Return to The Tomahawk

Always enjoy being asked to Q a workout, especially The Tomahawk.  It’s been a little while since I’ve Q’d there since I’ve been logging a bunch of miles for the #1000in2019 challenge.  My last workout there ended up being a discussion of my “best of” workout memories.  So, with this workout coming up, I wanted it to be one for the memory book.  Unfortunately, other priorities didn’t agree and I found myself last Wednesday morning with a impromtQ on my hands.

There I was standing by my lonesome in the gloom, questioning once again my decision of a pre-run.  Polaroid did not disappoint and provided someone to keep me honest and run, rather than catch a few extra zzz’s in the car.

The PAX rolled in and after the disclaimer we were off on a mosey around the parking lot, with some karaoke, toy soldiers, and dynamic stretching mixed in. We circled up for warm-ups and completed SSH, hillbilly walkers, seal jacks, mountain climbers, and cross cross jacks.

Mosey back to the pick up the bells for the Thang!  Mosey around the school, stopping at various locations for a veritable smorgasbord of pain…squats, wall sits/curls, lunge walks with pass through, swing crunches with Merkins, suicides, follow-the-leader through the pillars and around the basketball court, bear crawl with the bell, squat/curl/press, monkey humpers, flutter kicks with press, lawnmower pulls, overhead press, overhead tricep extensions, LBCs, and possibly a little bit more.

We ended back at the front of the school with a reverse pyramid of burpees (5…4…3…2…discussion of acceleration and doing so by getting outside of each of our own comfort zones…5 burpees)

Count-o-Rama, Name-o-Rama, announcements, prayers/praise, COT

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Cone Work

Five HIM posted for pain on this cool May morning at Tomahawk. Quick disclaimer and then a mosey around the parking lot.


  • 20 Side Straddle Hops
  • 10 Cherry Pickers
  • 10 Low Slow Squats
  • 10 Merkins followed by Downward/Upward Dog

The Thang:

Three cones were setup each about 25 yards apart (two outside cones and one center cone). We broke off into partners of two. One partner started at the near outside cone, and the other partner at the far outside cone.

Round 1 – 10 KB Swings near outside cone, 5 Burpees center cone, 10 Upright Rows far outside cone. Reps went from 10 down to 5.

Round 2 – 10 Curls each arm near outside cone, 5 Plank Jacks center cone, 10 Snatches each arm far outside cone. Reps went from 10 down to 5.

Round 3 – 10 LBC’s near outside cone, 10 Squats center cone, 10 Flutters far outside cone. Reps went from 10 down to 5.

Between each round we went around the circle of PAX for a Mary session.

We wrapped up the workout with two rounds of Ring Of Fire. One round of planks, and one round of leg lifts.

Headed back to COT for announcement/prayers & praises.


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A Hive workout with no SSH’s or Swings?!? It’s true.

17 #HIMs decided to follow the tweet of Band Camp (or decided on their own) and came out on a reasonably pleasant morning to lift and put down objects of varying weight numerous times.  YHC was honored to get the call (it’s always a privilege to lead – more on that later) and learned the night before that the deck of cards had not made its way to the Hive in some months.  Seemed as reasonable a time as any to bring them back.  So I did.  After the disclaimers were given and the traditional check for FNG’s came up empty this time around, we were off.

We moseyed with bells to another area of the parking lot (minimal running today – it is a kettle bell workout) and circled up for COP, which consisted of the following (yes – there were no side straddle hops, believe it or not):

Moroccan Night Clubs X 20 I/C – holding arms out after completion

Little arm circles  X 10 forward and backward keeping them held out in between and after

Overhead claps X 10 – after completion, arms at ease which were now warmed up for what was to follow

Imperial walkers X 15 IC

Low Slow squats X 20 (another precursor for future exercise)

Mosey with bells to the East side of the lot for the main event:  Out comes the deck

Spades = Goblet Squats, Clubs = Upright rows, Diamonds = Skull Crushers, Hearts = Hammer Curls

YHC was pleased by the mumble chatter and simultaneous effort and the PAX delivered so well, we made it through 1 deck and 1/2 way through a second time.  Upon completion of the first deck (which happened faster than anticipated due to efficient PAX), YHC was asked if a sermon was to be given.  When silence ensued in response, YHC smiled and promptly requested the PAX to sprint to the West end of the lot as fast as possible then mosey back – all obliged.  Following a few 10 counts and one round of 10 burpees (just because),  T-Square had to choose between one of two piles of cards as YHC had split the deck of cards in 1/2.  He chose the pile that ended up having a disproportionate amount of face cards – much to the pleasure of the PAX.  Mumble chatter increased as consecutive suits were drawn on multiple occasions citing a few accusations of a rigged deck and flush draws (fake news).  Nonetheless, all got better.

With 5 minutes to go, we moseyed to COT with bells in hand for…….a little ab work – but just a little:

All exercises were with bells and double-count:  flutters with the press IC x 20, LBC’s IC x 10, Hello Dollys IC x 10 and Rosalitas IC x 10.  This took us to 5:59:30.  A body destroyer was called, then a 10-count delivered from Trucker and lo and behold, 6:00 was upon us and the time came for COT and BOM.

Announcements – Convergence on May 24 at Harris Teeter Baxter – all 4 workout options available – KB, Ruck, Run, Boot Camp with 3rd F at Eternal Shack (behind Zaxby’s) following.

May 21 – one year anniversary W/O to honor Badger and his legacy at Golden Corral.  Wear red to honor.  Decibel on Q and Badger’s oldest 2.0 will be in attendance.

Read your newsletter.

Prayers – for teachers, for families, for our 2.0’s finishing school, for Mom’s – especially this weekend and for those working through strained maternal relationships, especially on this weekend.  Be a light to someone when you’re called – you never know what someone is gong through – No OYO.

NMM – YHC had stated in the past that serving in any position of leadership is a privilege.  No matter the opportunity, when called to lead a group of #HIMs, it should be taken as the blessing and opportunity it is meant to be.  And one of the greatest gifts we can pass on to one another through leading is the gift of sharpening, strengthening and honing ourselves – physically, mentally and spiritually.   To Band Camp, my sincere thanks for the opportunity to get out in front of such a strong group of #HIM’s this morning.  Every man gathered today made YHC better and, for that, I extend my thanks and gratitude.

Honored to serve,


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What State Is This Tomahawk?

A few weeks back, I agreed to Q at the old Tomahawk and somehow I agreed to Q at Mint Hill on the same day, but as I never got confirmation from my brothers in Mint Hill, Tomahawk won the day.

I’ve learned to keep things simple but simple doesn’t mean the workout will be easy.  We took a stab at the old ladder methodology with kettlebells and it went something like this:

COP – Typical warmup thang.

The ladder goes like this:

20 – Swings
20 – Goblet Squats
20 – Merkins
20 – Tricep Extensions
20 – LBC’s
20 – Curls
20 – Skull Crushers
20 – Calf Raises
20 – American Hammer
* Run a lap after each round.

Once round one is complete, step up to 25 reps and then 30 with each repeat.

Mutiny was in the Pax eyes, so we didn’t get to try out round four and after a bit of broga and stretching we called it a day.

Thanks for the opportunity 3D and Polaroid to lead.

Great job 3D stepping up to be sight Q at Tomahawk.

Make today a great day and make the world a better place because you’re in it.

DT out.


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Slow and Intentional now at Armory


Mosey around the full parking lot. Intermittently throwing in toy soldiers, high knees, and butt kickers.

Exercises not necessarily in this order:

Windmills, SSH, Merkins, Imperial Walkers and Mountain Climbers

The Thang-

Everything in cadence slow and intentional (except where noted SC).

  • Right arm curl 5x
  • Left arm curl 5x
  • Right overhead tricep extension 5x
  • Left overhead tricep extension 5x

20x SSH SC

  • Goblet Squat 10x
  • Right leg lunge 5x
  • Left leg lunge 5x
  • Calf raises 10x

5 Burpees SC

  • Merkin with bell in RH 5x
  • Merkin with bell in LH 5x
  • Bent over row RH 5x
  • Bent over row LH 5x

20 Mountain Climbers SC

  • Shoulder Press RH 5x
  • Shoulder Press LH 5x
  • Carolina Dry Docks w bell in RH 5x
  • Carolina Dry Docks w bell in LH 5x

A mosey around the parking lot

  • American Hammers 5x
  • LBCs 10x
  • Kettlebell lateral swings RH 5x
  • Kettlebell lateral swings LH 5x

Asked for a couple of favorites since we had time.  So we performed more LBCs and rows.

We all need to slow life down a bit.  Everything pulls at us from all directions.  Work with productivity/work efficiency, family, children events etc.  I asked for things that we do to slow it down a bit.  Moving appointment to avoid family time and putting down our phones was mentioned to help.

We finished with a Round of Mary


Count off


Praises and Prayers

Prayers for those on IR; Ruckers and their 24 hour event coming up, praise for healed collarbone.


Thanks for the opportunity to Q JWow

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Frying Pan Fun

Sometime in the last couple of weeks, YHC’s youngest 2.0 wanted to watch a Disney movie that I never wanted to see.  I did my best to pick apart the plot holes and inconsistencies to keep myself entertained, and the thing that stuck out the most was the fact that the main character, some lady with absurdly long hair, could wield a cast iron frying pan as if were a hair brush or whiffle ball bat..  I walked into my kitchen and picked up my iron skillet and noticed that swinging it around would require someone to be JACKED…

The Setup

The night of the 23rd, a plyometric box, 3 bells (20, 25, and 30), as well as a cast iron skillet (with lid) were loaded into the back of YHC’s suv.  The M was very confused.  The morning of the workout, I arrived around 0505 and had to navigate through half a dozen runners who answered Polaroid’s call for a pre run.  It’s alway encouraging to see such bad-assery so early in the morning.  Today would be a good day to Q.

During setup PAX continued to arrive in droves. I plunked down the plyo box in a parking space and held onto the cards I made to deploy depending on group size. Thankfully, Polaroid threw his slam ball into the COT, so I grabbed it and threw it into the plyo box space so everyone would be able to have fun

Overall, 20 PAX appeared in the gloom at The Tomahawk.  A lot of faces were new to YHC, and so we quickly talked about the 5 core principals and disclaimed.

The warmup

Started with a quick mosey around the parking lot to warm up those whom had not already accumulated a couple miles, circling up on the east side (more of an ellipse).
2 sets of single-leg stretches (one leg bent, six close to the earth, other leg straight with toes up) Lots of mumble chatter already
Hands down into plank
10 werewolf merkins – The chatter continues
Back into plank

The workout

Mosey to pick up the bells and count off by 5’s.

Four stations were created including that of the plyo box.

PAX worked on their station exercise while the timer group grabbed the cast iron skillet and walked to the other end of the lot and back. The skillet was to be held with arm at a 90 degree angle, holding the handle with the skillet extended (in theory but not often in practice). At 15lbs it’s not that heavy, but holding just the handle makes for a sneaky bit o pain. The other PAX of the group would distribute the remaining bells and walk with the skillet holder, trading off as necessary. Optionally, the PAX could do lunges at the station.

Genuinely cannot recall the ORDER of the exercises, but below is what was available to the non plyo spots.
Snatch and squat
Plank Row
American Hammer
Goblet Squat
Upright Row
Man Maker
Plank Pass Through
Lawn Mower Pulls

One station was dedicated to the plyometric box (20x24x30) and the slam ball.

After each group visited each station the PAX were pulled aside for some group exercises.
Between sets 1-2
10x Imperial Walker
10x Merkin

Sets 2-3
10x Imperial Walker
10x Hillbilly Walker
10x Straight leg kicks (each leg)

One station short of a full third set and it was time to hit COT. Name-o-rama revealed the presence of an FNG, now named Tricycle (WELCOME!!!).

Polaroid got the former site Qs together and handed off the shovel flag to 3D.

Announcements were announced and the COT ended with a prayer. Great work by all the PAX. YHC is truly humbled and honored to have gotten to Q this day.

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US Army Staff Sgt / NYPD Police Officer James McNaughton

We had 23 PAX show up for my VQ this morning….the support was much appreciated.

The morning started with a quick jog around the NAFO parking lot and ended with a standard warm-up of  Imperial Walkers, Morrocan Nighclubs  and Hillbilly Walkers.

Today we Honored a Fallen Soldier and NYPD Police Officer and our workout consisted of :

10 Burpees and a 100 yard run

27 Merkins and a 100 yard run

10 Donkey Kicks and a 100 yard run

27 Big Boy situps and you guessed it a 100 yard run

10 Lunges and a 100 yard run

27 Squats and who would have thought another 100 yard run

We Rinsed and Repeated ….. Some rinsed and repeated more than others.

Thanks to Dirty Harry and Punchlist for pushing me to lead this great group of men and getting my VQ under my belt.






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10 at the hive for a Go Ruck inspired Kettle Bell workout

Warm-up began with:

  • Short mosey
  • SSH
  • Moroccan Nightclubs
  • Hillbilly Walkers
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Windmills.

We then moved to the side of the parking lot to complete the body of the workout

10 sets of:

  • Suitcase carry of bell to far end of parking lot and back AFAP (switch hands at far end) *Tesh estimated this to be 80 yards each way.. Far more than the 50 that I had intended…
  • Once back 10 Goblet Squats and 10 Swings then repeat
  • Final 5 sets had 10 Lunges, 10 Plank Pass Through, and 10 Overhead Press added to reps due to mumble about how easy the back-blast would be to write

Finished at exactly 6:00… Just like I had planned…

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Smokey VQ

“Final 4” NCAA theme workout to work 4 muscle groups.  Freezing 32 degrees, but we got warm fast!

Tomahawk (Kettle Bell)


Warmup: (10 minutes)

  • Side-straddle Hops (25)
  • Windmill (25)
  • Low Slow Squats
  • Moroccan Nightclub
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Jog around the parking lot

Exercise: (35 minutes)

  • LEGS
    • Lunge (1 min) Exercise group A
    • Squats (1 min) Exercise group A
    • Run to the end of the parking lot!
    • Calf Raises (1 Min) Exercise group B
    • Sumo Squat (1 Min) Exercise group B
    • Run to the end of the parking lot!
  • ARMS
    • Curls L (1 min) Exercise group A
    • Curls R (1 min) Exercise group A
    • Run to the end of the parking lot!
    • Skull Crushers (1 Min) Exercise group B
    • Chest Press (1 Min) Exercise group B
    • Run to the end of the parking lot!
  • CORE
    • Big Boy Sit-ups (1 min) Exercise group A
    • Flutters (1 min) Exercise group A
    • Run to the end of the parking lot!
    • Freddy Merc (1 min) Exercise group B
    • Box Cutters (1 min) Exercise group B
    • Run to the end of the parking lot!
  • BACK
    • Kettle Bell Swings (1 min) Exercise group A
    • Upright Row (1 min) Exercise group A
    • Run to the end of the parking lot!
    • Bent over Rows L (1 min) Exercise group B
    • Bent Over Rowes R (1 min) Exercise group B
    • Run to the end of the parking lot!


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