The Hive- a little of everything

Welcome and quick look around no FNGs- Quick disclaimer- 12 got out
Grab your bells and lets roll for a mosey to an area of the parking lot with a little more light.
Circle up for a 5-10 min of stretching/ Broga
Mosey up entrance hill to get blood pumping.
Exercise 1- Kettlebell swings (1 or 2 arm depending on weight of Bell)
12-10-8-6-12 do 10 big boy sit up in-between sets.
mosey to bottom of hill and back.
Exercise 2-snatch to overhead press.
12-10-8-6-12 Alternating flutter kicks in between sets
Exercise 3- Goblet squats (you know the reps now)
Rosalita in-between, mosey
Exercise 4- alternating curls- American hammers-
Mosey to COT- Hold plank until 6.

prayers and praises- fellow Pax with injuries and health concerns, marriages, Airborne son being deployed, safety and well being of our country.
Appreciate U-Haul inviting me to Q.

TClap |

Happy Valentine’s Day, Happy Birthday, Birdcage is Bad at Math…

Well, there were a few things we knew and one thing we learned on this cool Friday morning.  First, it was Valentine’s Day and many PAX were trying to get some last minute swollness.  Second, it was Birdcage’s birthday and even though it was his special day, he wanted to spend it leading HIM in a local high school parking lot.  Finally, we learned that Birdcage is not good at Maths.  The other thing that he struggles with is BackBlasts, but for now we will set that aside…

Upon arriving PAX were treated to a warm up which included the tried and tested, moseying, side straddle hops, windmills, etc.  The warmup may have included none of these, but it was so forgettable that I have already forgotten…

It was at this point that the PAX were introduced to some of the worst math of all time as Birdcage led all to a parking spot that would serve as the starting point for the morning’s supply of heavy lifting.  “We will do one tricep extension in the first spot, two in the second, three in the third, etcetera until we get to the end,” Birdcage said enthusiastically.  “Are you aware of exponentials and how many we will ultimately do,” asked many self interested PAX.  The mumble chatter would be strong with this group…

Omaha was called by parking spot 21…  That was how the morning progressed, and in all honesty, it was refreshing to see Birdcage get worn out by some strong mumble chatter and much weeping and gnashing of teeth.

In the end all were recipients of some solid face kicks and pain implementation before a jovial name o’ rama and an enthusiastic rendition of Happy Birthday…


TClap |

the walking workout

Hive, the weather was clear, but wind was pronounced.  we had 10 at the hive so hive x2.  the workout was a walking workout times for each exercise.

kettle curls

tricept ,

side swings with step

butt kickers


bob n weave

L,R,C mill press

Good mornings with step

lung swist

inch worm

clean l,r

Center high pull

butt kickers

duck walk

l,r, c. high hold

clean step

abs work , running man, 20 count, side hip lift 20 count, mak tar gi, 20 count, left hip lif 20 count, and mountain climbers 20 count.



TClap |