Crossing the Line

WARMUP: Mosey, SSH, IW, HW, yoga
5 burpees
10 jump squats
15 merkins
20 split squats

Sometimes it’s hard to know when you’ve crossed the line. We ran to NC
Prayers for Cable Guy

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The Swamp: reps, laps, and a forgotten message

7 PAX – 1 FNG
Full disclaimer was read (at least the high points)

Little Mosey
Some dynamic warmups
Some in-cadence warmups
Little Mosey
Some more dynamic warmups

Thang w/ Laps around Target
25 burpees – in cadence
50 merkins – stopped at 25 to let the PAX gather their resolve
75 lunges
100 monkey humpers – in cadence
75 lunges
“lap” – modified with a mosey back towards COT
50 merkins – no stopping
mosey back towards COT
– Airwolf wanted to sprint it back in. YHC obliged
25 burpees – 10 EMOM for 2.5 minutes
40 seconds of flutters in cadence to hit 0600


Workout stolen from a Hello Kitty tweet. As the Russian master, Igor Stravinsky said: “good composers borrow, great composers steal.”

I blame Badlands and Tesla for pushing the pace. So much push that I forgot the message I’d planned on how Jesus called Peter to be a “fisher of men,” but told another follower to “go home.” (Luke 8) It’s alright we don’t all get the same callings.

Guess I’ll save it for another Q!

Welcome FNG: Spector

Band Camp dismissed

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Eleven of Ft. Mill’s finest met at the corner of route 160 and Gold Hill Road for another edition of the Golden Corral.    Here is what they did:

The Thang:

Before the workout began, there was some discussion about the exact time of day and apparently, my watch was about 2 mins slow.  So the Pax were disclaimed at 5:17 rather than the designated start time of 5:15. Today, though, that worked out for the best as we found one straggler rolling into the parking lot as I was finishing the disclaimer,  and that guy turned out to be an FNG!  After some minor ribbing for being tardy, we moseyed over to the ‘alley’ between Harris Teeter an O’Reilly Auto Parts for COP.

COP (all in cadence):

SSH x 40, windmill x 15, IW x 40, merkin x 10, LBC x 20, Mountain climber x 35, low, slow squat x 20, Morrocan night club x 40 while walking to the front of Harris Teeter.

Split into two groups for suicides using the 3 light posts as the stopping points.  We did 4 rounds and it was a crowd pleaser:

Round 1:  Group 1 run, while group 2 does merkins

Round 2:  Group 2 run, while group 2 does LBC’s

Round 3:  Group 3 run, while group 2 does monkey humpers

Round 4:  Group 4 run, while group does dips

Mosey back to the alley between Harris Teeter and O’Reilly.  All Pax in people’s chair and one by one bear crawl from one end to the other until we cycle through all the pax.  Shake ‘em out.  Now all pax in balls to the wall and then one by one, jog from one end to the other.

Mosey back to the main lot for a true 6 minutes of Mary:

Freddie Mercury x 20, Pretzel crunch x 10L/10R, Hello Dolly x 20, Superman hold x 3


I was a last-minute sub for Decibel last night so just pulled an old Q from the archives.  This one was from September 29, 2014 and we had 20 guys back then.  Here is a little bit of F3 The Fort history:  Golden Corral was THE Tuesday workout in Fort Mill and we used to get 15 plus pax week after week so it wasn’t long before we needed to add the other Tuesday workouts (Colosseum, Ballroom).  Funhouses was the original site Q.

Big fun from the group today and plenty of mumble chatter.  Leading the charge (no surprise) was Jekyll and Twister.  At one point during COP, I could hear my own cadence count, but could not make out the count from the Pax because only 1/3 of the group was counting the other 2/3 were discussing how the beverage industry is changing (among other topics).    Everyone seemed to have a comment about something.  My favorite came from Airwolf who recognized that with our latest FNG Tailwind, F3 The Fort has met our EEOC requirement for 2022 – hahahaha.  All in jest of, course!

This morning exemplified what we all know and love about F3.  And that is, despite all that is going wrong in our communities (the death of a son, a local teacher robbed and shot, a worsening pandemic, and the huge political divide in our country), getting together to break a good sweat and have some laughs can keep all the bad stuff from getting to us.  Our bodies are stronger, we feel better physically and emotionally, and we know we have guys to lean on when we need them.

It was truly a pleasure to lead the group today and I look forward to next time. And BTW, the title of the backblast is a continuation of my effort to work Rush song titles into this website (RIP Neil Peart).


  1. Dam to Dam 10K bar (check your newsletter)
  2. Prayers for Aquaman’s family, Covid victims, cancer victims, local teacher in hospital.
  3. I neglected to get Tailwind’s contact info this morning. If anyone reads this (which will be a very small number I think), please reach out to him if you happen to see him or hear that name at a workout.


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Bear Crawls, Core & more

Nothing fancy…

Disclaimer then 2 more roll in

Big warm up run around the school including a jaunt out onto the sidewalk on 49 and back to the bus drop lane.

Warm Up stuff included Wind Mills, Mountain Climbers, Moroccan Night Clubs and Arm Circles

50 Flutters I/C = 100 Flutters
50 LBCs I/C = 100 LBCs

Bear Crawl the bus lot with Mountain Climbers & Peter Parkers at the end
Crawl Bear back to the start

NUR up the back hill to Langston then run down. Repeat

Grab a partner for a partner MURPH
One partner runs while the other partner works to complete:
100 Pull-Ups
200 Merkins
300 Squats (we called an audible here due to time and completed the final 25 squats together)


Thanks for the hospitality Grassy Knoll

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A wet and cold pusher!

Today at the swamp it started off just a little chilly but by the time we moze it over to the home Depot parking lot for a quick warm up, here came the rain! Warmed up with 15 of each exercise: Moroccan Night Club, Hill Billy Walkers, plank, Mountain climbers, down dog, up dog and ended with some produce pickers. Then we moved over to an area behind home Depot and Target for a DORA.

The Thang:

100- American Hammers

200- Sumo Squats

300- Side Straddle Hops

Then we moved it over to Old Navy for some balls to the wall and burpees. Completed it and then moseyed over to a grassy knoll. We did 11s which included monkey humpers and wide arm merkins. Finally continue to run back to cot but before we got there concluded with a Jack Webb.

Concluded at COT with a 20 count of LBC’s and plank. Did name-o-rama,  announcements and prayers. Great work gentlemen and thank you for the opportunity SlapShot!




















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The Deck at The Corral

It’s Golden Corral, there were 9, and we worked in the following manner:

Warm up run around Harris Teeter and post in the top parking lot for a few warmup exercises then the Deck of Cards

Spades: Diamond Merkins
Clubs: Jump Squats
Hearts: 8ct Burpee
Diamonds: Mountain Climbers
Jokers (there were 4): 25 Flutter Kicks I/C

That’s 104 of each suit and 100 Flutters I/C

We had a few minutes to spare so we did 2 rounds of a 3-tier suicide and a plank series consisting of Peter Parkers, Grave Diggers, Dips, Grave Diggers.


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Thanksgiving Convergence 2021

68 PAX in attendance for a pre-thanksgiving beatdown and some fellowship on a brisk morning Thursday 11/25/2021.


With the anticipation of fried turkey, oreos and coffee brought by @Change Order, @Smuggler and @RubySlippers, mumble-chatter abounded,  until @Hardwood took the center and called attention at 0600 hours. Disclaimer was disclaimed and the call for new FNG’s was made, no new FNG’s was the lone blemish on the otherwise fantastic morning in my humble opinion.

Run options led by @Gekko and a Moderate group led by @TripleLindy set off as the rest of the PAX moseyed towards back of Springfield Elementary. First Destination was in parking lot way back by the Middle School.

Circled up and @Hardwood called out the following exercises:

SSH- 40


Downward Dogs and Honeymooners

Low & Slow Squats

Cyclops: Stay in Squat Position and complete Moroccan Nightclubs


The Thing

Series of Webs

Starting with Merkins and Overhead Claps

1×4 for 10 rounds of excruciating shoulder pain, mumble-chatter becoming more focused on the task at hand

more SSH 🤮

Next we completed ANOTHER WEB, worse than the last,

Shoulder Taps and Moroccan Nightclubs

1×4 for 10 more rounds that was never ever going to end

Lots of requests for Burpees strangely or anything other then arm workouts!


YHC began the 2nd half of the workout with more SSH

Mosey around to front of Middle School with 3 stops for 5 Burpees OYO, at the request of the PAX

Line up at bottom of small hill in front of school and explain the workout, AMRAP LEG CIRCUIT

Teams of 4 ish men cycle through three exercises at bottom of hill individually:

2 Squats

2 Split Lunges

2 Bomb Jacks

Next Broad Jump up Hill to top and complete the following:

2 V-ups

Bear Crawl to bench

2 Step Ups

Run around and down to bottom of hill stopping at cones for 2 burpees (two stops per lap)

Meet back at bottom of hill and repeat, only this time DOUBLE ALL REPS TO 4X

Goal is to complete 5 rounds or AMRAP, almost completed but just short of time before we had to get back to COT

YHC shared a article on Gratitude, and then @Shady shared the heart of the Fort, the success of @Seamstress initiative with the help of the PAX, @Seamstress shared his excitement and appreciation for the success of the event! Great job by all T-claps!

Finally we had a shovel hand-off YHC taking the Ranch from a long line of great site Q’s which I hope to make proud.

Then we were finally able to enjoy the fried delicacies and coffee! Cheers!



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Q School at Footloose

10 pax decided to post at Footloose this morning for a little bootcamp Q School. YHC endeavored to create a WO this morning that would provide a few reminders/tips to seasoned PAX while focusing on some key fundamentals for newer PAX.

Pre-Disclaimer: I had all the PAX hold plank while I talked a bit about what goes into Quing a workout before 5:15. In short, 80% of a great Q happens before 5:15. Some best practices that were mentioned:

  • Write the Weinke down
  • Over prepare ( always have more than you need)
  • Make the workout scalable both in types of exercises and difficulty
  • Be site aware ( how to best utilize the AO)
  • Try and keep the group together as much as you can
  • Start on time

Remember, PAX are getting up early to drive to a Workout you are running. If anything you owe them the time and effort to make their time and effort worth it.

Disclaimer: We talked about the key components of a good disclaimer.

  • Announce who you are, you are not an expert
  • Ask for anyone new (I prefer to ask for new ppl as opposed to “FNG” in the event someone shows up not knowing what a FNG is)
  • If we have a FNG make sure there is someone (Site Q or person who EH’d him) that will stick with him and encourage him. Also be sure to mention our 5 core principles and welcome them to the WO.
  • Make clear that all exercises are suggestions and participants in the workout are assuming all risk. As a result, modify as needed to avoid injury
  • Highlight potential risks during the workout (going off campus, traffic, wet surfaces, poor footing etc….)
  • If you are going off campus count how many PAX you have before you break COT. If you leave with 10…end with 10.
  • Start the workout.

The Warmup:  Maintaining our position at the Shovel Flag but before the actual exercises I mentioned how important it is to show proper form during this portion of the workout. Often times all eyes will be on you and as a result you will need to set the example. If you cannot maintain good form (or cadence) during an exercise then just don’t’ do it. ( If you can’t do it …..don’ t Q it)

Next YHC went into the fundamentals of cadence calling. Announcing the exercise, telling pax to “move” into position, declaring if this next exercise will be in cadence(or OYO) and then to “begin”.  The key is to practice and to be mindful of “setting a pace”. I executed a set of SSH’s both at a slow place to demonstrate the cadence and then speeding it up to demonstrate how to pace the exercise. The next exercise was the Windmill. Which I was very careful to ensure that a proper pace was maintained.

One other tip to mention with warmups. Be mindful that it’s a “warm-up” As the Q don’t blow yourself up on the warmup…you have at least another 40-35 minutes to go.


The Thang:  As we begun the main portion of the workout I mentioned to the PAX that one thing I like to do with my workouts is “time box” my Wienke. In short, I like to keep to a schedule to ensure we get plenty of work in the 45 minutes while guaranteeing that we get all PAX back to COT at 6:00. For example a  Weinke of mine is laid out like this:

5:15-5:17 Disclaimer

5:17-5:18 Mosey to Warmup

5:18-5:23 Actual Warmup

5:23-5:25 Mosey to Thang Part 1.

5:25-5:40 Thang Part 1

5:40-5:42 Mosey to Thang Part 2

5:42-5:58 Thang Part 2

5:58-6:00 Run to COT

Through experience you’ll be able to determine how much time certain types of exercises or routines take  so be prepared to audible if needed or modify a workout up or down depending on the time allotted.

Specific to todays Q School I wanted to share with the Pax some basic exercise routines we leverage in F3 that are great ways to structure a workout and enable the opportunity to both scale up and down if needed. The routines we did were:

  • Pearls on a String ( 15 Merkins, Squats, Plank Jacks, LBC’s)
  • 7’s ( Carolina Dry Docks and Hello Dolly’s)
  • DORA (28 HR Merkins, 56 Squats, 112 LBC’s and 1 Kraken Burpee Each per Partner) In honor of Veterans Day I arranged the rep counts of this Dora to reflect the different Regiments, Brigades, and Divisions my father (CSM Pysher) served in during his career.

A couple things I mentioned during this portion of Q School:

  1. Don’t be afraid to modify up or down during these types of routines by changing reps, modes of transportation or by adding or subtracting exercises. Notice if the Pax are struggling or if they are blowing through it. You want to keep ppl moving and not have anyone standing around or getting discouraged.
  2. An easy way to do so is to carry chalk with you during your Q. For example I had written out the Dora in the parking lot before we started. At the conclusion of the Dora I simply added with chalk 50 SSH OYO. It’s an easy simple, effective way to modify the workout as you go.
  3. Keep things as simple as possible. The routines highlighted in today’s Q School are very simple yet very effective in that they provide a structure that will enable all pax to participate in a workout. Remember, if you are explaining……you are losing.

After the conclusion of the Dora we had roughly 10 minutes left which gave me the opportunity to go over a couple “time killing” routines that I have used in the past couple years.

Going back to what I had mentioned earlier about being over prepared it’s always a good idea to have in your back pocket a couple things (not just 5 minutes of Mary) that you can execute either on the way to COT or at COT that will keep PAX engaged.

  • Last Man Planking: all Pax in a circle. Essentially the last person maintaining good plank form “wins”. At the Q’s discretion he will call out an exercise like merkins  to “weed out” the herd. If and when someone taps out they will then do an exercise AMRAMP until a winner is declared.


  • EMOM Series: Utilizing your phone (and the SMARTWOD app) you can fill the remaining time by calling a series of exercises with a certain number of reps to be completed each minute on the minutes. What’s great about this is you can set the total time of the workout but modify the rep count to either increase or decrease the intensity of the workout.



  • 5 Burpees OYO :  This is always a crowd pleaser. You can leverage this throughout any workout to help quite out of control mumble chatter or to give you a few moments to think on your next piece of the workout.

COT: I have two alarms on my phone set for my workouts. One at 5:58 to remind me to get moving towards COT and the second one right at 6:00am

We discussed doing the count, namearama, the video and leading into announcements and prayers. At todays Q School there were specific prayers for our veterans and all they do, have done and continue to deal with. Additional prayers for health and guidance.

Final thoughts on Q School:

  1. Preparation is key to leading a successful Q. practice cadence, write your workout down, scout the site, and time box the workout to ensure everyone gets their money’s worth.
  2. As the Q you are the example if you can’t do it…don’t Q it.
  3. While leading the workout is 1st F. Remember to ensure that 2nd F is covered as well and keep ppl together.
  4. Leverage the Site Q for ideas and for counsel if you are concerned about a certain type of exercise or course. (if you are around houses you may want to be quite or if there’s a fence that’s locked…don’t jump it)
  5. Always have your phone on you (or ensure the site Q has theirs). It helps with the workout but from a safety perspective it’s good to have on your person.
  6. Look at F3Nation for additional workout ideas. Your brothers from across the country are constantly putting together innovative ways to lead workouts in the gloom. Feel free to “leverage” their input and ideas.


Hope you all find this helpful! Be on the lookout for more Q School in the coming months! SYITG

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Soggy games at the Corral

The day before the Q, Lutefisk sent me a message wondering if I was still available to Q. Well, I never wasn’t available to Q, just hadn’t planned on it. Good ole WP being finicky again, I supposed.

The gloom

I arrived a few minutes early to plot our eventual course. Driving ’round back of the old Express Lube to chalk up some instructions nobody really wants to read is always fun. When I got to CoT, there were a few cars idling in the rain.

warm up

Mosey to the top of the hill by Express Lube. Warmup over!!

the thang

Part one

On paper, and in my mind, I wanted to call 11’s on the hill by the apartments, but I knew that the chosen activity at the bottom of the hill was a bit more involved, so 7’s were called instead.

The original plan for the top of the hill was BBSU’s, but because of the rain and complete lack of lighting, YHC called an audible to some low slow squats to make sure eyes were always up and we could move if a driver wasn’t paying attention.

The bottom of the hill is well-lit and so PAX will compete in the requisite rounds of Rochamburpees. Now, YHC has looked through the lexicons and found no definition of “chillcut” so I have to assume that it’s plank position. If not, well, probably should be.  Each PAX will pick a partner (or 3 man free for all).  In plank using right/left alternating counting “one, two, three, shoot”. The loser does a burpee starting with the pushup, the winner a single merkin. In the case of a draw, everyone does a burpee.

Part two

From the last game of rochamburpee, we all moseyed up to the SE corner of the Teeter where YHC had placed some scrawling that managed to stay dry and legible in the rain, and we continued our way around the course, which would be done until time ran out.

SE Corner: 10x V-ups
Behind Express Lube: 5x stepups (each)
Bear crawl from EL lot to crosswalk in front of auto parts store: 15x plank jacks
Run to the end of the strip mall and back to start

With 5 PAX there, we managed to stay together with YCH lagging behind and completed four loops of the .4 mile loop before heading back to COT with enough time for 10 windmills.


Some announcing happened. Prayers were offered. Everyone talked a bit about their 2.0s. Sky-Q knows our needs.

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OPRAHS Vision at Quagsource

Qsource topic was Vison. Q point 3.4 if you happen to be following along with the numbering system.
Vision can be defined by Recognizing advantage and the movemnt required to achieve it.

OPRAHs made an appearance thanks to DiVinci and my fatigued mental state from being on vacation last week.

OP => Overhead press
R => Rows, bent over alternating with upright rows or as I like to call them Scooby Doos.
AH => American Hammers with ruck
S => Ruck Swings

Thanks to Flounder for taking us out at COT. My man has a gift.

Also note that Flounder is getting much better in his leading of cadance and will be on the q schedule very soon at Quagmire.
Thanks for the mumble chatter gents.

Stay frosty my friends.

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