The Greatest Workout of All Time? Yes.

WARMUP: Probably. No one remembers.
THE THANG: A few rounds of 11s, 7s, and other nonsense.
The REAL nonsense, though, came in the form of setting things right in the naming department. Sadly, in only 45 minutes, I couldn’t get to everyone, but I will tell you the ones I DID get to…
– is now Kerrigan
– is now Insertion Point
– is now Father Time
– is now Mama’s Boy
– is now French Tip
– is now Tickle Me Ebenezer
– is now Agent My Pleasure
– is now Dumpster Juice
– is now Dumpster Juice II: The Revenge of Dumpster Juice
– is now Stateline Vapes
– is now Gender Confusion
– is now Backward Flush/Dude Wipes
– is now Dementia
– is now Halfway
– is now White Boots, and
– is now Twin Peaks

For more on WHY these Pax got new names, you’ll have to ask them, because I only vaguely remember…

This is why you shouldn’t miss when YHC is the Q. NOTHING but good times.

MARY: No chicks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.
COT: The 5th Core Principle.

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Pax to run loops around Veteran’s Park (N. White to FMRX, around Clebourne to Main, Down Main back to Veteran’s Park).
4 stops along the way. First stop is 2 reps. Second is 4, then 6, then 8. Each loop is a different exercise:

LBCs (4 count)
Imperial Walkers (4 count)
Merkins (4 count)
PlankJacks (4 count)
SSH (4 count)

Speedsters, rinse and repeat.

Flutters and Freddies until the 6 came in.

Great work by all pax. Some did their own thing, but all were sweating it out this humid morning that teased us with a breeze every once in a while.

Thanks FunHouse for the opportunity to lead.

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Coffee anyone?

Kingsley Spring Blvd to Wamsutta Mills Dr, into and around the Sunbelt Rental parking lot, back out to Textile Way, up the hill, through the parking lot on the back side of Starbucks and Panera. Repeat if you want more.
Most took Kingsley Park Drive back to COT
MARY: None

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Hills on repeat

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: run down munn, left on Harris, cross 21 and down to bottom of hill. Run back up to the light, repeat.

Or run wherever you feel like
COT: yup

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Sweating to the River District

WARMUP: walking from car to shovel flag
River District with twist
Down 160 to Sutton
Left on Sutton to Mills
Right on Mills to Stafford
Left on Stafford to Harvest
To bottom of street and back to COT

3, 4, 4.5 depending on pace

MARY: counting off

Jeager is happening
Cut lawns
Christmas party
Bourbon tasting

Praying for men to be men

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DJ IJ’s 80s Rock Block

13 men took a trip down memory lane at The Ballroom this morning for an 80s music-themed beatdown. Conditions were brutal (79 degrees and 95% humidity – air you can wear). Here’s what we did. It was more of difficult that it looks on paper.

The Thang
– 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
– 10 MNCs (IC)
– 10 Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
– 10 Windmills (IC)
Mosey to front of school

Perform the first exercise until you hear the keyword. At the keyword, you perform the second exercise, then back to the first.

Song 1 – “Who Can it Be Now” – Men at Work
– Exercise 1 – Plank, exercise 2 – Plank Jack every time you hear “Who can it be” (13 Plank Jacks)
– Mosey around the lot
Song 2 – “Your Love” – The Outfield
– Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead claps when you hear “Your Love” (21 Overhead Claps)
– Mosey around the lot
Song 3 – “Jessie’s Girl” – Rick Springfield
– American Hammers, Big Boy Situps when you hear “Jessie” (28 Big Boys)
– Mosey around the lot
Song 4 – “tel:867-5309/Jenny” – Tommy Tutone
– SSHs, Flying Squirrels each time you hear “Jenny” (12 Flying Squirrels)
– Mosey around the lot
Song 5 – “You Spin Me Right Round” – Dead or Alive
– People’s Chair, Calf Raises on every “Spin me” (10 Calf Raises)
– Mosey around the lot
Song 6 – “Take on Me” – A-Ha
– Flutters, Freddies every “Take on Me” (16 Freddies)
Song 7 – “Down Under” – Men at Work
– Dip position up, Dip position down on every “Down Under” (5 Dips)
Song 8 – “Roxanne” – The Police
– Mountain Climbers, Merkins on every “Roxanne” (26 Merkins)

We have two options in life: put in the work or complain about the circumstances. Only one will make a difference.
We have the same tools in the tool chest. How will you use them?


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It hurt me more than it hurt you

Opening Act:
windmill, dying cockroach, hillbilly walker, mt climber, overhead clap, freddie merc, low slow squat, plank jack, side straddle hop, flutter, calf raise

accumulator, 5, 5-10, 5-10-15, up to 35, plus a run around the playground in between
5 burpees
10 hand release merkins
15 imperial walker
20 carolina drydock
25 jump squats
30 travolta
35 LBCs

had a back to the board too, but time ran out
thanks for the Q nod CB

I saw a possum

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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The Puertorican Nightmare

WARMUP: Pre Run/Walk for some, then disclaimer given with shared route and counted 15 HIMs
THE THANG: The Route roughly +3.5 miles:
Founders to Munn Rd, Left on Munn, Left on Harris St, gingerly cross over Hwy 21, Left on Jackson, and Left on Hwy 160 towards COT. Some ran trails, some did not, some ran in pairs and some did not. All Pax accounted for at the end.
MARY: She was absent yet again!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: July 4th Convergence, July 4th Bethel Men’s Shelter (Venmo Donations please), 10th Year Anniversary at Slow Burn ( is on Q), 6/28 Acceleration Project, and Sign Up for Lawn Care duty at Fort Mill Care Center.
COT: Look after each other, we are the family we choose to be.

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