- QIC: Cornerstone
- When: 04/02/2019
- Pax: Assassin, Barney Fife, boggie down, Culture Club, Dungaree, Long Shanks, Magnum, Mr T, Otis, Short Sale, Spark Plug, Wide Right
- Posted In: The Ballroom
Advised we are taking the Tour of the Ballroom AO #2 and AO #3
Warm up
We moseyed to the front of the School and circled up
In cadence
Imperial walkers 20
Wind Mills 15
Moroccan Night clubs 30
Imperial Walkers 20
Moroccan Night Clubs 30
LBC’S 40
Mosey to the front Elementary School
Found a hill and Stairs
3 times we bear crawled up the hill and ran down the steps
3 times we ran up the steps and crawl bear down
The significance some times it feels like we are doing everything we can to get ahead in life even crawling forward then things get better and it easy to move forward in life like going down the steps.
Some times we move forward with ease like climbing the steps then we hit a bump in the road and we find ourselves going 3-4-5 steps backwards hence the crawl bear down the hill.
YHC discussed April Theme – Be Still
This day and age it a go-go life style we do not take time to just be still and enjoy the small things in life the woods around us, the breeze, the rain or just spending time with God.
We moved across from the hill to driveway and to the grassy area
Done in cadence
Plank shoulder taps 15 count
Plank Jack’s 15 count
Mahktar N’ Diayes, 10 count
Plank 20 count
We did find out cars come flying through the parking lot so make sure you are always aware of your surroundings.
Moseyed to the back of the school where the basketball court is.
Done in cadence
Lt. Get ups 10
Squats 30
Calf Raises 20 regular, then toes out and finally toes in
Monkey Humpers 25
Mosey to the side of the middle school
Imperial walker
Mosey to the middle school football field under the covered shelter
Done in cadence
Merkins 20
Carolina dry Docks 15
Had Release Merkins 15
Mosey to the side parking lot next to the football field
Done in cadence
Lbc 50
Dying coach 20
Captain thor’s 10
big boy sit-ups 15
had to cut it short due to the time. Mosey to COT
Great Push from the PAX. As always I appreciate the opportunity.