Chasing Victory, Monopoly Lessons

As I was thinking about my Q. I was struggling to bring something personal to this workout. I then realized it was the last day for the month and with the months theme of victory. I knew exactly what I was going to do. There are several life lessons learned from one of my favorite board games.

Short Warmup around the Bounce and Bowl parking lot.
High Knees, Butt Kickers, Side Shuffle, 5 good form Merkins
Disclaimer given. Missed it at the beginning as was talking about Victory.

COP – 51 SSH (you know why), IW, LBCs, MT Climbers

Mosey to Marina Parking Lot
Partner up
Partner 1 runs to middle rolls dice
Partner 2 planks until Partner 1’s return. Move forward number of stations as rolled on dice. Perform exercise.  Flapjack.

1-(GO)-20 SSH
2-20 CDD
3-20 Hello Dollies
4-10 Inch Worm Merkins
5-20 Mountain Climbers
6-60 Calf raises – 20 each position
7-(Jail) 10 Burpees – (Just Visiting)-10 Windmills
8-10 Wide Arm Merkins
9-20 LBC’s
10-20 Monkey Humpers
11-20 Peter Parkers
12-20 Mac Tar Jai
13-(Free Parking)-10 Bomb Jacks
14-10 Diamond Merkins
15-20 Russian Twists
16-20 Seal Jacks
17-20 Ski Abs
18-20 Sumo Squats
19-(Go To Jail)
20-20 Merkins
21-20 Freddy Mercury’s
22-20 Lunges 10 per leg
23-20 Parker Peters
24-20-Plank Punches
Back to Go, Take a Lap of Parking Lot
Interruptions: Short discussions about life lessons learned from the Game (not in order and not all covered)
1. The game must be played with others. It is no fun to play alone.
2. You choose a game piece that represents you to other’s playing the game. It is like a public persona. You get to choose this image.
3. Baltic Ave or Boardwalk; You could end up on either one. It’s all the roll of the dice.
4. You only get paid as you keep on going around the board.
5. You can make a lot or lose a lot, just by where you happen to land in life.
6. Chance can be a good thing or bad but sometimes you hope for it cause it seems the only way to change your circumstance.
7. Nobody likes to go to jail, unless they are in worse trouble playing the game.
8. If you build on what you get, it can help you get more and win the game.
9. You can profit a lot, when others visit your places; especially if you have them developed.
10. There are costs with everywhere you go and everything you do.
11. You can not stay still for very long. Sometimes you can skip a turn but this may be good or it may be bad.
12. Sometimes you can move extra spaces and this may be good or it may be bad.
13. A cheater can ruin the game for everybody.
14. Sometimes you have to give some away, so people you like can stay in the game.
15. You never know what to expect in the game.
16. A good game takes a long time.
17. It’s only a game and the point of it is to have fun.
18. The only thing you get to keep when you quit the game is the relationship with the person you played with.

What does Victory look like for you? Are you chasing the right things?

Christmas Party – Things to bringC
Children’s Attention Home – 36″ or larger Duffel Bag, Alarm Clock, Umbrella
Operation Sweet Tooth – Toy any age – Unwrapped
Regal Manor clubhouse
Deep AO – Change of Time to 7AM – Pusher and Double D on Q
Berwick area – Looking to develop AO on that area (Udder, Wild Thing, Flipper, One Shot, Cerrano, Axl, Vinny)
Children’s Attention Home – Friday Dec 8th. Needs Head count locked down by this weekend.

Missionary Family lost 20 bags of belongings (entire life in those bags). People stepped up and donated bags and stuff.
Suicide of a friend. Tough time of year.
Brother in laws father stage four cancer.
Opening up your home for Thanksgiving. Need to keep that up for Christmas.

Always humbled by the eagerness and willingness of the PAX. Lots of mumble chatter within the group and between the teams. Appreciate the opportunity to Q.


TClap |

Crossroads Discussion: Half In, Half Out

Good discussion this morning on being Half In, Half Out.  Working out with The Fort Nan’tan Monday allowed me an opportunity to benefit from words that while I was feeling them, was not articulating internally.  Plain speak- didn’t know how to put words to what I’ve been feeling lately until Cake Boss did it for me.  He spoke of victory but what resonated was being half in, half out.  Picture having one foot on the boat, one on the dock.

Continuing with that theme we dove into this at Crossroads this morning, a weekly coffee group where any topic that is on the Q’s mind can be batted around for fuller understanding.  If you haven’t been or are an infrequent attendee, consider making it more often.  Really good stuff happening here.

Half In/Half Out

  • What is it, to be all in?  What does it look like?
    • intentional
    • purpose
    • commitment
    • integrity

Focusing in here on the job, task, person here is vital.

  • What are some reasons for it/ why does it happen?
    • overwhelmed
    • Temporary weakness
    • paralyzed- so much to do, don’t know where to start so bail out on task or effort
    • lazy-

It could be men susceptible to this are hurting elsewhere and only committing “halfway” opens door to less accountability.  “If I fail or not as good, I only gave half effort anyway.”  Yet another way is “are these sad clown tendencies preventing me from fully engaging- enjoying life and all its ups and downs?”

  • Solutions
    • being self aware
    • acknowledge small victories and accomplishments
    • recommit- just do it
    • discuss- Spouse/partner, F3 men, Whetstone.
    • going through the process(Tesh)
    • Muscle Memory (Assassin, Twister)

Above are but a handful of opportunities that can lead to reengaging and dropping being half in/half out to be all in!

Couple of quick resources for thoughts associated

  • Lonely
    • Psalm 23
  • Weakness
    • Psalm 18:1-29
  • Direction
    • Psalm 73:21-26
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Black Friday BOGO & Coupon Specials

10 Pax (plus CSPAN for COT) posted to The Swamp to work off their Thanksgiving feast and take a trial run for Black Friday activities.   All veterans this AM, including Alright Alright from F3/Dallas who was visiting local family.  No ruckers (except potentially Royale, who quickly ditched the sack when he saw he would be solo).  So the Disclaimer was pronounced in Cliff Note form and then we launched to get blood pumping on a chilly 30-degree morning.

The Thang

Warm up run past Best Buy, Office Max, PetSmart, etc with some karaokes thrown in.

Circle up in Home Depot parking lot

COP — Mtn climbers, plank sequence, Peter Parkers, Hillbilly Walker, Low Slow Squats, Merkins

Mosey to garden center entrance of HD for first of Black Friday Specials  — Buy suicides and get free burpees.  At each turnaround point do 1 burpee.  Four out and backs (4 burpees).

Mosey to Target entrance and partner up for next BF Special — buy one wheelbarrow and get 2 burpees.  Start with 2 burpees at first red ball.  Then, Wheelbarrow from one red ball to the next, 2 burpees for each partner, then flapjack.  (18 burpees, 22 total)

Mosey to Kay Jewelers (every kiss begins with Kay; Bath & Bodyworks close by for those on skinnier budget) and circle up for BOGOx5 series.
5 Bombjacks + 5 burpees
5 Monkey humpers + 5 burpees
5 Wide arm merkins + 5 burpees
5 Sumo squats + 5 burpees
5 Jumping lunges + 5 burpees
(25 burpees, 47 total)

Mosey back to launch point and collect one Black Friday coupon for each partner pair.  Mosey to side of Best Buy and line up   shoulder to shoulder for People’s Chair w/blocks.  Pass each block to left. Rise and do 1 burpee.  Back to People’s Chair and pass blocks right to other end. Rise and do 2 burpees.  Continue progression to 10 burpees.
(55 burpees, 102 total burpees)

Mosey home



T-claps to all pax for persevering through a burpee-laden morning.  No Merlot this am, though it would not have been surprising to see some given the indulgences of Thanksgiving.

Thanks to Jedi for the burpee inspiration during the warm up run.  Burpees were already part of the Weinke , but the mumble chatter about doing 300-some burpees at Black Diamond Thanksgiving convergence only invited a heavier dose.  Thus, they instantly became the “freebie” for every Black Friday deal.

Speaking of Black Friday, the crazy shopper scene at Rivergate was a snooze fest.  Four desperate souls slept in their cars with the engine running for heat until we made the moves toward Best Buy, which quickly stirred them from the vehicles and into the camp chairs waiting at the front door behind the barricades.  It was probably the same four people who were in line at Best Buy the morning the new Nintendo game was released earlier this year.  Hope they made the haul they were seeking.  Pretty sure the pax collected all the pain they were after this AM.

Shout out to Alright Alright from Dallas who posted while on holiday family travel.  He’s got F3Nation rolling in DFW so be sure to post there when Dallas shows up on your itinerary.

Prayers for CSPAN who posted for CnW2 with a  boot on his right foot.  Thanksgiving Family Football League took its toll on him and now he’s on the IR.  He needs to try the Respect Division next Thanksgiving.  Hang in there, brother!  Will be in touch to keep you connected while you heel up.

Thanks to Cable Guy for the invite.  The Swamp continues to be a first class AO and it’s always an honor to lead the pax there.

TClap |

The under appreciated ruck & boot camp combo pack

Conditions clear and very cold…around 33 degrees at kickoff


Quick discussion on the combo workout and modify as needed

and walk off…about half had rucks…make large pile of rucks…near Office depot


Partner up

Partner 1 run .33 mile, partner 2 does exercises…and then flapjack

Round one ruck curls, ruck upright rows, ruck curls, ruck upright rows…each partner got 4 turns at running…mumblechatter stalled…it started to suck…so as a good Q, I made bad into worse…

Partner 1 run .33 with ruck (crowd pleaser) while other partner exercises…and then flapjack

Round two squats, LBC, squats, LBC

Mumblechatter quickly turned into “bitching”…

Same partner, smaller lap, flying squirrels for each

Mosey to COT area

60 seconds of flying squirrels

COT/ Prayer or praise/ BOM

14 #HIM went inside for Romans 13



TClap |

just a rainy Monday…

Conditions cold and rainy about 38 degrees…you had to want to be here


Vinny rolled in on 2 wheels…

Off and running for a moving warmup-O-rama…

Parking lot #AMRAP style, each space had an exercise, do that exercise, run a lap, move to next spot, and repeato…

Board consisted of:

10 Flying squirrels

20 HR Mericans

50 BB situps

20 Carolina Dry Docks

Hairburner to the curb (short distance)

Hairburner to the curb (long distance) aka crowd pleaser…cement block was smoking…

20 KB curls

20 KB Triceps

10 Flying squirrels

50 LBC

10 Peter Parkers

50 Flutters

10 Burpee

50 Rosie

50 Hello Dolly

50 SSH

Run was about a 200 meters…seemed easy…

The mumblechatter was epic, great group of #HIM

Jedi won…a very strong performance


Very weird Dallas Cowboy fan drove through our workout…dude was a jackass, talked junk but was too scared to workout with us…


Prayer or Praise / BOM

See you at The Swamp Friday…

Quick sermon on personal accountability, not being fooled that others care about you performance, and how lucky we are for this F3 Brotherhood



TClap |

Diapers or Depends, Same Purpose

When I was putting my Wienke together I decided to put something together that would allow for a lot of mumble chatter.  A lot of my Q’s tend to have a lot of counting and wanted something that little thought was needed by everyone to allow for the conversations to flow, and flow they did.

Warm up – COP – Typical Exercises.  SSH, Imperial Walkers, Windmills. Merkins, Mountain Climbers

Tabata – 20 Sec on, 10 Sec Rest, alternating exercises, 2 min rest (slow mosey around parking lot)
Burpees – Mountain Climber Merkin
Ski Abs – Plank Jacks
Lunge jumps – Lunge Chop
Freddie Mercury – Box Cutters
Merkins-Wide-Diamond (rotated through the 3)
20s-High Knees 10s-Mountain Climbers  (No Rest)

Covered a lot of topics but with Cable Guy in attendance and expelling his “usual sounds” conversation quickly went to the use of Depends.  Main Frame added some details about his college years.  Oh what fun.  With Falcon Crest’s approaching birth of his first we all felt that we needed to get him up to speed those first couple months.  This all made for some great color commentary.

8 Boot Campers, 4 Ruckers

Family Ruck 11/18 3pm
Christmas Party 12/1
Baxter Turkey Trot 11/23
Joe Davis Run 1/6/18

Prayers Praises
Falcon Crest – Pending birth of first child
Everest – Pregnancy
Senator Tressell – IR
Wives and Families

Always an honor and appreciate the call.


TClap |

Pushing through Puddles at Laces In

17 men (6 for Laces Out at 0500 and 11 for Laces In at 0515) posted in the cold wet gloom this morning to get better. After a quick disclaimer with a repeated reminder to modify as necessary and not sue missionaries, YHC took 10 other PAX (10 + YHC makes 11, for those counting) for some mobility work mixed with a little bit of pain.

Warm up mosey zig-zagging through the big parking lot mixed with high knees, butt kickers, and toy soldiers before circling up for the following:

  • (Really) low (really) slow squats X 10 in cadence
  • Windmills X 10 in cadence
  • Hillbilly walkers X 10 in cadence
  • Peter Parkers X 10 in cadence

Holding plank after the Peter Parkers, we pushed back into Downward Dog to open up the calves, hamstrings, back, and shoulders, then proceeded with a little yoga series.

  • Right leg up for 1-leg downward dog
  • Keeping leg up, go to plank, drop to 6”, back to plank, back to downward dog (X 5)
  • Swing right leg forward into lunge, then come up into high lunge for thighmasters (X 10 in cadence, a real crowd pleaser)
  • Moving through plank then side plank (right arm up), flip over into back plank
  • 10 count with right leg up
  • 10 count with left leg up
  • Flipping to side plank (left arm up) then to plank, bring left leg forward into lunge for more thighmasters (X 10 in cadence)
  • Hands down, press back into downward dog with left leg up
  • Repeat downward dog/plank/6”/plank/downward dog cycle (X 5) with left leg up
  • One final downward dog

Recover and shake it out. Feeling warm and fuzzy, we took up a mosey to the band parking lot for the real fun.

The Thang

Avoiding the cars, two lines of cones were set up 60 yards apart, making a 60 yard x 30 yard rectangle. PAX were to perform suggested (since they’re all suggested, right?) exercises, complete 5 plank circles (names suggested by PAX included “breakdancer” and “pommel horse”), then run at 80% to the other set of cones. Repeat the same exercises, plank circles, and run 60 yards back, completing the lap.

The exercises were:

  • Lap 1: broad jump with 5 yard side shuffle, back and forth for 30 yards
  • Lap 2: 2 Carolina dry docks, then flip over and do 2 double-count crab cakes, moving laterally 30 yards
  • Lap 3: lunge walk for 30 yards with 5 jump squats completed every 10 yards along the way
  • Lap 4: bear crawl for 30 yards with 10 LBCs completed every 10 yards along the way

Lacking time to complete lap 5, we ended with 20 burpees OYO and a mosey back to COT to meet up with Laces Out.


  • Bonsai needs a sub Q for Saturday at Alcatraz, and encouraged the PAX to go to the Fort at WEP anyway because Olive will be there.
  • Thanksgiving convergence coming up on Thanksgiving.
  • Bring frozen turkeys when you post on the 18th.
  • Beacon is collecting plastic bags to make beds.
  • Christmas party December 1.
  • “We should really have something like a newsletter that contains all these announcements and goes out at the beginning of the week. That would be really nice.”

Praise and Prayer

  • CSPAN noted that 30% of posted PAX were missionaries, which is a praise and a good reminder to pray for missionaries, their ministries, and their families.
  • Prayers for Trucker’s family as they deal with two losses in the family.
  • Veteran’s Day is Saturday (following Marine Corps birthday on Friday). Praises and prayers for those who have or are serving (and good reminder to reach out to and thank veterans in your life).
  • Prayers for families and relationships

This may not have been the most difficult workout ever, but I had fun. I try to incorporate some different skills into all of my Qs to change up from the norm and improve flexibility and mobility and hopefully prevent chronic injury. We may look ridiculous, but you’ll thank me later.

And as always, it’s an honor to get to Q surrounded by a great group of men. Thanks to Lil E for the opportunity, and nice to see Chinito Grande making a cameo during a brief trip Stateside for meetings.

Until next time.


TClap |

You Still Have 40%

17 brave men gave it their all this morning in the gloom of Quagmire.  After a disclaimer and a quick reminder of the theme of the month (VICTORY) it was off to better ourselves.

Quick Mosey complete with:

  • High knees
  • Butt Kickers
  • Karaoke
  • Toy Soldiers
  • Knees to Chest

Standard circle with warm up exercises

Series of exercises that “simply” came to mind:

Using the parking lot in front of Old Navy (slight incline) and Mosey up and down several times between exercises:

  • Lunge walks (up)
  • 10 Squat Jumps
  • Bear Crawl (down)
  • Reverse Lunge Walk (up)
  • 50 Squats
  • High Knees (up)
  • Butt Kickers (down)
  • 50 Merkins
  • 50 LBC’s in cadence
  • Plank challenge for 170 sec
  • 50 Burpee’s (10/min)
  • 3 Wind Sprints

It was repeated several times about pushing to the limits of what you are capable of.  As I have “famously” said once (and will obviously never live down), “When you think that you can’t go any further you have about 40% left in the tank.”  Many times we quit too early when pushing ourselves and it is not because we can’t “physically” do it but because our mind tells us to quit.  It is only when we push through those barriers on a consistent bases can be experience growth and grit to make us stronger men.  Super proud of every man who posted this morning and proved to themselves that they are willing to leave it all at COT.

TClap |

300s at the Ranch

I’m a little late getting this posted so I don’t recall all the finer conversation points and stimulating discussion points we went shared. But I’m still within the 7 day back-blast window!

Mosey to back of school for pretty standard warm-up. SSHs, Hillbilly Walkers, Windmills, Mtn Climbers, Peter Parkers, Squats.

Mosey to larger lot for warm-up ladder. On one end Merkins, the other Donkey Kicks. Start with 5 on one end and 20 on the other. Go up and down by 5 each time: 5/20, 10/15, 15/10, 20/5. Each time you pass thru the middle 3 burpees.

Mosey to behind school for walkin BTW. Walk on hands all the way down the wall then Lt Dan walk (lunge, lunge, squat) back to start. Only called this once so we had plenty of time for the 300.

Mosey to front of middle school. It’s a semi-scientific fact that 30 reps of anything is right about the point you want to hurl things or insults at the Q. So based on hard science and a plan for not letting Straight-up lap all of us, we started the 300. Pretty simple, 30 reps of 10 exercises. After each exercise run 1/2 lap and wait for PAX. Exercises:

  1. Single Leg Lunges using bench – 15 each leg
  2. Scorpion CDDs – 15 each leg up
  3. Dips using bench
  4. Jump squats
  5. Derkins using bench
  6. Seal Jacks
  7. Calf raises (30 regular, 30 in, 30 out)
  8. Flutters
  9. 10 Box Jumps, 10 Step-ups each leg
  10. Plank Jacks

Great work by all the PAX. We were able to get through the complete 300 with about 1 minute to spare. All the PAX stayed together and encouraged each other to finish strong. Thanks again Backdraft for the opportunity.

Logging off,

TClap |

I really wish we could do more Side Straddle Hops

Nice cool morning at WEP for 8 PAX to get after it and get better. Cornhole leads us off with the disclaimer and off we go.

The Thang

Cornholes Section:

Dynamic Warm up around path High Knees, Butt Kickers, Toy Soldiers, Side Shuffles

COP – Windmill, IW, SSH, MT climbers, 12 Ct Merkins, Moroccan Nightclubs

Hill – Accumulator
Run up SSH-28 run down, Jump Lunges-10,
Plank Punches-28,
Bomb Jacks-10,
Squats-28, Merkins-10.

Hand of to Longshanks

Mosey to the Playground for a Dirty McDeuce (all IC except for Pullups)
12 Squats, 12 LBC’s, 12 Merkins, Run a lap around the playground
12 Sumo Sqwuats, 12 Rosalitas, 12 Wide arm Merkins, run a lap around the playground
12 Narrow Squats, 12 Flutters, 12 Diamond Merkins, run a lap around the playground
12 Monkey Humpers, 12 Dying Cockroach, 12 Pullups, run a lap.

Mosey to the Springs Building courtyard
10 Dips (IC), 10 Step ups each side OYO, 5 Derkins OYO
15 Dips (IC), 15 Step ups each side OYO, 10 Incline Merkins OYO

Mosey back to the WEP Parking Lot.
Stairway to Heaven
Run to first lightpole, 10 Burpees
Run to second lightpole, 9 Burpees
run to third lightpole, 8 burpees
run to fourth lightpole, 7 burpees
run to fifth lightpole, 6 burpees
run to the last lightpole, 5 burpees,
run back down stopping at lightpoles for 4 Burpees, 3 burpees, 2 burpees, and 1 burpee

Finish with COT and BOM

Announcements – Fastest 5k next Saturday, read your newsletter

Cornhole took us out in prayer

1. Weather is starting to get a little cooler so just remember the saying – there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear. Hats gloves, tights are all acceptable as it starts to get cooler.
2. YHC knows he talks a bunch of crap on twitter especially before a Saturday workout. its all in good fun. Get up, get going to a workout of your choice, and #getbetter
3. Thanks Bonsai for the opportunity to lead and to Cornhole for letting me share the Q.
4. Mary Lou is scary fast at Stairway to Heaven. I think he was done before the rest of us were halfway.
5. Mad props to Little John for being 68 and still kicking donkeys. Always good to have you out.

Shanks Out!!

TClap |