WARMUP: Yes, it was cold and these bones don’t move without waking up the muscles and joints first.
THE THANG: BassO posted the morning after eye surgery with a plan to get some fellowship at the start and finish and walk the school campus solo in between due to an activity restriction from his doc. His plan became the perfect timing mechanism as the other 5 worked in short bursts interspersed with periods of catching up to BassO on the move. We did lots of core, lots of Moroccan Night Clubs, a sequence on the benches, and a series on the picnic tables as we traversed campus. Along the way we swapped experience and wisdom around the benefits of slowing down even as the season, the economy, and the world in general send us messages to speed up. Sawdust was a man of wisdom and humor throughout:
1. From one of his military leaders: ” Slow is smooth and smooth is fast”
2. He researched the proper form of Moroccan Night Clubs while interacting with a dual citizen from Morocco last week.
3. He skillfully pointed out that the planet in the sky Tater was asking about was “Your Anus”. Could there be a better way to start a dark, still, cold Tuesday morning?
MARY: Yes, we wore her out!
COT: Read your newsletter, then show up somewhere outside the Gloom!
Thanks for the invite Boogied Down and for keeping The Ballroom hot!