Bell repeats

WARMUP: Mosey for a short lap then circle up for SSHs, Windmills, Low slow squats, Merkins, and Hillbilly Walkers.
THE THANG: I’m a big fan of simple yet difficult. So I stole some things from rucking and repurposed them.
First thing was 15 min AMRAP of the following 3 things:
15-High pulls, 15-Swings, and 15-Overhead squats.
Not going to lie, I thought we were close to time and then looked at watch and it said 7 minutes. Finished up then moved over to far parking lot.
Buy-in=4 line suicide with 5 bombjacks at each line
8 rounds of the following:
5 Burpees
8 Curls
8 Triceps
8 Mountain Climbers
8 Merkins w/bell pull thru
We got through about 5 rounds before time was running short. So finished up with run across lot for 10 bombjacks then grab the bells and head back to COT.
Finished with 10 bell overhead big boys and 10 flutters.

I definitely don’t do kettlebell workouts enough. I need to do a better job of working it into my rotation. I also need to be better prepared. I thought Uhual would bring some music but he didn’t show this morning. So the PAX made up for it in mumblechatter. I appreciate all the PAX coming out this morning and Battle-bot for the Q opportunity.

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Convergence For Our Brother Shower Curtain

Four Lines: Toy Soldiers, Butt Kickers, High Knees, mosey with Q to first of four rotations

Slapshot’s Pain Station:

Each Pax performs

50 Merkins
100 LBCS
50 HR Merkins
100 4-CT Flutters

Every minute a timer would go off and we’d run from one side of the “track” to the other. We would then do two burpees and resume the exercises.
Group 4 only had 3-4 minutes left so we did 10 Burpees OYO then Captain Thor until 5:55.

Badland’s Pain Station:

10 rounds Tabata – 45sec work 15sec rest –
SSHs, Freddy Mercuries, high knees taps, American Hammers, mtn climbers, laying Leg Raises, In and Out Plank Jacks, J-Los, star crunches, high knee goofballs

Punchlist’s Pain Station:

Light Pole Speed Drills –

5/10/15 Merkins
5/10/15 CDD’s
5/10/15 Bonnie Blairs

Bear-pees to finish

Shady’s Pain Station:

Sheet 1: 10 diamond Merkins, 20 Merkins, 30 Mountain Climbers, 40 Seal Jacks, 50 American Hammers, 50 Shoulder Presses, 40 Crab Cakes, 30 Flutters, 20 Big Boy Situps, 10 Flying Squirrels

Sheet 2: 10 Burpees, 20 Knee to Chest jumps, 30 Carolina Dry Docks, 40 Plank Jacks, 50 LBCs, 50 Squats, 40 Dips, 30 Calf Raises, 20 Wide Arm Merkins, 10 Dive Bombers

Each sheet ~50 yards apart. Do the top exercise on sheet 1, run to sheet 2 for first exercise, then run back to sheet 1 and do 2nd exercise…and so on. Furthest we got was 50 shoulder presses and 50 squats. And we had awesome music courtesy of Detroit.

Great job Qs


Today we came to support our brother, Shower Curtain. He is recovering from his injuries and will need our help and support for several months to come. More than a workout!

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Chatter, Krakens, Fellowship more chatter and more Krakens

WARMUP: mosey to playground parking lot – burpees, windmills, imperial and hillbilly walkers, more burpees, squats, holding people’s chair for Moroccan night clubs and air presses while mumblechatter escalated quickly. Pusher enjoyed the view of YHC’s good side at this point of the workout.  Planks ensued along with a few Broga poses, Peter Parker’s and merkins.  From there we moseyed to the bus loop for the main event.

THE THANG: partners took turns alternating running between ab stations and 4 exercise stations. The stations were comprised of 8 burpees or 8 kraken burpees (which Dark Helmet loved), 18 of another exercise and 22 of another – Carolina dry docks, derkins, squats, lunges, merkins and side straddle hops (because YHC did not include them in the warm up) specifically. PAX did all of them and got 1% better.

After 8 rounds were completed between partners, we moseyed around the school, recited the pledge to honor those serving our country and protecting our freedoms. Then moseyed past three more light poles were 3 burpees were done at each one.  Just because.  

MARY: Sasquatch led 2 minutes of Broga which brought us to 0600.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: We’re exclaimed
COT: Prayers were offered.  And we welcomed FNG Sweat Shop.

YHC is grateful for the culture and fellowship we are so fortunate to have in the Fort. Showing up in the gloom each morning for the man next to us truly enables acceleration beyond just the workout.  

Thanks to Poppins for the call to Q.  It’s always an honor to lead.


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A little mist in the gloom

WARMUP: various warmups done
THE THANG: partner up-100 merkins, 200 Bobby hurleys, 300 single count mtn climbers.
Mosey to wall- wall sits while pax broad jump length of group x 2, 10 step ups, 10 derkins, 10dips at courtyard x 3 sets, mosey to playground 5,4,3,2,1 pull-ups and burpees. Indian run back to COT for 1 to 2 min of Mary.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: final countdown, dam 2 dam, trash pickup
COT: prayers for metro brothers family, prayer for marriages, pray for bobbers friend who was at incident where one of his friends was tragically killed.

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Citadel Cendoff

WARMUP: Jackalope soon to be off to Citadel got good practice leading the PAX in COP. Chip off of Bojangles block.

Mostly Merkins squats and LBCs today. Got in 2.5 with some Dora and hill work.

COT: Prayers for our kids and teachers going back to school. And for 2.0 mental health. We also prayed for and blessed StateFarm and Jackalope as well their fathers (and mothers) for strong leadership and embarking not only college but at Citadel. Aye!

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The burn is good

WARMUP: 10x Cherry Picker, SSH, imperial walkers, Moroccan Night Clubs
THE THANG: 4 laps around the track with 4 pain stations 320 squats, 180 LBC, 80 merkins, 20 squats 7 & 1’s pull ups and bomb jacks
MARY: 15 Big Boys
COT:Prayers for JB motorcycle accident, teachers, marriages

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Thanks for the Burpees, Fogerty

WARMUP: 5 burpees oyo. Short mosey. Moroccan night clubs, LSS, shoulder taps, dynamic warmup.
THE THANG: Jacob’s Ladder with merkins and bomb jacks using 11. Picked up the 6. Split up into teams for a couple relay races. Loser had to do 5 burpees. Then 10 merkins. Winners had 3 burpees and 10 merkins.
Hold Al Gore and 1 by 1, run to the picnic table. Next round was skipping.
Do some calf raises. Then head back to the basketball courts. Do Airborne’s hip routine.
Next shake out the lactic acid. Quick yoga at the end and more burpees due to Fogerty. Sprinkled burpees in other places as well.
MARY: bbsu and burpees
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots of stuff in the newsletter
COT: stays in COT.

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The parking lot is always smoother in the other corner

WARMUP: Some side straddle hops, windmills, imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers, Moroccan nightclubs and cherry pickers to loosen things up


Used the ol’ Seconds Pro app to provide a TABATA workout with 50 seconds on 20 seconds rest ratio. After every 4th exercise we would rotate to the next corner of the parking lot. It should be noted that I used an Apple playlist and the app appeared to have undergone an update since last use… By the time I discovered the errors with both of these items we had come too far (I already pushed start) and the only option was to press forward for the next 40 minutes… We made it through a full cycle and 3/4.

Donkey Kick
Calf Raises
Mountain Climbers
Side Straddle Hops
Al Gore
Box Cutter
Plank Jacks
Dry Dock
Seal Jacks
High Knees
Monkey Humpers
Freddie Mercury
Rinse and Repeat

Things learned:
-the update changed the default voice from an Australian lady to a deep voiced male… not as fun to be told to do monkey humpers by a deep voiced male
-Apple includes U2’s One as a 90’s Rock/Alternative Essential, and while a great song, it is not terribly motivating… however it is very long…
-the update also messed up the volume of the coach voice anyway, so everyone just had to listen to me yelling over U2 anyway…

COT: It happened… we were all there…

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